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本文以湖南省怀化市新晃县狮子岩水电站为例,分析拦河引水发电对下游河段生态造成不利影响的因素,介绍了通过整合社会资源,采取增建生态发电机组、修建橡胶坝和加强保护绕城河段水生态等绿色小水电建设措施,修复水生态系统,促进水生态文明建设的典型经验。  相似文献   

本文通过对上海市中心城区典型河段生态修复工程分析发现,目前的河道生态修复工程仍存在重水质改善、轻生态管理、工程目标不清、工程实施强度随机性大、缺乏生态监测指标等问题。为提高生态修复工程的持续运营能力及其对后继工程的支撑性作用,本研究探讨了系统最优控制指导下的河道生态修复策略,以期为"十四五"期间城市河道生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了绿化混凝土的概念及其基本工程特性,结合丽水瓯江水生态保护与修复示范段工程,主要对绿化混凝土生态护坡技术进行了应用研究。根据本次示范应用成果,分析绿化混凝土护坡在丽水瓯江生态保护示范段植物生长情况及原因。  相似文献   

分析瓯江水源及其上游河段的水质和变化趋势,按污染源分类计算主要污染物及等标负荷,分析存在的主要污染问题,指出瓯江上游水质有变差趋势,今后工业污染将不容忽视,瓯江水源的水质不容乐观。  相似文献   

由于人类活动影响,河流水质及河流生态系统的结构和功能均受到不同程度的损害,需要生态修复。植物修复是生态修复的重要组成,受损河流的植物修复技术能够从根本上提高河流生态功能并恢复其完整性。在河流廊道概念基础上凝练其内涵,归纳总结植物群落修复的主要技术,提出大清河流域典型河段植物群落构建方案,为其生态廊道构建和水环境质量改善提供理论基础。  相似文献   

河流纪、系、统、类、型、境、群的分析深刻地反映了河流发育地质历史、地理气候条件、河水补给来源、地貌过程、平面形态、生境特征及生物群落等对于特定级别的河流在特定河段上的类型归属及其生态表现。河流综合分类层次结构中各空间尺度环境因子决定了不同的生态效应,其中地理气候和地质地貌是决定淡水生物群落结构组成的主要方面,而河水补给形式和河流平面形态则对个别物种的丰富度和分布具有一定影响。结合已有国内外研究资料,可以按照河流综合分类方法的层次递进分析对各类河流进行合理的划分,同时对其生态特征,如水生生物群落(大型水生植被、藻类、底栖动物和鱼类)组成和分布状况进行系统说明。本文通过对生物群落中部分广适种、气候种和典型地方种的辨识,将生态特征至少在“属”的水平上详细刻画,从而为河流的快速分类和生态修复提供“生物基准”。  相似文献   

对西安市护城河水质进行了分析,并对其污染成因进行了探讨,最后针对护城河不同河段各自的水质特点设计了生态修复方案:对护城河东北角至安远门河段利用人工浮岛+接触氧化技术修复受污染水体;在护城河东段利用阿科蔓生态基+复合菌种组合技术,改善该河段较严重的水体有机污染及底泥污染。  相似文献   

河流滨岸带在净化水体、截留污染、景观休闲等方面起着极为重要的作用。为了分析鄱阳湖五河不同河段滨岸带的生态水利功能,从自然功能和社会功能两大方面构建了滨岸带功能分类体系,综合运用遥感、GIS等空间信息技术,对鄱阳湖五河典型河段的滨岸带进行了地表覆盖解译和功能分区,进一步分析鄱阳湖五河典型河段滨岸带现状及横纵向的空间差异。基于典型河段滨岸带现状分析,探讨了滨岸带生态水利功能在河流纵、横向上的空间分区,最终结合不同河流不同河段的特点给出针对性的生态水利治理建议,为实施流域生态保护与生态建设的分区管理、区域产业布局、生态防灾减灾、环境保护与建设规划等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江(以下简称雅江)的河流地貌过程伴随着青藏高原的抬升而演变,其河流地貌和泥沙沉积特征十分独特。2009-2012年非汛期采用大地电磁测深仪对雅江29个典型河谷断面的沉积物剖面进行测量,并且采集自谢通门至雅鲁藏布大峡谷约1 000km河段泥沙沉积物样品进行分析。结果显示,过去百万年来因为喜马拉雅山不均匀抬升(宽谷河段相对于其下游的峡谷河段抬升慢),雅江主要宽谷河段蓄积了约5 180亿m3的卵石夹沙沉积物,使得河谷底部抬高变宽,V型河谷转变为U型河谷。而抬升速率快的河段河床侵蚀下切,形成峡谷。  相似文献   

介绍浙江省丽水市瓯江水生态系统现状,根据瓯江水生态系统保护与修复的目标,提出瓯江水生态系统保护与修复的措施:对土地利用进行分级控制,构建水生态系统安全格局,编制瓯江水生态系统的保护与修复总体规划,分段实施水生态系统保护与修复,开展瓯江水生态系统保护与修复的制度与机制建设。此外,总结了瓯江水生态系统保护与修复工作的成效与存在问题。  相似文献   

Understanding of geomorphic processes and the determination of geomorphic diversity in catchments are prerequisites for the sustainable rehabilitation of river systems and for reach‐scale assessment of river health. The Ganga River system in India is a large, complex system consisting of several long tributaries, some >1,000 km, originating from 2 distinct hinterlands—the Himalaya to the north and the cratons to the south. Traversing through a diverse climatic regime across the Plain and through precipitation zones ranging from 600 mm/year near Delhi to 1,200 mm/year in the eastern plains, the Ganga River system has formed very diverse landform assemblages in 3 major geomorphic domains. We have recognized 10 different river classes for the trunk river from Gangotri (source) to Farakka (upstream of its confluence with the Brahmaputra) based on (a) landscape setting, (b) channel and active floodplain properties, and (c) channel planform parameters. The mountainous stretch is characterized by steep valleys and bedrock channels and is dominated by large‐scale sediment production and transport through hill slope processes. The alluvial part of the river is characterized by 8 different river classes of varying reach lengths (60–300 km) many of which show sharp transitions in landscape setting. We have highlighted the application of this approach for the assessment of habitat suitability, environmental flows, and flood risk all of which have been significantly modified during the last few decades due to large‐scale anthropogenic disturbances. We suggest that the diversity embedded in this geomorphic framework can be useful for developing a sustainable river management programme to “work with” the contemporary character and behaviour of rivers.  相似文献   

河流栖息地具有多尺度、多等级、斑块化分布和动态变化等重要特征,常通过揭示栖息地质量的关键环境因子适合度来开展河流栖息地质量评价。本文基于国内外多种溪流型鱼类栖息地环境的流速、水深范围与偏好的流速、水深、水温研究成果,结合中国浙江省瓯江干流河段的自然环境特征和多样性的水生物学特点,选取喜缓流水型鱼类-唇䱻作为指示性物种,研究了河流栖息地关键环境因子:水深、流速、水温与水质适合度曲线,采用优、良、中、差分级评价方法,以流速、水深、水温和水质类别作为主要的判据因子,确定了河流栖息地评估的分级标准,为河流栖息地质量评价和生态适应性管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The granting of rights to the Whanganui River in 2017 emerged as an outcome of Tribunal hearings relating to breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed between Māori chiefs and the British Crown in 1840. As this expression of a river as having legal personhood with rights reflects a distinctively Māori perspective upon river systems, it offers the prospect for a new era of sociocultural approaches to river management in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using the Whanganui River as a case study, this paper explores prospective geomorphic meanings of river rights. The paper asks, “What role can geomorphology play in identifying, articulating and protecting the rights of a river?” Ancestral Māori relations to the river based upon mutual codependence (reciprocity) are juxtaposed against geomorphic understandings of a river's agency as expressed through self‐adjustment, diversity of form, evolution, and catchment‐scale connectivities. Relations between river science and indigenous concepts of rivers, framed under the auspices of river rights, present opportunities for different approaches to river management.  相似文献   

澜沧江源地处青藏高原唐古拉山北麓,比邻长江南源当曲,人迹罕至。为了进一步认识澜沧江地貌特征、尤其是河流地貌,得出河流地貌演化、河床冲淤演变的一些基础资料,通过实地考察,采集数据与图像,结合现有河型判别方法,对澜沧江西源扎那曲莫云河段的河型进行判别。结果表明:莫云河段河道边界约束较弱、河床稳定性较差,在顺直-弯曲-分汊-游荡的河型分类体系中,各家判别式一致判定莫云河段为游荡河型;在顺直-弯曲-辫状的河型分类体系中,则一致判定为辫状河型;最后结合国内的河流特点和主流分类体系,可以确定莫云河段属于游荡河型。实地考察资料和河型的判别,可为进一步研究澜沧江源的河流地貌提供参考。  相似文献   

受三峡水库蓄水拦沙影响,坝下游河道将发生长距离、长时期的调整,并引起河势调整、崩岸增加、枯水位下降、荆江三口分流减少等河道反应,需采取科学的应对措施。介绍了国外关于均衡河流与优良河道形态的描述,引入传统五行系统观,分析了比降、流速、床沙、悬沙、水深5个因子的循环激励与制约关系,阐述了河流演变系统自动调整与再平衡过程。为应对河道反应,提出了河道整治与崩岸治理、水库优化调度、河道监测与分析研究等对策,探讨了河道治理原则和典型河段治理思路,建议采用护底加糙、口门改道、潜坝限流等整治措施,以期为坝下游河道保护与治理提供参考。  相似文献   

现代城市河道生态修复方法与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河道生态修复是河道污染治理的有效手段之一,其主要内容包括水质水文条件、河流地貌特征以及生物物种等方面的修复。文中通过分析现有城市河流生态破坏现状及其成因,在生态修复理论基础上,结合湖南张家界索溪河综合治理工程,分析说明河流生态修复方法的使用。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the causes and effects of the hydrogeomorphological alteration of the central reach of the Ebro River (NE Spain). The Ebro River is one of the largest Mediterranean rivers. In this reach, it develops a meandering planform in a wide floodplain. Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses of historic aerial photographs, analysis of hydrologic data and measurement of various indicators linked to the fluvial morphology and the structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation led to the establishment of the prevailing processes in the dynamics of this river. Statistical analyses conducted on some of the main components of the flow regime, including floods, droughts and flow duration curves, showed a role for these components in river dynamics. Similarly, a thorough analysis of the evolution of the aforementioned indicators was performed to identify and measure the effects of the hydrological regulation of the river. These indicators were measured in 1927, 1956 and 2003 for a 106 km reach. The geomorphic dynamics of the Ebro River in its central reach reflect a remarkable tendency for stabilization and rigidification of the channel. The active river corridor has largely been modified, primarily in the second half of the twentieth century. The corridor lost a huge portion of its width and extension, the channel suffered an intense narrowing and the natural mobility of the meander train decayed proportionally. The structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation were completely transformed. The riparian forest lost its original function, behaving as a linear corridor and was notably continuous and very close to the channel thalweg. The vegetation colonized most of the previously active channel, contributing to the loss of the natural dynamics of the river. The hydrological analyses suggest that the large morphological modification of the river planform and the parallel alteration of the riparian forests are not to be seen as a consequence of a loss of the attributes of natural floods. On the contrary, these extreme hydrological events only generate slight alterations due to river regulation and are not capable of enhancing the aforementioned evolution. Nevertheless, a profound change in the attributes of the low (summer) flows was found. The modification of the low flows was studied through its relationship with the global evolution of the geomorphic indicators and the riparian forest indicators. The results show the relative role played by high and low flows in the evolution of the river dynamics. These results are used to propose a future scenario of ecohydrological management in the central reach of the Ebro River. This scenario is intended to improve its ecological status and recover, at least partially, its natural dynamics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分析黄河下游游荡型河道河势的时空演变规律,为进一步认识黄河下游河道演变特征、开展河道整治提供理论支撑和实践价值。在系统收集、整理1960-2015年黄河下游游荡型河段典型断面的河势观测资料基础上,利用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和Fisher断点检验方法分析1960-2015年黄河下游游荡型河道典型断面多年平均河宽及主流线迁移速率变化情况。结果表明:近60年黄河下游游荡型河道在平面形态上呈藕节状分布,而其主流线调整速率的时空分布规律并不显著;黄河下游于店断面、禅房断面是平面藕节状分布的关键节点,将全河段划分为3段(第一段铁谢至于店断面,河宽均值为1 627m;第二段于店至禅房断面,河宽均值为1 477m;第三段禅房至高村断面,河宽均值为1 074m)。  相似文献   

长江马鞍山河段河势控制及应急工程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文研究了长江马鞍山分汊河段河床演变的基本规律;分析了小黄洲汊道:上游段水流动力轴线的典型位置、转化周期及其对汉道演变的影响;总结了对该分汊河段进行河势控制的必要性和基本方法;提出了对该河段进行河势控制应急工程的方案设想。  相似文献   

余明辉  窦身堂  孔凡  余蔚卿 《泥沙研究》2006,(2):77-80,F0003
水库运用势必改变河道的水沙过程。下游河道也会随之发生不同程度的演变。本文基于这个问题。研究了汉江丹江口水库、长江葛洲坝水利枢纽蓄水运用后下游河湾平面形态的变化规律。主要内容包括河湾发育概况、水库运用对河湾平面形态的影响以及在不同的来水来沙条件下典型河湾平面形态变化。并结合大量实测资料拟合出水库下游河湾平面形态参数的经验公式,公式经验证,可以用来预测相同类型水库运行后下游河湾平面形态的变化规律。  相似文献   

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