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番茄是世界范围内广泛需求的作物,番茄制品生产过程中会产生大量的高浓度有机废水。通过分析番茄酱生产废水污染物特性,废水COD浓度大多在800 mg/L~1 300 mg/L之间,氮磷含量较低,且可生化性强,适合采用活性污泥法处理。结合工程实例说明,采用活性污泥法为核心的改进工艺——逐减曝气法处理番茄酱生产废水能有效去除污染物,COD去除率达91.50%,SS去除率达82.92%,且系统出水水质稳定,运行费用低,运行管理简单,是番茄制品(及相似)生产废水处理的有效工艺。更多还原  相似文献   

采用活性污泥法—水解酸化—MBR组合工艺处理某制药企业高浓度难降解生产废水,试验结果表明:出水CODCr在适宜的生化温度条件下只能达到当前800mg/L的排放标准。组合工艺出水中残留有机污染物主要为苯环、杂环和C18~28直链烃等难降解有机污染物。这些有机污染物主要来自生产原料和生产反应中间产物,但也有少数物质是在工段废水排放时由可生物降解物质混合反应而生成。因此应提高生产原料的回收率,同时对工段废水的排放方式进行优化组合。  相似文献   

EOW—MBR组合工艺处理偏二甲肼废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用EOW-MBR组合工艺处理偏二甲肼废水,并与MBR工艺的单独处理效果进行对比。结果表明:EOW-MBR组合工艺对偏二甲肼废水有良好的处理效果,在原水COD_(Cr)为800~1000 mg/L,偏二甲肼为300 mg/L的条件下,组合工艺出水COD_(Cr)为55 mg/L,偏二甲肼为0.3~1.5 mg/L,COD_(Cr)处理结果优于《航天推进剂水污染物排放标准》(GB 14374-93)要求,偏二甲肼处理结果接近GB 14374-93要求。而采用MBR工艺单独处理时,出水COD_(Cr)在90 mg/L左右,偏二甲肼在45 mg/L左右。处理结果与组合工艺相比较差,尤其是偏二甲肼远远超过GB 14374-93排放要求。  相似文献   

碱渣废水水量少、污染负荷高,是炼油行业高浓度、难降解有机废水.研究了铁铜微电解工艺对碱渣废水处理效果,结果表明:当初始pH为5,曝气时间为8 h,填料填充率为35%时,微电解工艺对COD_(Cr)和色度的去除效率分别达到60%和91%,出水BOD/COD提高至0.44,从而满足后续生化处理的水质需求.GC-MS图谱表明:废水中有机物在微电解工艺中得到有效削减.微电解工艺处理碱渣可行性高,出水水质得到有效改善,降低了炼油厂排放的污染物负荷.  相似文献   

有机毒物污染点源废水排放控制和风险管理的现状与建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
述评了北美和欧洲国家以及我国在有机毒物污染点源废水排放控制和风险管理领域的进展现状。目前国内外常用的废水特征化学污染物法并不能有效控制组分复杂有毒废水中的有机毒物排放。同时采用全废水毒性法 ,可弥补这一缺陷 ,能有效控制有机毒物的排放。最后 ,就我国研究和应用全废水毒性法控制富含有机毒物的废水排放提出了建议  相似文献   

用水解酸化工艺预处理齐鲁石化氯碱厂所排放的氯碱废水,试验结果表明:水解酸化反应器中COD去除率在20%~34%之间,挥发酸(VFA)质量浓度呈逐步升高的趋势,ρ(BOD)/ρ(COD)的出水值比进水值平均提高了27%,改善了废水的可生化性,多种复杂有机污染物可得到有效降解,为后继的好氧处理提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

三峡库区食品工业园区废水处理关键技术研究与示范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对三峡库区食品工业园区榨菜生产过程中产生的高盐高氮磷高浓度有机废水对普通微生物的抑制,处理难度大,有效技术缺乏的问题,采用清洁生产、物化、生物处理相结合的技术路线,突破了6项关键技术,研发出高盐废水全程污染物削减集成技术与方案,以及高盐/超高盐高氮磷榨菜废水处理关键技术与成套工艺等主要成果,建立了中试基地和示范工程,出水水质可达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)和《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)标准,实现了高盐榨菜废水的高效低成本处理,为库区榨菜产业规模化发展提供了支撑。  相似文献   

宁夏某制药公司扩建生产线后新增废水120 m~3/d,排放的生产废水具有COD高,成分复杂,可生化性差等特点。针对上述废水的特点,采用了预处理+生化处理+深度处理的组合工艺;预处理采用溶气气浮+Fe/C微电解+Fenton氧化+混凝沉淀工艺,生化处理采用水解酸化池+ABR+A/O工艺,深度处理采用一体化环形氧化混凝沉淀池+砂滤罐工艺。工程实践表明,出水各种污染物指标均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)一级排放标准,处理效果稳定。  相似文献   

洪涛  何晓蕾  张毅 《给水排水》2021,47(6):86-91
为了解焦化废水中特征有机污染物组成及其在生物流化床工艺各个阶段的降解特性,采用全二维气相色谱(GC×GC)技术,对不同处理阶段的焦化废水进行了检测,解析了其特征有机污染物的组成和降解规律.结果 显示,焦化废水中主要存在有十三大类的特征有机污染物,经两级缺氧和两级好氧处理后所有物质都有所降解但发生的阶段不同,酚类、吡啶类、有机腈类、萘啶类、三唑类、吲哚类物质的降解在缺氧和好氧阶段都有发生,但是喹啉类、咪唑类、酰胺类、酮类、有机胺类的降解主要发生在好氧阶段,明确了各物质在缺氧好氧阶段的不同降解特性.  相似文献   

采用两相厌氧+好氧工艺处理高浓度糖蜜废水,废水先进入自制的内循环厌氧产氢反应器,然后进入IC反应器产甲烷,最终进入生物膜反应器。结果表明,在进水COD为(7 800±100)mg/L,当产氢相有机负荷为90kg/(m~3·d),产甲烷相有机负荷为7.9kg/(m~3·d)和生物膜反应器的有机负荷为0.39kg/(m~3·d)时,整个工艺出水COD最低达到81.41mg/L,达到制糖工业水污染物排放标准。此时,产氢相产氢量和产甲烷量分别为20L/d和3L/d;产甲烷相产甲烷量为69.3L/d;系统总产热量高达99kJ/L。高通量测定结果表明,产氢相以Clostridium sp.和Ethanoligenens sp.为主;产甲烷相以Clostridium sp.和Methanobacterium sp.为主。两相厌氧+好氧工艺处理高浓度糖蜜废水不仅可使出水COD低于100mg/L,实现废水的达标排放,还能产生很高的热量,同时实现废水的无害化和资源化。  相似文献   

武汉晒湖地区城市污水水质特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对武汉晒湖地区的城市污水水质进行了8个月的监测,结果表明各污染物指标各月的逐时变化规律具有各自的相似性,有机污染物浓度偏低且非溶解性有机物所占比例为50%左右,雨天COD,BOD和SS指标值有大幅度提高。根据该污水水质特征现状,黄家湖污水处理厂可采用生物除磷脱氮工艺或化学一级强化后续生态单元的处理工艺。  相似文献   

Ruthenium-based catalysts were prepared by a saturation-dip method. Their catalytic activity was evaluated by a catalytic wet oxidation (CWO) process. The ruthenium-based catalysts were used to purify organic pharmaceutical wastewater with high concentration pyridine and pyridine derivatives that have high chemical oxygen demand (COD). In the CWO process, organic pharmaceutical wastewater was continuously pumped into fixed-bed reactors filled with Ru-based catalysts, while the organic components in wastewater were catalytically degraded by oxygen at high temperatures and pressures (temperature, 170-300 degrees C; pressure, 1.0-10 MPa). The experimental results showed that the prepared catalysts could effectively purify pharmaceutical wastewater with high concentration organic components, which are difficult to degrade biochemically, and that the removal rates of both COD and total nitrogen were over 99%.  相似文献   

Septic wastewater, characterised by the appearance of sulphide, is known to cause problems in sewage systems (corrosion and odour), at treatment plants (e.g. inhibition, sludge bulking) and for human beings (toxicity). Sulphide formation in sewers may be prevented by increasing the redox potential, either by oxygen/air injection (aerobic conditions) or dosage of nitrate (anoxic conditions). The effect on the nitrification capacity in a biofilm process of an anoxic wastewater as compared to a septic wastewater has been studied. The main change in wastewater quality as a result of nitrate dosage is reduced concentrations of organic matter and insignificant sulphide concentrations. The results show that a sulphide concentration of 0.5 mg/1 had a considerable negative effect on the nitrification activity. The sulphide and the higher concentrations of organic matter in the septic wastewater caused together a 30–40% reduction of the nitrification capacity as compared to the anoxic wastewater, even with pre-aeration and pre-precipitation with Fe3+. The removal of organic matter in the sewer as a result of the anoxic conditions created by the addition of nitrate, resulted in a maximum nitrification capacity when particulate organic matter was removed by pre-precipitation.  相似文献   

通过正交实验研究改性粉煤灰处理氨氮废水的吸附条件。实验结果表明:改性粉煤灰对氨氮的吸附条件重要性依次为pH值、投加量、吸附时间、氨氮废水的浓度;当改性粉煤灰投加量为6g(50mL氨氮废水),初始氨氮浓度为10mg/L,pH值为3,振荡时间为30 min的条件下,氨氮的去除率最好为94.53%。  相似文献   

Many small-size wastewater treatment plants in Korea's rural communities are designed to remove organic and suspended matter only, and they generally show a large fluctuation in the influent loading compared to municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs). They also have no professional engineers stationed for efficient operation against mechanical breakdown. For those reasons, the wastewater treatment plants have low efficiency in treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as organic matter. In order to solve those problems, this study developed an automatic control system and RMS (remote monitoring system), which can keep efficiency stable despite any change in the small plants' loading rates and are capable of removing nutrient materials such as nitrogen or phosphorus. According to the results of the Experimental SBR system of the automatic control program, complete nitrification was made under oxic conditions and denitrification occurred as NO3-N concentration decreased by 0.5 mg/l in anoxic conditions and excellent nitrogen removal efficiency was seen generally. The Experimental SBR system created "phosphate release and uptake" effectively and displayed phosphate-removing efficiency up to more than 80% as the concentration of effluent was kept low by 0.4 mg/l. RMS developed in this study transmits a plant's data and operation states to clients in remote locations in real-time interval through the Internet. Therefore, although you are in a remote location, it allows you to see if a plant is properly operated or there is any breakdown.  相似文献   

石灰法处理甲醛废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用石灰法处理甲醛废水,取得了良好的效果。结果表明:石灰法能有效降低甲醛废水中的甲醛浓度。在合适的反应条件下,降解甲醛浓度为2001.5mg/L、CODCr为3019mg/L的甲醛废水,反应90min后,能使甲醛和CODCr的去除率分别达99.93%和5.58%。石灰投加量、反应温度、水样pH、水样起始甲醛浓度对最终处理效果都有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

Nitrification is a key step for reliable biological nitrogen removal. In order to enhance nitrification in the activated sludge (AS) process, membrane-attached biofilm (MAB) was incorporated in a conventional activated sludge tank. Simultaneous organic carbon removal and nitrification of the MAB incorporated activated sludge (AS + MAB) process was investigated with continuous wastewater treatment. The effluent TOC concentration of AS and the AS + MAB processes were about 6.3 mg/L and 7.9 mg/L, respectively. The TOC removal efficiency of both AS and AS + MAB were above 95% during the wastewater treatment, indicating excellent organic carbon removal performance in both processes. Little nitrification occurred in the AS process. On the contrary, successful nitrification was obtained with the AS + MAB process with nitrification efficiency of about 90%. The volumetric and surface nitrification rates were about 0.14 g/Ld and 6.5 g/m2d, respectively. The results clearly demonstrated that nitrification in the conventional AS process was boosted by MAB. Furthermore, the microfaunal population in the AS + MAB process was different from that in the AS process. The high concentration of rotifers in the AS + MAB process was expected to decrease the generation of excess sludge in the process.  相似文献   

Shortcut nitrification has been successfully applied in a laboratory scale nitrification-denitrification process consisting of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and an aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) in treating synthetic and municipal wastewater to simultaneously remove organic carbon and nitrogen. For the treatment of synthetic wastewater, the combined system exhibited a high TOC removal of 98% with a steady ammonia removal efficiency of about 98% in the MBR and a total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency of 90%. In treating municipal wastewater, due to its low COD concentration, removal efficiencies of TOC, ammonia and TN were 70%, 98% and 60%, respectively. The biogas production was around 76.4 L/m3 wastewater when treating synthetic wastewater. However, little biogas was produced when treating municipal wastewater which was the result of low organic carbon loading to the UASB. Energy analysis has demonstrated that this novel shortcut nitrification process could consume less energy than a conventional process and have the potential of bio-energy generation via biogas production thus helping to achieve a more favorable energy balance.  相似文献   

首先在(35±0.1)℃水温条件下,采用静态试验装置测定硝基苯缺氧反硝化的pH值以及理论COD质量浓度与NOx--N(包括NO3--N和NO2--N)质量浓度的比值w,然后参考这些参数,利用动态试验装置(水温为35℃左右)研究NO2--N质量浓度对硝基苯降解的影响和反硝化处理硝基苯废水的实际运行效果。结果表明:6.0~8.0范围内的pH值和NO2--N质量浓度对硝基苯缺氧反硝化去除效果都没有显著影响;在硝基苯质量浓度不超过60 mg/L、w约为0.23的情况下,废水中的硝基苯能得到有效降解。  相似文献   

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