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1 . INTRODUCTIONInSeptember 1 994,awarm coreringwasdis coverednearthecontinentalslopeofthenorthernSouthChinaSea (SCS ,hearafter) ,andwasdis cussedindetailforthefirsttime (Lietal.,1 997;Lietal.,1 998) .Thisring (Ring 94S ,namedaftertheobservedyearandmonth)isanwarmcoreanti cy…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheNavier Stokes (N S)equationshavebeenwidelyusedinindustry ,suchasship buildingin dustry ,aeronauticindustry .Fromm[1] solvedtheN SequationsbyusingtheDurfort Frankeldiffer encescheme .Harlow[2 1] discussedtheMarkerandCellmethod (orMAC)forsolvingtheN …  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONResentyears,NURBShavegotwidespreadac ceptanceandpopularityintheCAD/CAMandgraph icscommunity .TherapidproliferationofNURBSisduepartlytotheirexcellentpropertiesandpartlytotheirincorporationinsuchnationalandinternationalstandardsasIGES ,PHIGS …  相似文献   

NOMENCLATUREAi   sectionareaoftheentranceofCavitationSus ceptibilityMeterCSM CavitationSusceptibilityMeterCcoefficientforcalculatingthetensilestrengthbyuseofCSMPi localpressureattheentranceofCSMP0 referencepressureofon comingflowinworkingsectionPv vapor…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONSyntheticApertureRadar (SAR)isanewre motesensingdetectionapproachtoenvironmentandresource .Itpossessesgoodrangeandazimuthreso lution ,thusproucingimagessimilartovisiblelightphotos.Comparedwithsuchremotesensingimagingtechniqueasoptics ,infrar…  相似文献   

Sincetheyearof195 0 ,theChangjiangWaterResourc esCommission (CWRC)hasbeenresponsibleforthesurveyanddesignoftheTGPfornearhalfofacentury .Ontheba sisofalargeamountofinvestigation ,designandscientificresearch ,theCWRCsuccessivelypreparedthe“ReportonFeasibilitySt…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheYellowSea (Fig .1 ) ,locatedinthemiddlelatitude,isoneofthemosttypicalsemi enclosedseasintheworld ,withthemaximumdepthof 80mFig .1 TopographyoftheYellowSeaandtheEastChinaSeaintheYellowSeatrough .ItisconnectedwiththePacificOceanthroughtheECS .The…  相似文献   

1. PHYSICALMDOELSInsectflightcannotbeexplainedbytheconventionalaerodynamicprinciplesusedbyaircraftengineers.Conventionalaerodynamicsisconcernedmainlywithsteadymotion,suchasawingmovingatconstantvelocityorapropellerrotatingataconstantrate[1] .Incontr…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheYellowSeaandEastChinaSea (ECS)aremarginalseasofthenorthwestPacificOceanandhaveexpansivecontinentalshelves .TheuniqueandstrikingfeaturesoftheYellowSeaandtheECSarethattherearestrongtidalcurrent ,strongmonsooninfluenceandfreshwaterinflowfr…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONSedimentmotioninriverscouldbeclassifiedintotwotypes,oneisthebed loadmotion ,theotheristhemotionofsuspendedload .Ifthebed loadmotionisonacertainscale ,thebottomoftheriverthenformsundu latedsandwavesasshowninFig .1.Fig .1 SketchofsandwavesSandwav…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONManyfeaturesofMeddies (MediterraneanWa tereddies)havebeenrevealedfromhydrographicobservations (Armietal.1 989;Richardsonetal.1 991 ;Tokosetal.1 994) .Themeddieshasaradialextentofabout 2 0kmto 5 0km ,adepthofabout30 0mto 60 0mandalifetimeofover 2 years .Themeddie…  相似文献   

Making use of the fine resolution of satellite SAR imagery, we observe small eddies during the spring and summer months in several locations in Lake Superior. During these months there is a thermal gradient between warmer nearshore waters and colder offshore waters which enhances cyclonic coastal currents. Using spaceborne SAR imagery from the European Space Agency's ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions from 1992 to 1998, we observe small eddies, identifying and mapping basic eddy characteristics including diameter, location, and rotational sense. In total, 45 eddies were located, of which 41 were cyclonic and 4 anticyclonic. Average diameter was 9.8 km and average distance to shore was 8.1 km. Based on sea surface temperature data from AVHRR, the eddies are located within the region of sharp thermal gradients of order 3–5 °C per 3 km. Spatial and temporal coverage was uneven, however, more eddies were seen in SAR images taken in late summer along the southern and eastern shores as well as areas where the boundary current interacts with topographic features including islands and promontories.  相似文献   

跌坎下游流场的时均流速分布和脉动特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文采用颗粒示踪的方法试验研究了跌坎下游主流重新接触床面流区的时均流速分布,流速的脉动强度及各点脉动流速的概率密度分布。试验结果表明,跌坎下游水流分离,具有稳定的漩涡发展,漩涡产生的频率约为每2秒3次。重新接触点离跌坎的距离约在3 ̄6倍坎高之间。在主流重新接触床面的流区,紊动剪切应力最大,在量测的流区,脉动流速的概率密度接近正态分布。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法,从流速、流向的角度分析了嘉兴煤炭中转码头泊位西移前后工程水域的流场变化特征。结果显示,煤炭中转基地码头平移后,码头前沿水域水流与码头轴线之间的夹角进一步增大,最大夹角达10°,独山排涝闸外闸所在水域的水流条件没有明显改善。分析表明,煤炭中转基地码头平移后,不能从根本上解决独山外闸闸下淤积问题,且一定程度上增加了船舶靠泊的风险性。  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONMeso scaleeddiesareacommondynamicphe nomenonintheocean ,whichalsoplayanimportantroleinmeteorology .Inthemovementofatmo sphere ,theappearanceofbarragehigh pressureandinterceptivelow pressurecanproducelarge scaleed dies;likewise ,inthemovementof…  相似文献   

建立了z坐标系下分层三维水流数学模型,避开了在地形突变σ变换下水平压力梯度计算较大的困难.在任意三角形网格中,通过剖开算子法,将方程剖分为不同子算子,用各自适应的数值解法进行求解.潜坝及斜槽水流的计算结果与实验结果吻合较好,而基于σ变换的Delft3D模型计算值与试验值相差较大,因此本文的z坐标分层数学模型可以用来计算包括地形突变的三维水流,并具有较高的精度.  相似文献   

短间距双戗堤截流试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
双戗堤立堵截流工程中,龙口的各项水力学参数决定了截流进占的难度。其不仅与截流河段的地形、来流量以及导流建筑物的泄流能力有关,还和上下戗堤以及龙口的相对位置有关。在分析上述条件的基础上结合试验研究.钊.对两戗间距不能满足水流横向扩散消能的工程特性,提出利用工程措施改变下龙口流场分布的方法来降低截流难度。  相似文献   

Detailed field measurements and simulations of three‐dimensional flow structure were used to develop a conceptual model to explain the sustainability of self‐formed pool‐riffle sequences in gravel‐bed rivers. The analysis was conducted at the Red River Wildlife Management Area in Idaho, USA, and enabled characterization of the flow structure through two consecutive pool‐riffle sequences, including: identification of jet concentration and dissipation zones, and the development of local turbulence features (i.e. vertical and horizontal eddies) under different flow conditions. Three‐dimensional hydraulic simulations were used to evaluate how the flow structure varies across a range of flow conditions and with different degrees of sediment aggradation within the upstream pool. The analysis demonstrated a significant influence of the residual pool depth on the flow structure, with reduced residual depth causing a shift in the orientation of the jet and a reduction in the influence of vertical eddies and the size and intensity of horizontal eddies. The proposed conceptual model seeks to explain the sustainability of pools in terms of the flow structure in pool‐riffle morphology and how this flow structure will change as a result of altered external forcing, such as upstream sediment delivery or changes in bank stability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

舟曲县滑坡泥石流遥感影像判读与灾害防治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵俊华 《人民长江》2004,35(12):1-2
甘肃省舟曲县水土流失严重,滑坡、泥石流密集而频发,是长江上游著名的滑坡、泥石流多发区.该县地形陡峻而破碎,新构造运动十分活跃,且软硬相间岩体广布,兼之降雨集中,以及不合理的人类经济活动,都成为导致或加剧滑坡、泥石流的诱发因素.在TM多光谱与全色融合影像的基础上,参照地形图,可以准确进行滑坡、泥石流的判读.其防治对策是广泛开展群测群防;实施科学有效的防治措施;切实加强监测预警工作;进一步加强科研和培训工作.  相似文献   

This paper aims at the investigation and analysis of numerical and laboratory modelling of flow in branched channels with symmetrical geometry and varying hydraulic conditions. Details of velocity and water‐level profiles in branching locations are discussed. In some low‐slop regions like plains, rivers may be branching; or in alluvial plains where the slop is low, meanders may appear. On the other hand, in the mountainous and semi‐mountainous areas with relatively steep slops, arterial rivers can be formed. Therefore, it is important to learn the behaviour of rivers in branching location and to simulate water flow in branching part of rivers. Details of two‐dimensional numerical model in a main channel and secondary downstream branches are explained and results are analysed and compared against experimental data. With respect to the numerical simulation, velocity and depth in different sections of laboratory model are calculated and the corresponding profiles are developed. The water‐level profiles are calculated and drawn using both the numerical and experimental models. Some long narrow eddies are predicted along internal bank of junction. The comparison of numerical and experimental models proves reasonable results for this research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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