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沁水盆地位于山西省东南部,北纬,东经之间,总面积3万多。沁水盆地煤炭资源量丰富,煤层遍及全盆地,为煤层气的生成提供了充足的气源岩。不过就目前的经济水平和技术条件而言,煤层气的探明和控制储量极低,以预测资源量和远号资源量为主。针对该区这样一种现状,本文将讨论几种煤层含气量的预测方法,并作详细分析和探讨,为进一步的勘探开发做好充分的准备。  相似文献   

正78亿元近日,三项煤层气对外合作项目开发方案获批,总投资额达到了77.9亿元人民币。第一,山西沁水盆地成庄区块煤层气项目本开发方案,建设单位为中国石油天然气集团公司和格瑞克能源(国际)公司,总投资为5.9亿元人民币。第二,鄂尔多斯盆地东缘山西柳林煤层气对外开发方案,建设单位为中联煤层气有限责任公司和富地柳林燃气有限公司,总投资为25.6亿元人民币。第三,山西沁水盆地马必区块南区煤层气开发方案,建设单位为中国石油天然气集团有限公司和亚美大陆煤层气有限公司,总投资为46.4亿元人民币。  相似文献   

胜利油田大北区块的定向井斜井段都在一千米左右,而且地层比较复杂,用常规钻具组合打钻不但进尺很慢,而且井眼轨迹很难控制。如果通过一套钻具组合就能完成从定向到完钻的过程,不但减少了起下钻的次数,降低了井下事故发生的几率,而且还能大大缩短建井周期,本文就笔者在该地区从事定向井施工的经验,结合当地的地层特点情况,使用复合钻钻井技术对这一构思进行实际应用研究,并从钻头、动力钻具等几个方面进行了分析,这对于该区块的定向井施工具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,能源需求迅速增加,开发页岩气受到了国家及相关企业的高度重视。通过对相关文献与资料的研究,表明沁水盆地具有页岩气赋存的地质条件。文章介绍了沁水盆地页岩气的资源状况,总结了山西省多年开采煤层气积累的相当丰富的钻井、完井与采气技术,希望能对页岩气的开采起到借鉴作用,并对气田开发的经济可行性做出了初步评价,同时提出了在开采页岩气过程中注重环境保护的建议。  相似文献   

周军  李晓平  成梦娅  林棋  成龙  宫敬 《化工机械》2013,40(4):420-424
根据物质平衡法建立煤层产气、产水的预测模型,在固定井底流压条件下,采用此方法对我国典型的煤层气区块产能进行了预测,并根据沁水盆地储层参数、井口套压及动液面高度等参数,对比分析了产水量和产气量的实际值与预测值,结果表明:物质平衡方法能粗略预测煤层气产能,对于产气初期的预测误差较大,对稳产期的预测效果较好。  相似文献   

9月25日,由西安长庆科技工程有限责任公司开发设计并制造集成的国内最大处理量煤层气三甘醇脱水装置,在山西沁水盆地煤层气中央处理厂正式联动试车,进气点火一次开车成功。  相似文献   

增压压缩机在我国煤层气开发中占有重要的作用,为更好的开展压缩机选型,本文以山西沁水盆地为例,分析了该盆地煤层气开发的特点,从目前压缩机使用过程中存在的问题着手,提出了往复式压缩机的具体选型、配置和运行管理等措施,以期更好的指导我国煤层气的开发。  相似文献   

在定向井和水平井钻井中,复合钻井技术得到了广泛地运用,复合钻井技术的目标就是要最大限度地发挥螺杆钻具组合的导向能力,提高复合钻进在整个轨迹控制井段钻井进尺的比例,最终达到提高钻井效率的目的。本文从复合钻井钻头侧向力的计算方法、单弯单稳螺杆钻具组合的力学性能分析、现场提高螺杆钻具组合导向能力的方法以及注意事项、认识与结论等方面对该项钻井技术进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   

为探索煤层气地质甜点预测方法,以沁水盆地柿庄南区块为靶区,提出了利用分频属性反演技术和频谱成像技术预测了煤层厚度与含气量,并结合钻井获取的其他煤储层评价参数,采用多层次模糊评价方法预测柿庄南区块3号煤煤层气地质甜点。结果表明,柿庄南区块3号煤层在平面上存在3个地质甜点区,即中部甜点区、东北部甜点区和西部甜点区。与现今煤层气井产量分布对比显示,高产井主要分布在中部甜点区内,低产井绝大多数位于非甜点区。由此可见,柿庄南区块煤层气地质甜点的预测较为准确。  相似文献   

YM2-6井是塔里木油田英买力地区YM2井区的一口长裸眼定向井,井深5910m,裸眼段长达5000m。本文分析了YM2-6长裸眼定向井,由于定向滑动钻进摩阻大,轨迹控制较难;施工中易出现井下复杂等技术难点。钻进过程中通过采取优选钻具组合,调整泥浆性能,优化井眼轨迹控制技术,井下复杂的预防与处理等技术措施,完成该井施工,为今后该地区长裸眼定向井钻井提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

以FCC催化剂颗粒研究垂直筛板流化床内构件对气固两相流化性能的影响,考察了板孔气速、颗粒循环量和帽罩开孔比等筛板结构对流化床压降和提升量强度的影响. 结果表明,气固两相总体逆流流动条件下,帽罩内气速达4 m/s,气固高速并流喷射无气泡,两相接触好、返混小,属快速流态化. 由于没有气泡,床层压力波动小,在塔板上颗粒返混小. 垂直筛板压降随板孔气速、帽罩底隙高度增大而增大,随帽罩开孔比、板孔径增大而减小,颗粒提升量大,床层压降大. 提升量强度随板孔气速、帽罩底隙高度、颗粒循环量增加而增大,随帽罩高度与塔节高度比增大而减少,随帽罩筛孔孔径变化存在最大值. 当帽罩开孔比为1.2~2.5、板孔面积与帽罩截面积比为0.42、帽罩底隙高与板孔孔径比为0.36~0.64时帽罩流化性能较好.  相似文献   

董群  赵玲伶  李楠  刘沙  刘乙兴  白树梁 《化工进展》2012,31(11):2415-2419,2434
在S型垂直筛板流化床中,以FCC催化剂和空气作为流化介质,对垂直筛板流化床的流化性能进行冷模实验研究,考察了板孔气速、固体循环量和帽罩结构对床层压降和帽罩提升量的影响,用提升量收集器测量帽罩提升量。实验结果表明,床层压降随板孔气速和帽罩底隙高度的增加而增加,而随塔板开孔直径、帽罩开孔直径和开孔率的增加而下降。帽罩提升量则随板孔气速、固体循环量、塔板开孔直径及帽罩底隙高度的增加而增加;随帽罩开孔直径的增加,提升量先增加后下降。  相似文献   

王芳  曾玺  王婷婷  王晓蓉  武荣成  许光文 《化工学报》2021,72(12):6131-6143
对比了现有煤热解制油气技术的特点,从反应工程“三传一反”的角度系统分析和概括了煤热解过程中挥发分在颗粒内生成和释放、颗粒间扩散和反应器中停留等关键步骤中的热量、质量传递和挥发分二次反应对油气品质的影响,揭示了目前碎煤热解制油气技术普遍存在的目标产品产率低、品质差、含尘量高等技术难题的根源,并总结出煤定向热解调控的有效措施,即在挥发分生成和半焦缩聚段采用高温加热和快速传递的传热方式,在挥发分扩散过程中利用半焦床层重整焦油和过滤灰尘,在反应器中设置气体通道导流挥发分的定向溢出。针对研究团队前期开发的内构件移动床定向热解理念,介绍了导热板和集气腔等内构件的作用机制,即通过导热板和中心集气腔等内构件进行传热强化、热解气流动的有序引导,实现热量和挥发分的同向扩散和传递;通过移动床中颗粒的缓慢运动和床层的过滤作用除尘;概述了1~5 kg/次基础实验、反应器结构内传热和流动模拟,100 kg/次模试分析和1000 t/a中试验证的研究结果,充分证实了该技术在同步提高油气质量与品质、降低油中尘含量等方面的优势和对碎煤原料的适用性;基于上述研究形成了内构件定向热解技术及基于该技术的热/电-油-气联产技术。  相似文献   

张保庆 《河北化工》2013,(9):89-90,93
基于发生冲击地压、煤与瓦斯突出耦合型灾害情况,以山西某矿11061工作面为例,通过现场调查和数值试验,对底板瓦斯排放孔、底板排粉泄压孔、巷帮卸压抽采孔和煤层注水等关键要害部位提出了具有针对性的灾害防治措施,对该工作面存在的冲击地压危险状态进行了观察分析,提出了预抽采瓦斯和煤层注水的解决方案,为有效治理耦合型煤与瓦斯动力灾害提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMany different types of reactors,for example,fixed bed,moving bed,fluidized bed and spoutedbed,have been used in industrial production and laboratory in research studies.Althougheach of these coal gasifiers has its own specific advantages,there exists,generally speaking,certainwaste gas in product gas because of the direct burning of coal with oxygen or air to provide heatneeded in the endothermic process of coal gasification in gasifiers.A new type of moving bed  相似文献   

Jet penetration depth in a two-dimensional spout-fluid bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The jet penetration depth was proposed to be an important parameter to describe the jet action during the chemical process of spout-fluid bed coal gasification. A two-dimensional cold model of a spout-fluid bed coal gasifier with its cross section of and height of 2000 mm was established to investigate the jet penetration depth. Four types of Geldart group D particles were used as bed materials. A multi-channel pressure sampling system and a high-resolution digital CCD camera were employed for experimental investigations. The effects of spouting gas velocity, spout nozzle diameter, static bed height, particle property and fluidizing gas flow rate on the jet penetration depth have been systematically studied by pressure signal analysis and image processing. Experimental results indicate that the jet penetration depth increases with increasing spouting gas velocity and spout nozzle diameter, while it decreases with increasing particle density, particle diameter, static bed height and fluidizing gas flow rate. Additional, a new correlation considered all of the above effects especially static bed height and fluidizing gas flow rate, was developed for predicting the jet penetration depth in spout-fluid beds. The correlation was compared with published experimental data or correlations, which was in well agreement with the present experimental results and some other references.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of coal particle size distribution on pressure drop and gas flow distribution through packed coal beds. This fundamental knowledge is helpful in better understanding the operational behaviour of fixed bed dry bottom gasifiers. The Sasol synfuels plants in South Africa use 80 such gasifiers to convert more than 26 million tons of coal per annum to synthesis gas, and ensuring stable operation is of primary importance to ensure high synthesis gas production rates and gasifier availability. Pressure drop measurements on laboratory scale equipment were conducted to investigate the effect of particle size distribution on packed bed pressure drop. The well-known Ergun equation for pressure drop does not accommodate the effect of size distribution on pressure drop. A novel approach was followed to model pressure drop through simulated coal bed structures using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The coal bed structures were simulated by assuming that the coal particles are represented by randomised convex polyhedra in three-dimensional space. The computational space was divided into polyhedra using statistical Voronoi tessellation technique, which have been shown to be versatile in modelling problems in many fields, e.g. filtration, molecular physics, metallurgy, geology, forestry and astrophysics. This approach of flow modelling through packed coal beds is able to accommodate size distribution effects on pressure drop and gas flow distribution. The modelling work shows large deviations from plug flow with broad size distributions. The lowest bed pressure drop with the closest approximation to plug flow is obtained with the narrowest particle size distribution. Low gas flow rates are also beneficial for reducing excessive channel flow. Combustion profiles for different particle size distributions were studied using a pilot scale combustor. The combustion profiles provide confirmation of the CFD modelling results, namely that narrow particle size distributions and low gas flow rates reduce channel burning. Excessive channel burning was observed for broad particle size distributions, and is enhanced by high gas flow rates. The experimental and modelling work which was conducted, clearly indicate that narrow coal particle size distributions are desirable for optimum gas flow distribution and lowest packed bed pressure drop.  相似文献   

Three Canadian coals of different rank were gasified with air‐steam mixtures in a 0.1 m diameter spouted bed reactor at pressures to 292 kPa, average bed temperatures varying between 840 and 960°C, and steam‐to‐coal feed ratios between 0.0 and 2.88. In order to analyze gasifier performance and correlate data, a three‐stage model has been developed incorporating instantaneous devolatilization of coal, instantaneous combustion of carbon at the bottom of the bed, and steam/carbon gasification and water gas shift reaction in a single well mixed isothermal stage. The capture of H2S by limestone sorbent injection is also treated. The effects of various assumptions and model parameters on the predictions were investigated. The present model indicates that gasifier performance is mainly controlled by the fast coal devolatilization and char combustion reactions, and the contribution to carbon conversion of the slow char gasification reactions is comparatively small. The incorporation of tar decomposition into the model provides significantly closer predictions of experimental gas composition than is obtained otherwise.  相似文献   

孙光  蒋国祥  刘新华  孙国刚  许光文 《化工学报》2008,59(11):2774-2780
密相输送床气化和双流化床气化是基于循环型流化床反应器发展起来的两种新型煤和生物质气化技术,根据这两种技术对流动的要求,提出了在循环流化床的下行床底部耦合一段移动床,为输送床内的流动提供足够高的驱动压力而提高颗粒循环量的技术思想。在根据该思想而建立的直径90 mm的输送床实验装置上的实验研究表明,利用所提出的床型构造可在表观气速9.6 m•s-1下实现400 kg•m-2•s-1的颗粒循环量。输送床的一次风速和移动床松动风速是影响颗粒循环量和输送床内颗粒浓度的主要因素,但循环量随输送床一次风速的增大而增加的走势弱于普通循环流化床。移动床松动风速在小于颗粒最小流化速度的范围内轻微变动即可显著改变颗粒循环量和输送床内颗粒浓度。在保持输送床总气速不变的前提下,通过二次风可在40%的比例范围内调节颗粒循环量,且调节作用随二次风位置的增高而减弱。  相似文献   

针对燃气燃烧器在灰融聚流化床粉煤气化炉上首次应用时需进行配套技术设计的问题,介绍了灰融聚流化床粉煤气化的技术特点、工艺流程以及配套技术创新设计方案;论述了燃气燃烧器配套灰融聚流化床粉煤气化炉的工艺流程特点、点火程序要求以及气化炉的结构布置和安装要领;总结了采用创新设计后燃烧器的应用效果.  相似文献   

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