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通过研究国内水利工程中鱼道的运行情况,介绍了鱼道建设的主要类型和发展现状,归纳了我国鱼道设计运行中存在的问题,分析目前鱼道的主要缺陷及其引鱼、诱鱼困难的原因,提出解决鱼道问题的主要思路和修建复式断面鱼道的新想法,最后对鱼道的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

鱼道设计与运行过程中影响过鱼效率的相关问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在解决水利工程建设影响下的河流连通性问题方面,修建和优化过鱼设施是生态修复优先采取的重要措施。鱼道的有效运行是恢复鱼类等水生生物栖息地破碎的先决条件,为了研究鱼道的运行效果,针对现行鱼道设计和运行过程中普遍存在的问题,从鱼类的游泳能力和行为特征、鱼道进口的位置选择、鱼道淤积以及鱼类的下游迁徙等方面进行较为详尽的分析,并提出相应的措施和建议,以期促进鱼道的建设与发展。  相似文献   

王文涛 《人民长江》2022,(S1):55-58
鱼道是减缓水利工程建设对鱼类阻隔效应的重要措施。根据沙坪二级水电站的工程特点,结合水电站影响范围内鱼类资源情况,进行了鱼道布置方案比选和设计,最终选择过鱼效果好、运行维护较简单的左岸鱼道布置方案,鱼道结构采用竖缝式。利用水工模型试验对鱼道内部结构、鱼道枢纽布置、弯道布置形式等进行分析,验证了此鱼道设计方案的合理性和可行性。沙坪二级水电站鱼道的修建,在一定程度上减缓了水电站阻隔对水生生态环境的影响,为鱼道设计积累了宝贵的经验,可为类似工程提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

针对已建水利工程影响河流连通性问题,补建过鱼设施是解决该问题的重要措施。本文结合木京、沥口和剑潭电站枢纽运行特征,从过鱼目标、鱼道进出口水位和设计流速等方面进行分析,并提出鱼道进出口水位、流速等基本参数,为三个水利枢纽工程补建鱼道提供技术参考。  相似文献   

水利水电工程因拦断河道而对流域生态造成影响,随着国家对生态环境保护的重视,越来越多的水利工程需要建设鱼道。至今,已建的部分鱼道过鱼效果不佳,甚至完全失效,因此,后续的鱼道设计尤显重要。笔者通过查阅资料以及对国内鱼道进行现场调研等方式对鱼道研究现状进行了分析,总结出国内外鱼道的发展历程、鱼道过鱼效果及结构形式的发展状况,梳理了鱼道设计理念的发展,进而指出传统鱼道设计的不足,提出后续的鱼道建设能结合工程实际、有更多的创新,希望未来的鱼道设计能充分考虑已建鱼道的成败因素,并结合新认识、新技术设计运行效果最佳的鱼道。  相似文献   

我国鱼道的建设现状与展望   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
陈凯麒  常仲农  曹晓红  葛怀凤 《水利学报》2012,43(2):182-188,197
总结分析了国内外鱼道建设特别是我国2000年以来的鱼道修建、鱼道设计研究(鱼道类型、鱼道位置与水力设计参数三方面)概况,分析显示近年来我国鱼道修建以垂直竖缝式和仿自然鱼道为主,且对应的坝高范围也比较广,鱼道深度基本为2.5~3.0m,流速为0.6~1.2m;剖析了我国鱼道建设存在的主要问题是缺乏正确的鱼道发展认识,鱼道技术与管理制度方面也存在不足;提出了鱼道适应性管理理念,通过监测管理发现问题重新调整鱼道设计、运行及管理方案,以期发挥鱼道的最大效益;展望鱼道发展需要制度保证,完善技术规范,重视基础研究且加强学科间合作,切实落实鱼道适应性管理。  相似文献   

鱼道进口段水流流速对吸引目标鱼类进入鱼道至关重要。文章结合新疆某水利工程,根据鱼道进口布置原则,通过数模计算和整体物理模型试验等结果进行分析,最终确定进口布置型式。  相似文献   

随着水利水电工程建设对河流内鱼类种群数量影响日益加剧,生态和环保部门对工程过鱼建筑物设置密切关注,目前水利水电工程均需修建鱼道。东北地区修建的鱼道受气象条件和地质条件制约经常需要考虑基础冻胀的问题。文中针对引绰济辽工程鱼道结构布置、工程气象条件以及地质条件进行分析计算,经过比较论证确定了合理的保温措施。  相似文献   

仿自然型鱼道进出口布置试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仿自然型鱼道能有效减轻水利工程建设对鱼类的影响,而鱼道进出口附近的水流条件如何,直接关系到仿自然型鱼道能否应用成功。在分析和总结国内外仿自然型鱼道建设及研究现状的基础上,结合某工程仿自然型鱼道水力学整体模型试验,重点研究了电站不同运行方式下的鱼道进、出口流态,流速分布等水力参数,并进行了活鱼试验,对该工程仿自然型鱼道进、出口的布置提供了推荐方案,为较大水头仿自然型鱼道进、出口的布置研究提供参考。  相似文献   

作为现代水利工程建设中河流修复的一种特有手段,涵洞的基本功能除了作为路桥系统的输水通道之外,还要为工程所在流域水生动物能顺利通过障碍提供一条通道。但国内关于涵洞式过鱼通道水力设计方面的文献较少,我国涵洞式鱼道在修建过程中可供参考的理论依据非常有限。在分析国外涵洞式鱼道相关试验数据的基础上,对偏移式(OB)、槽堰式(SWB)和堰式(WB)3种典型挡板的水力特性及流场分布特征进行了归纳,得到了无量纲流量、水深、坡度与流速的关系表达式,比较并分析了3种挡板的工作性能。研究成果将为国内涵洞式鱼道的内部改造和水力设计提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

近年来我国大中型水电工程已建或拟建近20座上行鱼道工程,由于国内鱼道工程技术尚不够成熟,且普遍存在着重前期设计,轻后期运行管理的问题,新建鱼道很少达到预期过鱼效果。通过调研典型上行鱼道运行现状,梳理了鱼道运行管理方面存在的问题,并借鉴美国相关机构的鱼道运行管理模式,提炼出鱼道运行管理工作要点,构建了鱼道运行管理体系,为水电行业鱼道规范化运行管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Well‐designed fishways have assisted in restoring migrations and rehabilitating riverine fish species in all continents. The performance of fishways varies greatly with their type, design and operating regime, and with the species involved. Vertical‐slot fishways are widely used to overcome low‐level barriers, especially for non‐salmonids. Important issues remain in the design of fishways to meet performance and cost criteria, including the relationship between fishway bed gradient and the fish that ascend, and whether resting pools are needed. Models of species' movement patterns can inform fishway designers about likely fish response to various design options, and can lead to improved efficiency and effectiveness. Models of general movement patterns of three potamodromous non‐salmonid fishes in the Murray River, Australia, were developed from empirical data in a low‐gradient vertical‐slot fishway. The models integrate data on times of entry and exit, ascent rates, and whether fish continued to ascend during the night. These fish species did not favour resting pools. Ascent rates of fish ≥120 mm were more closely related to fish behaviour than to length; for a given fishway height, reducing bed slope by increasing the number of pools may slow the ascent of such fish, whereas enlarging pool volumes increases costs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

环境友好的近自然型鱼道   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鱼道是帮助鱼类顺利通过闸坝等障碍物的专用设施,在维系河流连续性与生物种群交流方面具有不可替代的作用。近自然型鱼道是目前国际上十分流行的鱼道布置形式,其典型特点是利用漂石与天然河道床沙质构建尽可能接近于天然河流的水流流态。与传统的工程鱼道相比,近自然型鱼道由于构建了鱼类熟悉的水流流态,因而往往具有更高的过鱼效率。本文全面介绍了近自然型鱼道的设计理念、类型、构造布置特点、设计原则、以及水力计算方法,并对我国鱼道技术的进一步发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Many of the most important commercial and recreational species of the megadiverse Brazilian freshwater fishes migrate in rivers among essential habitats during all life stages. These movements, however, have been severely blocked by hundreds of hydroelectric dams and reservoirs and they will be even more obstructed due to hundreds of new developments. Fishways have been used in many countries to allow fish to pass around dams. Fishway construction is booming in Brazil, but poor understanding of migrations by Brazilian fishes has led legislators, scientists, and the public to several misconceptions about the rules of fishways in fisheries conservation. First, is a belief that fishways are only needed to facilitate upstream spawning migrations. Also, it has been suggested that upstream passage for Neotropical migrant fishes is not useful if there is no large free‐flowing stretch upstream of a dam that contains spawning habitat and has a large natural floodplain (nursery habitat). In this paper, we discuss that, in addition to providing passage for pre‐spawning migrants, upstream fishways also provide passage for other fish migrations (e.g. foraging), and that all up‐ and downstream migrations during life history need to be addressed at dams to conserve fish resources. We also argue that an upstream fishway is important even if the upstream reach does not have spawning or nursery habitats. In addition, we discuss the need for protection of downstream migrant fish, and the importance of fish behaviourists and engineers working together on fishway design and operation to solve fish passage issues. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Worldwide, fishways are increasingly criticized for failing to meet conservation goals. We argue that this is largely due to the dominance of diadromous species of the Northern Hemisphere (e.g., Salmonidae) in the research that underpins the concepts and methods of fishway science and management. With highly diverse life histories, swimming abilities and spatial ecologies, most freshwater fish species do not conform to the stereotype imposed by this framework. This is leading to a global proliferation of fishways that are often unsuitable for native species. The vast majority of fish populations do not undertake extensive migrations between clearly separated critical habitats, yet the movement of individuals and the genetic information they carry is critically important for population viability. We briefly review some of the latest advances in spatial ecological modelling for dendritic networks to better define what it means to achieve effective fish passage at a barrier. Through a combination of critical habitat assessment and the modelling of metapopulations, climate change‐driven habitat shifts, and adaptive gene flow, we recommend a conceptual and methodological framework for fishway target‐setting and monitoring suitable for a wide range of species. In the process, we raise a number of issues that should contribute to the ongoing debate about fish passage research and the design and monitoring of fishways.  相似文献   

通过对国内外鱼道发展现状和趋势的分析,对几种常用鱼道的优缺点做了比较,结合都日根水电站所在秦诺哈拉依赫河鱼类生长繁殖特点,采用了垂直竖缝式加小底孔相结合形式的鱼道设计。实践证明此鱼道设计有效保护了鱼类及河流生态的预期作用,具有一定的科学性、实用性和可推广性,对我国中小河道枢纽建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

三峡水库开县水位调节坝鱼道工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡水库开县水位调节坝工程的兴建,给流域内洄游性鱼类的繁殖带来不利影响,为此,拟修建鱼道作为沟通鱼类洄游的一项重要补救措施。首先论述了国内外现有鱼道工程的运行效果及先进技术,并结合水位调节坝工程特点,确定采用竖缝式鱼道型式。系统介绍了鱼道设计条件拟定、鱼道布置、池室设计、进口及诱鱼补水设计、出口结构、过鱼观测室设计及鱼道水工模型试验等情况,提出了较为系统的鱼道设计方案。  相似文献   

Globally, fishways perform better when the target fish species are salmonids rather than non-salmonids. In the past few decades, engineers and dam managers have attempted to identify an ideal fishway type that can fit all migratory orders. To determine a general rule for selecting fishway types, we classified all fish orders into two groups (salmonids and non-salmonids) and analyzed the effect of different fishway types (i.e., nature-like [NL], vertical slot [VS], pool and weir [PW], and denil [DL]) on upstream migration for both groups by conducting a meta-analysis based on data from 64 studies of 76 fishways. The fishway performance was presented in terms of attraction efficiency (AE) and passage efficiency (PE). The results of a random-effects model, including 257 and 299 estimates of AE and PE, respectively, showed fishway types only had a significant effect on AE for non-salmonids. Technical fishways had a higher AE than NL fishways for salmonids, but were not applicable to non-salmonids. The passage results of four fishway types indicated that the PW fishways exhibited the best performance for salmonids, but the poorest performance for non-salmonids. Only DL fishways had a PE of over 50% for non-salmonids, whereas all fishway types had that of over 60% for salmonids. Variations in the slope and length of VS fishways could significantly affect PE for both groups, however, the phenomenon for salmonids disappeared when merging all fishway types. Elevation changes had a significant effect only on the condition that salmonids passed through VS fishways. The results of this study play an important role in designing appropriate fishway types for different downstream fish fauna and can be better generalized by complementing quantitative evaluation studies of various fishways as much as possible.  相似文献   

辽河盘山闸鱼道设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明磊 《人民长江》2015,46(10):16-18
盘山闸作为辽河最下游的水利枢纽,阻隔了河口水生物的洄游通道,改变了水生态环境,破坏了河口地区水生生物的生态平衡。为了缓解水利工程对水生态环境带来的不利影响,拟在闸址处增设鱼道。对盘山闸鱼道的过鱼对象、鱼道型式与布置以及垂直竖缝式鱼道主要设计参数进行了分析讨论,最终选择布置紧凑、占地范围小、诱鱼效果好、施工容易、运行管理方便、工程投资省的“S”型鱼道。所选鱼道正在施工建设中,可为类似鱼道设计运行借鉴参考。  相似文献   

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