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为了改善巷道维护和减少护巷煤柱损失,我国很多矿区都将矿井的主要大巷、开采厚煤层的采区上(下)山和区段集中平巷等巷道,布置在底板岩层内或下部邻近围岩比较稳定的薄和中厚煤层内。在煤层开采深度、巷道断面和支护等地质技术条件变化不大的情况下,这类巷道的维护状况主要取决于上部煤层的采动状况、巷道围岩的力学性质、巷道与上部煤层之间  相似文献   

针对淮南局孔集煤矿开采急倾斜煤层不同阶段进行分析。综合其生产中的先进技术,提出了跨采区上山回采方案,对急倾斜煤层开采技术革新有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在开采近距离煤层群的矿井中,采区巷道联合布置即几个煤层共用一套采区上山,以及设置共用的区段集中平巷,比单层布置采区具有较大的优越性。因此,在许多矿井中得到广泛采用,联合开采的煤层范围也逐渐扩大。 已有的联合布置采区不仅满足了生产技术的需要,用以实现合理集中生产,并且获得了  相似文献   

通过对平顶山煤业集团公司八矿多煤层采区同采条件下,下部煤层开采对上部煤层开采影响的相似材料模拟试验结果的分析,得出了下组煤层开采时上覆岩层的移动及变形规律、有关岩层移动参数、上组煤层巷道变形预计方法及采动影响的时空关系.  相似文献   

多煤层采区岩层移动相似材料的模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对平顶山煤业集团公司八矿多煤层采区同采条件下,下部煤层开采对上部煤层开采影响的相似材料模拟试验结果的分析,得出了下组煤层开采时上覆岩层的移动及变形规律、有关岩层移动参数、上组煤层巷道变形预计方法及采动影响的时空关系  相似文献   

近距离煤层开采侧向支承压力分布的相似模拟试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用相似模拟的方法,以平项山八矿己二采区己15和己16-17煤层实际地质资料为基础,分析了近距离煤层上煤层开采时,在上煤层采场两侧向的支承压力分布及集中程度、峰值距煤壁的距离、支承压力的影响范围;一定范围内底板中集中应力的传递及渐衰减特征.研究了上煤层开采后下煤层开采过程中,采煤工作面两侧应力降低区范围、峰值应力的位置、应力集中的程度以及与上煤层开采时的对比关系.作者认为,下煤层开采后上覆顶板岩层受到二次扰动,其破坏移动主要是沿原有破裂面滑移,由于剪胀的作用,上覆岩层能够形成面接触的覆岩基本结构特征.根据模拟结果得出:特定开采条件下,上部或下部不同煤层采煤工作面侧向卸压区范围.该结果对区段巷道布置有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

吉克煤矿首采区上行开采可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过理论计算和数值模拟方法,对吉克煤矿首采区M11煤层上行开采的可行性进行了研究。结果表明,计算得出M11煤层开采后覆岩最大垮落带高度为8.47m,导水裂隙带高度为21.1m-32.4m,M9煤层位于导水裂隙带之内。数值模拟结果表明,M9煤层内部的垂直应力显著下降,垮落带和导水裂隙带高度分别为10m和36m,M11煤层开采对M9煤层的卸压效果明显。首采区利用M11煤层作为M9煤层的解放层是可行的。  相似文献   

针对淮南煤田某矿412采区开采1煤时受承压水的威胁,从采区的水文地质与工程地质条件出发,建立数值计算模型,并利用FLAC数值分析软件对开采过程中煤层底板应力、破坏区及突涌水情况进行分析与评价,为安全开采提出相应建议.  相似文献   

开采煤层底板"四带"划分理论与实践   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
简述了国内外开采煤层底板突水机理的研究现状.基于损伤力学、断裂力学和矿山压力理论,在开采煤层底板“三带”划分理论基础上,提出了开采煤层底板“四带”划分理论,即开采煤层底板可以划分出I矿压破坏带;Ⅱ新增损伤带;Ⅲ原始损伤带;Ⅳ原始导高带.对比分析了上述2种理论的共同点和不同点,推导出开采煤层底板“四带”理论中各带厚度的计算公式,给出了底板突水判别方法.结合肥城煤田开采煤层底板探测实例,说明开采煤层底板“四带”存在的客观性.  相似文献   

本文详细分析了煤层倾角及顶煤厚度对缓倾斜厚煤层综采放顶煤放煤工艺的影响,通过现场试验和模型实验对理论分析进行了验证,提出了合理放煤工艺及适合于放顶煤开采的煤层最小厚度的确定原则。  相似文献   

巨厚煤层冲击地压的防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对义煤集团千秋煤矿有冲击倾向巨厚煤层冲击现象现状、特点及影响因素分析,结合该矿的生产实践,提出了适合该条件的冲击危险预测方法及相应解危措施,并进一步提出解危措施效果检验方法以及以上工作失败、冲击地压突发情况下的应急措施;在此基础上建立了适合义煤千秋矿巨厚煤层冲击地压防治的安全开采体系,成功地进行了巨厚煤层的综放开采,从而为有冲击倾向巨厚煤层的安全开采提供了成功范例.  相似文献   

It is important to study the mining technology under structures for raising the coal resources recovery ratio. Based on the geological and mining conditions, the top coal caving harmonic mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was put forward and studied. The 5 factors such as the panel mining direction, panel size, panel location, panel mining sequence and panel advance velocity were taken into account in this technique. The dam movement and deformation were predicted after the thick coal seam mining and the effects of mining on the dam were studied. By setting up the surveying stations on the dam, the movement and deformation of the dam were observed during mining. By taking some protective measures on the dam, the top coal caving mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was carried out successfully. The study demonstrates that harmonic mining in thick coal seam is feasible under the dam. The safety of the earth dam after mining was ensured and the coal resources recovery ratio was improved.  相似文献   

Considering the danger of water inrush in mining very thick coal seam under water-rich roof in Majialiang Coal Mine, the universal discrete element (UDEC) software was used to simulate the overburden fracture evolution laws when mining 4# coal seam. Besides, this study researched on the influence of face advancing length, speed and mining height on the height of the water flowing fractured zones (HWFFZ), and analyzed the correlation of face advancing length and change rules of aquifer water levels and goaf water inflow. Based on those mentioned above, this research proposed the following water-controlling technologies: draining the roof water before mining, draining goaf water, reasonable advancing speed and mining thickness. These water-controlling technologies were successfully used in the field, thus ensured safely mining the very thick coal seam under water-rich roof.  相似文献   

淮南孔集煤矿山西组A1、A3煤层总厚6m,为第四系含水砂层下底板岩溶水上复合含水体威胁的急倾斜煤层。对于砂层水害防治,采用合理留设防水煤柱,沿用“小阶段、长走向、间歇开采”的方式方法;对于底板岩溶水患防治,采用“疏水降压、限压开采”的防治水方法;对于局部抽冒及流水钻孔涌砂造成地表抽冒漏斗及岩溶塌陷漏斗,采取了“按尺核产、严禁超限出煤”、“小流量、长历时、控砂疏水”的有力措施。实现了安全开采,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

采用电磁辐射技术及装备对薄煤层开采工作面进行电磁辐射监测,深入分析了薄煤层开采工作面电磁辐射显现特征.研究结果表明:采用沿空留巷巷道布置方式,受上区段采空区影响,工作面上巷电磁辐射强度及波动性都高于下巷;工作面来压前电磁辐射增强,来压后减弱,回采过程中电磁辐射呈现明显周期性;薄煤层冲击地压发生于电磁辐射短时间升高的峰后阶段,区别于厚煤层发生于电磁辐射增大到较高值一段时间,然后下降至低值并持续一段时间后.应用电磁辐射对薄煤层开采工作面进行应力分析及冲击地压预测时应充分考虑其特点,以提高分析预测准确性.  相似文献   

煤层开采过程中,在煤层顶、底板岩层一定的条件下,煤层的倾角和埋深对地表变形有很大的影响。通过三维有限元数值模拟,研究平缓或缓倾斜煤层、倾斜煤层、急倾斜煤层开采对上覆构筑物基础变形的影响,依据特定构筑物对倾斜变形、水平变形和基础沉降最大值的容许要求,提出安全煤柱(移动角γ、β)的保护范围,为构筑物安全运行和煤矿合理开采提供依据。  相似文献   

鹤壁六矿二_1煤层的相对厚煤带(大于8m)与相对薄煤带(小于8m)呈相同排列,且总体上呈北东向展布,并显示出由北东向南西煤层厚度呈造减的趋势。在影响二_1煤层厚度变化的诸因素中,聚煤环境、聚煤古构造是普遍的、主要的,而河流冲刷、后期构造的影响则是局部的、次要的,由于煤厚变化而影响了六矿回采率、采掘部署、矿井正规化循环作业、工作面的划分等,故针对性地提出了在采掘过程中应采取的技术措施的建议。  相似文献   

The recovery ratio of top-coal caving mining plays a key role in the development of this mining method. For the proposccs to raise the recovery ratio and consideriug heading adva,lce and roadway maiqtenancc, a new method of full-seam mining for gently inclined thick coal seams is put forward on the basis of a thooretic re.search and engineering practice.  相似文献   

以抚顺老虎台矿开采工程实践为例,针对特厚煤层的开采特点,应用立体弹塑性数值模拟方法,对综放条件下特厚煤层上覆岩体破坏规律、应力分布特点以及应力场演变规律、上覆岩体移动与变形规律及上覆岩层导水裂隙带高度的演变特性及发展规律进行了研究,所得研究结果可直接应用于老虎台矿的安全生产.  相似文献   

Compared with gentle dip long-wall caving, the length of a working face in fully-mechanized top-coal caving for extremely steep and thick seams is short, while its horizontal section is high with increasing production. But the caving ratio is low, which might result in some disasters, such as roof falls, induced by local and large area collapse of the top coal in a working face and dangers induced by gas accumulation. After the development of cracks and weakening of the coal body, the tall, broken section of the top coal (a granular medium) of an extremely steep seam (over 60°) shows clear characteristics of nonlinear movement, We have thoroughly analyzed the geological environment and mining conditions of an excavation disturbed zone. Based on the results from a physical experiment of large-scale 3D modeling and coupling simulation of top coal-water-gas, we conclude that the weakened top coal can be regarded as a non-continuous medium. We used a particle flow code program to compare and analyze migration processes and the movements of a 30 m high section top coal over time before and after weakening of an extremely steep seam in the Weihuliang coal mine. The results of our simulation,experiment and monitoring show that pre-injection of water and pre-splitting blasting improve caving ability and symmetrical caving, relieve space for large area dynamic collapse of top coal, prolong migration time of noxious gases and release them from the mined out area and so achieve safety in mining.  相似文献   

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