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不同结构活性炭对CO_2、CH_4、N_2及O_2的吸附分离性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
制备了比表面积为1943 m2/g的纯微孔活性炭AC-1和比表面积为1567 m2/g,中孔比例为47.18%的活性炭AC-2.分别以AC-1及AC-2为吸附剂测定CO2、CH4、N2和O2的298 K吸附等温线,考察了两种活性炭对CO2/N2、CO2/CH4及CH4/N2气体混合物的吸附分离性能.实验结果表明,孔结构是影响吸附剂吸附分离性能的主要因素.富中孔活性炭AC-2较AC-1更适用于CO2/N2、CO2/CH4气体混和物的吸附分离,而微孔活性炭AC-1对CH4/N2混合体系的吸附分离性能优于AC-2.  相似文献   

煤矿瓦斯气中低浓度CH4吸附富集研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤矿通风口处瓦斯气的CH4浓度太低无法回收利用,只能排往大气中,既浪费能源,又污染环境。在活性炭吸附存储CH4的基础上,对活性炭选择性吸附富集CH4进行了初步研究。考察了多种吸附材料在常温和常压下对瓦斯气中低浓度CH4的选择吸附能力,并关联了吸附材料结构参数和吸附性能之间的关系。实验结果表明,活性炭对低浓度CH4有较强的吸附性能,孔径是决定活性炭能否选择性吸附CH4的主导因素,而微孔比表面积及微孔孔容是次要因素。氧化改性不利于活性炭对CH4的吸附,高温处理过程是获得高吸附性能活性炭的有效手段。  相似文献   

环保型吸附制冷工质对及其制冷性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取13X分子筛、凹凸棒土和氯化锶等为主要吸附材料,制备了一系列有着优良吸附性能的复合吸附剂(M4-0132、M1-9906、M1-0001和M2-0003)。测定了水、乙醇在自制复合吸附剂上的吸附等温线。根据吸附等温线拟合参数对水、乙醇与自制复合吸附剂组成的吸附工质对的特征吸附功计算表明:复合吸附剂-水吸附工质对的特征吸附功约为13X分子筛-水的12%-29%;复合吸附剂-乙醇吸附工质对的特征吸附功约为活性炭-乙醇的10%-20%。采用吸附制冷体系(液体-气体-吸附剂)的稳态平衡方程,对水和乙醇与复合吸附剂组成的吸附工质对适合的制冷场合分析表明:M4-0132-水和M1-0001-水工质对可用于大循环量的制冷体系,例如空调系统的场合:M1-9906-乙醇和M2-0003-乙醇工质对可用于低温制冷体系,例如制冰和冷冻系统的场合。M1-9906-水工质对的吸附制冷量是13X-水的2.0~2.5倍;在60~120℃再生条件下,M4-0132-水工质对的吸附制冷量为441~924kJ.kg^-1。40~100℃再生条件下,M1-0001-乙醇工质对的吸附制冷量315~909kJ.kg^-1,是活性炭-乙醇的2.2~5.9倍。  相似文献   

赵惠忠  刘涛  黄天厚  雷敏  张敏 《化工进展》2021,40(2):969-976
利用不同质量分数的石墨烯(MLG)与13X/LiCl合成新型复合吸附剂。通过扫描电镜(SEM)和N2吸附表征复合吸附剂的微观形貌和孔隙特性,测试了复合吸附剂开式环境下的水蒸气吸附及解吸性能,并探究复合吸附剂中石墨烯质量分数对吸附解吸性能的影响。通过80%相对湿度(RH)的高湿工况进一步筛选出盐的质量分数为18.4%的13X/LiCl为最佳盐含量的吸附剂(MZ)作为合成复合吸附剂的基质。实验结果表明:石墨烯增加了复合吸附剂的结构性参数(比表面积,孔体积及孔径),其中比表面积由未添加石墨烯的MZ [(262±3)g/m2],最大可提升至12G-MZ [(304±4)g/m2];复合吸附剂表现出优异的水蒸气吸附性能,所有复合吸附剂的相对吸附量均高于MZ(0.554g/g),3G-MZ吸附性能最佳,水蒸气吸附量高达0.587g/g,是13X的2.7倍;除12G-MZ外,随着吸附剂中石墨烯质量分数的增加,水蒸气解吸率随之增加,其中9G-MZ的解吸率接近90%,较MZ(81.8%)提升了9.7%。该研究可为复合吸附剂应用于吸附空气取水提供基础研究数据。  相似文献   

活性炭粒径对吸附不同分子质量有机污染物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苯酚、聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)、腐殖酸为研究对象,采用活性炭为吸附剂,对椰壳活性炭在4组不同粒径范围(150~2 000μm)的吸附能力进行比较。结果表明:活性炭对苯酚的吸附量与微孔比表面积成正比;对PEG-6000的吸附量与中孔比表面积成正比。在吸附苯酚时,粒径小于150μm的活性炭吸附能力是粒径1 000~2 000μm活性炭的1.2倍;吸附PEG-6000和腐殖酸时,粒径小于150μm活性炭的吸附能力是粒径1000~2000μm的4倍和1.2倍。  相似文献   

研制了一种以活性氧化铝为基质、CaCl2为吸湿盐的新型复合吸附剂,可用于以水为吸附质的热化学吸附储热系统,并对其内部结构、吸附性能和储热性能进行了研究。利用恒温恒湿箱确定出现溶液泄漏现象的最大含盐量,并对30℃和多种相对湿度工况下的动态和平衡吸附特性进行测量,研究了含盐量和相对湿度对吸附剂的吸附特性的影响,结果表明含盐量和相对湿度越大,复合吸附剂的吸水能力越强。利用全自动比表面积与孔隙度分析仪测量材料的比表面积和孔体积,利用同步热分析仪测试了复合吸附剂的储热密度,其中含盐量最高的复合吸附剂的储热密度最高,质量和体积储热密度分别达到0.51 kW·h/kg和610.2 kW·h/m3,具有良好的储热性能。  相似文献   

采用浓度为0.2g·ml-1的葡萄糖溶液对13X沸石/活性炭复合材料(AC/X)进行碳沉积,研究沉积次数对复合吸附剂(AC/X-G)孔结构、表面性质和CH4/N2吸附分离性能的影响。通过X射线衍射,77K下的N2吸附/脱附,扫描电镜,CO2-TPD以及红外光谱表征样品的晶型、孔结构和表面性质,在298K、100kPa下对其CH4和N2吸附等温线进行测定,并将吸附结果与文献中碳材料和13X沸石的吸附性能进行比较。结果表明:随着沉积次数的增加,AC/X-G吸附剂中X型沸石的相对含量降低,微孔比表面积和微孔体积减少。AC/X-G的表面被碳膜覆盖,碱量降低,但出现强碱位和含氧基团C-O键。AC/X-G的CH4和N2吸附量下降,但吸附分离系数提高,沉积3次的样品AC/X-G-3的CH4/N2吸附分离系数达到3.0,表面的含氧基团有利于提高复合材料的CH4/N2吸附分离性能。  相似文献   

活性炭对汞离子的吸附动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以椰壳活性炭为原料,采用水蒸气法二次活化制备得到了微孔含量丰富的椰壳活性炭,其亚甲基蓝吸附值165 mg/g,碘吸附值1 090 mg/g。采用氮气吸附等温线对其比表面积和孔结构进行了表征。以氯化汞为污染目标物,考察了活性炭对于Hg2+的吸附性能。结果表明,活性炭对Hg2+的吸附量与其比表面积以及孔结构有关。吸附动力学实验表明活性炭吸附是一个快速吸附和缓慢吸附共存的双速过程,可以用Lagergren伪二级速率方程进行拟合;吸附等温线实验表明活性炭吸附Hg2+是一个放热的过程,属于单分子层吸附,符合Langmuir吸附等温式。  相似文献   

磷酸法水稻秆活性炭的制备   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以水稻秆为原料,采用磷酸活化法制备活性炭。研究了浸渍比、活化温度对活性炭样品吸附性能的影响,并对其微结构进行N2吸附等温线、热重-微商热重法(TG-DTG)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等表征。结果表明:水稻秆适合作为磷酸法活性炭的原料,吸附性能达到市售脱色活性炭的指标要求。在浸渍比为3∶1、活化温度 450 ℃、活化时间 60 min 的条件下,制得活性炭的亚甲基蓝吸附值 215 mg/g,碘吸附值 855 mg/g,A法焦糖脱色率 110 %,BET比表面积 967.72 m2/g,总孔容积 1.23 cm3/g,中孔率 84.6 %,平均孔径 4.6 nm。  相似文献   

基于大气中水的吸附与解吸循环,设计出吸附式空气取水装置,并对其进行了实验研究。该装置主要由太阳能集热器、吸附床和冷凝器等组成。晚上吸附剂吸附空气中的水,白天由太阳能提供热量进行解吸。实验制备了硅胶(SC)-CaCl2、SC-LiCl、活性炭纤维毡(ACF)-CaCl2、ACF-LiCl 4种新型复合吸附剂,并对其进行了实验测试。结果表明:由ACF制备的复合吸附剂性能比由SC制备的复合吸附剂性能要好;ACF-LiCl的吸附与解吸性能最好,在吸附床出口温度为90℃时,解吸6 h的产水率是0.412 kg水·(kg吸附剂)-1。  相似文献   

不同粒径改性粉煤灰对磷酸根吸附性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
废水排放过量的磷导致水体污染日益严重,将粉煤灰通过化学改性制备成了水化硅酸钙吸附剂,研究了改性吸附剂对磷酸根的吸附效果。利用XRD, SEM及BET比表面积等手段对粒度分级前后的吸附剂进行表征,研究不同粒级吸附剂对磷酸根的吸附性能,并考察其吸附机理。结果表明,不同粒级的吸附剂其化学成分出现了明显的偏析现象,孔隙结构也差异显著。相比其他粒径下的吸附剂颗粒,颗粒粒径在50?75 μm时,吸附剂中钙和硅含量较多,铝、铁和镁含量较低,水化硅酸钙组分含量最高,且伴有含铝的托贝莫来石晶体出现,钙离子的增加使其可以与更多的磷酸根结合形成沉淀。同时此粒径下具有较高的比表面积及孔隙度,疏松多孔的结构为钙离子提供更多活性位点。当使用粒径在50?75 μm的吸附剂吸附磷酸根时,磷的饱和吸附量可达到17.1 mg/g,比未分级的吸附剂高19.58%。  相似文献   

Walnut-shell activated carbons (WSACs) with high surface area and predominant micropore development were prepared by KOH chemical activation. The effects of carbonization temperature, activation temperature, and ratio of KOH to chars on the pore development of WSACs and PH3 adsorption performance of the modified walnut-shell activated carbons (MWSACs) were studied. Criteria for determining the optimum preparation conditions were pore development of WSACs and PH3 breakthrough adsorption capacity of MWSAC adsorbents. The result shows that the optimum preparation conditions are a carbonization temperature of 700°C, an activation temperature of 700°C, and a mass ratio of 3. The BET surface area and the micropore volume of the optimal WASC are 1636m2/g and 0.641cm3/g, respectively. The micropore volume percentage of WSAC plays an important role in PH3 adsorption when there is a slight difference in BET surface areas. High-surface-area WSACs with predominant micropores are suitable for PH3 adsorption removal. The MWSAC adsorbent owns the biggest PH3 breakthrough adsorption capacity (284.12mg/g) due to the biggest specific surface area, total pore volume, and micropore volume percentage. The MWSAC adsorbent will be a potential adsorbent for PH3 adsorption removal from yellow phosphorus tail gas.  相似文献   

以低品位凹凸棒石(APT)黏土为原料,在硅酸钠和氯化钙存在的条件下,通过一步水热法制备了新型介孔硅酸盐吸附剂.采用红外光谱(FTIR)、X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和BET孔结构分析等手段表征了吸附剂的结构、形貌和理化性质.结果表明,反应初始Si/Ca比对产物结构和形貌有显著影响,在Si/Ca比为3:1和2:1条件下,APT形成了介孔硅钙石型吸附剂,而在Si/Ca比为1:1和1:2条件下,则形成了1.1 nm铝取代托贝莫来石.在Si/Ca比2:1条件下制备的最优硅酸盐吸附剂比的表面积和表面负电位分别达到了APT黏土的3.42和1.83倍.吸附研究表明,在Si/Ca比为2:1条件下制备的硅钙石型吸附剂对Cd(II)的吸附量达到了136.87 mg/g,是APT黏土吸附量的6.4倍,吸附速率也有明显提高.  相似文献   

Activated carbon preparation from tobacco stems by KOH activation at different activation temperatures and KOH/char mass ratios were investigated in this study. The effects of preparation parameters on activated carbon pore structure, morphometrics, microcrystallinities, and surface functional groups were characterized by N2 adsorption, SEM, XRD, and FTIR technologies, respectively. The optimum preparation condition of activated carbon was activation temperature of 850°C, and KOH/char mass ratio of 2. Under this condition, the BET surface area of 2215 m2/g, and the pore volume of 1.343 cm3/g can be obtained. Prepared activated carbon showed clearly honeycomb holes, and a predominated amorphous structure. With increase of activation temperature and KOH/char mass ratio, decrease of surface oxygen functional group, and aromatization of the carbon structure was found. The activated carbon was subject to PH3 purification, and the maximum PH3 adsorption capacity of 253 mg/g can be realized based on well prepared KOH-AC with modification of 2.5% Cu. It seems that the activated carbon produced from chemical activation of tobacco stem would be an effective and alternative adsorbent for PH3 adsorption because of its high surface area, adsorption capacity, and low cost.  相似文献   

曹国强  郑辉东  邹文虎  王碧玉 《化工进展》2012,31(6):1357-1361,1367
通过椰壳活性炭对模拟硫酸盐松节油进行液相吸附脱硫的研究,考察了活性炭的结构和表面化学对活性炭吸附的影响。通过Gaussian03计算模拟油中各化合物的化学硬度,根据软硬酸碱理论解释表面化学对该吸附过程的影响。同时考察了活性炭吸附过程的热力学性质。结果表明,由于吸附体系中的二甲基二硫醚和莰烯的化学硬度相接近,活性炭表面的含氧官能团的变化对吸附性能影响不大,但活性炭比表面积和孔结构的变化对吸附性能的影响较为明显;等温吸附平衡数据符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,热力学数据显示该活性炭吸附过程是一个放热、混乱度降低的自发物理吸附过程。  相似文献   

This work addresses the preparation and characterization of inexpensive adsorbents for the removal of Ni (II) from aqueous solutions. Activated carbon based adsorbents have been prepared from plant based biomass resources, namely Pineapple stem ( Ananas Comosus ) and Bamboo Stem ( Bambuseae ). Adopting phosphoric acid and heat treatment techniques, it has been observed that the bamboo stem activated charcoal (BSAC) and pineapple stem (PS) adsorbents had a BET surface area of 116 and 11.47 m 2 /g, respectively. FTIR analysis indicated that various surface functional groups (such as C ≡ N stretching, stretching vibration of C = O, –CH3 wagging and C–O stretching vibration) contribute towards Ni (II) adsorption. Batch mode adsorption experiments were conducted for these adsorbents in the range of 50–300 mg/L Ni (II) solution concentration, 2–10 pH, 15–300 min. contact time, and 0.02–0.1 g/50 mL dosage. The BSAC adsorbent has been characterized with a metal uptake and %removal of 121.72 mg/g and 92.47, respectively, which corresponds to 45% higher metal uptake than corresponding bamboo based adsorbents presented in the literature. Further experimentation with BSAC enabled to achieve activated charcoal with surface area values similar to that of the commercial activated carbon adsorbent. The bamboo adsorbent has also been evaluated to perform similar to the commercial activated carbon for the removal and recovery of Pd (II) from synthetic electroless plating solutions. Also, a conceptual cost analysis indicated and affirmed towards the potential of the BSAC adsorbents for waste water treatment applications.  相似文献   

考察了添加稀土镧, 氧化镧、硝酸镧和氯化镧,对载铜活性炭吸附剂分离乙烯/乙烷的影响.测定了乙烯,乙烷40℃吸附等温线.乙烯选择性实验结果表明,氯化镧的添加效果最佳.合适的添加量在11.2%(wt)附近,可使乙烯的选择性提高到原来的两倍以上. 比表面及孔径分布数据表明, 添加适量稀土镧增大了吸附剂孔的比表面和孔体积, 特别是对微孔,因而更有利于提高吸附剂表面的利用率.通过SEM对稀土络合吸附剂的形貌观察可知,稀土分散于未被活性组分CuCl利用的活性炭表面.由于稀土对乙烷吸附量极小,从而极大抑制了活性炭载体对乙烷的物理吸附,这是此复合吸附剂提高乙烯乙烷分离性能的主要原因.  相似文献   

Cornulaca monacantha stem (CS) and biomass stem-based activated carbon (CSAC) were explored for the removal of congo red (CR) dye from water system. The biomaterial was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The BET surface area of biomass stem-based activated carbon (CSAC) was recorded to be 304.27 m2/g. The influence of different parameters such as initial CR concentration, adsorbent dosage, contact time, adsorbate pH and temperature onto CR adsorption were studied.The maximum adsorption of CR dye 97.19% and 86.43% were achieved at 55°C using CSAC and CS adsorbents, respectively. The isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamic study were also investigated to explore the adsorption mechanism. The adsorption isotherm closely follow the Langmuir model (R2 = 0.99) suggesting the monolayer adsorption of CR dye. Kinetic results indicated that pseudo second-order and Elovich model provide the better regression coefficient. Thermodynamic study revealed the feasible, spontaneous and endothermic nature of adsorption process. The regeneration study implies that adsorbent was efficiently recovered from CR dye with 0.01 mol/L NaOH solution. The CSAC adsorbent possesses 75.75% uptake for CR dyes after 6th cycles of desorption-adsorption, respectively. .  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that digested sludge can be reclaimed as an adsorbent for the removal of organic vapors (MEK, TOL and TCE) through the use of a pyrolysis. The manufactured adsorbent products were characterized by Brunauer, Emmentt and Teller (BET) surface area, carbon tetrachloride activity (ANSI/ASIM D3467–76'), and an elemental analysis test. Both the determination of CCl4 activity and BET surface area were regarded as the useful means for estimation of the adsorption capacity of organic vapors on the reclaimed adsorbents. From the view point of specific surface area (CCl4 activity number or adsorption capacity), it was concluded that the optimum condition for manufacturing the reclaimed adsorbent was by adding 5 kmols/m3 ZnCl2 to the treated sludge and then heating the mixture at 550°C for 1 hour.  相似文献   

In this work the performance of activated carbons prepared from raw and demineralised lignite for gas-phase Hg° removal was evaluated. A two-stage activation procedure was used for the production of the activated samples. In order to study the effect of mineral matter on pore structure development and surface functionality of the activated carbons, a demineralisation procedure involving a three-stage acid treatment of coals, was used, prior to activation. Hg° adsorption tests were realized in laboratory-scale unit consisted of a fixed-bed reactor charged with the tested activated samples. The examined adsorbent properties that may affect removal capacity were the pore structure, the surface chemistry and the presence of sulphur on the surface of activated carbons. The obtained results revealed that activated carbons produced from demineralised lignite posses a high-developed micropore structure with increased total pore volume and BET surface area. These samples exhibit enhanced Hg° adsorptive capacity. In all cases, mercury removal efficiency increased by sulphur addition. Finally, the starting material properties and activation conditions affect the concentration and the type of the oxygen groups on activated carbon surface, that have been determined with TPD-MS experiments.  相似文献   

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