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<正>湄公河流域概况湄公河是一条国际河流,它发源于中国青海省南部海拔5160米的拉塞贡玛山南麓冰川末端,在中国境内叫澜沧江,于云南省西双版纳州勐腊县南腊河口流出国境后始称湄公河,先后流经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南,于越南胡志明市流入南海。  相似文献   

1澜沧江水能资源概况 澜沧江发源于青海省唐古拉山,流经青、藏、滇三省(区),于云南省西双版纳州勐腊县流出国境,出境后称湄公河.澜沧江在我国境内河长约2100km,落差约5000m流域面积,17.4×。其中云南省境内河长1240km。落差约1780m区间流域面积9.1×104KM2,占云南省面积的23%。  相似文献   

罗银生  李敏政 《水力发电》1993,(11):23-24,39
(一)雅砻江流域概况及水文气象特征1.流域概况雅砻江位于北纬26°32′~33°58′,东经96°52′~102°48′之间;发源于青海省玉树县境内的巴颜喀拉山南麓,干流大致自西北向东南流,是金沙江左岸最大支流。干流全长约1500km,流  相似文献   

1基本情况 舒兰市位于吉林省的东部。处于东经126°24′-127°45′,北纬43°51′-44°38′。幅员总面积4557km2,地势分布为东部山区、中部丘陵、西部平原,由东南向西北逐渐倾斜。境内有三条河流(卡岔河、细鳞河、呼兰河)发源于我市,并且西有第二松花江、东有拉林河与省界通过,水利资源比较丰富。  相似文献   

澜沧江发源于青海省,流经西藏进入云南,于云南南阿河口处流出国境后称湄公河。全河长4500Km,总落差5500m,在我国境内河长2000km,落差5000m。澜沧江纵横南北,穿过云南省西部,在云南省境内河长1240m,落差约1780m,初步规划分14级开发(见图1、2),功果桥以上河段山高谷深,交通不便,输电距离较远,因此未  相似文献   

各位新闻界的朋友们 ,你们好 !感谢大家前来参加小湾水电工程建设新闻发布会 ,现在我将小湾水电工程的有关情况向大家作一个介绍。1 小湾水电工程有关情况简介1 1 澜沧江流域及小湾水电工程概况澜沧江发源于青海省南部的唐古拉山脉 ,流经青、藏、滇三省 (区 ) ,出境后称湄公河 ,是东南亚一条著名的国际河流。澜沧江在我国境内落差巨大、水量丰沛稳定 ,水能资源丰富 ,仅云南境内干流上就初步规划了 15个梯级 ,总装机容量约 2 2 5 9万kW。其中 ,中下游河段以小湾、糯扎渡两大水库为核心组成2库 8级进行开发 ,总装机容量 15 5 5万kW ,年…  相似文献   

1 澜沧江水能资源概况澜沧江发源于青海省唐古拉山 ,流经青、藏、滇三省 (区 ) ,于云南省西双版纳州勐腊县流出国境 ,出境后称湄公河。澜沧江在我国境内河长约 2 10 0km ,落差约50 0 0m流域面积 ,17 4× 10 4 km2 。其中云南省境内河长 12 4 0km。落差约 1780m区间流域面积 9 1×10 4 km2 ,占云南省面积的 2 3%。1 1 河段水电开发规划澜沧江干流在云南境内分为 14级开发 ,利用落差 16 55m总装机容量约 2 2 59万kW。上游段正在规划 ,初步拟分 6级开发 ,总装机容量 70 4万kW。1987年经原水电部和云南省政府联合审查通过的《…  相似文献   

一、流域概况湄公河发源于我国青海省南部,上源为澜沧江,流入印支半岛后称湄公河。经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨和越南注入南海。总长4688公里,流域总面积79.5万平方公里,其中湄公河(从缅甸北部算起)长2668公里,流域面积约61万平方公里。年平均径流量约为4930亿立米。河长、流域面积、年径流量居东南亚诸河之首。  相似文献   

7月14日.三江源头科学考察成果在青海西宁通过了评审委员会的评审。三江源头实地科学考察,是我国第一次同时对黄河、长江、澜沧江源头地理位置进行科学考察。此次考察,使发源于青海省境内的长江、黄河、澜沧江长度及源头地理坐标被正式确定。本次科考采用统一的技术标准和方法,科学、合理地确定长江、黄河、澜沧江源头地理位置.准确测定坐标和高程等重要地理信息数据,建立相关国家地理标志,并以独特的形式标注经国务院发布的地理信息数据。  相似文献   

青海省位于青藏高原东北部,总面积72万km~2,总人口481万人,有33个民族聚居,少数民族占40%以上。境内河流众多,长江、黄河、澜沧江发源于省内,素有“江河源头”之美称。 我省除了国家开发大型水力资源外,地方开发中小水电具有得天独厚的条件,是全  相似文献   

Many lotic fish species use natural patterns of variation in discharge and temperature as spawning cues, and these natural patterns are often altered by river regulation. The effects of spring discharge and water temperature variation on the spawning of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus have not been well documented. From 2006 through 2009, we had the opportunity to study the effects of experimental discharge levels on shovelnose sturgeon spawning in the lower Marias River, a regulated tributary to the Missouri River in Montana. In 2006, shovelnose sturgeon spawned in the Marias River in conjunction with the ascending, peak (134 m3/s) and descending portions of the spring hydrograph and water temperatures from 16 °C to 19 °C. In 2008, shovelnose sturgeon spawned in conjunction with the peak (118 m3/s) and descending portions of the spring hydrograph and during a prolonged period of increased discharge (28–39 m3/s), coupled with water temperatures from 11 °C to 23 °C in the lower Marias River. No evidence of shovelnose sturgeon spawning was documented in the lower Marias River in 2007 or 2009 when discharge remained low (14 and 20 m3/s) despite water temperatures suitable and optimal (12 °C?24 °C) for shovelnose sturgeon embryo development. A similar relationship between shovelnose sturgeon spawning and discharge was observed in the Teton River. These data suggest that discharge must reach a threshold level (28 m3/s) and should be coupled with water temperatures suitable (12 °C?24 °C) or optimal (16 °C?20 °C) for shovelnose sturgeon embryo development to provide a spawning cue for shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Marias River. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We measured patterns of river channel migration and cutoff between 1904 and 1997 on a 160 km meandering alluvial reach of the Sacramento River by intersecting a sequential set of river channel centrelines mapped from a field survey and aerial photography. We identified approximate dates and locations of cutoffs and quantified cutoff dimensions. Twenty‐seven chute and 11 partial cutoffs occurred over this 93‐year time interval, with an average of one cutoff approximately every 2.5 years or 0.0029 cutoffs per kilometre per year. The average rate of lateral channel change was over the study period was 5.5 ± 0.6 m year?1 (approximately 0.02 channel widths per year) due to progressive migration and cutoff combined. An average of 5% of the total channel length moved laterally via chute cutoff at a rate of 22.1 ± 3.3 m year?1 versus 94% of channel length that moved via progressive migration at a rate of 4.7 ± 0.5 m year?1. The remaining 1% of channel length migrated via partial cutoff at a rate of 13.0 ± 2.8 m year?1. Although channel cutoff was less predominant mode of channel change than progressive migration in terms of channel length, an average of 20% of the total floodplain area change between successive centrelines was attributable to cutoffs. Peak cutoff frequency was concentrated temporally between 1964 and 1987 and was also spatially clustered in specific active sub‐reaches along the valley axis over the entire study period. We hypothesize that the probability of channel cutoff is a function of both channel geometry and discharge. Bends that experienced chute cutoff displayed an average sinuosity of 1.97 ± 0.1, an average radius of curvature of 2.1 ± 0.2 channel widths and an average entrance angle of 111 ± 7°, as opposed to average values for bends migrating progressively of 1.31 ± 0.01, 2.8 ± 0.1 and 66 ± 1°, respectively. The sinuosity of Sacramento River bends experiencing chute cutoff appears to have been consistently declining from 2.25 ± 0.35 channel widths in 1904 to 1.54 ± 0.23 channel widths in 1987. We hypothesize that this trend may be due in part to the influence of land‐use changes, such as the conversion of riparian forest to agriculture, on the ‘erodibility’ of bank and floodplain materials. For the post‐dam flow regime (1937 on), cutoff frequency was significantly correlated with an estimate of cumulative overbank flow. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以原规划的上海机场快速公交工程( 以下称/ 磁悬浮工程0) 为例。磁悬浮工程与白莲泾河道共线 3 1 75 km, 121 座桥墩布置于河道内, 并多次不规则与河道小夹角相交, 严重影响了白莲泾河道的防洪、 排涝功能的正常发挥, 类似工程对行洪影响的研究尚不多见。采用物理模型试验和一维数学模型计算相结合的研究方法, 探讨了复杂桥 墩群对河道行洪的影响, 为河道管理和类似涉水建设项目防洪影响评价提供参考。  相似文献   

To determine whether large wood (LW, ≥1‐m length, ≥10‐cm diameter) plays a role in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd (i.e. egg nest) placements in a regulated, Mediterranean‐climate, medium‐sized river (where channel width is less than the upper quartile of length of potential instream wood pieces), characteristics of 527 large wood pieces, locations of 650 redds, and mesohabitat delineations (riffle, run, glide, pool) were collected during a spawning season along a 7.7 km reach directly below Camanche Dam on the Mokelumne River, CA. LW was regularly distributed across the study reach an average 70 LW pieces km‐1. Some LW clustering was evident at islands and meander bends. Spawners built 85% of redds within one average channel width (31 m) of LW. Spawners utilized LW within a 10 m radius 36% of the time in the upper 3 km rehabilitated reach, and 44% of the time in the lower 4.7 km marginal habitat reach. A greater percentage of LW was utilized in riffles in the upper 3 km reach where 90% of redds were built, while a larger percentage of spawners used LW in riffles in the lower 4.7 km reach. LW‐redd interactions occurred at greater rates than by random chance alone in the lower 4.7 km reach, which implies that LW aids spawning in marginal habitats. River managers and salmonid spawning habitat rehabilitation (SHR) projects should take LW additions into consideration as an important component of river rehabilitation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湄公河是一条著名的雨洪河流,单位面积洪峰流量接近全球雨洪河流的极限值,洪灾频繁。为了减少洪灾损失,对湄公河干流的水系特征、洪水特性和洪灾特点进行了全面分析和分段论述;在此基础上探讨了洪灾成因,总结了防洪特点,并结合国内外防汛实践,提出了防洪对策。结果表明:湄公河干流洪水峰高量大,历时较长,河道洪水来量与泄洪能力不足的矛盾十分突出;洪水地区组成复杂,洪水来源以左岸支流为主,洪水类型以区域性洪水为主;湄公河三角洲漫滩、回流及潮流运动巨大,左右岸、河湖之间防洪关系非常复杂,宜按照"以人为本,人水和谐"的治理原则和"以泄为主,泄蓄兼筹"的防洪方针,科学处理蓄泄关系和河湖关系,对上下游、干支流洪水治理做出全面规划,并以中下游、三角洲地区和洞里萨湖区为规划重点,在充分利用河网、湿地、湖泊蓄泄洪水的基础上,因地制宜采取堤防护岸、河道整治、防洪水库等工程措施与非工程措施相结合的防洪体系;加强湄公河流域各国的防洪减灾合作,做到河湖两利,左右岸兼顾,上下游、干支流相协调相结合,保证重点防洪保护区人民群众生命财产安全,使得防洪减灾由被动防汛到主动迎汛,由单纯抵御洪水到安全管理洪水转变。  相似文献   

研究河水与地下水的水化学同位素特征及相互作用,对流域内水资源的保护与开发利用具有重要意义。以地处神府东胜煤田的黄河流域内的乌兰木伦河流域为研究对象,采用统计分析、Piper三线图和两端元模型分析流域降水、河水、地下水(矿井水、生活井水)的水化学特征、氢氧稳定同位素特征及其分布规律,探讨了流域内降水、河水与地下水的补给关系。水化学分析结果表明:河水的水化学类型为HCO3-Na型和HCO3+SO4-Na型;矿井水的水化学类型为HCO3-Na型、HCO3+Cl-Na型和HCO3+ SO4-Na型;生活井水的水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型,矿井水与河水联系较为密切。同位素分析结果表明:地下水受到大气降水和河水的共同补给,三者之间存在水力联系以及一定程度的水体转化。当地下水井深小于135 m时,大多数采样点河水对其补给贡献率为58.47%~80.94%;当地下水井深大于135 m时,河水对其补给贡献率为21.47%~58.69%。在地下水采样点距离河道8.8 km范围内,河水对地下水的补给贡献率超过45%,表明河水是地下水的重要补给来源之一;当地下水采样点距河道超过8.8 km时,河水对其补给贡献较弱。随着水井深度的增加、与河道距离的增大,河水对地下水的补给贡献率越来越小。该研究可为流域水资源管理与保护提供基础支撑。  相似文献   

Sediment load estimates and variations in the Lower Mekong River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although sediment issues have critical implications for aquatic ecology, agriculture, water supply and river navigation, studies regarding the sediment production, deposition and transportation in the Lower Mekong River are relatively sparse. With the construction and operation of dams in the Upper Mekong River, this issue has attracted more attention in recent years. The estimation of sediment loads has been hindered by the serious lack of sediment measurements in the Lower Mekong River. This study aimed to investigate the possibility of estimating the sediment loads for the years without good quality SSC measurements in the Lower Mekong River. To make this estimate, this study classified the rating curves on the basis of the synchronous nature of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and the water discharge among the adjacent stations (e.g. Chiang Saen, Luang Prabang, Nong Khai, Mukdahan and Khong Chiam). Together with other methods, it was possible to estimate the yearly sediment loads for the period of 1962–2003 at the five mainstream Lower Mekong River stations. Consequently, the spatial and temporal variations in the sediment loads and water discharge in the Lower Mekong River were examined. In addition, the possible impacts of Chinese dams as well as the annual sediment load of the Mekong River into the sea were also investigated. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对松花江干流多年水沙过程、纵剖面及横断面形态、河道稳定性计算及河势变化分析,表明松花江干流河势总体相对稳定。针对松花江以推移质造床为主,输沙水量不是维持河道稳定的决定性因素的特点,提出了包含水量、流量和历时要求的维持河道稳定需水量的概念,以典型断面哈尔滨站为例,给出了维持松花江干流河道稳定的需水量为173×10.8m3,占全年总水量的40%;维持松花江干流河道稳定的平滩流量过程的重现期为1.3a,频率为9.6%。说明松花江干流水量充沛,平滩洪水重现和持续历时符合造床条件,基本能够满足维持河道稳定的需求。  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial variation of flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) relative abundance and growth in the 274 km long Kansas River to determine if population dynamics of catfish are related to urbanization. Electrofishing was conducted at 462 random sites throughout the river in summer, 2005–2006 to collect fish. Relative abundance of age 1 fish (≤200 mm), subadult (>200–400 mm) and adult fish (>400 mm) ranged from 0.34 to 14.67 fish h?1, mean length at age 1 was 165 (range: 128–195) mm total length (TL) and mean length at age 3 was 376 mm TL (range: 293–419 mm TL). The proportion of land use within 200 m of the river edge was between 0 and 0.54 urban. River reaches with high relative abundance of age 1 flathead catfish had high relative abundance of subadult and adult catfish. River reaches with fast flathead catfish growth to age 1 had fast growth to age 3. High urban land use and riprap in the riparian area were evident in river reaches near the heavily populated Kansas City and Topeka, Kansas, USA. Reaches with increased number of log jams and islands had decreased riparian agriculture. Areas of low urbanization had faster flathead catfish growth (r = 0.67, p = 0.005). Relative abundance of flathead catfish was higher in more agricultural areas (r = ?0.57, p = 0.02). Changes in land use in riverine environments may alter population dynamics of a fish species within a river. Spatial differences in population dynamics need to be considered when evaluating riverine fish populations. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄河小北干流和渭河揭河底冲刷现象分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄河1964~1977年六次揭河底冲刷洪水来源,除1970年8月一次洪水来源为府谷吴堡区间的孤山川、窟野河、秃尾河、佳芦河粗沙区暴雨洪水外,其它五次均为吴堡龙门区间的暴雨洪水。渭河1964~1992年七次揭河底冲刷洪水均为泾河的高含沙量洪水,主要来自马连河、蒲河和红河。黄河、渭河的揭河底冲刷的共同点是高含沙量大洪水,长河段的自上而下的沿程主河槽冲刷。黄河小北干流主河槽宽浅,单宽输沙率小,冲刷河段短,均未超过潼关;渭河主河槽窄,单宽输沙率大,冲刷河段长,1966年、1977年均发展到潼关和与溯源冲刷交会,导致潼关1000m3/s水位降低1.0~2.3m。  相似文献   

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