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山区地下开采引起的地表移动和变形与平地开采条件下的开采相比有其自身的特点.首次明确地提出了山区地表移动与变形研究中几个重要概念:地表滑动、地表滑移、正坡与反坡、一面坡、多面坡等.通过对山西阳泉等矿区的地表移动观测资料进行综合分析,并将相似材料模拟试验应用于研究山区地下开采引起的地表移动问题,揭示了山区地表移动与变形的特点和基本规律.在此基础上,作者建立了适用于山区地表移动与变形预计的新方法.  相似文献   

山区地下开采影响下地表移动规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山区地下开采引起的地表移动和变形与平地开采条件下的开采相比有其自身的特点.首次明确地提出了山区地表移动与变形研究中几个重要概念: 地表滑动、地表滑移、正坡与反坡、一面坡、多面坡等. 通过对山西阳泉等矿区的地表移动观测资料进行综合分析, 并将相似材料模拟试验应用于研究山区地下开采引起的地表移动问题, 揭示了山区地表移动与变形的特点和基本规律. 在此基础上, 作者建立了适用于山区地表移动与变形预计的新方法.  相似文献   

本文阐述了在矿井采空区首采工作面在采动过程中,通过地表移动变形监测、数据处理,分析出地表变形观测点的下沉与水平变形规律,并求得地表移动的部分参数,可为后续的矿井开采过程提供安全可靠的依据。  相似文献   

密实充填采煤的岩层移动理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合机械化固体充填采煤技术能实现密实充填,其岩层移动和地表沉陷规律与垮落式采煤显著不同.在较系统分析充填采煤岩层移动的等价采高理论基础上,建立了密实充填采煤岩层移动的结构力学模型,并进行了连续介质力学分析,给出了相应的岩层移动和地表沉陷计算公式.通过实例分析,提出了在密实充填后,如还采用概率积分法预计地表沉陷,则应对传统的地表下沉预计参数加以修正.可为密实充填采煤覆岩移动和地表沉陷分析提供相关思路以及理论和方法.  相似文献   

通过有限元方法对东乡铜矿排上村-75m以上岩层及地表移动与变形分析,得出尽管伴随顶板岩层崩落过程,地表会产生较大的移动、开裂和其他变形,但岩层崩落不会达到地表的结论,并通过实践证明给出的结论是正确的.  相似文献   

通过有限元方法对东乡铜矿排上村 -75 m以上岩层及地表移动与变形分析 ,得出尽管伴随顶板岩层崩落过程 ,地表会产生较大的移动、开裂和其他变形 ,但岩层崩落不会达到地表的结论 ,并通过实践证明给出的结论是正确的 .  相似文献   

厚煤层分层条带开采的地表移动规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以峰峰矿务局建筑物下厚煤层分层冒落条采试验的实测资料为基础,分析研究了厚煤层分层冒落条采条件下的地表移动规律、条带的合理尺寸以及进行地表移动予计时所需的地表移动参数的求取方法。  相似文献   

Verhulst模型模拟地表移动变形的时间过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用费尔哈斯模型的特点,把少量的原始数据作各种处理并基于关联空间、光滑离散函数等概念,建立灰微分方程模型来模拟地表移动的时间过程,求得地表移动的时间响应模型,用生物生长过程来模拟地表移动的时间过程,对预防开采沉陷,对减少地表构筑物的损害及保护地面设施,对减少开采沉陷造成的经济损失是有益的.  相似文献   

Verhulst模型模拟地表移动变形的时间过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用费尔哈斯模型的特点,把少量的原始数据作各种处理并基于关联空间、光滑离散函数等概念,建立灰微分方程模型来模拟地表移动的时间过程,求得地表移动的时间响应模型,用生物生长过程来模拟地表移动的时间过程,对预防开采沉陷,对减少地表构筑物的损害及保护地面设施,对减少开采沉陷造成的经济损失是有益的.  相似文献   

针对传统卡尔曼滤波模型在地表变形预测中依赖于噪声和数学模型而导致的运行发散问题,提出了一种基于方差补偿自适应卡尔曼滤波的建筑地表移动变形预测分析方法.提出的自适应卡尔曼滤波主要是通过适当的估算和修正系统模型的不确定参数以及噪声的统计特性,来弥补滤波过程中噪声方差的不足.建立了自适应卡尔曼滤波的数学模型,并在Matlab软件上对地表移动变形预测进行了仿真分析,其结果验证了所提卡尔曼滤波方法在地表移动变形预测应用中的可行性,表明该方法有效提高了实时预测的可靠性和预测精度.  相似文献   

煤矿开采对高速公路影响的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从煤矿井田中部穿过的高速公路在建设和运营过程中,必须及时掌握煤矿地下开采对其采动影响情况.根据煤矿地质采矿条件,对煤矿地下开采在高速公路沿线所引起的地表移动和变形进行预计,给出高速公路沿线地表移动变形值.由预计结果评价了煤矿开采对高速公路的损害程度.结果表明,煤矿开采后引起的地表变形值超过了高速公路的允许变形值,它对高速公路的采动损害程度明显.  相似文献   

Ground movements due to longwall mining operations have the potential to damage the hydrological balance within as well as outside the mine permit area in the form of increased surface ponding and changes to hydrogeological properties. Recently, the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement(OSMRE) in the USA, has completed a public comment period on a newly proposed rule for the protection of streams and groundwater from adverse impacts of surface and underground mining operations(80 FR 44435). With increased community and regulatory focus on mining operations and their potential to adversely affect streams and groundwater, now there is a greater need for better prediction of the possible effects mining has on both surface and subsurface bodies of water. With mining induced stress and strain within the overburden correlated to changes in the hydrogeological properties of rock and soil, this paper investigates the evaluation of the hydrogeological system within the vicinity of an underground mining operation based on strain values calculated through a surface deformation prediction model. Through accurate modeling of the pre- and post-mining hydrogeological system, industry personnel can better depict mining induced effects on surface and subsurface bodies of water aiding in the optimization of underground extraction sequences while maintaining the integrity of water resources.  相似文献   

淮南潘集地区地表沉降初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据淮南潘集地区地表沉降和煤矿地表移动观测资料,对抽排水引起地面沉降的机理及其对煤矿开采沉陷的影响进行了探讨,并对进一步深入研究提出了有益的建议.  相似文献   

巨厚松散层下条带开采地表移动规律分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
巨厚松散层下条带开采引起的地表移动规律及地表移动参数有明显的特点 ,采用概率积分法预计地表移动变形结果的精确与否 ,关键在于地表移动参数 .针对焦作矿区内巨厚松散层的地层条件 ,以条带开采地表移动实测资料为基础 ,用数学方法分析了巨厚松散层下条带开采地表移动规律及地表移动参数 ,并得出地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的函数式  相似文献   

运用露天采矿学的基本原理,提出了端帮靠帮开采的基本方法、实现形式、基本条件以及靠帮开采的意义,给出了靠帮开采剥采比的概念;在单一煤层和复合煤层情况下,推导出了2种端帮靠帮开采方式的靠帮开采剥采比计算公式,建立了不同煤层厚度和覆盖物厚度对靠帮开采剥采比影响趋势预测的数学模型和图示方法.结果表明:在近水平露天煤矿实施端帮靠帮开采,可以降低剥采比,提高煤炭资源回收率和经济效益,同时也丰富了露天开采方法与设计理论.  相似文献   

No.4326 super-wide panel of Wangzhuang Coal Mine ( in which the fully-mechanized top-coal caving longwall mining method was used) was monitored for dynamic characteristic of surface movement. The dynamic surface movement in and after mining was predicted by using the Mining Subsidence Prediction System. The results indicate that after mining, the surface above the super-wide panel reaches a state of full subsidence, making the No.309 national highway above the panel be located on the flat bottom of the subsidence basin so that the influence of mining activity in both sides of 4326 panel on the national highway is the smallest.  相似文献   

The paper aims to identify a reasonable method for mining ultra-thick coal seams in an end-slope in surface mine, With a case study of Heidaigou surface coal mine(HSCM), the paper conducted a comparative research on three mining methods, namely Underground Mining Method(UMM), Highwall Mining System(HMS) and Local Steep Slope Mining Method(LSSMM). A model was firstly established to simulate the impact that UMM and HMS exert on monitoring points and surface deformation. The way that stripping and excavation amount varies with different slope angle, and the corresponding end slope stability were analyzed in the mode of LSSMM. Then a TOPSIS model was established by taking into account six indicators such as recovery ratio, technical complexity and adaptability, the impact on surface mining production, production safety and economic benefits. Finally, LSSMM was determined as the best mining method for mining ultra-thick coal seams in end slope in HSCM.  相似文献   

露天矿工艺系统可靠性对露天矿的主要技术经济指标有很大影响,特别是采用连续或半连续开采工艺时更是如此。故应在设计及生产管理等各个阶段,重视提高工艺系统的可靠性。本文依据国内外露天矿的经验,从理论与实践相结合的角度,对提高露天矿工艺系统可靠性的途径进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of depth-thickness ratio on bedding slope stability, whose sliding surface is flexural concave in shape under mining conditions, this paper aims to study the characteristics of deformation and damage of bedding sliding with depth-thickness ratios of 200:1, 150:1, 120:1, 100:1 and 50:1by adopting numerical simulation analysis software combined with laboratory-made ‘‘under the influence of mining variable sliding surface slope similar simulation test bed", and to propose identification methods for slope stability under the influence of mining. The results show that mining activities under the slope reduce slope stability. With a decrease in the mining depth ratio, the influence of mining on the slope increases gradually, and the damage to the slope gradually expands, the stability of the slope gradually reduces, fracture occurs on the slope toe and the central fissure gradually develops to the surface,and reaches slide threshold when the depth-thickness ratio is 50:1.  相似文献   

以国内某大型煤矿为原型,采用FLAC3D有限差分软件对厚松散层下,内部煤矿开采过程中地表沉陷进行数值模拟,并对模拟结果进行了分析和探讨.研究表明:随着煤炭资源的采出,地表沉陷不断增大,并且相比于一般条件,厚松散层下煤炭开采所产生的地表沉陷影响范围变大.  相似文献   

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