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城市和雨水利用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市化仍将是我国21世纪上半叶经济的发展的主要特征之一。城市化对市区的水资源将产生很大的影响,城市生态环境用水将是城市用水的重要组成部分,水资源匮缺和水环境恶化已城市化进程和社会进步的因素,雨水利用将是我国城市化进程中缓解城市水危机,改善城市水环境的有效措施。  相似文献   

One of the most important resources for socioeconomic development in arid and semi-arid countries is water, and its scarcity in the Middle East has been a key factor in war and peace-making.As water shortages occur and full utilization is reached, water policies tend to be framed more and more in zero-sum terms, adding to the probability of discord. The aim of this study is to provide some innovative technological answers to the fundamental questions of how to sustain the water supply without causing diverse effects on the ecosystem both now and for the 21st century. This paper evaluates several non-conventional approaches highlighting the economic and environmental gains of co-generation applications that would have the potential to resolve this persistent problem, and thus contribute towards peace among the water users in the Middle East. Priority of development projects including viability of (1) the strategic use of such resources as brackish water, seawater and reclaimed wastewater, and (2) the transboundary transport of water is preliminarily evaluated by taking into account the four feasibility elements 'technical', 'environment', 'economy' and 'politics'. Water conservation and management including water pricing scenarios are essential confidence-building measures to manage the water resources in the region. In this circumstance, non-conventional strategic alternatives including desalination and reuse of treated wastewater will become significantly important in water resources development to supply new additional fresh waters in the 21st century.  相似文献   

21世纪的中国大水利建设   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
:2 1世纪中国的水利建设 ,将在充分总结 2 0世纪 ,特别是新中国成立以来的水利建设经验基础上 ,根据 2 1世纪中国社会发展对水利建设的需求 ,无论在指导理论 ,还是在建设技术 ,以及其内涵方面都会有较大的变化而更加丰富多彩 .为有别于迄今为止的传统水利 ,将 2 1世纪中国现代化水利称之为“大水利” .本文重点论述大水利与传统水利的区别 ,以及大水利提出的背景及其基本原则  相似文献   

着眼于社会经济发展的大局 ,分析了影响广西资源水利发展的要素和 2 1世纪的用水需求 ,针对广西目前存在的洪涝灾害多、旱灾不断、水污染加剧、水能资源开发缓慢、水资源配置不合理等突出问题 ,提出了广西 2 1世纪资源水利发展的几点思路。  相似文献   

根据21世纪北方干旱内陆河灌区农业高效用水的发展趋势,开展了北方干旱内陆河灌区节水农业综合技术集成与示范,探索该类型区农业高效用水技术及发展模式。通过组装、集成近几年来研究开发的适应于干旱内陆河灌区农业高效用水的新技术,提出流域水资源合理配置与优化调度方案、抗冻胀防渗渠道的结构设计、田间节水灌溉技术及相应的灌区管理技术,形成干旱内陆河灌区农业高效用水综合技术模式。  相似文献   

21世纪中国水资源危机   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
分析国内外水资源的现状、中国水资源危机及走向 2 1世纪存在的主要水问题 .说明中国属于世界上贫水的国家之一 ,人均拥有量只占世界平均水平的 2 5% ,在 6 6 8座城市中有 4 0 0余座缺水 .进入 2 1世纪 ,中国的水资源矛盾将进一步加剧 ,洪灾、干旱、断流、水污染、水土流失等问题将继续存在 .中国必须进行大规模国土整治 ,逆转恶化的水生态环境 ,合理开发、利用、保护水资源 .  相似文献   

本文通过对临汾地区面临的21世纪水资源存在的问题进行分析,提出实施水资源可持续利用的策略与措施。  相似文献   

刘耀 《中国水利》2000,(9):37-38
面向21世纪,青海省要从实际出发,将水利建设与社会经济发展及生态环境建设紧密结合起来,紧紧围绕西部大开发战略的实施,加强水资源的优化配置,加快水利基础设施建设,不断提高水利的基础保障能力。  相似文献   

2l世纪是全球化知识经济的时代,本文在正确分析山西水资源现状的前提下,按照知识经济的含义,提出了知识经济条件下山西水资源的新观点。  相似文献   

Although many researchers have claimed that the Middle East faces a desperate situation with regard to future water use, few have provided detailed analyses as to why this should be the case. In this paper it is claimed that with the changing nature of the economies of the countries of the region, together with rapid population growth, new water policies are required which recognize the growing significance of the service sector of the economy and the importance of urban communities. These policies should focus on the importance of commercial/industrial systems as the main wealth providers in the 21st century. Detailed analyses of the available water resources reveal that most of the countries of the Middle East will be able to meet the water needs of their citizens up to 2025 without too much difficulty. To achieve this the reallocation of at least some irrigation water to other uses will be necessary. However, the volumes of water needed are in many cases not huge. Three countries, Jordan, Oman and Tunisia, will experience major problems of water supply, but only Jordan can be regarded as approaching a crisis situation. Even here desalinated water could at least alleviate the situation for urban dwellers, though costs would be high.  相似文献   

Because of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of anthropogenic sea level rise (SLR), it is very important to understand the processes leading to past and present SLRs towards more reliable future SLR projections. A regional ocean general circulation model (ROGCM), with a grid refinement in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas (BYECSs), was set up to project SLR induced by the ocean dynamic change in the 21st century. The model does not consider the contributions from ice sheets and glacier melting. Data of all forcing terms required in the model came from the simulation of the Community Climate System Model version 3.0 (CCSM3) under the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-A2 scenario. Simulation results show that at the end of the 21st century, the sea level in the BYECSs will rise about 0.12 to 0.20 m. The SLR in the BYECSs during the 21st century is mainly caused by the ocean mass redistribution due to the ocean dynamic change of the Pacific Ocean, which means that water in the Pacific Ocean tends to move to the continental shelves of the BYECSs, although the local steric sea level change is another factor.  相似文献   

陈守煜 《水利学报》2006,37(11):1403-1406
本文从增加我国水资源总量的目标出发,根据水资源系统可持续发展状态协同方程,给出系统开发利用的陆海空水资源协同方程,依据协同学原理,提出21世纪在我国建立以陆地水资源为核心,海水淡化水资源与空中云水资源相结合的协同系统,以期增加我国可开发利用的水资源总量,并以陕西地区和大连市为例,说明陆空协同与陆海空协同的现实可行性。  相似文献   

世界一次性能源将在21世纪中后期接近枯竭,后危机时代我国水能发展面临严峻挑战,开发水能资源对缓解我国能源短缺压力和优化能源结构意义重大。我国已进入水电开发大国行列,某些领域处于世界领先水平,提出由水能开发大国向水能开发强国转型的指导思想及发展目标,并提出设立"中国水电创投基金"。  相似文献   

水利是国民经济经济局长的重要基础产业,21世纪中国水利面临着十分繁重的任务。为了适应新形势下的新任务需要以新的理念,处理好水与自然生态环境的关系,处理好社会,经济发展与水资源的关系,处理好用水与水污染防治的关系,处理好工程防落伍民非工程防洪的关系,处理好水资源开发与水资源管理的关系。为中国水利现代化,创造更另辉煌的业绩。  相似文献   

我国农村水利在新形势下的变化与要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪我国农业进入了新的历史时期,地农村水利提出了新的要求,「农村水利在新下 的变化与要求,包括农村需求水变化对节水的要求,可持续发展对农村水质的要求,2现代化对农村水利科技的要求以及新时期农村水利政策法规的改革。  相似文献   

水利和上天这两年事做得怎样,不仅改变着我国过去的面貌和地位,而且决定着我国现在颀貌和地位,长远地看还会影响我国未来的面貌和地位。毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平等老一辈革命家和江泽民总书记对水利战略地位的论述,在水利决策和建设中产生了重要影响。21世纪被称为水的世纪,我们这个有几千年治水传统的国家一定能够无愧于“水的世纪”,水利定位对实施水利发展战略影响至大。  相似文献   

在实施西部大开发的战略中,解决水资源紧缺问题和加强生态环境保护及建设是21世纪柴达木盆地地区经济有效持续发展的根本切入点,本文详细阐述了存在问题和解决策略。  相似文献   

城市中水利用的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源短缺是21世纪人类面临的最为严峻的资源问题之一。根据国外、国内城市中水使用的现状,分析了城市中水利用中存在的主要问题,提出大力发展中水,建设节水型城市,是保护和节约水资源的重要途径,也是实现水资源可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

21世纪的水利水电建设不单纯是一个工程问题,而是兼顾国民经济发展、社会进步、资源合理利用和环境保护,有利于国民经济持续发展,并且经济、技术、体制、法制、开了流等综合措施联 合并进、共同推动的一项社会系统工程。因此,要搞好新世纪的水利水电建设必须树立新观念,吸收应用新技术。  相似文献   

河北是个水旱灾害频繁的省份,面临着严重资源性缺水、突发性暴雨洪水灾害和水环境恶化等难题,在21世纪,力争用30年的时间建成“三个体系”,实现“三个确保”,加速由工程水利向资源水利、由传统水利的现代水利的转变。  相似文献   

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