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陶瓷中碱金属和碱土金属氧化物对三氧化二铁分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了陶瓷原料中的碱金属、碱土金属、氧化铝对三氧化二铁分解的起始温度和分解量的影响,并采用TO—DTA和XPd3等方法分析了这些成分与三氧化二铁分解之间的机理。  相似文献   

欧盟REACH法规对我国化学工业的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我国与欧盟进出口的贸易情况进行了介绍,指出欧盟REACH法规的生效和运行将对我国化学工业产生以下影响:①给我国化工产品及相关产品的出口造成障碍;②使我国从欧盟进口产品成本增加;③将打破目前国际化学品贸易平衡的局面;④消弱我国出口产品的竞争力;⑤具有影响人体健康及污染环境的产品有可能向我国转移.提出了一些对策和建议.  相似文献   

2011~2012年世界塑料工业进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了2011年7月~2012年6月世界塑料工业的相关资料,介绍了2011~2012年世界塑料工业的发展情况,提供了世界塑料产量、消费量及全球各类树脂的需求量及产能情况。按通用热塑性树脂(聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚苯乙烯、ABS树脂),工程塑料(尼龙、聚碳酸酯、聚甲醛、热塑性聚酯、聚苯醚),特种工程塑料(聚苯硫醚、液晶聚合物、聚醚醚酮),通用热固性树脂(酚醛、聚氨酯、不饱和聚酯树脂、环氧树脂)不同品种的顺序,对树脂的产量、消费量、供需状况及合成工艺、产品应用开发、树脂品种的延伸及应用的进一步扩展等技术作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

王敏 《水泥技术》2008,(3):71-72
球磨机是广泛用于水泥、电力等工业中耗电量较大的设备,如何对其进行自动控制,使之保持在最佳状态下运行,是多年来的一项技术难题.本文提供的测量装料量(料位)并加以控制的方法,经实践证明足行之有效的.  相似文献   

瓦克化学股份有限公司在2007业务年度创造了销售额和利润新记录.尽管原料和能源成本大幅上涨以及坚挺的欧元所造成的汇率影响,这家总部设在德国慕尼黑市的化学集团实现了利息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)10.02(上年:7.86)亿欧元,比上年增加27%.  相似文献   

刘丹 《中国涂料》2008,23(1):12-14
上海是中国涂料工业的发源地,上海涂料有限公司是上海涂料工业最具代表的一个大型企业。从1915年诞生的中国第一家涂料工厂——"上海开林造漆厂(原名:开林颜料油漆厂)"起,上海涂料有限公司经历了九十多个春秋,一直致力于涂料前沿技术的研究和开发,至今已发展成为规模一流、品种齐全、质量上乘、服务周到和潜力无限的现代化涂料集团,2006年公司销售额超过35亿元。在当前国内倡导节能环保理念,推广水性涂料的大环境下,作为全国涂料制造业效益十佳企业的上海涂料有限公司,旗下技术中心更是意识超前地研发出了一种既具有高品质乳胶漆的优点,又具有大理石和花岗石等材质装饰效果高雅大气、施工方便的全水性多彩外墙涂料,并已实现规模化生产。为使业界对该公司及其前沿新品有一个深入全面的了解,本刊特对其技术中心进行了专访。  相似文献   

历代的画家都把"三顾茅庐"当作一种流行的绘画题材,景德镇高级工艺美术师、艺术瓷厂美研所副所长江振生先生独具匠心,精心制作的瓷板"三顾茅庐"再现了这一历史题材故事,整幅画面作者用传统粉彩工笔加写实的手法画出了三国时期刘备三赴卧龙岗求贤诸葛孔明的故事,画面景物宏伟壮观,色彩浓丽鲜明,雪景人物相影相彰,给人以清新的视觉效果,巧印了罗贯中原著:"柴门半掩闭茅庐,中有高人卧不起.""一夜北风寒,万里彤云厚,长空雪乱飘,改尽江山旧."小桥、流水、庭院;古树、雪景、人物,好一幅诗景画意.  相似文献   

黄发 《玻璃与搪瓷》2006,34(2):62-63
1企业概况上海器皿模具厂创建于1927年,前身为黄发记机器厂,是全国第1家专业制造玻璃机械和玻璃模具的企业,原属上海轻工控股集团公司,2001年转制为股份合作制民营企业。现有员工85人,其中具有大专以上学历的21人,技术人员14人,具有中高级职称的11人。企业专业生产经营各类玻璃  相似文献   

陈志宏 《橡胶工业》2008,55(5):280-280
2008年3月20日,中国橡胶工业协会机头模具分会第七届会员代表大会在广东省揭阳市召开.根据中国橡胶工业协会的建议,会议一致推选广东巨轮模具股份有限公司为新一届理事长单位,总经理洪惠平任理事长.  相似文献   

Advanced model-based control strategies,e.g.,model predictive control,can offer superior control of key process variables for multiple-input multiple-output systems.The quality of the system model is critical to controller performance and should adequately describe the process dynamics across its operating range while remaining amenable to fast optimization.This work articulates an integrated system identification procedure for deriving black-box nonlinear continuous-time multiple-input multiple-output system models for nonlinear model predictive control.To showcase this approach,five candidate models for polynomial and interaction features of both output and manipulated variables were trained on simulated data and integrated into a nonlinear model predictive controller for a highly nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor system.This procedure successfully identified system models that enabled effective control in both servo and regulator problems across wider operating ranges.These controllers also had reasonable per-iteration times of ca.0.1 s.This demonstration of how such system models could be identified for nonlinear model predictive control without prior knowledge of system dynamics opens further possibilities for direct data-driven methodologies for model-based control which,in the face of process uncertainties or modelling limitations,allow rapid and stable control over wider operating ranges.  相似文献   

研究了一种接近全混流的小型气固相反应器,可以用于在实验室研究时需要实现全混流接触状态的气固相反应的研究.采用计算流体力学软件(CFD)进行模拟得到最优结构,其结构包括1个圆锥形反应器主体,4个连接在反应器主体底部的进料口,1个连接在反应器主体上部的出料口.气体从4个进料口进入,催化剂在流动过程中从中部掉落,形成气体水平...  相似文献   

尤东江  魏建云  李雪菁  娄景媛 《化工学报》2019,70(11):4437-4448
液流电池通常采用对角平推流流场,会形成电解液滞留区,造成电池局部浓差极化大,影响综合性能。鉴于此,提出了一种基于框架设计的流场优化方法,通过设计电极框架,可以得到“蛇形流道”和“平行流道”两类流场。以全钒液流电池为例,通过数学建模,研究了不同流场结构和参数对于多孔电极内电解液流动特性、电化学反应和温度变化特性的影响规律。计算结果与实验结果一致性良好,结果表明:电解液在“平行流场”内的流动均匀性比在“蛇形流场”内好,且不存在滞留区,同时在“平行流场”内浓差极化也较“蛇形流场”低;此外,对于同样的电极面积,在电极内部的“平行流道”越多,电解液的流速分布越均匀,反应特性越好。  相似文献   

A new concept of a sequence of plots is used for the separation of flow regimes in two-phase flow. The empirical correlations themselves are based on extensive tabulations of flow-type data from the AGA-API Data Bank. Provided these data and the tabulations are accurate, the accuracy of the proposed method is better than 5%. The accuracy for any separation can easily be obtained from the information given. The probability of being able to separate flow types by the various correlations was determined and used to select the best correlations. In actual use, there will be times when a complete separation cannot be made. However, one will know this and be able to say that the flow is one of two or, rarely, more types.  相似文献   

龙妍  黄素逸  张洪伟 《化工学报》2006,57(9):2135-2139
任何一个系统(生态的、自然的、生产过程、社会的、市场的)在其内部各个环节之间及与外部环境之间都在不断地进行着物质、能量和信息的交换,在时间和空间上形成物质流、能量流和信息流.本文主要根据协同学原理,描述物质流、能量流和信息流是如何相互影响和相互依存的,并进一步指出通过对物质流、能量流与信息流协同的研究,可以实现三者之间的协调配合,以在时间和空间上形成一种最佳的有序结构.  相似文献   

A study of air flow patterns by hot-wire anemometry is reported for a vortex chamber consisting of an upper cylindrical section 122 cm in diameter and 61 cm high and a conical bottom section 122 cm high. Quantitative data are presented for flow angles, profiles of mean tangential and axial velocities, and radial distributions of tangential and axial intensities of turbulence as a function of air entrance velocities of 1.6, 2.4 and 3.2 m/s, and axial distance from the top of the chamber. In general, the quantitative results confirm the theoretical predictions and the experimental trends reported in the literature. In particular, they fully support the conclusion that the flow pattern is relatively insensitive to the entrance volumetric flow rate. A generalized correlation is presented for the axial velocity distribution. Preliminary correlations are also presented for the tangential velocity distributions in the core and in the annular region of the vortex near the wall. These were found to be functions of the axial location and of the air entrance velocity.  相似文献   

《Journal of aerosol science》2006,37(10):1174-1187
Flow behaviour in laminar aerosol flow tubes was investigated using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model. Since these flow tubes are typically operated at low gas velocity, even small temperature gradients produce convection currents strong enough to interfere with laminar flow. This results in recirculation, causing the residence times of aerosol particles to be poorly defined. The situation is exacerbated when temperature inversions are present, or when the flow direction and temperature are changed simultaneously. We analyzed several characteristic flow tube configurations to define the range of experimental conditions that will ensure a laminar flow profile with minimal recirculation. For a laminar flow situation, we evaluated the extent of diffusion-controlled exchange between aerosol and the flow tube wall.  相似文献   

An experimental study was made of melt flow instabilities in extrusion of two-phase polymer systems. For the study, blends were prepared from two polymers: polystyrene (Dow Chemical STYRON 686) and high density polyethylene (Union Carbide DMDJ 4309). The experimental technique used in the present study was the same as that described in a previous paper by the authors. The study shows that there are abrupt increases both in exit pressure and in the recoverable shear strain (defined as the ratio of the exit pressure to shear stress) at the critical flow conditions. It has also been found that an addition of a small amount of high density polythylene (2.5 wt-% and 5.0 wt-%) increases the critical shear rate of polystyrene and hence results in a higher throughput rate before extrudate distortion is actually observed. This result is explained in terms of the independently determined melt elasticity of the two-phase systems investigated.  相似文献   

赵金钢  叶芳  郭航  马重芳 《化工学报》2010,61(Z2):39-42
对平行流场两相流瞬态过程进行了初步模拟研究,利用VOF两相流模型对平行流场内初始分布有液体然后通入一定流量气体进行吹扫的瞬态过程进行了数值计算,分析了流场竖直布置时重力对流道内液体传递造成的影响。结果表明,平行流场竖直放置时不利于液态流体的排出,液体的分布也不均匀。为提高该种流场排出液体的能力,本文对流道进出口总管进行了改进设计,采用渐缩总管的布置形式,并进行了计算,发现渐缩型总管可以改善液体在不同流道间的分布。  相似文献   

对输油站流量检定装置进行清洗的必要性和清洗方法进行了阐述.  相似文献   

平行流热管换热器综合热管轴向高效换热和平行流换热器管外高效换热的优点,是一种新型的热管换热器。为了研究平行流热管工作机理及管内流动过程,搭建了平行流热管可视化实验台并对不同结构参数、不同加热功率和不同充注工质下的启动特性和传热传质规律进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:平行流热管工作机理复杂,并联管路内气柱和液柱在重力和不平衡压力的共同作用下进行互激振荡流动,并且管内出现泡状流、弹状流、环状流等多种流型,同时较高的加热功率和较大的管径会加剧工质在并联各管路之间的往复振荡,增加工质在蒸发段和冷凝段的扰动,提高热管的换热性能。  相似文献   

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