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为降低农业生产活动中农作物对水资源的高消耗,提高用水效率,借助辽宁省1987—2018年19个气象站点逐日气象数据及春玉米产量数据,全面计算绿水足迹、蓝水足迹及灰水足迹的真实消耗。结果表明:(1)辽宁省春玉米生产水足迹自2002年起变化幅度不明显,多年平均值是1424.21 m3/t,其中绿水足迹占54%,灰水足迹占27%,蓝水足迹占19%。(2)从绿水足迹看,辽宁省春玉米绿水足迹每年以6.28 m3/t速率减少,空间分布上2002年绿水足迹高值区主要集中在东部地区;2010年辽宁省整体绿水足迹较高。(3)从蓝水足迹看,每年以1.06 m3/t的速率增长;2002年辽宁春玉米蓝水足迹高值区主要分布在环渤海、宽甸及其周围地区;2010年,辽宁省大部分地区蓝水足迹较低。(4)灰水足迹整体以每年14.03 m3/t的速率降低,主要与农作物产量及氮肥施用量相关。  相似文献   

水足迹框架下稻田水资源利用效率综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
操信春  崔思梦  吴梦洋  任杰  郭相平 《水利学报》2020,51(10):1189-1198
为综合评价稻田水资源利用效率,优选高效灌排模式,本文基于水足迹理论,考虑水资源利用率、水资源产出效益和水量及环境效益3个方面,构建稻田水资源利用效率综合评价指标体系,利用层次分析法和模糊综合评价模型对2015—2018年各处理稻田水资源利用效率进行综合评价,并与单个指标的评价进行对比。结果显示:各处理作物水足迹年均值分别为976.8(浅水勤灌)、1008.7(浅湿灌溉)、954.4(控制灌溉)和792.6 mm(蓄水-控灌),蓝、绿及灰水比例年均值分别为16.4%、40.9%和42.7%;水资源产出效益在水资源利用效率评价中占据首要位置;各处理稻田水资源利效率综合评分值在2.8058~3.9432之间,等级为中或中高,优选出的高效灌排模式为蓄水控灌;作物水分利用效率、作物水足迹与综合评价的对比表明水资源利用效率综合评价至关重要。基于水足迹的稻田水资源利用效率评价能够为农业用水效率评价提供一种新视角,为农业节水尤其是水稻节水的科学研究和决策提供实践依据。  相似文献   

为探究北江流域的水资源状况及其在不同程度干旱下的变化特征,利用SWAT模型模拟北江流域径流过程,并在此基础上评估北江流域的蓝绿水资源时空变化及其对干旱的响应特征。研究表明:北江流域水资源以蓝水为主,多年平均蓝水量为1 149.08 mm,绿水量为981.08 mm,绿水系数为0.48; 1966—2010年间,北江流域蓝绿水无显著变化趋势,空间分布上蓝水表现为南多北少,而绿水则与之相反;蓝水对干旱的响应更敏感,重度干旱下,北江流域的蓝水量较多年平均值分别减少16.94%,流域内的水资源分配模式由以蓝水为主转变为以绿水为主,绿水系数达0.53。从蓝水和绿水的角度研究北江流域的水资源状况及其干旱响应特征,可以为流域水资源管理提供依据,增强应对干旱风险、保障流域水安全的能力。  相似文献   

为探明北疆地区膜下滴灌棉花主要生育期适宜的土壤水分阈值,在蕾期、花铃期、吐絮期设置了3个土壤水分阈值区间包括(50%~80%)FC(FC为田间持水量)、(60%~90%)FC和(70%~100%)FC组成正交试验,并以当地农户灌溉为对照组(CK),定量分析了各生育期土壤水分阈值对棉花生长指标、耗水规律和产量的影响。结果表明:各生育期土壤水分阈值为(50%~80%)FC时,W1处理棉花株高、茎粗、叶面积指数(LAI)、地表干物质积累量均较CK处理显著降低了26.8%、22.0%、37.1%、14.3%(p<0.05),全生育期耗水量较CK处理减少了37.2%。W6处理的单株铃数和籽棉产量均最高(6.41 个、5 848.99 kg/hm2),W4处理的水分利用效率(WUE)最高(1.28 kg/m3),W9处理的单铃重最高(5.41 g),W5处理衣分最高(42.51%),分别较CK处理增加了10.9%、10.1%、21.9%、1.5%、3.1%。基于熵权-TOPSIS的综合评价结果表明W6处理最优,建议北疆地区膜下滴灌棉花蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期土壤水分阈值分别设为(60%~90%)FC、(70%~100%)FC和(50%~80%)FC。  相似文献   

作为地面站降水监测的补充,以卫星遥感为代表的多源降水产品是准确识别区域特别是缺资料地区降水分布的关键。从时间和空间两个维度,以决定系数(R2)、纳什效率系数(NSE)和相对误差(RE)为评价指标,以地面站实测降水信息为参照,比较评估了CFSv2、ERA5和基于改进model-X knockoffs的随机森林方法遥相关建模形成的降水产品(TPP)在巴西巴拉那河上游流域降水信息识别中的适用性。结果表明:TPP和ERA5预测研究区降水量与实测值拟合精度高于CFSv2产品。时间上,交叉时段3种典型降水产品计算研究区的面雨量与实测值拟合R2NSE均表现为ERA5>TPP>CFSv2,其中,CFSv2产品存在计算的面雨量较实测值偏大问题,拟合RE为28.2%;ERA5则相反,与实测值拟合RE为-10.3%;TPP产品计算的面雨量与实测值拟合RE最小,仅为0.33%。空间上,3种产品与遴选气象站点实测降水量拟合R2和NSE表现为ERA5>TPP>CFSv2,|RE|则表现为TPP相似文献   

为解决民勤绿洲灌区水资源短缺、土壤耕层状况恶化、食葵产量不佳等问题,在民勤灌区设置无覆盖(CK)、秸秆覆盖(S)(秸秆量为4 500 kg/hm2)、地膜覆盖(F)、碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)(秸秆量为4 000 kg/hm2)、碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF2)(秸秆量为4 500 kg/hm2)5个处理,采用当地农户普遍的灌溉水平(750 m3/hm2),研究了食葵生长状况及土壤酶活性的变化。结果表明:碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)处理下土壤温度显著高于其他处理,并且有着更高的保水效果,保证了食葵的正常生长发育;碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)条件下平均出苗率较CK处理提高了12.1%(P<0.05),较S处理的出苗率提高了9.7%(P<0.05);碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)条件下食葵产量达到4 780.95 kg/hm2,较SF2、F、S、CK处理分别提高了2.8%(P>0.05)、7.3%(P>0.05)、34.1%(P<0.05)、44.7%(P<0.05),且在碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)处理下食葵的株高、茎粗、叶面积均为最优,与CK、S、F处理均呈显著性差异(P<0.05),该覆盖方式更有利于食葵干物质的积累;碎麦秸垫膜覆盖(SF1)条件下的土壤蔗糖酶和脲酶活性显著高于CK、S、F、SF2处理,且全生育期表现基本一致。可见,碎麦秸垫膜覆盖可解决民勤绿洲秸秆覆盖引起的土壤温度低、保水率差、出苗率低和产量低等问题,也可改善长期单一地膜覆盖而引起的地力下降的情况。  相似文献   

水分利用效率(WUE)是生态系统碳水循环的基础,是评价植被生长条件的重要生态指标。为了揭示玛纳斯河流域不同植被类型WUE的时空变化规律,分析不同植被类型WUE的差异,探讨影响WUE的驱动因子,基于MODIS数据估算了2001-2019年玛纳斯河流域水分利用效率,利用变异系数、Theil-Sen median趋势分析结合M-K显著性检验以及Hurst指数分析了研究区植被WUE时空变化的现状和未来的趋势,并利用地理探测器定量分析了WUE的影响因素。结果表明:2001-2019年玛纳斯河流域WUE在0.74~1.08 g/(mm·m2)之间,WUE多年平均值为0.88 g/(mm·m2),整体表现为波动降低趋势,降幅为6.82%。流域WUE空间差异显著,呈现中部和北部高、南部低以及中游高、上游和下游低的分布格局。研究区各植被类型中林地WUE平均值较高,其中针叶林的平均WUE最高,为1.52 g/(mm·m2);其次为阔叶林,WUE平均为1.29 g/(mm·m2)。研究区WUE主要驱动因子为CO2、土壤湿度、温度植被干旱指数和饱和水汽压差。与单因子相比,多因子相互作用对研究区WUE的影响更明显。双因子交互探测均呈显著增强关系,解释力均在60%以上,其中CO2与土壤湿度的交互作用解释力最高,达到90.3%。研究结果可为研究区农业高效生产、水资源优化管理及生态恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于GLDAS-Noah水文模型,模拟长江流域蓝绿水资源量,并揭示其时空变化特征。结果表明:2000—2019年长江流域多年平均蓝水资源和绿水资源分别为420.24 mm和686.95 mm,绿水资源约是蓝水资源的1.62倍。近20 a来长江流域蓝水资源、绿水资源和绿水系数呈不显著增加趋势,2000—2019年蓝水资源与绿水资源变化速率分别为3.26 mm/a 和2.27 mm/a。从年内分配上看,蓝绿水资源在7—8月份较多,占全年的29%~32%;在1 —2月份较少,占全年的5%~6%。从空间分布来看,蓝水资源呈现东南高西北低的分布格局,绿水资源呈现东高西低的分布格局,而绿水系数呈现西北高东南低的分布格局。科学全面评价蓝绿水资源可以为优化水资源利用模式、提高水资源利用效率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在当今的水资源管理中,分析评估气候变化下流域内蓝水、绿水资源的时空变化情形,能为维持生态系统稳定、保障社会经济的发展提供依据.本文利用SWAT模型模拟了赣江流域1960~2013年的水文循环过程,基于趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,分析了流域内蓝水及绿水资源的时空变化情况.在空间上看,赣江流域内蓝水及绿水资源多呈上升趋势,只有流域西部、中部少数地区绿水流和蓝水流有下降的倾向,绿水储量在整个流域内都呈现出了显著的上升趋势(P0.05).在整个流域尺度上,蓝水与绿水资源在过去50年间都呈现出上升趋势,蓝水流、绿水流、绿水储量的变化倾向率分别为11.3mm/10a、4.87mm/10a、16.4mm/10a,其中绿水流、绿水储量自20个世纪90年代后的上升趋势非常显著(P0.05),而蓝水流则在最近20年间呈现出略微的下降趋势,在未来规划管理中应考虑人类活动取用水对水资源量的影响.  相似文献   

引大入秦工程(以下简称引大工程)建成初期主要以秦王川农业供水为主,但随着兰州新区的建设发展,其供水对象开始向城市生活用水和工业用水转型,如何实现有限水资源的合理配置是目前研究的重点问题。基于此,依据引大工程供水区(以下简称引大供水区)可持续发展要求,构建以实现经济、社会、生态效益最大化为目标函数,可供水量、输水能力、用户需水量、排水系统排水量与变量非负为约束条件的多目标水资源优化配置模型,使用遗传算法进行求解。结果表明:2025年引大供水区不同用水部门配水量(保证率P=50%、P=75%)分别为生活用水8 323.85×104、8 322.49×104 m3,农业用水15 001.95×104、15 631.53×104 m3,工业用水11 111.00×104、11 100.00×104 m3,生态用水946.88×104、947.02×104 m3,各部门总配水量与优化前供水量4.23×108 m3相比,达到供需平衡;2030年引大供水区不同用水部门配水量(保证率P=50%、P=75%)分别为生活用水12 650.51×104、12 666.53×104 m3,农业用水16 397.77×104、17 019.70×104 m3,工业用水20 498.00×104、20 508.00×104 m3,生态用水948.00×104、948.88×104 m3,不同保证率下各部门总体缺水率分别为12.27%、13.38%。2025—2030年引大供水区的非农业用水结构将大幅提升,农业灌溉用水量降低。研究结果可为引大供水区优化水资源配置决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The water footprint (WF) of crop production is a comprehensive indicator that can reflect water consumption types, quantities and environmental impacts during the crop growth period. This study assesses interannual variability of green, blue and grey WFs of maize production in Beijing from 1978 to 2008. Results indicate that: (1) The multi-year average WF of maize was 1,031 m3 ton?1 which was 56 % green, 25 % blue, and 19 % grey; (2) the climate experienced a warm-dry period in Beijing during the period from 1978 to 2008, and this lead to the increase of crop water requirement and irrigation water requirement for maize with trends of 0.52 mm a?1 and 2.86 mm a?1, respectively; (3) under the combined effects of climate change and agricultural inputs, the total WF and green WF presented decreasing trends. The blue and grey WFs had clear increasing trends; (4) statistical analysis revealed that interannual variability of green and blue WFs were caused by both climatic factors (effective precipitation) and non-climatic (agricultural inputs) factors. The grey WF was mainly associated with non-climatic factors, such as chemical fertilizers consumption.  相似文献   

Agriculture in the Mediterranean region is constrained by limited water resources and in many countries irrigation demand exceeds the renewable water supply. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to (a) quantify the consumptive green (soil moisture provided by precipitation) and blue (irrigation) water use for crop production, (b) distinguish the contribution of groundwater to irrigation supply and (c) estimate groundwater over-abstraction. A spatiotemporally explicit soil water balance model, based on the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach, which includes the computation of evaporation losses of the different irrigation systems, was applied to the 5,760-km2 area of the Republic of Cyprus for the agro-meteorological years 1995–2009. The model uses national agricultural statistics, community-level data from the agricultural census and daily data from 34 meteorological stations and 70 precipitation gauges. Groundwater over-abstraction is quantified per groundwater body, based on the sustainable abstraction rates specified in the Cyprus River Basin Management Plan, as prepared for the EU Water Framework Directive. It was found that, on average, total agricultural water use was 506 Mm3/year, of which 62 % is attributed to green water use and 38 % to blue water use. Groundwater contributed, on average, 81 % (151 Mm3/year) to blue water use and exceeded the recommended abstraction rates by 45 % (47 Mm3/year). Even though the irrigated area decreased by 18 % during the 2008 drought year, relative to the wettest year (2003), total blue water use decreased by only 1 %. The limited surface water supply during the driest year resulted in a 37 % increase in groundwater use, relative to the wettest year, and exceeded the sustainable abstraction rate by 53 % (55 Mm3/year). Overall, the model provides objective and quantitative outcomes that can potentially contribute to the improvement of water resource management in Mediterranean environments, in the light of climate change and expected policy reforms.  相似文献   

Green, Blue and Grey Water Footprints of Primary Crops Production in Nepal   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This study aims to estimate the green, blue and grey water footprints (WFs) of nine primary crops production in 75 districts, 5 developmental regions and 3 physiographic divisions of Nepal using local meteorological, agronomical and irrigation data at high spatial resolution. The estimates are based on the framework prescribed by the guideline of the Water Footprint Network. The green and blue WFs are calculated using a water balance model whereas the grey WF is estimated as the volume of freshwater needed to dilute nitrate pollution to an acceptable level. WF varies across different crops considered, different districts, development regions and physiographic divisions. WF of potato and wheat in Nepal is comparable to the world average; but paddy, barley and pulses have higher while sugarcane and maize have lower values compared to the world average. WFs of paddy, maize, potato and wheat are lower in Terai than the Hills and Mountains due to the accessibility of irrigation system and higher crop yield. Millet, pulses, oilseeds and barley have lower WFs and are suitable for Mountains. Similarly, sugarcane is suitable for both Terai and Mountain divisions because of its lower WF. Crops in Far Western Development Region generally have higher WFs due to the low crop productivity, and higher fertilizer use.  相似文献   

京津冀地区主要农作物生产水足迹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用京津冀地区(2个直辖市、11个地级市)气象及农业基础数据,采用彭曼公式与CROPWAT软件相结合的计算方法,分析了2014年京津冀地区主要农作物的生产水足迹。结果表明:小麦在整个生长期需水量主要以蓝水足迹为主,玉米在整个生长期主要以绿水足迹为主;2014年京津冀地区主要农作物总的生产水足迹为437.03×108m3,其中绿水足迹为137.71×108m3,蓝水足迹为176.03×108m3,灰水足迹为123.30×108m3;从京津冀地区主要农作物总的生产水足迹空间格局上来看,沧州、保定、邯郸和石家庄地区的主要农作物生产水足迹较大,是水资源调控的主要地区。  相似文献   

Water Footprint of Grain Product in Irrigated Farmland of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China faces the dual challenge of grain production pressure and water scarcity. It is significant to reduce water footprint of grain product (WFGP, m3/t) in irrigated farmland. The focus of grain production and agricultural water use, and the precondition is to determine the WFGP and its composition. This paper estimates the WFGP in irrigated farmland of 31 provinces (including municipalities, autonomous regions) a by collecting actual data of 443 typical irrigation districts in 1998, 2005 and 2010, and analyses its temporal and spatial variation in irrigated farmland of China. The result shows that the WFGP in each province decreases with time except in Jiangxi and Hunan, and the average value of all provinces reduced from 1494 m3/t in 1998 to 1243 m3/t in 2010. The WFGP decreases faster in more developed municipal cities and major grain production provinces. The annual average WFGP in irrigated farmland is 1339 m3/t and the blue and green water account for 63.5 % and 36.5 % of the total, respectively. The WFGP and its composition are significantly different between provinces. Generally, provinces distributed inside and beyond Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, have a higher water productivity, lower WFGP and blue water footprint of grain product, while most provinces located in northwest, northeast, southeast and south China have a higher WFGP and lower proportion of green water in the WFGP as a whole. Portion of the blue water footprint (BWFGP) is not consumed for crop evapotranspiration (BWFGP ET ) but conveyance loss (BWFGP cl ). The national averaged BWFGP cl decreases with time and but still remains up to 466 m3/t in 2010, making up 34.8 % of the WFGP. In order to safeguard grain security and ease the water resource pressure, the Chinese government should increase investment and apply advanced technology for developing water-saving agriculture, improve the efficiency of water use and further reduce the WFGP. Considering also the contribution of grain output and the relatively high WFGP, the government should give priority to developing water-saving agriculture in the Northeast of China.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify and characterize the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of paddy fields and crop fields in Tottori, Japan. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ultraviolet (UV) absorbance was measured for the filtrated water of each samples. DOC concentration and SUVA (specific UV absorbance) of biodegradation analysis samples were determined around 50 days after the incubation. In the Fukui paddy fields, DOC concentration varied seasonally from 1.1 to 10.1 mg.Cl(-1), showing higher concentration in heavy runoff of non-agriculture period in April. However, DOC concentration variation did not always correspond to rainfall. The Obadake paddy fields also showed a similar pattern with Fukui paddy fields. The daily DOC discharge per area in Fukui (up), Fukui (down), Obadake (south), Obadake (north) paddy fields influent from paddy fields were 0.02, 0.0161, 0.0135 and 0.0027 kg.a(-1).day(-1), respectively. These differences resulted from differences in agricultural types and customs of farmers according to paddy fields and fields. Also, SUVA (an indirect means to evaluate humic substances (hydrophobic fraction)) of the studied influent waters from paddy fields were generally lower than the influent waters from crop fields. The non-biodegradable DOC accounted for 50.2-98%, 46.8-85.5% of the total DOC in the paddy fields and crop fields.  相似文献   

The performance of a small runoff-basin water-harvesting system (negarim) was evaluated under a typical Mediterranean arid environment in Jordan. Rainfall, runoff, catchment area, soil water storage, and crop evapotranspiration were analyzed as elements of one system. Three micro-catchment areas (25, 50, and 75 m2) and three surface treatment methods (natural, plastic cover, and compaction) were used. Runoff efficiency was evaluated for 16 storms. Storage efficiency was evaluated for eight periods by monitoring soil water balance in the crop root zone. The overall efficiency of the water-harvesting system was determined as the ratio of the amount of water stored and used by the crop to the amount of rainfall received in the catchment area. The overall efficiency of the system varied from over 85% to as low as 7% depending on the size of the catchment and the root zone capacity. Gains in runoff improvement were lost when the soil moisture in the cultivated area was near field capacity. The required ratio of the catchment area to the cultivated area was found to be strongly related to the root zone storage capacity and the rate of consumptive use as well as rainfall-runoff characteristics.  相似文献   

Without subdividing into blue and green virtual water, the virtual crop water is currently used in the allocation of water resources based on virtual water strategy. In order to improve agricultural water use efficiency and the proportion of green water utilization, a multi-objective optimal allocation model for agricultural water resources is developed in this study. The model is based on the subdivision of virtual water into blue and green virtual water, subject to three objectives of the maximum net benefit from agriculture, the minimum fairness difference in the utilization of water, and the maximum proportion of green water utilization. Taking Shiyang River basin as an example, agricultural water resources are optimized through regional virtual water trade in the basin. Results show that compared with the situation in the year 2007, the net benefit of agriculture, the fairness difference in the utilization of water, and the proportion of green water utilization are optimized. At the same time, the planting ratio of food crops, such as corn, reduces, while the planting ratio of cash crops, such as cotton, vegetables, and fruits, increases. Through regional virtual water strategy in the basin, with the crops of different districts having comparative advantages, the proportion of green water utilization and the blue water use efficiency are improved. The study provides a scientific basis to solve the water shortage problem in the basin.  相似文献   

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