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近些年来,水库水源地藻类暴发频繁,对水库的水生态环境造成了严重的破坏,因此构建一套水库藻类暴发预警指标体系对监控水库生态环境有着重要的意义。文章以浙江省6座水库为研究对象,通过分析研究水库藻类暴发时各理化指标的监测数据,得到以下研究结果:(1)确定了水温、透明度、pH值、总氮、总磷、溶解氧、藻类数量和叶绿素a含量8个理化指标作为水库藻类暴发的预警指标;(2)预警指标的警戒值分别为水温25℃、透明度低于1 m、pH值8、总氮1.0 mg/L、总磷0.5 mg/L、溶解氧8 mg/L、藻类数量100万个/L、叶绿素a含量20μg/L;(3)以藻类数量、叶绿素a含量为控制指标,将浙江省水库藻类暴发预警划分为4级。  相似文献   

基于有限体积法建立了山美水库二维水量-水质耦合模型,就2010年8-10月份流域外源污染负荷对山美水库总氮与总磷的影响机理进行分析。结果表明:外源污染负荷总氮和总磷进入水库后不断迁移扩散至整个水库约经历20 d,水质整体上从Ⅲ类水降为Ⅳ~劣Ⅴ类;水库Ⅰ区总氮与总磷浓度分别增加0.16~1.32和0.12~0.34 mg/L,Ⅱ区受外源影响较小,总氮与总磷浓度增加0.05和0.075 mg/L;自入库区至出库区不同区域总氮与总磷浓度变幅较大且依次递减,并在时间上呈现一定的滞后性。研究表明:在较短时间内山美水库水质恶化主要由外源污染所致。最后结合流域内水环境现状,提出改善山美水库水环境质量的工程措施。  相似文献   

以2011年青狮潭水库藻类暴发期的监测数据为基础,分析水体浮游藻类参数(藻类种群结构、优势种类、藻细胞密度)以及水体水质的理化参数(水温、总氮、总磷、叶绿素a)对藻类繁殖的影响,从而研究青狮潭水库藻类水华暴发的机理。  相似文献   

根据烟台市水文局2008—2018年对沐浴水库的水质检测数据,分析沐浴水库十年间的水质变化情况。研究发现沐浴水库水质pH平均值为8.22,属于弱碱性水,总氮含量为14.86mg/L,属于超Ⅴ类地表水;总磷平均含量为0.03mg/L,属于Ⅲ类水;氨氮平均含量为0.23mg/L,属于Ⅱ类水。水库中总氮含量较高与近年来沐浴水库发展渔业有直接关系。  相似文献   

唐小丽 《人民珠江》2014,(3):98-100
以2009、2010年苏烟水库藻类暴发期的监测数据为基础,分析水体浮游藻类参数(藻类种群结构、优势种类、藻细胞密度)以及水体水质物化参数(水温、总氮、总磷、叶绿素a)等有关参数对藻类繁殖的影响,从而研究苏烟水库藻类水华暴发机理。  相似文献   

根据梁家湾水库2014.11-2015.10为期一年的水质监测数据,分析该水库中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及叶绿素(Chl-a)等水质指标的季节性变化规律,并进行富营养化评价。结果表明:TN质量浓度变化范围为0.169~0.683 mg/L,年平均值为0.405 mg/L,符合《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)II类标准,TP质量浓度变化范围为0.002~0.072 mg/L,年平均值为0.029 mg/L,符合《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类标准,TN/TP的年平均值为42.8,水库属于磷(P)限制型。TN、TP和Chl-a浓度随季节变化显著。富营养化评价表明,梁家湾水库为中营养,说明近年来对水库水质保护措施起的作用很大。  相似文献   

孟春红  赵冰 《人民长江》2007,38(8):26-27
根据2003年10月和2004年4月的三峡库区调查,三峡水库二期蓄水后的流速、流量、水深都发生了变化,干流流速为0.13~0.24 m/s,远低于天然河道状态下2 m/s的平均流速;支流回水段流速普遍低于0.05 m/s,远低于天然状况下1~3 m/s的平均流速.总磷浓度为0.063~0.098 mg/L;总氮浓度为1.10~1.85 mg/L.从营养盐单因子考虑,国际上一般认为,当水体中总磷、总氮浓度分别达到0.02 mg/L和0.20 mg/L这一临界值时,水体就有可能出现富营养化现象.对三峡库区的研究结果表明:河流型水体为贫营养状态,过渡型水体为中营养状态,部分湖泊型水体为富营养状态,三峡水库存在着发生藻类异常繁殖的"水华"现象的可能.  相似文献   

茜坑水库作为深圳市重要的饮用水水源,掌握其水质状况和关键污染源十分必要。选取2019年1 -12月茜坑水库水体的pH、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮、总磷、铁、锰等8个典型指标,分析其变化规律及相互关系,通过水质综合指数评价水质现状,采用因子分析法和绝对主成分多元线性回归识别关键污染源,估算主要污染源的贡献率。结果表明:受浮游植物的影响,pH全年最高达到9.8;高锰酸盐浓度在6月份最高,为6.3 mg/L;氨氮浓度全年均小于0.1 mg/L;硝酸盐氮占总氮的71%左右,总氮浓度全年大于0.5 mg/L;总磷全年平均浓度为0.014 mg/L,水体呈现出磷限制;相关性强的铁和锰浓度全年均小于0.2 mg/L。在近年来多种治理措施的作用下,水库全年水质综合指数均值为78且呈现出向好趋势。水库水质受浮游植物的直接影响,而控制污染物引水汇入和内源释放是解决水库污染问题的关键。  相似文献   

棘洪滩水库浮游藻类变化及富营养化防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细分析了2004~2006年度棘洪滩水库浮游藻类的细胞密度及种群结构变化。2004年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.892×106/L和2.269×106/L,冬季以硅藻为主,春季以隐藻、金藻为主,夏、秋季以蓝藻为主。2005年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为6.654×106/L和5.903×106/L,冬、春季以硅藻、隐藻为主,夏季以绿藻为主,秋季则以蓝藻为主。2006年进水口与放水口藻类细胞密度年均值分别为3.001×106/L和3.687×106/L,夏末至秋季绿藻占优势,代替了先前在此阶段占优势的蓝藻,其他季节多以硅藻为主,隐藻和金藻分别在冬季和春季占有一定比例,说明2006年的水质状况较2004年、2005年有所改善。棘洪滩水库藻类峰值出现在夏末和秋季,此阶段水库的水质呈中富营养状态,其他月份为中营养或贫营养状态。Shannon-weaver多样性指数显示,目前水库的水质总体呈中度污染。入库的源水质量对水库水质影响很大,控制引入的源水质量并采取相应的生物防治措施可有效避免水库发生富营养化。  相似文献   

基于BATHTUB模型,入湖河道执行河流总磷Ⅱ类水标准,阳澄西湖总磷为Ⅳ类,湖泊水质不达标。因此,提出两种方案,探讨阳澄西湖主要入湖河道氮磷营养盐控制要求。方案一:入湖河流执行现行湖泊水质标准,对应湖区水质基本能达标,并且湖区总氮均值优于限值0.5 mg/L;方案二:以现行湖泊水质标准反推的入湖河流总氮、总磷限值,比方案一限值宽松,既能保证湖泊水质达标,又不会使河流水质标准过于严格。因此,依据方案二的结果,确定阳澄西湖入湖河流营养盐控制范围,即上游入湖河流总氮为0.68~0.81 m/L、总磷为0.030~0.039 m/L。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水后氮、磷营养盐的特征分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据2004年4月调查结果,对三峡库区二期蓄水后的氮、磷营养盐浓度及分布进行研究。结果表明,二期蓄水后水体总磷、总氮的质量浓度平均为0.083 mg/L、1.56 mg/L,其中总溶解性磷比例介于32%~82%,总溶解性氮为72%~95%。总磷浓度受蓄水的影响较大,坝前区总磷浓度在蓄水后显著降低,ρ(N)/ρ(P)值提高。由于氮、磷营养盐浓度偏高,库区水体在二期蓄水后呈现富营养化趋势。营养盐浓度对不同类型水体富营养化的影响程度存在差异,蓄水后长江干流为贫营养和中营养状态,而部分支流回水段已达到了富营养化程度,存在潜在的水华爆发现象。  相似文献   

Morse Reservoir, a major water supply for the Indianapolis metropolitan area, IN, USA, experiences nuisance cyanobacterial blooms due to agricultural and point source nutrient loadings. Hyperspectral remote sensing data from both in situ and airborne AISA measurements were applied to an adaptive model based on Genetic Algorithms-Partial Least Squares (GA-PLS) by relating the spectral signal with total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) concentrations. Results indicate that GA-PLS relating in situ spectral reflectance to the nutrients yielded high coefficients of determination (TN: R 2?=?0.88; TP: R 2?=?0.91) between measured and estimated TN (RMSE?=?0.07 mg/L; Range: 0.6–1.88 mg/L), and TP (RMSE?=?0.017; Range: 0.023–0.314 mg/L). The GA-PLS model also yielded high performance with AISA imaging data, showing close correlation between measured and estimated values (TN: RMSE?=?0.11 mg/L; TP: RMSE?=?0.02 mg/L). An analysis of in situ data indicated that TN and TP were highly correlated with chlorophyll-a and suspended matter in the water column, setting a basis for remotely sensed estimates of TN and TP. Spatial correlation of TN, TP with chlorophyll-a and suspended matters further confirmed that remote quantification of nutrients for inland waters is based on the strong association of optically active constituents with nutrients. Based on these results, in situ and airborne hyperspectral remote sensors can provide both quantitative and qualitative information on the distribution and concentration of nutrients in Morse Reservoir. Our modeling approach combined with hyperspectral remote sensing is applicable to other productive waters, where algal blooms are triggered by nutrients.  相似文献   

Ben Chifley Reservoir, the only potable water supply for Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, has been experiencing recurrent cyanobacterial bloom problems since 1991. A study was undertaken from June 1998 to July 1999 to assess the limnological characteristics pertinent to eutrophication and the associated cyanobacterial blooms. From January–May 1999, the reservoir exhibited significant numbers of cyanobacterial cells, totalling > 9000 cells mL?1. The highest number of cells (> 27 000 cells mL?1) was recorded during April 1999. The water quality characteristics of the reservoir, and the river inflow and climatic data, were grouped into three distinct periods; before, during and after cyanobacterial blooms. High water temperature (15–22°C), thermal stratification (ΔT = 2.7–2.8°C), depletion of dissolved oxygen and high nutrient concentrations, all of which are conducive to enhanced cyanobacterial blooms, were evident before and during the bloom periods. Based on its nitrogen to phosphorus molar ratio, Ben Chifley Reservoir can be considered as being phosphorus‐deficient, in contrast to nitrogen, which is readily available from a number of sources in its drainage basin, including atmospheric fixation. Thus, it is recommended that adopting management strategies to reduce the quantity of bioavailable phosphorus in the reservoir would be the most effective way to minimize the occurrence of algal blooms.  相似文献   

The cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa forms extensive summer blooms in the King Talal Reservoir, the largest water body in Jordan. The occurrence of the blooms is a function of the water temperature, light intensity and nutrient concentration, with the nitrogen and phosphorus levels being critical factors. This initial study indicated that the time of the seasonal maximum and intensity of Microcystis blooms in the King Talal Reservoir vary significantly from month to month, with a peak reached in summer. The low nutrient concentrations were observed prior to the summer season. There was a rapid, extensive proliferation of M. aeruginosa during the summer of the same year, especially from 1–30 June to 30 November. The LD50 of microcystin in Balb/c was found to be 50 µL kg?1. Additional studies will provide further information on various aspects of the identification and toxicity of the selected cyanobacterial species.  相似文献   

We examined the impacts of remediation activities aimed at improving the water quality of hypereutrophic Villerest Reservoir, in which Microcystis aeruginosa dominated during the summer. We also compared nutrients and chlorophyll a data from this study with the results of a previous study on the reservoir. Between the two studies, the nitrogen and phosphorus loads into the reservoir from the main tributary decreased by 70% and 80%, respectively. Within the reservoir, the quantities of ammonia‐nitrogen were similar in the two studies, and the total nitrogen was significantly higher in this study compared to the initial study. Both the phosphate‐phosphorus and total phosphorus concentrations decreased significantly between the two studies. However, the statistically significant decrease in phosphate‐phosphorus and total phosphorus did not always lead to a significant decrease in chlorophyll a concentrations. The nitrogen/phosphorus mass ratio during the present study remained well above five, the critical value below which summer blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa were observed in Villerest Reservoir. These study results indicated that the remediation activities being used to improve the water quality of Villerest Reservoir were off to a good start.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation characteristics of the water quality of the Jinpen Reservoir and the impacts of rainfall runoff on the reservoir were investigated. Water quality monitoring results indicated that, during the stable stratification period, the maximum concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, total organic carbon, iron ion, and manganese ion in the water at the reservoir bottom on September6 reached 2.5 mg/L, 0.12 mg/L, 0.58 mg/L, 3.2 mg/L, 0.97 mg/L, and 0.32 mg/L, respectively. Only heavy storm runoff can affect the main reservoir and cause the water quality to seriously deteriorate. During heavy storms, the stratification of the reservoir was destroyed, and the reservoir water quality consequently deteriorated due to the high-turbidity particulate phosphorus and organic matter in runoff. The turbidity and concentrations of total phosphorus and total organic carbon in the main reservoir increased to 265 NTU, 0.224 mg/L, and 3.9 mg/L, respectively.Potential methods of dealing with the water problems in the Jinpen Reservoir are proposed. Both in stratification and in storm periods, the use of measures such as adjusting intake height, storing clean water, and releasing turbid flow can be helpful to safeguarding the quality of water supplied to the water treatment plants.  相似文献   

Saladito Reservoir, located in Cienfuegos Province in Cuba, lies in an intermediate position between tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. Although Cuba only had 13 reservoirs before 1959, the government has constructed 229 reservoirs since that time, with a total storage capacity of 8.81 km3, administered by the National Hydraulic Resources Institute. In 1995, it was proposed to use waste water from the Swinish Farm to fertilize small reservoirs, providing nitrogen and phosphorus to increase primary production in the reservoirs as a means of facilitating high fish production levels. Saladito Reservoir, with a hydrographic basin of 34.5 km2, a mean depth of 3.4 m and a water retention time of 2 years, was constructed as the final part of the wastewater treatment system for Swinish Farm in the Palmyra Municipality. The main objective of this study is to determine the level of eutrophication in the reservoir after it had received waste water from the Farm for 17 months, based on relevant biological (phytoplankton), chemical and physical indicators sampled at five stations on 22 and 23 May 1995. Based on the measured parameters, the concentration of dissolved salts was generally high, with calcium and bicarbonate being the dominant ions. The nitrite‐nitrogen and nitrate‐nitrogen concentrations were relatively low at the surface, increasing with depth, while the ammonium‐nitrogen concentrations were extremely high, likely related to the high organic content of the reservoir. The total phosphorus concentration also exhibited high values, indicating the possible existence of soluble phosphorus in a complex with iron, which would allow algae to assimilate it like phosphate. The water transparency, measured as Secchi disk, was 0.2 m at all sampling stations. The chlorophyll‐a concentration ranged from 111 µg L−1 in the surface water to 50 µg L−1 at the bottom depth. The phytoplankton cell counts identified 27 algal species contained in five classes. The dominant group was Cyanophyceae, with Oscillatoria sp. being the largest contribution to the reservoir biomass. Twenty‐seven taxa were present in the reservoir in concentrations of at least 1 mg m−3. The results of this study indicate that Saladito Reservoir is hyper‐eutrophic, based on its measured biomass (cell counts), and chlorophyll‐α, inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations. The possible production of algal toxins from blue‐green algal growths also could be affecting the productivity of Saladito Reservoir.  相似文献   

在总结近年来国内外铀矿区地下水污染治理与修复技术最新进展和已有成果的基础上,评述物理化学修复 技术,生物修复技术及可渗透反应墙技术基本理论、实际案例和未来发展前景。当前铀矿区地下水污染的原位治 理与修复技术以实验室研究为主,缺乏对实际铀矿区地下水污染治理与修复的工程实践,如何结合实际铀矿区水 文地质条件和污染特征开发绿色、高效、低碳的治理与修复技术,是未来铀矿区地下水污染治理修复的重要发展 方向。  相似文献   

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