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对180 kt P2O5/a大型湿法磷酸装置反应槽尾气洗涤系统进行了测试,根据测试结果进行系统P2O5、F、H2O平衡计算,为装置生产操作和系统改造提供数据和指导.  相似文献   

张胜 《磷肥与复肥》2012,27(5):45-46
分析甘肃瓮福化工有限责任公司磷酸装置尾气洗涤系统在扩能后的运行情况及存在问题,对反应槽溢流通道及尾气洗涤塔及其管路系统实施了一系列优化改造,强化了生产管理,取得了明显效果,使排放的尾气含氟达到了0.36 mg/m3。  相似文献   

二水物磷酸装置反应系统能耗浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国内约100套二水物磷酸装置中反应系统所配置的电动机功率,其能量集中耗用于酸矿反应和磷酸料浆冷却(含反应槽尾气处理)。采用低位真空冷却磷酸料浆消耗的能量明显比空气冷却的低,国内自行设计、建设的小型装置在酸矿反应和磷酸料浆冷却方面的电耗均明显偏高,宜加速挖潜改造以提高效益。  相似文献   

聚酰胺66连续聚合生产工艺中,反应器尾气余热与浓缩槽所需热量持平,改造前直接排入大气。技改方案采用高压蒸汽减温、减压原理,设计配套饱和塔、过滤器、喷淋系统、回收槽等装置。蒸汽饱和塔是回收利用的核心装置,改造浓缩槽加热蛇管以增大换热面积。反应器尾气在饱和塔内制成中压饱和蒸汽转换为浓缩槽热源,尾气中的微量己二胺回收后集中进行无害化处理,防止己二胺和低聚物凝结结晶,堵塞设备和管道。实践表明,技改后,生产稳定,达到节能降耗、清洁生产和产品质量稳定控制的目的。  相似文献   

提高总硫回收率的硫磺回收工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扬子石化炼油厂原有20 kt/a硫磺回收装置,采用三级Claus制硫工艺处理含H2S的酸性气,生产硫磺,总硫回收率较低。现采用二级Claus制硫SCOT尾气净化组合工艺处理含H2S的酸性气,将新建的70 kt/a硫磺回收装置和原20 kt/a硫磺回收装置并联操作,共用1套100 kt/a SCOT尾气净化系统,同时对生产操作和催化剂选择进行了优化。运行结果表明,采用组合工艺处理含H2S的酸性气效果很好,可使总硫回收率由93%提高至99.8%。  相似文献   

余明功  杨秀珍 《川化》2001,(3):24-25
我厂三聚氰胺装置原设计尾气处理工序为常压氨吸收系统,用于回收处理来自三胺装置中常压溶液槽的弛放气、氨压机密封气、二段吸收循环液位槽以及尿素蒸发系统和三胺结晶器喷射器排放气。  相似文献   

主要针对甲基丙烯酸甲酯装置废酸水罐尾气回收后尾气在总尾气输送管线中易聚合,造成尾气回收系统运行不稳定等一系列瓶颈问题,基于装置的设计理念对装置尾气回收系统进行技术升级,通过设计尾气深冷换热器、提篮式过滤器、蒸汽伴热等措施,提高装置尾气回收系统运行的稳定性及下一步技术探索。结果表明,对装置尾气回收系统进行技术升级,尾气回收系统运行稳定性得到明显提高,转型升级新项目实施后也会有长足进步。  相似文献   

蔡航 《中氮肥》2023,(2):35-37
某煤化工企业300 kt/a合成氨装置1996年5月建成投产、200 kt/a甲醇装置2006年5月建成投产、400 kt/a甲醇装置2011年3月建成投产,随着环保要求日趋严苛,合成氨装置与2套甲醇装置低温甲醇洗系统排放尾气均存在超标问题或隐患,需对其进行治理。实施了“2套甲醇装置尾气洗涤塔塔盘改造+合成氨装置新建尾气洗涤塔”技改后,低温甲醇洗尾气中甲醇含量均低于排放限值;对于合成氨装置低温甲醇洗尾气非甲烷总烃(含量)偏高而可能面临超标的问题,经分析与验证,认为是甲醇合成弛放气回收利用(并入粗煤气中)造成了合成氨装置低温甲醇洗尾气中非甲烷总烃含量较高,并对尾气中非甲烷总烃治理路径进行了探讨与展望。  相似文献   

张征 《化工设计》1994,(4):21-24
云南省化工设计院为解决百菌清工业试验装置氯化反应的尾气处理和三废治理,设计了从淡氯气和氢气燃烧生成氯化氢的“三合一”炉尾气处理装置,经生产实践,已取得明显的经济和社会效益。本文介绍了该装置的设计、运行情况与效益,并指出该法可广泛应用到各种有机氯化物反应的尾气处理中  相似文献   

根据Claus+Scot尾气处理工艺的特点,结合克劳斯反应的原理,从克劳斯反应的温度、配风以及酸性气组份等方面对硫磺回收率的影响因素进行分析。为了提高装置的硫磺回收率,易采取以下措施:做好脱硫单元的平稳操作,以减少酸性气中的杂质对硫磺回收单元的负面影响;在装置负荷发生变化时应及时调整燃烧炉的配风,以保持硫磺尾气中H2S与SO2的物质的量比为2:1;控制反应炉的温度在920~1350℃,以确保炉内燃烧火焰稳定;控制一、二级反应器的过程气入口温度在213℃左右;在装置停工时严格执行克劳斯催化剂的再生和钝化操作;加强胺液溶剂再生效果,优化工艺参数,以确保胺液选择性吸收效果。  相似文献   

Total lipids in medium and low erucic acid cul-tivars of rapeseed(Brassica napus var. Sinus and Janpol, resp.) were fractionated into polar and non-polar constituents. Triglycerides, diglycerides, mono-glycerides, free fatty acids, sterol esters, sterols, phos-pholipids and glycolipids were quantitated and their fatty acid compositions determined. Triglycerides and phospholipids constituted 92 and 3.4%, resp., of the total lipid from each cultivar. Triglycerides were lower in saturated fatty acids but higher in monoun-saturated acids and linolenic acid than other lipid fractions. Phospholipids and glycolipids were higher in linoleic acid content than other lipid classes. Generally, the reduction in long chain, monoenoic, fatty acids was associated with a corresponding increase in oleic acid in most low erucic acid frac-tions.  相似文献   

A novel degumming process is described that is applicable to both undegummed and water-degummed oils. Such totally degummed oils have residual iron contents below 0.2 ppm Fe and residual phosphorus contents that average below 5 ppm P. Therefore, they can be physically refined to yield a stable refined oil while using the same level of bleaching earth commonly used for alkali refined oils prior to deodorization. They can also be alkali refined with reduced oil loss to yield a soapstock that only requires slight acidification for fatty acid recovery, and thus avoids the strongly polluting soap splitting process. The total degumming process involes dispersing a non-toxic acid such as phosphoric acid or citric acid into the oil, allowing a contact time, and then mixing a base such as caustic soda or sodium silicate into the acid-in-oil emulsion. This keeps the degree of neutralization low enough to avoid forming soaps, because that would lead to increased oil loss. Subsequently, the oil is passed to a centrifugal separator where most of the gums are removed from the oil stream to yield a gum phase with minimal oil content. The oil stream is then passed to a second centrifugal separator to remove all remaining gums to yield a dilute gum phase which is recycled. Washing and drying or in-line alkali refining complete the process. After the adoption of the total degumming process, in comparison with the classical alkali refining process, an overall yield improvement of approximately 0.5% has been realized. It did not matter whether the totally degummed oil was subsequently alkali refined, bleached and deodorized, or bleached and physically refined.  相似文献   

分析磷酸中固形物、阴离子和阳离子等杂质对磷酸二铵产品总养分的影响。阐述调整产品总养分的措施,主要采取锥形槽式沉降法和平底槽式沉降法澄清磷酸,以降低含固量,提高产品总养分;采用配浆法提高含固量和添加硫酸、石膏的方式降低产品总养分。并对其可行性、有效性和准确性进行探讨。  相似文献   

讨论磷精矿中主要杂质进入产品酸的状况,简要介绍黄麦岭磷酸、磷铵工艺,并以黄麦岭磷精矿及工艺、产品质量数据为基础,总结出磷精矿杂质指数与磷铵总养分的关系;浓磷酸密度与磷铵总养分的关系,可为磷酸、磷铵工艺及产品质量控制提供预测。  相似文献   

Quantitative determination of total fatty acids in rabbit blood serum is achieved using the infrared absorption band, associated with the C = O stretching vibration at 1713 cm?1 (5.84 μm). Different tests are described to show the validity of this method for a wide range of variation in total concentration and in individual percentages of any one fatty acid. The results are treated by statistical methods, and it is found that infrared analysis is five times more sensitive than methods described previously. This accurate technique, which can be applied to other serums has, for example, been applied to disclose a systematic error in the preparation of total fatty acid samples when nitrogen flushing is not used.  相似文献   

Quantitative determination of total fatty acids in rabbit blood serum is achieved using the infrared absorption band, associated with the C=0 stretching vibration at 1713 cm?1 (5.84 μm). Different tests are described to show the validity of this method for a wide range of variation in total concentration and in individual percentages of any one fatty acid. The results are treated by statistical methods, and it is found that infrared analysis is five times more sensitive than methods described previously. This accurate technique, which can be applied to other serums has, for example, been applied to disclose a systematic error in the preparation of total fatty acid samples when nitrogen flushing is not used.  相似文献   

建立了火焰原子吸收法测定油田污水中总锶含量的方法。结果表明,油田污水用硝酸和高氯酸消化处理,加入硝酸镧和硝酸钾溶液,消除了对测定污水中锶的共存离子干扰,抑制了电离干扰,提高了灵敏度,测定的线性范围为0~10.0 mg/L,加标回收率为97%~103%,相对标准偏差为1.3%,其结果令人满意。  相似文献   

对影响磷酸二铵总氮质量的因素进行了分析,通过缩小萃取磷酸SO3控制范围、延长磷酸陈化和澄清时间、降低澄清酸含固量和杂质含量、优化磷矿浆浓密系统、提高磷矿浆浓度、调整预中和反应器和管式反应器中的氨化(中和)比例、降低DAP产品中水分等措施,解决了磷矿品位下降,杂质含量升高所带来的DAP总氮含量难以达标的问题。  相似文献   

The present study is directed toward obtaining information on the metabolic effects and on the mode of action of CIBA-Su-13437, a new hypolipidemic phenolic ether structurally related to clofibrate. The ability of Su-13437 to affect the net formation of lipids in vivo was studied by measuring the total incorporation of intraperitoneally injected 1,2-14C-sodium acetate and uniformly labeled14C-glucose into total fatty acids and total cholesterol by the liver and carcass of control and Su-13437-treated mice. Treated mice received Su-13437 orally at 25, 100 or 250 mg/kg/day for 14 or 15 consecutive days. Treatment with Su-13437 resulted in pronounced enlargement of the liver and significant reductions in the plasma levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol. Essentially all of the observed metabolic effects of Su-13437 were confined to the liver. At all doses studied, in addition to liver enlargement, there were large increases in incorporation of both14C-acetate and14C-glucose carbon into hepatic total fatty acids; marked increases in hepatic total fatty acid content; and decreases in the liver’s relative cholesterol content of up to 30% with little or no effect upon the net synthesis of cholesterol per gram of liver. These observations are interpreted as indicating that Su-13437 lowers plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels by means other than net inhibition of fatty acid and cholesterol formation by either hepatic or extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for the determination of total and water insoluble combined lactic acid in lactic acid modified fatty glycerides are described. The acids are liberated from their esters by saponification. Lactic acid is determined by simple acid-base titration after removal of fatty acids via liquid-liquid extraction. Water soluble constituents are extracted from a dichloro-methane solution of the esters with 5% aqueous sodium sulfate prior to determination of water insoluble lactic acid. Methods are rapid, simple, and suitable for use in a plant control laboratory. Extension of the procedure provides for the simultaneous determination of fatty acid and glycerine on a single sample.  相似文献   

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