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露天煤矿端帮残煤开采及边坡暴露时间分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高露天开采的煤炭资源回收率,掌控露天煤矿端帮残煤开采工程安排,提出了水平和近水平大型露天煤矿汽车运输内排条件下,露天煤矿端帮露井联采、端帮陡帮开采、减少露天煤矿端帮边坡暴露时间的措施.结果表明:采掘工作帮帮坡角越大、内排土场工作帮帮坡角越大、工作线推进强度越大、内排土场下部水平排土台阶高度越大、采场坑底宽度越小露天煤矿端帮边坡的暴露时间越短;当露天煤矿端帮实行陡帮开采时,汽车运输内排通路可设在采场中部回填搭建。  相似文献   

根据瑞典北部Kiruna矿的现场调查,采用考虑岩层控制规律的CAD系统(CADSSCR),对该矿632水平Y28采区进行了设计模拟,得出了如下结论:1/CAD设计中必须考虑岩层控制规律,与大规模开采有关的问题可通过考虑岩层控制规律得到改善。2.研究表明,大规模开采的准备采区要求约为2 ̄3个月,采区宽度约100m,从悬帮到底帮,且在给定的矿山条件下,每年可节约0.5%的利率成本。3.咬合岩块系统的作  相似文献   

为了解决露天矿山运输成本高、排土空间受限的问题,在昆阳磷矿四采区西部提出采用二次内排方案。选取53#-54#勘探线区域为一次排土场,四采区西部富矿区(50#-52#勘探线)为正常开采区域,剥离的废石先行排放至一次排土场,待开采至最低标高后,腾出的采空区用作二次排土场,并将一次排土场内堆放的废石倒运至二次排土场。通过现场实验表明,使用二次内排方案可以缩短运输距离,节约能耗23.13%,大幅度降低运输成本;并且矿石内排可以减少征地,节约土地空间106 666 m2,缓解了采区排土空间受限的问题。  相似文献   

减碳降碳是我国煤炭工业绿色低碳发展面临的新挑战和科技攻关的新方向.在分析残采区储碳空间重构必要性的基础上,以绿色开采和科学开采的学术思想为指导,综合考虑残采区空间资源的高效率开发与CO2的大体量储集,提出了残采区关键域充填储碳空间重构的技术方法——基于残采区发育特征和围岩结构形式,通过分区设计、充填重构和储集控制等技术的系统集成,在煤矿残采区关键位置实施针对性地充填增稳技术,构筑出封闭且稳定的CO2储集空间.残采区关键域充填储碳空间重构需要解决四大关键科学问题:残采区潜在储碳空间煤岩破坏响应规律及关键域判别原理、关键域碱性充填材料碳化改性-碳化养护的协同储碳机制、煤岩充结构体蠕变失稳模型与储碳空间群灾变失稳机理、储碳空间关键域充填参数与CO2注/排参数的设计准则等.残采区关键域充填储碳空间重构关键技术包括:潜在储碳空间关键域的多参量识别技术、关键域碱性充填材料储碳性能的表征技术、注/排影响下储碳空间的链式灾变模拟技术、储碳空间重构“承载-储碳”参数的调控技术等.残采区关键域充填储碳空间重构亟需攻关的研究任务有:残采区潜在...  相似文献   

合理采剥程序研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了确定合理采剥程序的原则,并结合石人沟露天铁矿生产现状,研究了合理生产采剥比和利用小分区超前开采,实现局部内排的最佳方案。  相似文献   

本文的中心思思是论述缓倾斜易自燃厚煤层分层开采,在无岩石集中巷的条件下,提出了边界辅助上山的布置方式。解决综采区工作面接替的紧张状态。在采区内实现采掘独立的两个系统。并把阶段内相邻采区的准备系统联系到一起。以达到安全集中生产,提高经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

通过对曹村煤矿十采区综合研究分析,认为K8砂岩、第四系空隙含水层是2#煤开采时的主要充水含水层;十采区下组煤主要受到顶板K2灰岩含水层和底板奥灰水突水的影响;通过对奥灰水突水危险性的定量计算,并对突水危险性进行分区,在Ⅰ区突水危险性较小,应重点加强对Ⅱ、Ⅲ区探测和监测工作,对局部富水地段进行注浆加固,以增加隔水底板的有效厚度和强度,达到防治突水的目的。  相似文献   

保护层开采上覆煤岩变形移动及瓦斯抽采效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据潘三矿东四采区实际开采条件和回采工艺,运用数值模拟和现场试验相结合的方法,分析了近水平煤层保护层开采过程中被保护层应力、变形量、透气性系数在保护层开采过程中的演化机制。结果表明:保护层开采过程中,被保护层存在未受影响区(原始应力区)、增压区、过渡卸压区、稳定卸压区和重新压实区,被保护层边界区域附近过渡卸压区内的透气性系数为原始透气性系数的30倍左右,煤体应力下降,产生了一定的膨胀变形,大大提高了瓦斯抽采效果。  相似文献   

沛城煤矿东二采区位于沛县县城中心区下方,开采单一急倾斜厚煤层。1989年开始用条带采煤法试采,条带采留比为20m∶25m。在试采期间,进行了长达2年的井下观测,并对观测数据进行了分析研究。试采完全成功,采出煤炭18.6万t,县城中心区地面最大下沉值81mm,建筑物完好无损,节省了大量迁城费。  相似文献   

煤田采区火成岩分布地震反演技术的应用研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
将基于模型的地震反演技术应用于国桩采区地震资料岩性解释过程中.首先对基于模型的地震反演原理进行了阐述,并针对煤田测井数据特点进行了数据处理与分析,然后对地震子渡进行了分析提取,实现了精细的火威岩的层位标定.通过对国桩采区的火成岩及煤系地层进行的综合地质分析,利用地震反演技术实现了火成岩与煤系地层的薄层分布信息预测.结果表明,该方法有效的提高地了地震数据的分辨率,能解释常规剖面上不易识别出的一些地质现象,为采区火成岩的分布,薄煤层的开采、有利区带的评价提供详实的信息。  相似文献   

In a global environment where energy and labor are becoming increasingly expensive, continuous mining systems such as In-Pit Crushing and Conveying(IPCC) systems have been advanced as offering a real alternative to conventional truck haulage systems. The implementation of IPCC systems in hard rock operations in open pit mines however requires different and more comprehensive planning approaches in order to adequately reflect the practical aspects associated with these. This paper investigates the impact that these approaches may have on the implementation of IPCC systems on a basic metalliferous deposit amenable to open pit exploitation. A strategic life of mine plan to provide numerous economic indicators for each approach is analyzed and compared to traditional truck haulage systems. The mine planning and evaluation process highlights the increased overall resource recovery that may accompany the use of IPCC systems. This investigation also provides insights into the issues associated with IPCC and the scale and type of operation and orebody that is likely to provide a feasible alternative to truck haulage.  相似文献   

Given the conditions of residual coal from the boundary of a flat dipping open-pit mine,which uses strip areas mining and inner dumping with slope-covering,we propose an open-pit and underground integrated mining technology for residual coal of end slopes.In the proposal a conveyance road and ventilation conveyance near the slope are built,corresponding to the pit mining area and the surface coal mine dump,as well as an interval haulage tunnel and air-inlet tunnel.The outcome shows that such mining method may reduce the effect to slope stability from underground mining,it does not affect the dumping advance and has a high recovery rate of residual coal resources.The working face is timbered by single hydraulic props,transported by a scraper conveyor and supported by coal walls.This method of mining is one of layered top coal caving,with high resource recovery,low production cost where positive economic benefit can be realized.  相似文献   

露天开采规划决策系统及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了露天开采规划决策系统的基本功能,应用该系统建立了某露天矿的地质模型和采矿模型,进而在地质资源综合评价的基础上,对首采区的开采程序进行了多方案的模拟开采,应用动态经济评价方法对之进行技术经济分析和比选,最后对优选的开采方案进行了中长期的规划,这为该矿的合理开发奠定了基础.实践证明,该系统具有较强的实用性和通用性,可以作为露天矿优化决策的有效工具。  相似文献   

矿山地表塌陷区的数字近景摄影测量监测技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用高分辨率数字摄影机,获取采矿地表塌陷区的数字影像像对,利用在现场布设的像控点建立DLT算法模型,计算出描述塌陷区形态的一系列特征点的三维坐标,在地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下,构建矿区地表原始地形DTM(数字地面模型)和塌陷区现状DTM,将两个DTM进行复合分析、计算出塌陷区的具体形态特征参数如形状、深度、体积等,结果表明这一技术是快速可靠的。  相似文献   

针对我国近水平煤层的赋存特点,探讨了露天矿开发的一些关键技术问题,如合理生产规模、开采工艺、开采程序和开拓运输系统等,给出了实用决策模型,在实际应用中取得了满意的效果。本文的决策模型对我国近水平煤层的合理开发有实用价值。  相似文献   

In order to enhance coal recovery ratio of open pit coal mines, a new extraction method called zonal mining system for residual coal around the end-walls is presented. The mining system can improve economic benefits by exploiting haulage and ventilation roadways from the exposed position of coal seams by utilizing the existing transportation systems. Moreover, the main mining parameters have also been discussed. The outcome shows that the load on coal seam roof is about 0.307 MPa and the drop step of the coal seam roof about 20.3 m when the thickness of cover and average volume weight are about 120 m and 0.023 MN/m3 respectively. With the increase of mining height and width, the coal recovery ratio can be improved. However, when recovery ratio is more than 0.85, the average stress on the coal pillar will increase tempestuously, so the recovery ratio should also be controlled to make the coal seam roof safe. Based on the numerical simulation results, it is concluded that the ratio of coal pillar width to height should be more than 1.0 to make sure the coal pillars are steady, and there are only minor displacements on the end-walls.  相似文献   

Near-surface deposits that extend to considerable depths are often amenable to both open pit mining and/or underground mining. This paper investigates the strategy of mining options for an orebody using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming(MILP) optimization framework. The MILP formulation maximizes the Net Present Value(NPV) of the reserve when extracted with(i) open pit mining,(ii) underground mining, and(iii) concurrent open pit and underground mining. Comparatively, implementing open pit mining generates a higher NPV than underground mining. However considering the investment required for these mining options, underground mining generates a better return on investment than open pit mining. Also, in the concurrent open pit and underground mining scenario, the optimizer prefers extracting blocks using open pit mining. Although the underground mine could access ore sooner, the mining cost differential for open pit mining is more than compensated for by the discounting benefits associated with earlier underground mining.  相似文献   

晋宁磷矿东采区进入深部开采后,岩体构造复杂,加之坑底积水影响,导致该作业区域局部地段的岩石可钻性、可爆性发生了变化,现有穿孔爆破方式已满足不了生产需要。晋宁磷矿为改善该区域的成孔及破碎效果,根据区域内岩性特征并结合现场实际情况,将作业区域划分成不同试验单元,并依此进行单孔爆破试验,同时对试验的爆破漏斗及块度进行测定分析,最终确定出不同爆破性指数并进行不同爆区划分及作业优化, 满足了采矿和剥离的需要,并节约了穿孔爆破费用。  相似文献   

According to the characteristics of opencast coal resources and dragline technology system application in China, the structure and shifting step of transport passage are optimized in this paper. Typical coal transport passage is analyzed in aspects such as the internal dump occupation, dragline operation efficiency, coal transport distance, upper stripping distance and shifting quantities. The middle passage should be given priority in thick overburden open pit mine because the dragline system is only responsible for part stripping task. According to characteristics of middle passage, the transport passage is divided into parallel climbing, vertical climbing and horizontal transport. In addition, the transport passage structure optimization model and shifting distance optimization model are established in this paper. The case study in Heidaigou open pit mine shows that, the parallel climbing height is accounted for about 60% of the total height, and reasonable shifting distances of the first mining area and the second mining area are 240 and 320 m. Sensitivity analysis shows that, the total passage height has important influence on the shifting step, so it is with the stripping height and passage construction cost to the passage structure.  相似文献   

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