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试验研究溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR)气密层胶料关键性能的影响因素。结果表明:不添加硫化树脂的胶料拉伸强度稍低,但层间粘合强度较高;RD和4010NA等胺类防老体剂会导致胶料门尼粘度随储存时间的延长而不同程度地增大;胶料的自粘性会随放置时间的延长有所下降;帘布顺向成型会得到较高的层间粘合强度。  相似文献   

研究了粘合增进剂AIR-1在载重斜交轮胎9.00-2016PR缓冲胶、胎体外层帘布胶和内层帘布胶中的应用效果。试验结果表明,加入5份粘合增进剂AIR-1,可明显提高胶料与帘线之间的H抽出力和粘合强度以及胶料的热老化性能,提高成品轮胎帘布层间的粘合强度的耐久性,并可降低胶料成本。  相似文献   

蒋琦 《轮胎工业》2012,32(6):354-356
研究填充高用量白炭黑的钢丝帘布胶配方。试验结果表明:与普通炭黑配方胶料相比,通过采用以天然橡胶为主体材料的高用量白炭黑钢丝帘布胶配方,并调整混炼工艺,胶料的门尼粘度和粘合性能基本相当,生热降低,帘布胶的表面粘性较好;成品轮胎的耐久性能明显提高。  相似文献   

探讨空气弹簧胶囊帘线与橡胶的粘合性能。结果表明,帘线与氯丁橡胶(CR)胶料粘合强度由大到小的顺序为锦纶、聚酯和芳纶;胶料与帘线粘合强度由大到小的顺序为天然橡胶(NR)胶料、硫黄调节型CR胶料和非硫黄调节型CR胶料;覆胶锦纶帘布和聚酯帘布耐屈挠脱层性能良好。  相似文献   

胶料自粘性影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李花婷 《轮胎工业》1998,18(12):731-735
根据胶料自粘性的形成过程,通过门尼粘度、粘合强度、界面粘合强度和强伸性能的测定,分析了影响三大通用橡胶自粘性的因素。SBR自粘性差的重要因素是分子的扩散能力小,其次是粘滞阻力低;BR自粘性差的决定性因素是粘滞阻力低,扩散能力只是其必要条件。增粘剂TKO和TKB对SBR和BR的增粘效果不同  相似文献   

研究反式异戊橡胶在载重斜交轮胎胎体胶中的应用。结果表明:用反式异戊橡胶等量取代天然橡胶,可以降低胶料的生热,提高胶料的耐屈挠性能和耐磨性能,对胶料其它物理性能影响不大;成品轮胎帘布层间的粘合强度较高,超过国家标准要求。  相似文献   

黄勤  王洁  陶建伶 《轮胎工业》2011,31(6):358-360
研究低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶(LCBR)A50RE等量完全替代BR9000在斜交轮胎胎侧胶中的应用效果。结果表明:与BR9000胶料相比,LCBR A50RE胶料的门尼粘度稍高,焦烧时间略短,撕裂强度和动态性能较好,拉伸强度、耐老化性能和耐屈挠性能等性能相当,耐磨性能较差;试验轮胎胎侧与胎体帘布层间的粘合强度比生产轮胎稍高,耐久性能相当,生产成本降低。  相似文献   

蒋化学  韦春利  何晓东 《轮胎工业》2019,39(8):0484-0486
研究粘合树脂SL-3006在轮胎外层帘布胶中的应用。结果表明,以粘合树脂SL-3006替代间苯二酚,胶料的硫化特性、物理性能和耐老化性能基本相同,成品轮胎的耐久性能、高速性能和帘布层间粘合强度相当,同时具有较好的经济效益和环保性。  相似文献   

蒋化学 《轮胎工业》2007,27(4):230-232
试验研究间-甲粘合体系在斜交轮胎缓冲层和外层帘布胶中的应用.结果表明,在斜交轮胎缓冲胶和外层帘布胶中加入间-甲粘合体系,可以明显提高硫化胶的粘合性能,对物理性能影响不大;能够提高成品轮胎的耐久性能、速度性能及帘布层间粘合强度,减少帘布层脱层问题.  相似文献   

李鹏  崔晓  吕丹丹  董凌波 《橡胶科技》2020,18(5):0262-0265
研究钢丝帘布停放时间、钢丝粘合胶混炼工序加硫温度和钢丝帘布压延温度对胶料中游离硫含量以及钢丝帘布表面粘合性能和剥离力的影响。结果表明:胶料中游离硫含量高会造成喷霜,从而导致钢丝帘布表面粘合性能降低;在低温下停放时,钢丝帘布停放时间对胶料中游离硫含量影响不大,但钢丝帘布表面因受到氧化导致其粘合性能降低,停放时间对钢丝帘布间的剥离力基本没有影响;钢丝粘合胶混炼工序中加硫温度必须控制在90~100℃范围内;压延温度低于100℃时,钢丝帘布胶中游离硫含量变化不大,钢丝帘布表面粘合性能基本不变,压延温度高于100℃时,钢丝帘布胶中游离硫含量快速增大,钢丝帘布表面粘合性能降低,钢丝帘布压延供胶温度应控制在85~95℃范围内。  相似文献   

选择实验室自制有机蒙脱土(OMMT),采用机械共混法制备了溴化丁基橡胶/三元乙丙橡胶/OMMT(BIIR/EPDM/OMMT)纳米复合材料。利用X射线衍射分析(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜分析(SEM)考察了复合材料的亚微观结构,表明成功制备出了BIIR/EPDM/OMMT纳米复合材料;不同OMMT含量的复合材料的力学性能测试结果表明:当OMMT用量为5份时,拉伸强度和撕裂强度分别提高了44%和43%;另外对纳米复合材料的硫化特性及表观交联密度进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the utilization of a biological reinforcement in an area of an adhesive layer. An advantage of the biological reinforcement application is a simplification of following recyclation of adhesive bonds comparing to those with carbon and glass fibre based reinforcements. Biocomposites combining the biological reinforcement with an inorganic adhesive can be used in the area of connecting materials by means of the adhesive bonding technology. This study was focused on the analysis of an adhesive bond strength when the bonds were reinforced with biological fabric such as jute, flax and cotton. It evaluates the quality of the adhesive layer by means of SEM. The aim of this experiment was to describe an influence of the biological reinforcement in the form of fabric on the adhesive bond strength loaded with various loading speeds from 0.5 to 300 mm/min. The experimental part is devoted to the research on the influence of added fabrics of the natural origin on the shear strength of the adhesive bond which is prepared with the polymer adhesive. The experiment results proved a benefit of the reinforcing biological fabric in the layer of the adhesive. The reinforcement of the adhesive bond with the layer of the flax and the cotton showed in the positive way with the increase of the adhesive bond strength up of ca. 50%. The biological reinforcement was not fully wetted with the resin which did not considerably influence the adhesive bond strength.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the design of dismantlable polyurethane adhesives and dismantling method. To study the dismantlement property of dismantlable polyurethane adhesive by controlling thermal property, we synthesized polyurethane adhesive with various hard segment contents and used thermally expansive microcapsules. The dismantlement of bonded adherend was caused by the expansion of the adhesive layer with the expansion of the thermally expansive microcapsule and softening of the adhesive. For the dismantlement of bonded adherend, the adhesive is needed to have low storage modulus at the expansion temperature of thermally expansive microcapsule. High storage modulus of the adhesive was good for the bonding strength but not for dismantlability. In our study, the dismantlability became better as the hard segment content of adhesive decreased and the bonding strength and heat-resistance were excellent when the hard segment content was more than 25% because of high storage modulus and physical property. Consequently, optimum hard segment content was 25%, which showed excellent adhesion strength and dismantlement of bonded adherend was possible with microwave treatment for 4 min. Using zinc oxide with high dielectric constant could shorten microwave treatment time needed for the dismantlement of the bonded adherend to 3?min by enhancing the heating efficiency of the adhesive.  相似文献   

利用动态硫化法制备尼龙(PA)6/溴化丁基橡胶(BⅡR)合金,通过对其拉伸强度、冲击强度及熔体流动速率(MFR)等性能进行测试,讨论了马来酸酐(MAH)对合金力学性能和流动性能的影响,通过扫描电子显微镜观察合金冲击断面的形貌。结果表明,当MAH的含量为0.5份时,合金的力学性能和流动性能最好,此时的拉伸强度为19.8 MPa,断裂伸长率为15%,缺口冲击强度为26.1 kJ/m2,MFR为0.15 g/(10 min)。该合金可以作为阻气材料的衬里使用。  相似文献   

探讨补强剂种类和用量对酚醛树脂硫化BIIR胶料性能的影响。结果表明,炭黑N330、N660和气相法白炭黑对酚醛树脂硫化BIIR胶料均有较好的补强效果,补强剂用量为60份时BIIR胶料的综合物理性能较好;炭黑N330补强BIIR胶料的耐热老化和抗溶胀性能最好。  相似文献   

Measurement of tack of EPDM (ethylene-propylenediene terpolymer) rubber with natural rubber (NR) of four different molecular weights, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), butadiene rubber (BR), bromobutyl rubber (BIIR), and polychloroprene rubber (CR) was done over a range of rates of testing, contact times, and temperatures of contact. The effect of different additives, namely carbon black, phenol-formaldehyde resin, coumarone-indene resin, and methyl methacrylate is also reported. Green strength of all the rubbers was measured. Tack strength increases with increase in contact time for all the rubbers. Adhesive tack between EPDM and low-molecular-weight NR is much higher than that between EPDM and NR of high molecular weight. Tack strength of EPDM with BIIR is the highest among the tack values obtained for synthetic rubbers. The adhesive tack between EPDM and natural/ synthetic rubber passes through a maximum when plotted against temperature of contact. It increases with testing rate. All these phenomena could be explained in terms of interdiffusion of rubber chains under different conditions and solubility parameter of two contacting rubbers. It was observed that tack strength varies with (contact time)1/2 and (rate)1/2 in accordance with the reptation theory. Phenol-formaldehyde resin (PF) or coumarone-indene (CI) resin in EPDM improves the tack strength quite significantly. The resin in the NR phase does not have a marked effect. The presence of carbon black decreases adhesive tack strength between EPDM and NR. The surface of EPDM, however, becomes smoother with the addition of the additives. Peel tests and commercial tack tests give similar results in the tack strength between EPDM/NR and EPDM/SBR.  相似文献   

有机硅硼改性环氧树脂胶粘剂的研制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以环氧树脂(EP)和有机硅硼改性EP预聚物为主体材料,研制出一种可室温固化、高温使用且固化压力仅为接触压力的胶粘剂。并通过SEM、热重分析法和力学性能测试等手段对该胶粘剂的性能进行了研究。实验结果表明,有机硅硼改性EP预聚物与纯EP相容性很好,有机硅硼的加入明显提高了EP的韧性、耐热性和力学性能(尤其是高温时的剪切强度);当m(EP)∶m(有机硅硼改性EP预聚物)=100∶40时,剪切强度为14.84 MPa(20℃)和4.88 MPa(100℃),与未改性前相比,高温时的强度损失率由改性前的81.0%降低至67.1%;该胶粘剂可在100℃时长期使用,短期可耐150℃的高温。  相似文献   

Coating and laminating processes play an important role in textile industry. They are frequently used to produce fabric laminates during which the physical properties and appearance of textile fabrics are modified and enhanced. Currently, the adhesive property testing of a fabric laminate is done so by the use of pulling test machines such as Universal Tensile Tester, which measures the strength required to peel the tested materials apart. The adhesive test to date has not yet been performed using a newly developed machine, Rigid‐Body Pendulum Rheometer (RPR). This study was to establish a more effective method for fast‐evaluating adhesive properties of fabric laminates by assessing the performance of RPR. Specifically, RPR and Universal Tensile Tester were used to measure, respectively, the viscosity and peeling strength of PET/TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) and nylon/TPU in response to UV exposure and water immersion. RPR can continuously observe and record viscosity behavior of tested samples in various temperature condition including from low temperature to high temperature, it not only measures viscosity speed, it also detects the differences in crosslinking and measures data generated during the softening process when the balanced time was achieved during the oscillations procedure. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 103: 2855–2863, 2007  相似文献   

This work was performed to relate the morphological features and all important properties of the natural rubber (NR) and bromobutyl rubber (BIIR) blends containing hybrid fillers. The BIIR content was varied from 0 to 100 wt%. It is found that tensile and tear strength, hardness as well as resilience of blends tend to decrease with increasing BIIR loading. Regarding the blend morphology, phase inversion is observed when BIIR loading is >50 wt % where BIIR becomes a continuous phase. This result coincides with the marked improvement of thermal stability of the blends determined using thermogravimetric analysis and heat ageing method. Interestingly, that, the gas permeability of blends markedly reduces with an increase in BIIR loading up to 40 wt % when the relatively large elongated particles of BIIR dispersed phase is formed. The results indicate that the relatively large connected structure of the dispersed BIIR can act effectively as a gas barrier. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

本研究对已确定的一种改性双马来酰亚胺胶液加入适量热固性树脂或橡胶,测其粘接强度表明,在一定条件下,粘接性得到了明显改善。文中还对效果较好的体系,进行了添加量、固化温度、被粘材料以及存放时间等因素对粘接性影响的探索。  相似文献   

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