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对贵州某地混合铜矿石进行了选矿试验研究。原矿入选品位Cu 1.27%、Ag 3.80 g/t,含As 4.46 g/t,铜氧化率为23.87%,属混合铜矿。根据矿石性质,分别拟定并开展了"氧硫混选""氧硫分选"和"浮选—尾矿酸浸"3种选铜工艺的探索对比试验,试验结果表明,"浮选—尾矿酸浸"是适宜的选铜流程。试验表明:1)在较佳的分选条件下,原矿经"浮选—尾矿酸浸"联合流程选别后,可获得铜精矿产率4.41%、Cu品味20.52%、回收率73.05%;浸液铜品位880.00 mg/L、浸出率14.16%,铜总回收率87.21%的技术经济指标。铜得到了回收利用。  相似文献   

针对某铜矿原矿含碳较高,碳质矿物在浮选过程中极易上浮,影响最终铜产品的品位的问题,通过大量的试验研究后,在传统的浮选工艺中采用"浮选时抑碳直接选铜"工艺可得铜精矿含铜品位为19.45%,铜回收率为85.79%等较好的闭路试验指标,为该类矿石的开发利用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

国内某铜钴矿,原矿中的主要金属矿物有黄铜矿、闪锌矿、含钴黄铁矿、菱铁矿等;脉石矿物主要是石英、铁白云石及白云母等。原矿含Cu 0.08%、Co 0.28%、S 17.79%、Fe 19.79%、As 0.43%。矿石中主要回收的有价金属为Cu、Co、S。综合考虑矿石性质,确定采用优先浮选铜—再浮选钴工艺流程试验,获得铜精矿含Cu 20.15%,Cu的回收率为49.12%:钴精矿含Co 0.81%,Co的回收率为91.41%的工艺指标。  相似文献   

为从会理锌矿含铜的铅锌硫化矿中分选铜,对会理锌矿含铜的铅锌硫化矿进行了系统的工艺矿物学研究和选矿工艺研究.工艺矿物学研究结果表明会理锌矿含铜的铅锌硫化矿中铜矿物以黄铜矿、银黝铜矿-砷黝铜矿、硫锑铜银矿、车轮矿等矿物形式存在,并以黄铜矿为主,其次为银黝铜矿-砷黝铜矿系列矿物.铜矿物嵌布特征复杂,与闪锌矿互相包裹及呈固溶体分离结构较为普遍.铜矿物嵌布粒级较均匀,多集中于+0.08mm以上粒级中,铜矿物单体解离度相对较好.基于会理锌矿舍铜铅锌硫化矿的矿石特性,采用“铜铅混浮-铜铅分离-再浮锌”浮选工艺,在原矿含铜0.94%、铅0.92%、锌10.60%的情况下,可获得含铜17.76%、铅4.35%、锌12.87%,铜回收率62.89%的铜精矿,含铜2.99%、铅54.52%、锌10.48%,铅回收率50.34%的铅精矿,含铜0.75%、铅1.20%、锌55.86%,锌回收率88.56%的锌精矿,银在铜、铅、锌精矿中的回收率分别为50.93%、2.32%、29.51%,实现了从会理锌矿含铜铅锌硫化矿中分选铜的目标.  相似文献   

采用湿法冶金同浮选工艺联合,酸浸—萃取—电积—渣浮选联合工艺综合回收氧化铜矿中的有价元素:酸浸浸出矿物中的氧化铜,通过萃取、电积工艺生产电积铜,浸出渣浮选,回收渣中的残余铜矿物及有价金属金、银,提高氧化矿综合利用价值。  相似文献   

某氧化铅锌矿选矿试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
某铅锌矿矿石含有铅、锌有价组分和可综合利用的组分银。矿石矿物组成较为复杂,氧化率高,为氧化铅锌矿石。试验表明,采用优先浮选分选硫化铅、硫化锌、氧化铅矿物可获得较好的分选指标,但浮选法分选氧化锌矿物指标较差。通过分选工艺的研究,采用原矿粗磨(细度-200目占60%~70%),优先浮选—重选—磁选联合流程,可以获得较好的选矿指标。  相似文献   

云南低品位难处理氧硫混合铜铁矿综合回收试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南某铜铁矿含铜0.54%,含铁44.41%,矿物共生关系密切,嵌布粒度细,属难选矿石.氧化铜多嵌布于硫化铜矿周边,形成蚀变边结构,针对该蚀变特点,采用粗磨条件下连生体浮选的方法,可以有效回收铜,与细磨条件下相比,铜回收率由46.89%提高到71.80%.采用强磁选—重选联合工艺流程对赤铁矿进行回收,可以得到最终铁精矿品位64.24%,回收率63.38%的选别指标.  相似文献   

某铜矿石含铜0.49%,硫11.46%,金、银分别为0.64 g/t和17.89 g/t. 根据矿石中铜、金、银的赋存状态,采用浮选工艺流程综合回收铜、金和银. 结果表明:采用铜硫混合浮选流程,可获得含铜18.99%,回收率为84.10%的铜精矿,铜精矿中金银回收率分别为48.17%和35.84%;采用铜硫等可浮浮选流程,可获得含铜19.41%,回收率为83.85%的铜精矿,铜精矿中金银回收率分别为44.97%和32.65%. 铜硫混合浮选流程可对铜、金、银较好的综合回收,流程易于控制,生产便于管理.  相似文献   

含铜金矿石是重要金矿资源,含铜金矿石的细菌氧化作用导致硫化物溶解,铜呈硫酸铜形式被脱除。生物浸渣用氰化物提金获得较高的金回收率。采用焙烧氧化、酸浸脱铜、氰化提金的处理方法,也能使含铜金矿达到脱铜提金的效果。细菌预氧化处理含铜金矿是一条经济有效的途径。  相似文献   

使用不同药剂对铜录山铜矿石进行浮选试验,比较试验结果表明:使用WHL—C作调整剂,丁基黄药和乙基黄药作混合捕收剂,采用-粗-精-扫流程可以获得铜精矿品位23.1%,回收率95.45%的优良指标,证实了混合捕收剂和WHL—C对铜矿物具有优良的选择作用。  相似文献   

The authors present the results of analysis of material composition and experimental investigations of acid and biohydrometallurgical leaching of middlings on grain size, pH level, leaching process duration, temperature and slurry density. The rational parameters of flotation and acid-bacterial leaching of middlings providing an efficient release of valuable components from mineral complexes and recovery to flotation concentrate and leaching solution have been determined. A combined flowsheet and a beneficiation process for bulk flotation middlings of copper–molybdenum ore have been suggested, which include middlings grinding, sulfide minerals flotation, bacterial leaching of sulfide flotation tailings, liquid-phase extraction of dissolved copper and electrolysis of re-extraction eluates. The suggested combined method of cleaning of middlings of copper–molybdenum ores beneficiation provides the total copper recovery increase by 0.8% with a reduction of the cost price of saleable material by 0.5%.  相似文献   

Techniques of copper recovery from Mexican copper oxide ore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mexican copper ore is a mixed ore containing mainly copper oxide and some copper sulfide that responds well to flotation. The joint techniques of flotation and leaching were studied. The results indicate that an ore containing 19.01% copper could be obtained at a recovery ratio of 35.02% by using sodium sulfide and butyl xanthate flotation. Over 83.33% of the copper oxide can be recovered from the tailings by leaching in suitable conditions, such as 1 h stirring at a temperature around 25 ℃ with a mixing speed of 500 r/min, an H2SO4 concentration of 1.0 mol/L and a mass ratio of the ore-slurry-liquid to solid (mL/mS) of 3. The overall yield of refined ore after flotation and leaching is over 89.18% of the copper, which is much better than sole flotation or leaching. A copper product containing more than 99.9% copper was obtained by using the process: flotation-agitation leaching-solvent extraction-electro-winning.  相似文献   

研究了在低碱条件下淀粉、焦性没食子酸、水杨酸、单宁酸、乳酸等多种有机抑制齐j及它们之间的组合物对黄铜矿、黄铁矿可浮性的影响.选择焦性没食子酸+单宁酸作为黄铁矿的高效抑制剂,进行铜硫人工混合矿的浮选分离试验和实际矿石的铜硫浮选分离试验,该工艺与传统的石灰工艺比较,铜精矿中的金的品位提高1.24g/t,回收率提高7.74%;银的品位提高4.56g/t,银的回收率提高6.18%;钼的品位提高0.145%,钼的回收率提高35.29%.最后对其作用机理进行分析.  相似文献   

研究探讨了从硫精矿中综合回收金银铜的途径.确定了最易实现工业化的浮选流程。在原硫精矿害Cu、Au、Ag、S分别为0.67%、5.01g/t、17.23g/t、35.17%的情况下,经氧化浮选后,可获得铜金精矿;βCu=15.59%.βAu=112g/t.βAg=210g/t,εCu=77.74%,εAu=40.72%,浮选尾矿中βs=35.42%,εs=97.31%,可作为硫精矿出售。  相似文献   

为了探明广西融水某铜镍矿矿石的工艺矿物学性质,采用光谱半定量分析、化学多元素分析、物相分析等方法,对矿石的物质组成、铜镍在矿石中的赋存形式及黄铜矿、镍黄铁矿的嵌布特性等进行了系统研究.结果表明:该铜镍矿石铜的品位为0.83%,硫化铜中的铜占96.02%,主要赋存于黄铜矿中;镍的品位为0.52%,硫化镍中的镍占73.08%,主要赋存于镍黄铁矿中,但氧化镍和硅酸镍的存在会影响到镍的回收率,其中氧化镍采用常规的浮选药剂是较难回收的,而硅酸镍是不能回收的,所以实际上25.00%的镍是不能回收的.矿石的结构较复杂,矿石中的镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿的粒度以细粒为主,且镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿之间共生关系密切,多数以非自形晶结构为主,接触边界不规则,给硫化矿物之间的分离带来困难,从而影响铜镍精矿品位.  相似文献   

Misreported pyrite into copper concentrates dramatically declines copper grade and recovery. Copper flotation can be also more complicated if flotation feed comes from an elevated-pyritic copper ore. In this investigation, the effect of two different ore types(high pyritic and low pyritic feeds) was studied on rougher stage of industrial copper flotation circuit. Samples were taken from different streams and the structure of chalcopyrite within the pyrite and non-sulfide gangue minerals was examined in various size fractions for mentioned ore types. Results indicated that 72% and 56% of the total floated pyrite was transferred to concentrate in first four cells in the low and high pyritic feeds, respectively. Whereas, this proportion for floated SiO_2 in last ten cells was detected as 72% and 71%, respectively. A detailed interpretation of the effect of locked particles in different size fractions on rougher flotation cells is studied from industrial point of view.  相似文献   

On the basis of an experiment in ultrasonic enhanced ammonia leaching of tailings, the effect of ultrasonic waves on copper dissolution was studied. The mechanism of ultrasonic enhanced tailing leaching was analyzed and a technique of ultrasonic enhanced pipe leaching of tailings was proposed. The results show that tailings with ultrasonic treatment can leach up to 89.5% of Cu, which is 13.5% more than those without the treatment. Ultrasonic technology is capable of improving leaching rates and the overall recovery of tailing leaching. Impact waves and micro jet streams can strip and erode affected surfaces of tailing particles to create new active surfaces and disturbances can intensify mass transfer processes in "dead zones". The technique of ultrasonic enhanced pipe leaching of tailings is a combination of existing agitation enhancement with ultrasonic enhancement and can im-prove mineral recovery.  相似文献   

采用煅烧、磁选工艺对铁矿尾矿的惰性进行改性. 以改性后的铁矿尾矿为原料制备了蒸养砖,实现了对铁矿尾矿的废物利用. 将选矿尾矿与一定量煤粉混合煅烧,使其具有火山灰活性并使尾矿中的矿石矿物转变成磁铁矿. 对煅烧尾矿进行磁选,并检测三氧化二铝和二氧化硅的总溶出率. 以活化磁选后的铁矿尾矿为主要原料,采取干压成型制备了蒸养砖. 结果表明,煅烧后磁选能够将重选尾矿、浮选尾矿中的铁含量分别降低39.41 %和45.10 %,分选出来的铁精矿的品位均在57 %以上. 同时,重选尾矿的火山灰活性提高了近3倍,磁选尾矿的火山灰活性提高近2倍. 制备蒸养砖的最佳配合比为:水泥、建筑砂与尾矿的质量比为1∶1∶8,水料比0.15,石膏掺量为总干物料的2%. 所制得蒸养砖的抗折强度、抗压强度、吸水率、软化系数、干质量损失、干燥收缩率等性能指标都达到了非烧结砖的国标要求.  相似文献   

The converter slag from a smeltery in Daye contains 2.01% copper. The floatability of copper has a significant influence on the flotation of converter slag. Flotation tests, contact angle tests and FTIR were conducted to assess the influences of pH and different flotation concentrators on its hydrophobic process, mechanism and flotation. The results show that since chemisorptions are formed on the surface, hydrophobicity of copper is highly enhanced by xanthate, butylamine dithiophosphate and Z-200. The hydrophobic-surface of copper becomes worse with low recovery in strong acid and alkali situation. When pH value is 10, butylamine dithiophosphate and butyl xanthate are used as the mixed-collector, the grade of copper is 40.01% and that of tailings is 0.37%.  相似文献   

某难选低品位铜矿的选矿工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同磨矿细度下,对云南某低品位铜矿原矿进行磨矿细度条件试验及流程对比试验,结果表明采用粗磨入选—粗精矿再磨流程,矿石入选细度70%-200目,可获得铜精矿铜品位22.00%、回收率83.72%的分选指标。  相似文献   

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