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位山灌区渠首泥沙灾害分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
位山灌区是黄河中下游引水能力最大的引黄灌区。1970年复灌以来,引水灌溉及跨流域调水引入了大量泥沙,使得灌区渠首地区泥沙淤积严重,清淤泥沙堆积成害。本文首先描述了位山灌区渠首地区泥沙淤积构成的耕地减少、土壤沙化、空气质量下降等灾害,从历年引水引沙变化、泥沙淤积分布、风沙起动机理等方面阐明了泥沙灾害的形成条件,进而对渠首地区泥沙灾害的根本成因——泥沙淤积进行了分析,为灌区采取合理的解决对策提供了依据。  相似文献   

中国水科院十多年来泥沙研究综述   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为适应我国大规模水利水电建设的需要,早在50年代水科院成立时,就设立了泥沙研究所(后改名为“河渠研究所”),主要任务是从事我国大江大河治理开发中的泥沙问题的研究,广泛开展了水库淤积、异重流、河床演变与河道整治、渠首和渠系泥沙问题等方面的研究,并先后开展了官厅水库淤积、永定河下游河床演变、三门峡水库淤积、黄河下游河床演变及河道整治的研究,以及荆江河段及南运河的河床演变研究,以后又将研究工作扩展到黄河上游的刘家峡水库、盐锅峡水库、西南的映秀湾水电站、龚咀水库、渔子溪水电站及以礼河水电站等泥沙问题的研…  相似文献   

引黄必引沙,大量黄河泥沙的淤积极大地威胁了引黄灌区灌排工程的运行与管理,加剧了引黄灌区区域生态环境恶化,所以引黄灌区面临的主要矛盾仍然是黄河泥沙问题。采用实测资料分析方法,首先分析了黄河下游引黄灌区泥沙淤积的危害,并在此基础上,系统阐述了黄河下游引黄灌区泥沙淤积的4种典型处理模式,试图为科学治理黄河下游引黄灌区泥沙淤积提供科学依据。  相似文献   

张金良  李达 《中国水利》2024,(5):11-16+23
黄河泥沙治理是保障黄河长治久安的关键。党的十八大以来,特别是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展重大国家战略实施后,系统治理理念逐步深入黄河治理。受气候变化和人类活动加剧等因素影响,黄河流域泥沙治理工作面临新形势和新要求。近十年来,围绕黄河流域泥沙系统治理进行了大量科学研究和工程实践,提出黄河泥沙工程控制理论,开展黄河流域泥沙系统治理顶层规划设计,提出入黄、水库、河道、河口四级泥沙控制模式及治理措施,黄河泥沙系统治理取得显著成效。针对黄河泥沙治理新需求,提出以黄河泥沙工程控制理论支撑数字孪生黄河智慧决策体系建设、加大防溃决多拦沙新型淤地坝推广力度、加快黑山峡水利枢纽和南水北调西线等国家重大工程前期工作进程等建议,以全面提升黄河流域泥沙系统治理水平。  相似文献   

泥沙灾害浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥沙是一种宝贵的自然资源,在国民经济建设中发挥着重要作用。它既有有利一面,也有不利方面。本文对泥沙的作用,泥沙灾害的类型、成因、治理及防治措施的认识作了简单论述。  相似文献   

泥沙灾害数据库的研究与开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
泥沙灾害数据库是与泥沙灾害估算、评价联系密切的基本数据库 ,作者根据泥沙灾害防治决策支持系统的需要 ,结合黄河水文、泥沙特点 ,建立了黄河泥沙灾害数据库 ,并且开发和编制了水文泥沙分析计算、洪水要素统计和数据、图象处理等软件包 ,与泥沙灾害数据库集成一体化 ,以构成适用于泥沙灾害防治决策支持系统的数据库系统  相似文献   

50 年来泥沙研究所主要研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
50年来,泥沙研究所几代科技人员勤奋工作,兢兢业业,对我国工程泥沙问题进行了大量针对性的研究,为一些重大工程提供了技术支撑。在三门峡、小浪底和三峡水库上下游的泥沙问题解决,黄河和长江等河道演变研究和治理、黄河口演变和治理等,无不包含着我所职工的心血。不少科研人员,在所里组织和个人自觉开展相结合的形式下,不间断地开展泥沙运动基本理论研究,经过一批研究人员的艰辛努力,研究成果颇为丰硕,如浑水异重流、泥沙运动随机理论、非均匀悬移质不平衡输沙、高含沙水流、水库淤积及河床演变等理论成果,其中一些达到了国际先进甚至领先水平,为将我院提升为国际一流科研机构做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

新中国成立50年黄河泥沙研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢鉴衡 《人民黄河》2000,22(1):18-21
黄河泥沙问题的复杂性和治理难度为世界之最,泥沙问题是治黄的症结所在,新中国成立后,黄河的治理开发受到空前的重视,黄河泥沙的研究也得到前所未有的发展。从泥沙的来源和特性,三门峡等水库泥沙问题,黄河下游河床演变基本规律,动床河工模型试验和泥沙数学模型计算,以及黄河下游引黄淤背理论和实践技术等几个方面,阐述了半个世纪以来黄河泥沙研究取得的重大进展和突破,指出“拦,排,放,调,挖”作为处理和利用黄河泥沙,  相似文献   

我国主要江河泥沙淤积情况及治理措施   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
我国主要江河多年平均输沙量约27亿t,大量的泥沙淤积带来严重的防洪问题,突出表现在共河下游河道,长江洞庭湖和海河流域诸河口等处。所提出的黄河下游河道的泥沙治理措施有:1.加强以黄土高原多少粗沙来源区治理为重点的水土保持;2.修建中游干流骨干工程;3.疏浚河道,淤背固堤;4.利用泥沙资源,填海造陆。洞庭湖的泥沙治理措施有:1.控制泥沙来源,包括大力开展长江上游水土流失区治理,建成以三峡工程为核心的湖  相似文献   

中国多泥沙的河流众多,泥沙问题非常严重.泥沙淤积河流使防洪能力降低,侵蚀良田使其荒漠化,水沙灾害严重地制约着国民经济的持续快速发展.本文通过对鲁北区主要河流泥沙淤积的分析,探讨河流泥沙淤积的规律,为水利工程建设、河道治理与防洪调度提供决策参考.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖现代冲淤动态分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对鄱阳湖现代动力分析,分析了鄱阳湖物质来源主要是五河带来的泥沙为主,水流是输沙的主要动力,叙述了五河入湖口扩散区、湖体冲淤动态。  相似文献   

本文简介了“结合引黄供水沉沙淤筑相对地下河的研究”中有关引水、沉沙、挖淤、输沙、淤筑和施工组织管理等方面的成套可行技术,包括输、沉沙渠(池)设计计算方法,沉挖方式和方法,淤筑施工机械的选型配套,泥沙输送技术以及淤筑技术等。各项技术紧缩密配合,针对性强,便于实施,基本可以满足在不打乱原有引黄灌排体系条件下,进行淤筑相对地下河规划,设计和施工的需要。  相似文献   

Information on a river basin's sediment yield is an important requirement for water resources development and management. In the Volta River basin of Ghana, data on suspended sediment yield are limited due to the lack of logistic support for systematic sediment sampling activities. This paper presents the results of a study using the available measurements of suspended sediment transport for eight monitoring stations in order to develop a simple predictive tool for estimating the suspended sediment yields for catchments for which no sediment measurements had been undertaken. Regression analysis was used to establish a relationship between specific suspended sediment yield and both the mean annual run‐off and the drainage basin area. The prediction model was used to estimate the sediment loads of the Volta River and its main tributaries (Black Volta, White Volta and Oti Rivers) in order to estimate the total suspended sediment input to the reservoir and the equivalent specific suspended sediment yield from the catchment surface. Although these sediment yield values are relatively low by world standards, the results obtained provide a basis for assessing future sedimentation problems in Lake Volta and for underpinning the development of sediment control and management strategies for the reservoir.  相似文献   

粘性泥沙起动流速的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文结合琅琊山抽水蓄能电站下库库区原状土起动流速试验,对以往所采用的粘性泥沙起动流速分工进行了讨论。根据近年来明渠均匀紊流的理论研究与试验研究成果,对粘性泥沙的起动机理及起动流速的确定提出了一个设想,并给出了固结粘土的起动流速公式。本文指出,粘性泥沙的起动,除水流方面的影响外,粘性泥沙的组成及结构也是影响其起动的重要因素。因此,借鉴土力学、粘土坟物学等相关学科的研究成果将有助于此类工程问题的解决。  相似文献   

长江泥沙的来源,输移和沉积特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文依据大量原型观测资料和分析研究成果,论述了长江泥沙的来源、输移及沉积特性。文中对影响流域产沙的气候条件、下垫面条件及人类活动等项主要因素进行了分析,并根据近期资料统计,长江流域的土壤侵蚀总量为22.39亿t。流域产沙具有泥沙输移比小和产沙地区集中两个基本特征。河流泥沙的沉积主要为水库淤积、湖泊沉积和河床的冲淤。  相似文献   

Fluvial processes of erosion, sediment transport and deposition determine the changing form and sedimentary structure of naturally adjusting riparian zones. Riparian sediment storage has both scientific and management importance in relation to: (i) the quantities of sediment that are involved; (ii) the quality of the sediment; and (iii) the dispersal of biological materials, notably the vegetation propagules that are transported and deposited in association with the sediment. After discussing the significance of riparian sedimentation processes, this paper reviews methods for quantifying contemporary sediment deposition within water bodies and their margins. Methods for investigating contemporary riparian sedimentation are given particular emphasis, and the extent to which different methods provide comparable estimates and have been used to support the analysis of different physical and chemical properties of the sediment are outlined. The importance of the following are stressed: (i) selecting a sampling method that is suited to the sedimentation environment; (ii) incorporating careful cross‐calibration if measurements from different methods are to be combined; and (iii) replicating measurements to give more robust estimates if small traps are employed. It is concluded that artificial turf mats provide a useful design of sediment trap across a range of environmental conditions because: (i) their surface roughness reduces problems of sediment removal by flood waters or rainfall; (ii) their pliability permits installation on irregular surfaces; (iii) they can be securely attached to the ground with metal pins to resist high shear stresses from river flows; (iv) they are robust and light and so easily manipulated in the field and laboratory; (v) it is possible to fully recover the deposited sediment to accurately determine the amount of sediment deposited and to support a range of other analyses. Results are presented to illustrate how artificial turf mats can be used to estimate the quantity and quality of deposited sediment and to explore the associated deposition of viable seeds. This provides one example of the important hydroecological role of riparian sedimentation processes and of the potential for the development of innovative, interdisciplinary research on riparian sediment dynamics. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水以来水库淤积和坝下冲刷研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了分析三峡工程对库区及坝下长江中游河势的影响,基于实测资料,较为系统地研究了三峡水库蓄水运用以来水库泥沙淤积和坝下游河床冲刷特性。研究表明,1991年以来长江干流各站径流量变化不大,输沙量明显减小;三峡水库蓄水运用后的2003~2011年入库沙量继续大幅减少,仅为原设计值的40%,水库年均淤积泥沙1.40亿t,也仅为论证阶段的40%左右,且绝大部分淤积在常年回水区和死库容内;受上游来沙减小和三峡水库蓄水拦沙影响,坝下游输沙量大幅减小,悬移质泥沙颗粒也明显变粗,长江中游原有的冲淤相对平衡状态被打破,河床发生沿程冲刷,2002年10月至2010年10月,宜昌至湖口河段总冲刷量为9.79亿m3,河床冲淤形态转变为“滩、槽均冲”,主要冲刷发生在宜昌至城陵矶河段。  相似文献   

Hydropower projects located on rivers transporting heavy sediment loads require design and operation criteria based on sediment management as a means of sustaining the project life. Sediment management is achieved by designing projects as a run‐of‐the‐river scheme, with provision for drawdown flushing, noting hydraulic model simulations are essential for optimizing the design of these projects. Sediment deposition levels are generally predicted with long‐term simulations using 1‐D numerical models, as well as experiments with scaled physical models that simulate drawdown flushing. The present study presents experiments with scaled model and 3‐D numerical model simulations conducted for hydraulic flushing of a reservoir. Experiments were conducted for various durations and discharges to finalize the intake alignment and optimize the flushing. The results of the 3‐D numerical model simulations are in agreement with the results of the experimental study (4%–6% variation). The results also indicate a combination of a 1‐D numerical model for sedimentation and a 3‐D numerical model for flushing can be effectively used to simulate the sedimentation and flushing of reservoirs during the planning and design stages.  相似文献   

Multi‐annual contemporary flood event overbank sedimentation rates were quantified on the World's third largest river in terms of discharge, the tropical lower Orinoco. We discuss the role of variables at the basin and reach scales that contributed to the complexity of spatio‐temporal overbank sediment deposition patterns. Monitored in situ plots were characterized by distance to the main channel, hydroperiod, different geomorphological units, and vegetation cover. Flood event sedimentation rates showed a high spatial variability ranging from the absence of sediment deposition up to 225.46 kg m‐2 yr‐1. Banks and levees received relatively high amounts of sediment (39.6 kg m‐2 yr‐1), whereas observed mean sedimentation rates on the more distant floodplain and backswamps tended to be lower (17.7 kg m‐2 yr‐1). Significant differences in sedimentation rates were observed in two major vegetation types: dense herbaceous and shrubby vegetation (42.2 kg m‐2 yr‐1) and floodplain forest (12.7 kg m‐2 yr‐1). However, overbank sedimentation patterns also reflected imbricated hydrosedimentary and biogeomorphological vegetation feedbacks that co‐construct fluvial landforms. The incidence of an El Niño–Southern Oscillation–La Niña episode during the study period on sediment availability and floodplain sedimentation suggests that within whitewater rivers, where suspended sediment concentrations are naturally high, hydrological connectivity seems to be more important for floodplain sedimentation than variations in suspended sediment concentrations. These results may provide a good basis for future biogeomorphological investigation projects using complementary methodologies, in order to better anticipate global change and fluctuations in the occurrence, strength or duration of El Niño–La Niña episodes in the tropical zone and their consequences for flood discharge and sediment dynamics during channel–floodplain exchanges.  相似文献   

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