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顶板巷道抽放采空区瓦斯的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以采空区瓦斯储集及流动理论为基础,探讨了采空区瓦斯抽放巷道布置原则,并考察了淮南某矿-602mE2C13工作面顶板巷道所放采空区瓦斯的效果,分析了顶板巷道抽放采空区瓦斯的机理。  相似文献   

针对阿刀亥煤矿1203炮掘巷道,通过现场实测掘进巷道煤壁瓦斯涌出量,建立了掘进巷道煤壁瓦斯涌出强度随时间的变化规律方程,确定出掘进巷道煤壁瓦斯涌出量与巷道长度、掘进速度及煤壁暴露时间的关系,给出了煤壁瓦斯涌出枯竭极限时间、掘进巷道煤壁最大瓦斯涌出量以及掘进巷道煤壁达到最大瓦斯涌出量时巷道长度的计算方法.该研究结果,对于指导矿井的通风设计和采掘部署,采取有针对性的防治煤巷掘进瓦斯灾害措施,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

激波诱导瓦斯气体爆燃的三维数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于激波诱导瓦斯爆炸的19步化学反应模型,建立了三维非定常守恒方程,采用迎风的TVD格式对方程进行数值离散,数值模拟了氢氧燃烧驱动点燃甲烷和空气混合气体的爆炸过程,根据爆炸产物以及流场中压力和温度变化的结果,说明了激波诱导瓦斯爆炸的物理机制,同时验证了程序在模拟化学反应起主导作用的瓦斯预混爆炸现象中的可靠性和精确性,为研究煤矿瓦斯爆炸过程的特性,制定有效的防爆、抑爆技术措施提供了技术和理论支持。  相似文献   

研究了H2-CO2-CH4-CO混合气在活性炭(AC)和分子筛(MS)上的变压吸附(PSA)过程,各组分在AC上的吸附能力为:CO2的大于CH4的,CH4的大于CO的;在MS上为:CO的大于CH4的。并研究了混合气在AC-MS复合床层上的PSA过程,其中AC充填于进口端,主要吸附CO2和CH4;MS主要吸附CO,为复合床层PSA过程的模拟计算和设计提供了基础。  相似文献   

在常微分方程组及其稳定性理论、控制论、线性统计等领域中会涉及到下列类型的线性矩阵方程X-AXBT=C。当该矩阵方程满足相容性条件时,可利用矩阵的Kronecker积把它化为线性方程组(II-AB)X=C,再利用矩阵的Jordan分解式和分块矩阵的广义逆理论给出该矩阵方程的一般解。  相似文献   

本文通过对几个煤矿的地应力测量实例,对煤矿巷道申地应力测量的地点选择,测量工艺、测试理论及数据处理等方面进行了分析,研究了在实测中所遇到的问题和解决办法,形成了一套系统的测试方法.并且阐述了地应力在煤矿的支护参数设计、巷道布置、瓦斯的赋存与预报中的应用,为在煤矿中开展地应力测试研究和应用打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和电了显微镜对一种Cr-Mo-V冷轧辊钢淬火后的回火组织进行了观察,通过Hollomon关系式建立了该钢回火参数曲线,并在此基础上,建立了等效回方程,为该钢的热处理参数的选择提供必要的理论依据和试验依据。  相似文献   

简要叙述了ADJ-2型瓦斯警报断电仪的组成及工作原理,着重论述了本安兼隔爆探头的设计方法。  相似文献   

间歌投料均混反应器(CIFR)在水污染控制工程领域有广泛的用途。本文围绕CIFR的基本理论问题,定义了反应器的过程参数,建立了反应器的基本方程。在此基础上,推导出零级反应条件下的动态和稳态转化率方程文中还就主要的过程参数对反应器稳态性能的影响进行了较详细的探讨,并与CMB和CFST反应器进行了比较;利用文中提出的基本理论对CIFR的实际应用问题进行了分析研究,显示了其实用价值。  相似文献   

煤尘参与的瓦斯爆炸事故具有很强的破坏性和伤害性,是煤矿的重大事故之一.用一端开口的半封闭管道爆炸实验装置,通过改变瓦斯与煤尘耦合爆炸浓度及点火条件,揭示受限空间瓦斯与煤尘耦合爆炸的规律.实验结果表明,封闭下的耦合体爆炸火焰传播速度较开口状态达到极值快,但极值点距点火位置较近,开口爆炸火焰传播距离是积聚耦合体长度的2倍左右;瓦斯参与的煤尘爆炸,爆炸相对强度随瓦斯浓度的增加而增加,传播距离更远;理论推导瓦斯与煤尘耦合爆炸超压传播距离与爆炸能量的平方根成正比,与巷道断面积的平方根成反比,研究结果为防治瓦斯爆炸、事故勘验以及阻隔爆装置的研制提供了可靠的实验数据.  相似文献   

本文论述了井下发生沼气爆炸时空气冲击波的发生发展过程,以及空气冲击波沿井巷传播的衰减规律。并通过瓦斯爆炸试验和回归分析,得出了井下一定量的沼气在无煤尘参与的条件下发生爆炸时的安全距离。这一安全距离可供修订《煤矿救护规程》和处理事故时参考。  相似文献   

In order to overcome the heavy casualties caused by gas explosion, we verified the propagation law of shock wave in pipeline and the overpressure distribution of gas explosion by similar experiments according to the analyses of reasons for casualty and ventilation system model destroyed by gas explosion in the mining face. We summarized the gas composition after the explosion and its danger, analyzed the effects of the gas explosion shock wave to ventilation system and facilities and the laws of toxic gas spread and diffusion in the ventilation network after the explosion. We presented a technical proposal to control the smoke and recover the ventilation system after a gas explosion and developed a reserve air door and control system that were embed in the lane, and could close automatically in conditions of no pressure and electricity. The results showed that the reserve air door normally opened and could close automatically controlling the smoke flow and resuming the ventilation system when the gas explosion shock wave destroyed the original shutting air door which resulted in the air short circuit.  相似文献   

A model roadway with a cross-sectional area of 80 mm × 80 mm and a length of 100 m was used to estimate the overpressure, the temperature, the density, and the combustion rate during an explosion. AutoReaGas software was used for the calculations and the initial temperatures were 248, 268, 308, or 328 K. The methane–air mixture had a fuel concentration of 9.5% and the tunnel had a filling ratio of 10%. The results show that the safe distance necessary to avoid harm from the shock wave increases with increasing initial temperature. The distance where the peak overpressure begins to rise, and where the maximum value occurs, increases as the initial temperature increases. These are almost linear functions of the initial temperature. At locations before shock wave attenuation has occurred increasing the initial temperature linearly increases the maximum temperature at each point following along the tunnel. At the same time, the peak overpressure, the maximum density, and the maximum combustion rate decrease linearly. However, after the shock wave has attenuated the attenuation extent of the peak overpressure decreases with an increase in initial temperature. The influence of the initial temperature on the explosion propagation depends on the combined effects of inhibiting and enhancing factors. The research results can provide a theoretical guidance for gas explosion disaster relief and treatment in underground coal mines.  相似文献   

煤尘爆炸冲击波传播规律是研究冲击波的破坏和伤害机理的前提及依据,基于流体动力学、爆炸动力学理论研究巷道转弯情况下煤尘爆炸冲击波传播规律.依据斜激波在弯道内的传播规律,建立了在巷道转弯情况下一般空气区煤尘爆炸冲击波传播的数学模型,推导出冲击波在弯道内传播规律的表达式.采用冲击波波阵面后突跃的参数来表征冲击波,进而推导出冲击波在巷道转弯时的传播规律的简化公式,分析得出冲击波初始压力、转弯角度越大衰减系数就越大,与试验结果进行对比分析,验证了理论推导的结果.  相似文献   

采空区瓦斯涌出与自燃耦合基础研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于漏风渗流方程、多组分气体混溶-扩散方程和综合传热方程,建立采空区瓦斯和自燃耦合数学模型.通过现场实测获得基础数据,用G3程序(有限元数值方法)求解了在煤耗氧和瓦斯涌出共同环境下采空区瓦斯-氧浓度及温度的分布.结果表明,在单纯瓦斯涌出(无消耗氧)条件下,采空区氧被瓦斯稀释现象比较显著;采空区内高强度的瓦斯涌出能够使自燃氧化区域进一步缩小,削弱了煤的自燃氧化进程;自燃产生的热风压也能加剧工作面向采空区的漏风及对采空区内瓦斯的排放.耦合影响随工作面向采空区的漏风量的提高而相对降低.  相似文献   

Gob ventilation boreholes (GVBs) are widely used for degasification in U.S. longwall coal mines. Depending on geological conditions, 30–50% of methane can be recovered from longwall gob using GVBs. A NIOSH funded research at the Colorado School of Mines confirmed that GVBs can efficiently reduce methane at the face. However, GVBs can also draw some fresh air from the face and create explosive gas zones (EGZs). Explosive gas mixtures may be formed in gob areas due to the increased ingress of oxygen from GVBs. It is critical to identify the locations for GVBs for maximizing extraction of methane and minimizing hazards of explosion. This study analyzes the effect of operating parameters and design of GVB on methane extraction, EGZs formation, and face and tailgate methane concentrations. Methane extraction, formation of EGZs, and concentration of methane in working areas are significantly impacted by various factors. These factors include the distance of work face and tailgate from GVBs, diameter of GVBs, vacuum pressure of wellhead, GVB distance from the roof of the coal seam, and number of operating GVBs in a panel. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) evaluations suggest optimal design and operating parameters of GVBs that can contribute to maximum benefits with minimum risks.  相似文献   

平面静压气浮轴承超音速流场的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面快速进行平面气浮轴承超音速流场的计算分析,对原有的简化建模方法进行了改进和完善.建立了包括供气孔在内的完整轴承流道,依据壅塞状态时轴承质量流量不变的条件,推导出流道各部分气流速度、马赫数、雷诺数和压力分布的计算公式.计算结果表明,激波位置、马赫数、雷诺数和气膜内压力与供气压力、气膜间隙、供气孔径大小有关.通过与实际的测试结果相比可以发现,随着供气压力的增大,采用改进后的简化模型的方法得到的压力与实验测试结果基本一致,而且简化模型得到的最大恢复压力位置与实验结果也基本一致,可从本质上反映出流场内受力状态.但由于简化模型将进气孔处的激波假设为正激波,忽略了气体粘性,导致求解的压力最小值与实测值误差较大.  相似文献   

A numerical method is presented that simulates 3D explosive field problems.A code MMIC3D using this method can be used to simulate the propagation and reflected effects of all kinds of rigid boundaries to shock waves produced by an explosive source.These numerical results indicate that the code MMIC3Dhas the ability in computing cases such as 3D shock waves produced by air explosion,vortex region of the shock wave,the Mach wave,and ceflected waves behind rigid boundaties.  相似文献   

鉴于目前我国舰船空中爆炸结构响应试验数据的匮乏以及对复杂结构采用理论求得解析解的困难,对船体板结构在空中近场爆炸载荷作用下的破坏估算方法进行研究.根据爆轰波理论及气体膨胀理论计算出空中近场爆炸载荷的形式及其正压作用时间,应用应力波及塑性动力学理论推导船体板结构的变形,得到不同空爆工况下船体板的破口大小及挠度.通过算例进行验证,计算结果与经验值良好吻合.所推导的估算方法应用于舰船结构在空中近场爆炸冲击波作用下产生的毁伤能够满足工程计算精度要求,可作为舰船防护结构的设计依据.  相似文献   

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