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综述了基于磁性纳米材料所构建的纳米磁流体在提高原油采收率中的应用;总结了纳米磁流体的驱油机理,重点论述了基于氧化铁、钴铁氧体和镍铁氧体等磁性纳米材料所构建的纳米磁流体在提高原油采收率中的应用进展;最后对纳米磁流体在驱油应用中所面临的挑战和机遇进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

对近年来纳米技术在提高原油采收率方面的应用作了较详细的介绍和评述。其中包括由表面活性剂和疏水改性纳米粒子组成的纳米乳液、纳米粒子增强的粘弹表面活性剂体系、固体纳米粒子稳定的CO2气体泡沫和纳米分子沉积膜的作用机理及提高采收率的应用效果;还包括微-纳米颗粒封堵技术、纳米降压增注技术、纳米材料改性破乳技术、尤其是油藏纳米机器人等技术在石油开发方面的应用;并提出了应用于提高石油采收率领域的纳米技术发展方向。  相似文献   

国内多数油藏接近水驱废弃期,平均采收率仅为28.9%,仍有大量原油在地下难以采出。随着科学技术的发展,在提高采收率技术的研究上已经取得诸多突破,为石油开采开创了广阔前景。本文详细介绍了热力采油驱、气体混相驱、化学驱、微生物驱、纳米材料驱等三次采油技术的作用机理和应用现状,并指出采油技术的创新仍是石油开采领域的关键,高效、环保新材料及低品位油气藏开发新技术的研究将会是今后石油开采领域研究的重点。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,石油的需求与日俱增,对原油的采收率也提出了更高的要求。本文主要对影响碳酸盐岩油藏原油采收率的因素进行研究,并且结合具体的工程实践,提出合理化的提高碳酸盐岩油藏原油采收率的技术方法,以期更好的提高原油采收率。  相似文献   

由于纳米材料尺寸小、比表面积大,表面原子活性高且数量占比大,通过表面改性可在同一纳米材料上集成多种驱油功能,纳米驱油技术被认为是未来最具潜力的提高采收率技术之一。简要介绍了驱油纳米材料的性能特点,综述了零维、一维和二维纳米材料在油田驱油剂方面的研究与应用进展,讨论了纳米材料在提高采收率应用面临的四方面挑战,即纳米材料驱油理论有待突破、纳米材料制造成本高、油藏条件下纳米材料的分散稳定性以及纳米材料与采出液分离及循环利用。综合油田开发需求与纳米技术发展现状,提出未来油田纳米驱油技术“复合功能”与“智能化”的发展方向。“复合功能”是指通过化学改性在纳米材料上集成剥离原油、捕集、聚并油滴等多种功能;“智能化”是指借鉴超分子化学手段,设计合成在油/水界面处堆积密度可调的柔性纳米材料,赋予其在储层中“智能”调剖功能,达到扩大波及体积的目的。  相似文献   

纳米材料因其独特的物理结构特性,被认为是解决传统提高采收率(EOR)所面临的波及效率低,地层损害和环保性差等问题的新方法之一。对国内外不同类型的纳米材料(纳米粒子,纳米流体,纳米乳液等)EOR机理研究进展进行了详细介绍。纳米材料提高原油采收率的主要驱油机理,是使分离压力增加,界面张力降低,润湿性改变等;并且避免沥青质沉淀,降低颗粒运移程度。研究纳米材料提高采收率的主要是通过微观玻璃模型驱替实验,并配合使用分析仪器(SEM、TEM、AFM)等方法。  相似文献   

综述了无机纳米材料在化工、陶瓷、塑料、橡胶、涂料、食品、医药及化妆品等传统工业领域及军事工业领域中的应用;介绍了无机纳米材料应用于上述工业领域时所产生的力学、光学、电学与化学诸多特异性能和效应;讨论了无机纳米材料应用于传统产业后显地改善产品的品质,提高性能或降低成本、扩大应用领域等作用;探讨了无机纳米材料在传统产业中的应用前景。纳米技术向传统产业的渗透将极大地提升传统产业的技术水平,显地改变传统产业的面貌,从而显示出无机纳米材料广阔的应用前景和强大的生命力。  相似文献   

微生物处理技术作为石油领域中的技术新方向,如今在石油的生产、炼制、加工处理以及污染防治等方面开始逐步崭露头角。早期生物技术在石油领域中的应用仅限于在提高原油采收率上,而如今生物技术在石油领域的发展已经延伸至原油的炼制及加工处理等方面,本文综述了微生物处理技术在石油开发生产下游领域中的研究运用,并展望了其良好的应用前景及发展潜力。  相似文献   

化学提高采收率方法在未来原油生产中的作用 根据预测,21世纪原油需求总量为2500-2600亿吨,按照现有油藏开发技术和措施年均仅能提供380亿吨.因此,要满足需求总量,必须将采收率提高到65%~70%,即现有水平的2倍.  相似文献   

随着各学科间的相互交融结合,新兴的纳米技术开始逐步应用至油田开发中的各方面。文章从纳米技术在油田提高采收率、防漏堵漏以及乳液性能强化3方面入手,综述了国内外纳米材料于油田驱油提高采收率、防漏堵漏、原油破乳方面的研究现状,并对纳米技术在油田生产应用方面的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

伴随着我国科学技术的发展和进步,传统的采油方式很难满足现代化发展的需要。此时,深入的分析我国石油技术并且分析和研究,以期提升是由技术水平,更好的促进该行业的发展,满足人类对于石油的需求,促进经济更加快速的发展。随着我国油田行业的不断发展,可开采的油田越来越少,各石油企业需要研发出一些更为符合当下产能的新的采油技术,充分的对那些难以开发的油藏进行开采,提高各油田的石油开采采收率。  相似文献   

李影 《云南化工》2019,(1):167-168
油气田的开发建设一直是我国石油行业中的重中之重。随着我国石油行业的快速发展,各项领域对石油与天然气的需求也越来越大。但是,随着石油与天然气的大力开采,对环境产生了不良的影响。对此,通过对油气田的开发、油气田开发建设对环境的影响以及环境的保护对策等方面进行了简略的说明,希望对我国以后油气田开发建设有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been successfully implemented in many applications, such as nanoelectronics, nanobiomedicine, and nanodevices. However, this technology has rarely been applied to the oil and gas industry, especially in upstream exploration and production. The oil and gas industry needs to improve oil recovery and exploit unconventional resources. The cost of research and oil production is under immense pressure, and it is becoming more difficult to justify such investment when the crude oil price is weak and depressed. There is a widespread belief that nanotechnology may be exploited to develop novel nanomaterials with enhanced performance to combat these technological barriers. Increasing funding resources from governmental and global oil industry have been allocated to exploration, drilling, production, refining, and wastewater treatment. For example, nanosensors allow for precise measurement of reservoir conditions. Nanofluids prepared using functional nanomaterials may exhibit better performance in oil production processes, and nanocatalysts have improved the efficiency in oil refining and petrochemical processes. Nanomembranes enhance oil, water and gas separation, oil and gas purification, and the removal of impurities from wastewater. Functional nanomaterials can play an important role in the production of smart, reliable, and more durable equipment. In this review paper, we summarize the research progress and prospective applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

Nowadays, energy supply is one of the most important issues due to limitation of oil, gas and coal sources. Because of rapid population, civilization and energy consumption growth, the improved technologies to make optimal use of the sources, solving related problems and finding new energy sources are important. More than 10 years ago, nanotechnology as one of the most important technologies has also been applied to progress in the oil and gas industry (upstream, midstream and downstream). The experience of these years has shown that application of nanotechnology in the oil industry improves the exploration of crude oil and natural gas (underground or deep water), drilling and bringing the crude oil or raw natural gas to the surface, as well as transportation, storage, processing and purifying methods. Nanoparticles with high specific surface area, pore volume and small size show unique physical and chemical properties, which could be applied in several applications. In this regard, many researchers have been focused on various nanoparticles for upstream industries and studied their potential in oil exploration, drilling, production and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Also, in downstream and midstream which involve refining of crude oil, processing and purifying of raw natural gas, transportation and storage of crude or refined petroleum products, the nanomaterials have been used to improve the quality of oil and make it appropriate for the environment. Lowering sulfur gasoline, enhancing the octane number and coating the transportation system are among the goals that have been achieved successfully using nanotechnology. In this work, various types of nanoparticles such as metallic, metal oxide, hybrid nanoparticles, carbon nanomaterials, nano-composites and their applications in oil upstream industry are reviewed. Also, their usage in different types of oil upstream processes is discussed.  相似文献   

综述三次采油的基本原理,主要的采油类型,如化学法、混相法、生物法等。简要介绍了三次采油的发展前景,聚合物驱、三元复合驱、CO2驱等将是三次采油发展的主要技术。并由此总结三次采油现存技术的不足,提出未来技术可研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

贺皓楠  张志全  闫梦 《当代化工》2017,(12):2490-2492,2496
聚表剂驱油技术是一种集调剖及驱替为一体的新型驱油技术,主要是通过增粘性,粘弹性和乳化性这三种性能来提高采收率。纳米催化剂材料在石油化工工业中具有改善产品构造,提高产品质量、产率和附加值的作用。在研究聚表剂和纳米催化剂在稠油热采中的主要作用以及他们提高采收率效果的同时,探究聚表剂和纳米催化剂混合后,同时注入地层是否能同时发挥二者优势,并寻求最优化的聚表剂-催化剂驱油体系,从而极大的提高原油采收率。纳米催化剂的注入性好,聚表剂的流度控制作用强,先注聚表剂扩大波及体积,后注入纳米催化剂改善原油物性,最后蒸汽吞吐能够提高单井吞吐效果。  相似文献   

Chen T  Shukoor MI  Chen Y  Yuan Q  Zhu Z  Zhao Z  Gulbakan B  Tan W 《Nanoscale》2011,3(2):546-556
In recent years, nanomaterials have captured the attention of scientists from a wide spectrum of domains. With their unique properties, nanomaterials offer great promise for numerous applications, ranging from catalysis to energy harvesting and information technology. Functionalized with the desired biomolecules, nanomaterials can also be utilized for many biomedical applications. This paper summarizes recent achievements in the use of aptamer-conjugated nanomaterials for bioanalysis and biotechnology applications. First, we discuss the features and properties of aptamers and then illustrate the use of aptamer-conjugated nanomaterials as sensing platforms and delivery vehicles, emphasizing how such integration can result in enhanced sensitivity and selectivity.  相似文献   

油气田含油污泥是石油钻井、运输、储存过程中产生的主要污染物。随着油气田开发的逐步深入,含油污泥所带来的生产和环境矛盾越来越突出。原有的含油污泥处理方式已经不适用新的环保要求。目前,物理化学处理方法初步实现了含油污泥减量化和原油资源回收,但其并不能从根本上去除含油污泥的石油污染物,甚至有可能造成二次污染。生物处理方法有低毒、环保、效率高等特点,具有较广泛的应用前景。本文介绍了含油污泥的来源、特征、处理标准和环境影响。将生物处理技术分为生物表面活性剂(BSF)洗油法和生物降解法,并从BSF的类型和特性、洗油机理、降解工艺、降解菌、对处理效果的影响因素以及BSF增强生物降解作用等方面进行了详细阐述。文章指出BSF洗油法主要应用于高含油污泥(含油率≥6%)的处理,含油率可降到2%以下;对于低含油污泥(含油率≤6%)采用微生物降解技术处理,可达到0.3%的生态标准。生物处理技术是最有前景的满足资源回收的环保型的含油污泥处理技术。  相似文献   

油品蒸发损耗及油气回收技术   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
石油及其产品在加工和储运过程中产生的蒸发损耗是困扰石油加工储运和环保行业的重要课题,推广和采用油气回收技术十分迫切和重要。本文介绍了常见的4种油气回收技术吸附法、吸收法、冷凝法和薄膜选择渗透法,分析了各种油气回收方法的发展方向,特别介绍了活性碳纤维作为新型油气回收吸附材料的应用前景。  相似文献   

In the present study, a new magnetic powder based on magnetite can be used as a petroleum crude oil collector. Amidoximes based on rosin as a natural product can be prepared from a reaction between hydroxylamine and rosin/acrylonitrile adducts. The produced rosin amidoximes were used as capping agents for magnetite nanoparticles to prepare hydrophobic coated magnetic powders. A new class of monodisperse hydrophobic magnetite nanoparticles was prepared by a simple and inexpensive co-precipitation method. Iron ions and iodine were prepared by the reaction between ferric chloride and potassium iodide. The structure and morphology of magnetite capped with rosin amidoxime were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), zeta potential, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The magnetic properties were determined from vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) analyses. These prepared magnetite nanoparticles were tested as bioactive nanosystems and their antimicrobial effects were investigated. The prepared nanomaterials were examined as a crude oil collector using magnetic fields. The results show promising data for the separation of the petroleum crude oil from aqueous solution in environmental pollution cleanup.  相似文献   

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