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以腐植酸为原料合成了阳离子生物质水处理剂,并对其杀菌灭藻、阻垢、缓蚀性能进行了评价。结果表明,阳离子生物质的杀菌灭藻性能得到很大提高,在药剂质量浓度为20~30mg/L时,可与癸甲氯铵的杀菌灭藻性能相媲美,同时阻垢、缓蚀性能也得到较大幅度的改善。  相似文献   

本文通过实验合成了阳离子生物质水处理剂,并对其杀菌灭藻、阻垢、缓蚀性能进行了评价。结果表明,阳离子生物质的杀菌灭藻性能得到很大提高,在药剂质量浓度为20~30mg/L时,可与癸甲氯铵的杀菌灭藻性能相媲美。同时,改性后,生物质的阻垢、缓蚀性能也得到较大幅度的改善。  相似文献   

溴类杀菌灭藻剂的研究现状   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
研究探讨了溴类杀菌灭藻的主要性能,种类和技术指标。结果表明,溴类杀菌灭藻剂在pH≥7和/或含氨、氮化合物的水中具有高效杀菌活性,用量低,与氯类杀菌灭藻剂混合使用可以大幅度降低氯类杀菌剂的用量,并相应地减少了总余氯量,减轻了金属设备的腐蚀,同时避免了由于废水排放造成的一系列环境污染问题,适用于碱性冷却水处理,污水处理,民用水处理等等,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

由南京大学研制,江苏六合第二化工厂生产的杀菌灭藻剂NL-4,产品质量达到要求。已于1982年2月通过部级技术鉴定。NL-4是氯酚型杀菌灭藻剂,主要成份-2,2′-二羟基-5,5′-二氯-二苯甲烷(简称双氯酚)。它对异氧菌、硫酸盐还原菌、铁细菌的杀灭率均达99%以上,对绿藻、栅列藻、蓝藻的生长亦有很强的抑制作用,尤其在杀灭真菌  相似文献   

SS111HQ新型氧化性杀藻剂及工业应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就SS111HQ新型氧化性杀藻剂的杀菌、杀绿藻、蓝藻性能进行了实验室和工业试验比较研究,并成功地解决了工业循环冷却水藻类失控的难题。这种新型氧化性杀藻剂克服了目前被广泛采用的氯系杀菌灭藻剂所存在的杀藻能力差、安全隐患多、环境危害大等缺点,具有用量少、pH范围宽、安全、高效等特点,值得大力推广。  相似文献   

新型杀菌灭(?)剂—(日)化学工业时报,1984、1、P5日本三菱油化公司和美国联合生产新型杀菌灭藻剂—泰库特马-38(テクタマ-38),这种药剂广泛用于工业循环冷却水,锅炉冷却水和废水的杀菌灭藻。  相似文献   

季铵化腐植酸的合成及其性能的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
合成了季铵化腐植酸水处理剂,并对其杀菌灭藻、阻垢、缓蚀性能进行了评价。结果表明:季铵化腐植酸的杀菌灭藻性能得到很大提高,在药剂质量浓度为30-40mg/L时,可与洁尔灭的杀菌灭藻性能相媲美,同时,改性后,腐植酸的阻垢、缓蚀性能也得到较大幅度的改善。  相似文献   

一、前言T—801是一种聚季铵盐类阳离子型的杀菌灭藻剂,我们在研制合成以后进行了毒性试验,杀菌灭藻性能的静态、动态、和条件试验,及初步的应用试验,试验结果表明T—801具有高效,低毒广谱、水溶性好,使用浓度低,费用少以及使用方便等优点,适于作为工业循环冷却水的杀菌灭藻剂。  相似文献   

高效脱氯剂与气体中HCl高温脱除的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对五种脱氯剂在固定床反应器中与HCl气体反应研究发现 ,在温度为 30 0℃ ,空速为 30 0 0h-1 ,进口HCl气体质量浓度为 1× 10 -3 mg m3 条件下 ,所有脱氯剂都能迅速与HCl气体发生反应 ,并且在反应开始的一段时间内 ,能使混合气体中的HCl气体质量浓度降低至小于 0 5× 10 -6 mg m3 ,其中EC0 2脱氯剂具有较好的化学反应性和较高的氯容量。同时发现在相同反应时间和相同空速条件下 ,随温度的升高 ,EC0 2脱氯剂的氯容量也随之升高 ,此外还研究了 5 5 0℃时EC0 2脱氯剂床层的氯分布。  相似文献   

张书芹 《河北化工》2008,31(2):75-75,80
由于电厂循环水除垢处理多采用有机磷酸盐处理法,对微生物有助长作用.因此,藻类繁殖较为严重,必须对循环水进行杀菌灭藻处理.目前常用的杀菌灭藻剂为氧化型和非氧化型两种,前者主要有液氯、漂白粉、二氧化氯、臭氧等,后者主要有氯代酚类、季胺盐类和丙烯醛类等.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is widely used for the transphosphatidylation of phospholipids, which is conventionally performed in biphasic systems. The influence of organic solvents on transphosphatidylation by peanut PLD in anhydrous organic solvents was studied and, for the first time, compared to that of a biphasic system in this paper. The results demonstrated that PLD activity from peanut was influenced by solvents of different polarity in anhydrous organic solvents, and the influence tendency of organic solvents (diethyl ether, chloroform, methylenechloride) on transphosphatidylation by peanut PLD in anhydrous organic solvents was the same as that in a biphasic system consisting of water and a hydrophobic organic solvent.  相似文献   

In this paper a self-healing anticorrosive organic coating based on an encapsulated water reactive organic agent is presented. A reactive silyl ester is proposed as a new organic reactive healing agent and its synthesis, performance, incorporation into an organic coating and evaluation of self-healing capabilities is described. Such silyl esters are good candidates to be used in self-healing anticorrosive organic coating systems since they present the capability to react with water/humidity and metallic substrates, removing thus the need of presence of a crosslinker or catalyst in the system unlike traditional encapsulated approaches. In order to prove the self-healing ability and reactivity of the presented silyl ester encapsulated system, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) were used, showing the high capability of these techniques to be used in the development and evaluation of self-healing anticorrosive organic coatings and the good results in corrosion protection offered by the proposed silyl ester healing agent.  相似文献   

溶剂超声波协同法用于有机物系结晶快速成核   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
赵茜  高大维 《化工学报》1997,48(5):631-634
<正> 引言 有机物系结晶大多属于溶液群体结晶范畴,是工业结晶的重要组成部分.晶核是过饱和溶液中新生成的微小晶体粒子,是晶体生长过程必不可少的核心. A.VanHook在论述晶核的生成时指出,声波辐照由于具有强烈的定向效应,有补充和加强形成临界晶核所需的波动作用,故能加速起晶过程.高大维提出了蔗糖溶液的溶剂超声波协同成核法,该法已被利用来进行味精、含水α-葡萄糖、木糖醇等的成核研究并获得成功,所需的成核溶剂、超声波强度及刺激时间因不同物质而异.与传统的晶种制备方法(如粉碎机破碎法、球磨法、晶浆中留一部分晶体作为晶种等)相比,该法具有简单、快速、晶核数目容易控制的优点.同时还具有晶核形状好、投种量小并减少结晶生长过程中用于整晶的能耗、成品质量高等优点.溶剂超声波协同成核法的原理是溶析效应与超声波的机械(分散)效应、空化效应的结合.从溶液成核速率公式可看出表面张力σ、粘度η和过饱和度S对成核速率J的关系  相似文献   

主要介绍了密度为1.65g/cm2的全有机低固相抗高温完井液体系的组成、单剂筛选过程和配套处理剂配伍性的评价。确定了体系中高密度有机盐基础溶液的配比,即m(甲酸盐):m(有机复合盐):m(盐结晶抑制剂):m(水)为286:44:40:100,以及配套的处理剂——抗高温储层保护剂YH—YBO]的筛选和评价,该体系适用范围广泛,是一种良好的抗高温、低固相、高密度完井液体系。  相似文献   

The inertization of chemical reactors, in which flammable organic materials are handled, is usually achieved by purging with inert gases like nitrogen. The inertization with water steam is also possible, but limited to systems where water is also used as ingredient in the production process. Furthermore, it is more difficult to assure a uniform steam distribution in the system and particularly avoid condensation. An application for a steam inertization is described, which saves costs and significantly reduces the emission rates of the organic solvent. By this also the explosion stabilizing properties of water steam are used, e.g. the higher limiting oxygen concentration in a system steam/fuel/air than in systems with nitrogen/fuel/air.  相似文献   

离子液体作为一种新的绿色溶剂,日益受到人们的重视。本文从离子液体在氢甲酰化反应中的作用出发,介绍了离子液体/有机两相催化体系、离子液体/超临界二氧化碳催化体系、固定化离子液体多相催化体系等方面研究进展,并预示了离子液体在氢甲酰化反应中的应用前景。  相似文献   

试验研究了有机营养基质在配水管网中的变化规律及其对细菌再繁殖的影响.结果表明:配水管网中CODMn和不可吹除有机物(NPOC)含量基本没有变化,它们所代表的有机物对细菌生长不起关键作用;管网水中AOC在氯氧化作用和细菌利用的共同作用下,在管网中含量有升高也有降低,没有明显的规律性.AOC是控制细菌再生长的主要因素,管网水中最大AOC含量决定了管网水中细菌再生长能够达到的最大数量.  相似文献   

The conventional drying of the coated film with organic solvent on continuous sheet materials is usually performed in open or one pass drying system using air as the drying medium. The concentration of evaporated organic solvent in the drying system must be low enough to prevent explosion and large volume of off gas from dryer to solvent recovery system is required, resulting in poor heat economy for all the plant

To improve the heat economy of the plant it had been proposed to use a closed cycle drying system, where an inert gas, e.g. nitrogen, is used as the drying medium. High concentration of the organic solvent in the recycle gas mixture may then be used, which results in smaller volume of recycle gas and possibility of applying an inexpensive solvent recovery system of dehumidification. This investigation includes two important problems to realize the closed cycle drying

(1)Measurement of solvent (toluene) evaporation rate from coated film in the gas mixture of toluene andnitrogen over a wide range of toluene/nitrogen ratios (0-1.0) and drying temperature using bench scaleapparatus

(2)Development of a contactless sealing method, using an inert gas, for closed cycle drying of continuoussheet materials. The results of preliminary tests demonstrate its feasibility.  相似文献   

The conventional drying of the coated film with organic solvent on continuous sheet materials is usually performed in open or one pass drying system using air as the drying medium. The concentration of evaporated organic solvent in the drying system must be low enough to prevent explosion and large volume of off gas from dryer to solvent recovery system is required, resulting in poor heat economy for all the plant

To improve the heat economy of the plant it had been proposed to use a closed cycle drying system, where an inert gas, e.g. nitrogen, is used as the drying medium. High concentration of the organic solvent in the recycle gas mixture may then be used, which results in smaller volume of recycle gas and possibility of applying an inexpensive solvent recovery system of dehumidification. This investigation includes two important problems to realize the closed cycle drying

(1)Measurement of solvent (toluene) evaporation rate from coated film in the gas mixture of toluene andnitrogen over a wide range of toluene/nitrogen ratios (0-1.0) and drying temperature using bench scaleapparatus

(2)Development of a contactless sealing method, using an inert gas, for closed cycle drying of continuoussheet materials. The results of preliminary tests demonstrate its feasibility.  相似文献   

Immobilizing microbial cells and enzymes used in biological and biochemical processes is advantageous and has been a subject of intensive study in recent years. Successful implementation of this technology requires complete understanding of physical, chemical and biological parameters which influence the performance of such a system. This paper focuses on a few basic design considerations which are essential to the design and operation of immobilized cell bioreactors. A process using microorganisms entrapped in calcium alginate gel as a biocatalyst is considered. This system is used to biodegrade the organic compound, phenol. A batch reactor operated in a recirculation mode is used, and parameters like concentration of dissolved oxygen, concentration of the organic compound, bead size, biomass loading and the flow rate are studied. The bioreactor can be operated within many operating windows where one of the above parameters may be rate limiting. With the help of conceptual and experimental data, the influence of the above parameters on the reaction rates is discussed.  相似文献   

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