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介绍了硫酸行业及装置运行现状,详述优化工艺流程、提高催化剂性能等源头控制技术及钠碱法工艺、石灰/石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺、氨法脱硫工艺、氧化镁法脱硫工艺、活性焦法脱硫工艺、新型催化法脱硫工艺、离子液循环吸收法脱硫工艺等末端治理技术的应用进展,探讨了各种技术的优缺点,并指出硫酸尾气治理的发展方向。  相似文献   

以火电厂脱硫石膏为原料,采用常压酸化法制备高品质硫酸钙晶须。利用XRD、TG、显微图像仪等对其进行表征,系统分析了原料预处理前后硫酸浓度、脱硫石膏质量浓度和硫酸循环使用对硫酸钙晶须的影响。结果表明,脱硫石膏进行预处理可将部分杂质(如CaCO3、Al2O3等)脱除,预处理后的脱硫石膏颜色明显变浅,制备的硫酸钙晶须长径比增加、形貌均匀。当硫酸浓度为2 mol/L、脱硫石膏质量浓度为10 g/L时,硫酸钙晶须呈纤维状、尺寸均匀、长径比较大。硫酸循环使用2次,硫酸钙晶须形貌依然较好、尺寸均匀。  相似文献   

从“七五”排烟脱硫技术研究中得到的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍国内火电厂排烟脱硫技术研究情况,并进行技术经济比较。微波法煤炭脱硫,高硫煤强磁分离脱硫和电子束辐照法脱硫脱硝技术尚不具备推广应用前景;炉内直接喷射吸着剂烟气脱硫技术,有待于在脱硫率和钙硫比方面的较大突破;旋转喷雾干法烟气脱硫尚须解决喷雾器的性能问题;石灰石石膏法应解决脱硫渣石膏的利用问题,以提高其生命力;至于磷铵肥法和碱式硫酸铝法在治理SO_2污染的同时能充分回收硫资源,在进一步完善之后,具有广阔发展前景。  相似文献   

左鹏 《硫酸工业》2014,(2):44-48
介绍了湿式循环氧化镁法烟气脱硫副产硫酸技术的工艺流程、特点及运行经济性分析。以4×300 MW发电机组为例,对湿式循环氧化镁法脱硫工艺和石灰石-石膏法的运行经济指标进行比较。采用湿式循环氧化镁法烟气脱硫副产硫酸技术可使制酸成本下降74.4元/t。  相似文献   

武春锦  吕武华  梅毅  俞宝根 《化工进展》2015,34(12):4368-4374
随着我国经济快速发展,煤炭、石油等化石燃料消耗持续增长,雾霾天气频繁出现,酸雨区域面积不断扩大。针对二氧化硫排放对环境生态的压力徒增的现状,本文简要介绍了干法、半干法和湿法烟气脱硫技术工艺及其优缺点,讨论了石灰石-石膏法、钠碱法、氨法、镁法、有机胺法、海水法、磷矿浆法等湿法烟气脱硫技术的优缺点,重点阐述了新型磷矿浆脱硫法及其脱硫机理,比较了不同湿法脱硫技术的特点和应用范围,进行了磷矿浆与钠法、石灰石-石膏法与镁法湿法烟气脱硫技术经济性分析。分析表明,磷矿浆湿法烟气脱硫运行成本最低,其回收的二氧化硫催化氧化为硫酸后进入磷化工产业链,替代了部分硫酸原料,无副产物,没有二次污染,适用于具有磷矿生产的企业和园区。该技术原理可以推广到湿法冶金企业。  相似文献   

结合国内钙法烟气脱硫技术和湿法磷酸生产技术的特点,首次提出新的钙法脱硫技术即"磷矿石—磷酸—石膏法"。介绍了新钙法脱硫技术的反应机理、主要工艺过程和指标控制,分析了其工艺过程与典型的"石灰石—石膏法"脱硫技术、湿法磷酸生产等的不同之处,认为采用"磷矿石—磷酸—石膏法"烟气脱硫技术,既可达到良好的脱硫效果,又可充分利用其中的硫资源提取磷矿石中的P2O5,符合低碳环保、循环经济和可持续发展战略,值得研发和拓展。  相似文献   

燃煤烟气中的SO2是中国目前最主要的SO2污染来源,而烟气脱硫是直接、有效消减SO2排放量不可替代的技术,是中国防治SO2污染的有效途径。在众多烟气脱硫工艺中,湿式石灰石-石膏法以其稳定、高效等优点成为世界上应用最广泛的脱硫工艺,但是这种工艺会产生大量副产物——脱硫石膏。  相似文献   

1.氨法脱硫技术目前我国大型火电机组中,其烟气脱硫设备几乎全部采用石灰石——石膏法脱硫工艺,产生的石膏综合利用压力不断增大,脱硫废水难以有效处理。近期化工行业推出一种烟气脱硫新技术——氨法脱硫。该技术以其脱硫效率高、无二次污染、可资源化等独特优势备受关注。  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉烟气氨法脱硫技术概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了氨法脱硫的原理、主要的脱硫工艺以及实际应用情况。实践表明,大型锅炉采用氨法脱硫效率高,投资省,用电量少,可生产硫酸或硫酸铵。烟气即使不降温,直接进入脱硫塔,也可达到较高的脱硫效率。通过对多种工艺的比较,为燃煤烟气脱硫技术的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

何启贤 《广州化工》2016,(4):124-126
分析了石灰-石膏法脱硫技术在回转窑烟气处理方面的应用。对不同烟气脱硫技术进行分析比较,认为石灰-石膏湿法脱硫工艺是当前最合适冶炼企业的低浓度SO2烟气脱硫工艺。并结合某湿法炼锌厂回转窑烟气脱硫工程,阐述了该工艺的基本原理和流程,以及该脱硫工程中主要设备的选型和投产后的处理效果。分析了工程实施后产生的环境效益和社会效益,表明该工艺具有技术成熟,运行可靠,成本相对低廉的特点。  相似文献   

Primers based on the cDNA sequence of the goose growth hormone (GH) gene in GenBank were designed to amplify exon 2 of the GH gene in Huoyan goose. A total of 552 individuals were brooded in one batch and raised in Liaoning and Jiangsu Provinces, China. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of exon 2 in the GH gene were detected by the polymerase chain reaction (single strand conformation polymorphism method). Homozygotes were subsequently cloned, sequenced and analyzed. Two SNP mutations were detected, and 10 genotypes (referred to as AA, BB, CC, DD, AB, AC, AD, BC, BD and CD) were obtained. Allele D was predominant, and the frequencies of the 10 genotypes fit the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the male, female and whole populations according to the chi-square test. Based on SNP types, the 10 genotypes were combined into three main genotypes. Multiple comparisons were carried out between different genotypes and production traits when the geese were 10 weeks old. Some indices of production performance were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with the genotype. Particularly, geese with genotype AB or BB were highly productive. Thus, these genotypes may serve as selection markers for production traits in Huoyan geese.  相似文献   

概述了微乳液形成及稳定机理以及影响微乳液形成及稳定的因素和表征手段;介绍了农药微乳剂的配方组成及质量指标,列举了国内研究者目前在农药微乳剂形成及稳定方面取得的成果,并分析了当前农药微乳剂研究开发中存在的问题,同时对今后农药微乳剂的发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

目的研究大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌的耐药性变迁。方法对2007~2009年临床分离的大肠埃希菌(645株)、肺炎克雷伯菌(260株)和阴沟肠杆菌(150株),采用纸片扩散法进行体外药敏测定,并依据美国临床实验室标准化协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute,CLSI)规定的标准,分析3种肠杆菌科细菌的耐药性变迁。结果大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌对氨苄西林的耐药率均较高;对头孢他啶的耐药率低于头孢噻肟;与2007年比较,2008年和2009年对头孢吡肟的耐药率明显增长;未发现对亚胺培南耐药菌株的产生。结论细菌耐药性不断增强已成为临床治疗面临的重要难题,应从耐药监测、医院感染控制、合理使用抗生素等多方面努力,减少细菌耐药性的产生。  相似文献   

Manvers weakly-coking coal was pyrolysed to 500 °C in a stirred autoclave under varying pressures of hydrogen and nitrogen. As expected the major changes produced by increase in nitrogen pressure were a decrease in tar yield accompanied by increases in gas and, to a smaller extent, in coke yields. Total pressures and hydrogen :coal ratios were altered to obtain maximum yields of tar, gases and liquor. All products were investigated. Tar fractions, separated into neutral, phenolic and basic components, were analysed by g.c.-m.s. Short-chain hydrocarbons were detected in the gas sample. Methanol densities and micropore surface areas the cokes were related to the conditions of pyrolysis. At the relatively low rates of heating employed, pressure had effects on tar composition similar to increasing the temperature of pyrolysis.  相似文献   

目的研究狂犬病病毒(rabies virus,RV)aG株糖蛋白(glycoprotein,GP)的遗传稳定性,并对GP基因组进行序列测定及生物信息学分析。方法采用RT-PCR法扩增6代次aG株RV(4aGV4、4aGV5、4aGV7、4aGV11、4a-GV15、4aGV18)G区基因,分别将产物克隆入pGEM-T载体中,测定序列并进行拼接;测定6代次aG株RV的滴度、荧光滴度和毒力;应用DNAStar和Mega4.0软件包中的相应软件对基因组序列进行分析,并与我国近期分离且具有地域代表性的RV街毒株进行基因同源性分析。结果 6代次aG株RV GP基因保持高度稳定,未出现核苷酸突变位点;6代次aG株RV的滴度有所不同,但其毒力指标基本一致;RV aG株与我国街毒流行株GP抗原区具有较高的同源性,且膜外区同源性远高于跨膜区及膜内区;aG株RV第147位关键位点氨基酸与街毒流行株该位点不同,其余各关键抗原位点在各毒株间均高度同源;6代次aG株RV关键毒力位点均未出现氨基酸突变,传代稳定,aG株RV与各街毒流行株关键毒力位点均高度同源;aG株病毒信号肽结构与我国多株流行株高度同源,而其GP则与法国巴斯德原株PV2061株及分离自美国的HEP-Flury株高度同源,与我国流行街毒株亦具有较高的同源性。结论 RV aG株GP遗传稳定,且与我国近期分离的街毒株高度同源,本研究为完善该毒株的质量控制及全面评价其在我国的适用性提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

Bio-based nanocomposite latexes were prepared by emulsification–diffusion method. Two kinds of silicate, sodium and organo-modified montmorillonites, were compared and clay concentrations were varied at 1–6 wt%. The resultant particles were characterized in terms of particle size, particle morphology, and zeta potential. Silicate dispersion in the polymer matrix was evaluated by X-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy, while thermal properties of the resultant nanocomposite films were also investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry. The average particle sizes of the emulsions were found in the range of 20–30 μm, whereas zeta potentials of the particles were obtained in the range from −37 to −60 mV, depending on the silicate type and content. X-ray diffraction patterns combined with micrographs indicated that the silicates were effectively distributed in the polymer matrix where extensive exfoliation and partial intercalation were present. Thermal properties of the nanocomposite films were significantly improved compared to those of the unfilled film. Thermal stability tended to increase in accordance with clay content for both types of silicate, in which the highest shift of degradation temperature was obtained with the sodium montmorillonite filled nanocomposite film at the maximum loading content (6 wt%).  相似文献   

苯胺类物质属有毒、高致癌的有机化合物,易造成环境危害,是优先控制污染物之一,因此,测定环境中苯胺类化合物至关重要。本文通过在对水、大气和土壤三类不同环境样品中苯胺类物质检测方法及其优缺点进行现状分析的基础上,论述检测方法的研究进展状况,并对今后的研究倾向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The lipid composition of pig liver has been determined. The principal glycerolipids, i.e., triglycerides, phosphatdyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl inositol, were isolated and the positional distribution of fatty acids in each determined by stereospecific analysis procedures. Previous results for the triglycerides were confirmed, while the phospholipids were similar in structure to those found in most other animal livers. The triglycerides were separated into simpler molecular species by combinations of silver nitrate thin layer chromatography and high temperature gas liquid chromatography, but the proportions found did not agree well with those calculated assuming a 1-random, 2-random, 3-random arrangement. The phospholipids were hydrolyzed with phospholipase C and converted to diglyceride acetates that were fractionated into simpler molecular species by the same procedures as were used with triglycerides. Highly specific fatty acid combinations were found in molecular species, and these specificities were very similar to those reported in similar lipids from the livers of such disparate species as the rat and chicken.  相似文献   

我国生物源及矿物源农药应用发展现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王以燕  袁善奎  吴厚斌  郑尊涛  姜辉 《农药》2012,51(5):313-316,322
生物源及矿物源农药均属于低风险的天然源农药,毒性较低,对环境相对友好。简要介绍了国内外关于生物源农药的定义和范畴以及国内生物源及矿物源农药的登记情况、使用情况、质量标准化建设情况等,并探讨了我国生物源农药产业发展过程中应关注的相关问题。  相似文献   

The fused deposition of ceramics (FDC) technique was used to fabricate piezoelectric ceramic skeletons for the development of piezoelectric composite transducers with 2–2 connectivity for medical imaging. The green parts were designed to have 30 vol% lead zirconate titanate ceramic (PZT-5H) in the final composites. Physical characterization of the sintered samples revealed that 96% of the theoretical density was achieved. Optical microscopy showed that defects due to the FDC mode of deposition, such as small roads and bubbles, were eliminated, because of improvements in powder processing. The electromechanical properties of the final composites were similar to the properties that were obtained for conventionally made composites. A matching layer and a backing layer, as well as wires and an inductor, were added to each FDC composite to fabricate a functional medical imaging transducer. The devices were tested in water using a steel target 3.5 cm thick. Echoes from the target could be detected with all the transducers that were fabricated using FDC. The sensitivities of the transducers were similar to that of a commercial transducer. However, the ringing was much longer than that for a commercial transducer, because the backing layer was not optimized in the transducers that were fabricated using FDC.  相似文献   

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