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分析了沿空留巷巷道顶板岩层运动的过程及岩块之间的几何关系,得到了高水速凝充填体所需变形量的计算模型.理论及现场实测结果都表明,目前所用高水速凝材料的可缩性不能很好地适应巷道顶板运动特性,必须加以改进.  相似文献   

综采放顶煤工作面高冒空巷充填技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于对综采放顶煤工作面高冒空巷围岩活动规律的分析,采用高水速凝材料充填高冒空巷。通过理论分析和数值模拟计算,确定了高水速凝材料充填体的力学参数。研究表明,充填体具有较大的支护阻力和良好的逆性变形特点,可有效支护高冒空巷顶板和两帮,同时适当变形而降低载荷,保持充填体完整,该技术成功应用于工程实践,取得了较好的技术,经济效果。  相似文献   

为了研究高水速凝材料作为采空区充填体是否具有长期、有效控制上覆岩层移动变形的能力,对高水速凝材料进行了瞬时物理力学试验和微观扫描分析,及利用重力连续加载方式进行了干燥和水环境中的蠕变试验,根据蠕变试验曲线进行了高水速凝材料的流变模型辨识和参数反演。结果表明:高水速凝材料在空气环境中容易丧失强度,水环境条件工作更利于提高其自身结构和承载力的稳定性;高水速凝材料的长期蠕变稳定性取决于荷载水平是否达到其材料的长期屈服强度;Burgers流变模型能更好地描述水环境中高水速凝材料这种“类”软岩的蠕变特性。  相似文献   

铁铝型高水速凝全尾砂充填材料的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铁铝高水速凝全尾砂充填材料是一种以铁铝型高水速凝材料为胶凝材料的新型充填材料,介绍了铁铝型高水速凝材料的组成及特点,分析了全尾砂的物理化学性质,重点对铁铝型高水速凝全尾砂充填材料的配比及其物理化学性质进行了试验研究,结果表明,该材料是一种成本低,适于单管输送的优良充填材料,具有矿山推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

综放巷内充填沿空留巷工业试验   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
针对常村煤矿S2-6综放工作面采用传统技术沿空留巷的难点,进行了巷内充填沿空留巷工业试验.试验分三步进行:第一步,对原巷采用锚梁网索联合支护实施加固,撤掉梯形架棚;第二步,在已加固巷道下一工作面侧煤壁,实施扩帮锚网支护;第三步,在原巷位置实施巷内充填,并加固充填体.结合高水速凝充填材料的性能,通过建立合理的综放沿空留巷的围岩结构力学模型和充填工艺设计,井下工业试验达到了预期效果,留巷断面稳定后超过10m^2.证明了在巷内基本支护为梯形金属支架的巷道中进行综放沿空留巷的可行性,并作了经济效益评价.在此基础上提出了综放巷内充填沿空留巷新技术.  相似文献   

结合具体条件进行了巷旁充填支护参数设计 ,在矿压观测基础上,分析了留巷围岩变形及充填体载荷特征,把高水速凝充填材料沿空留巷与炮掘及综掘成巷方法进行经济对比,结果表明,该留巷方法有明显技术和经济优势, 在晋城矿区9号煤中有很好推广应用价值.  相似文献   

晋城矿区9号煤沿空留巷试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合具体条件进行了巷旁充填支护参数设计 ,在矿压观测基础上 ,分析了留巷围岩变形及充填体载荷特征 ,把高水速凝充填材料沿空留巷与炮掘及综掘成巷方法进行经济对比 ,结果表明 ,该留巷方法有明显技术和经济优势 ,在晋城矿区 9号煤中有很好推广应用价值 .  相似文献   

为改变己15-12010工作面回风巷与其上方高位巷掘进相互影响、顶板极其破碎、支护困难的现状,采用数值分析方法对高位巷与回风巷围岩应力变化规律进行了深入细致地研究.结果表明:回风巷与高位巷水平距离为10 m时,两巷围岩应力相互叠加严重,导致回风巷右帮长期处于高应力作用下,致使其右帮及邻近右帮顶板破碎,支护困难;当水平距离达15 m以上后,两巷围岩应力相互影响较小,顶板完整性变好,巷道掘进速度得以大幅提高.  相似文献   

通过对高水速凝材料的主要成份,化学反应过程,材料使用性能的试验和分析,证明了高水速凝材料除了应用于采矿工程外,还可以应用于地面建筑等其他工程。  相似文献   

高水速凝材料容许比压的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析回采工作面支架底座作用在底板岩层上压力分布特征的基础上,选择正方体试件用钢质小圆柱加压实验的方法测定高水速凝材料容许比压.分析了不同规格试件与加压圆柱条件下柱体压入量与平均比压的关系和试件的变形破坏特征,结果表明以φ25×50mm加压圆柱配合150mm×150mm×150mm规格试件测定高水速凝材料的容许比压比较适宜.利用推荐的方法测得水灰比2.5∶1时高水速凝材料的容许比压为4.4MPa,比其单轴抗压强度低约15%.研究结果为矿井人工假底充填工程中经济合理地选择高水速凝材料的配比提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

综放沿空留巷顶板活动规律的模拟分析   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
采用相似材料模拟和计算机数值模拟,对沿空留巷老顶破断位置与形状、不同支护方式对顶板活动的影响以及相关的巷旁上技术和进行了初步分析。模拟结果表明,采用锚杆(索)网联合支护和人工筑构较充强度的巷旁充填体,有利于综合机构放顶煤开采沿空留巷顶板的稳定,并给对充填带宽度和充填材料抗压强度的最低要求。  相似文献   

In order to reveal the dynamic process of hard-thick roof inducing rock burst, one of the most common and strongest dynamic disasters in coal mine, the numerical simulation is conducted to study the dynamic loading effect of roof vibration on roadway surrounding rocks as well as the impact on stability. The results show that, on one hand, hard-thick roof will result in high stress concentration on mining surrounding rocks; on the other hand, the breaking of hard-thick roof will lead to mining seismicity, causing dynamic loading effect on coal and rock mass. High stress concentration and dynamic loading combination reaches to the mechanical conditions for the occurrence of rock burst, which will induce rock burst. The mining induced seismic events occurring in the roof breaking act on the mining surrounding rocks in the form of stress wave. The stress wave then has a reflection on the free surface of roadway and the tensile stress will be generated around the free surface. Horizontal vibration of roadway surrounding particles will cause instant changes of horizontal stress of roadway surrounding rocks; the horizontal displacement is directly related to the horizontal stress but is not significantly correlated with the vertical stress; the increase of horizontal stress of roadway near surface surrounding rocks and the release of elastic deformation energy of deep surrounding coal and rock mass are immanent causes that lead to the impact instability of roadway surrounding rocks. The most significant measures for rock burst prevention are controlling of horizontal stress and vibration strength.  相似文献   

Based on engineering practices of Wuyang Coal Mine, we carried out X-ray diffract researches on No. 3 coal; and the rocks of its roof and floor by XRD meter, and simulated the interactive effect of the surrounding rock deformation by FLAC2D5.0 numerical simulation software under the condition of different tunneling method of multimine roadway in parallel. The internal structures of the surrounding rocks of 76 belt roadway were monitored by borehole observation instruments; and then, we analyzed the reason of failure and deformation of surrounding rocks of several rise entry, and proposed the technical measures for controlling interactive effect of several rise entry surrounding rock deformation at last. For the thickness seam rise roadway, two conclusions were drawn: one is that the co-deformation among roadway groups mainly reflect on that both shear failure and deformation in coal pillar among roadways have decreased the width of pillar core region and clamping action of coal pillar to roof strata, increased the actual span of roof strata, intensified the flexural failure of roof strata and prized the bed separation of roof deep rock strata. The other conclusion is that the factors controlling the interactive deformation among roadways is obvious when appropriate re-adjustment in construction sequence of the tunneling of multimine parallel roadways because the construction sequence among roadways also has great effects on deformation of the surrounding rock in roadway.  相似文献   

本文利用数值分析的方法,模拟了煤的采出、直接顶的垮落和采空区矸石充填的全部过程。从中分析和确定了老顶在回采过程中的断裂位置和可能形成的回转角,以及相关的影响因素。由此得到的结论与现场实测和理论上的推理相一致,从而解决了直接顶稳定性研究中的上部边界条件问题。  相似文献   

煤矿矿井水中的重金属元素Cr对人体和环境具有危害。以徐州-大屯矿区为研究对象,采用淋滤模拟实验等方法,对煤层及其顶底板岩石中Cr的溶出行为及矿井水Cr污染潜势进行了研究.结果表明,煤层顶板渗透水中Cr的质量分数远高于煤浸泡水中其质量分数,表明顶底板岩石具有更高的Cr污染潜势;矿井水中Cr主要来源于煤层顶底板中伊利石向高岭石的转化;环境pH值对矿井水中Cr的含量起到控制作用,pH值、Eh值及温度对Cr的溶出行为产生影响.Cr的溶出量在中性条件下较小,在酸性或碱性条件下比中性条件下高出一个数量级以上。较高的环境Eh值和环境温度将加速Cr的溶出.  相似文献   

根据水和岩石间力的传递过程的基本理论,利用SURPAC生成的真实地质模型,运用FLAC3D模拟了真实矿体开挖、填充对顶板稳定性的扰动.结果表明:矿房顶板的拉应力、沉降和塑性深度都随开挖步的进行逐渐增加,在开挖完5层后,拉应力的影响深度为10 m左右;矿房顶板的沉降为9.2 mm;矿房顶板的塑性深度为25 m;最大孔隙水压力随开挖步的进行逐渐减小.此时矿房顶板和注浆灰岩顶板在扰动下的塑性区都还没有贯通,注浆灰岩的隔水性能够得到保证.  相似文献   

Although conventional coal mine designs are conservative regarding pillar strength, local failures such as roof-falls and pillar bursts still affect mine safety and operations. Previous studies have identified that discontinuous, layered roof materials have some self-supporting capacity. This research is a preliminary step towards understanding these mechanics in coal-measure rocks. Although others have considered broad conceptual models and simplified analogs for mine roof behavior, this study presents a unique numerical model that more completely represents in-situ roof conditions. The discrete element method(DEM) is utilized to conduct a parametric analysis considering a range of in-situ stress ratios, material properties, and joint networks to determine the parameters controlling the stability of single-entries modeled in two-dimensions. Model results are compared to empirical observations of roof-support effectiveness(ARBS) in the context of the coal mine roof rating(CMRR) system. Results such as immediate roof displacement, overall stability, and statistical relationships between model parameters and outcomes are presented herein. Potential practical applications of this line of research include:(1) roof-support optimization for a range of coal-measure rocks,(2) establishment of a relationship between roof stability and pillar stress, and(3) determination of which parameters are most critical to roof stability and therefore require concentrated evaluation.  相似文献   

本文以“大跨度矩形巷道锚喷支护”的相似模型试验为依据,在详细分析了围岩内部应变分布特点和破坏变形特征之后指出:矩形巷道直接顶板不是“梁”的存在形式,而是一个卸压区;围岩破坏主要集中在矩形巷道的角帮处,是支护的重点部位;锚杆支护具有良好的可缩性和承载力,能够用于大跨度矩形动压煤巷。  相似文献   

Besides the cross sections of roadways and the tendency and obliquity of roadway axes, the major controlling factors affecting the height of a collapsing roof include the weak lithological structure of surrounding rocks. This thesis analyzes the effect of two single and weak lithological structures of both sides and the roof on the height of a collapsing roof in a deep soft rock road-way. Using the two-dimensional UDEC3.1 software, a numerical simulation was carried out on the models of weak lithological structures of both sides of a roadway and of two weak lithological structures of roof of different depths. We reconstruct the overall processes from a break-away layer, bending, subsidence and the cracking of a collapsing roof. We also illustrate the distribution characteristics of displacement fields in the surrounding rock after the roof collapse in a deep soft rock roadway. The results of our numerical simulations indicate that the form of a roof collapse is side-expanding when the roadway is a weak structure at both sides. The height of the roof collapse is related to the lithological combination of the roof when the roadway is a weak structure of the roof.  相似文献   

在对不同开采方法覆岩破坏高度实测资料分析对比的基础上,研究了冒落岩层高度及碎胀性与覆岩破坏高度的关系,探讨了开采方法对覆岩破坏高度的影响,其结论对于覆岩破坏理论研究及水体下采煤实践具有促进与指导意义.  相似文献   

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