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将空间框架简化为平面框架,采用平面梁模型,建立结构自由振动的微分方程,采用静力凝聚法消去主副自由度之间的耦合关系,得到平面框架结构体系考虑水平和竖向耦合自由振动的振型和频率。运用时程分析法对结构进行了动力响应计算,得到了与仅考虑水平或竖向地震输入结构不同的地震响应.  相似文献   

将空间框架简化为平面框架,采用平面梁模型,建立结构自由振动的微分方程,采用静力凝聚法消去主副自由度之间的耦合关系,得到平面框架结构体系考虑水平和竖向耦合自由振动的振型和频率。运用时程分析法对结构进行了动力响应计算,得到了与仅考虑水平或竖向地震输入结构不同的地震响应。  相似文献   

针对梁的弯曲振动问题,研究了具有弹性支承输流管道的稳定性.以相同支承条件下梁的固有频率和振型函数作为输流管道的近似固有频率和振型函数,利用李兹-伽辽金方法对具有弹性支承输流管道的运动微分方程进行离散化处理,经过适当的变换得到一阶状态方程组.根据特征方程分析和讨论弹性支承刚度、质量比和流体压力等主要物理参数对失稳临界流速的影响.研究结果表明,随着流体的流速从零缓慢增加,输流管道先发生动态颤振失稳,静态失稳的临界流速随弹性支承刚度增加而上升,随流体压力的增加而下降,但不随质量比变化.动态失稳的临界流速随弹性支承刚度的增加而上升,随流体压力的增加而下降,但随质量比的增加而先上升后下降.该结论可以为工程实际中所出现的相同边界条件的输流管道振动稳定性分析提供理论依据.  相似文献   

为研究负载及支承刚度变化时对面齿轮传动系统动态特性的影响,建立了包含支承、齿侧间隙、时变啮合刚度、综合传动误差、阻尼和负载激励等参数的系统弯-扭耦合动力学模型,并使用PNF(Poincaré-Newton-Floquet)方法进行求解。计算结果表明,在不同的负载及支承刚度条件下,系统会出现简谐响应、次谐响应、拟周期响应及混沌响应4类稳态响应。增加负载及支承刚度能有效降低系统的动载荷,而增大支承刚度还可以减小面齿轮支承在方向与方向上的振动位移幅值差距。  相似文献   

通过对表孔弧形闸门的有限元计算分析,保留了最能反映结构低阶振型的梁结构,把板结构转化为附加质量作用到有关梁上,从而建立了三维简化模型。并利用三维有限元方法计算的结构动力特性与简化结构动力特性相等的原则修正弧形闸门简化力学模型,确定了等效的弧形闸门三维简化结构模型和系统参数。提出了在闸门的横向支臂处添加粘滞阻尼器的方案,通过计算可知:闸门添加粘滞阻尼器后,在不同开度下的横向振动响应都大大降低了。  相似文献   

许多设备的元器件可以简化为梁的形式。近卅余年来,阻尼减振技术得到广泛应用,以减小梁等结构的振动。本文分析了支承点受运动随机激励的自由阻尼梁的挠度、应力的响应问题,讨论了阻尼层对于梁挠度和应力的减振效果,提出了减小挠度均方值和应力均方值的措施。  相似文献   

研究软支承下的车辆-基础系统耦合动力学响应.将基础视为有限个离散点支承的Euler-Beinoulli梁,支承则模拟为具有非线性、不对称特性的弹性元件和阻尼器,利用分段线性化方法描述弹性支承的非线性刚度和阻尼特性,根据动力学原理和假设振型方法建立系统的运动方程,基于Newmark直接积分方法编制MATLAB二次开发函数,数值求解系统动力学响应,分析了支承约束非线性对系统动力学特性的影响.  相似文献   

某直升机旋翼动平衡试验台主轴动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大型商用有限元软件ANSYS,对直升机旋翼试验台主轴系进行动态分析.首先通过简化各种轴系元件,对主轴系进行几何建模.对轴系本体采用3维BEAM188梁单元模拟,对弹性支承的轴承部分采用COMBINE14弹簧单元进行模拟,对旋翼桨和联轴器部分采用MASS21质量单元模拟.然后确定轴系计算的边界条件,进行模态分析,得到轴系振动的各阶固有频率和固有振型.通过谐响应分析,得到轴系在激振力下的位移和应力响应.通过实际试验台主轴的计算分析,说明该方法符合工程实际.  相似文献   

以变质量弹性梁结构为力学模型,利用模态叠加法推导系统的运动方程,分析质量变化引起的非结构阻尼对系统振动的影响,使用自适应Newmark法求解系统的振动响应。设计变质量-弹性梁结构动力学测试试验,通过控制液体的流入流出实现系统质量的变化。采用时频分析技术处理时变系统的非平稳响应信号,在时频域上更全面得到了系统的振动特性。数值仿真和试验结果一致,说明建模以及试验设计的有效性。研究表明:系统质量减小会引起一个非结构负阻尼,对系统的振动影响非常显著,在机械臂等高精度结构设计时,不能忽略该非结构阻尼对系统振动特性的影响。  相似文献   

变双曲圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮非线性振动特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为得到变双曲圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮(CHATT)工作时的振动规律,以便设计出运行平稳可靠、传动高效的齿轮,对其非线性振动特性展开研究。通过齿轮副承载接触分析,计算啮合线上轮齿的时变啮合刚度和轴向误差激励,并依据啮合冲击计算模型得到啮入冲击激励。基于集中参数理论建立CHATT的12自由度的弯扭轴多因素耦合振动模型,再依据牛顿第二定律建立包含上述三种内部激励的振动微分方程组。采用变步长四阶Runge-Kutta法对量纲一化后的方程组求解,对比主动轮和从动轮各自垂直、扭转和轴向上的振动特性数值解,结果表明:主动轮和从动轮的振动规律始终保持一致,竖直和扭转方向上作拟周期运动,轴向振动处于稳态响应的近混沌状态。进一步研究齿线半径、负载转矩和输入转速等三个参数变化对系统振动特性的影响规律,分析结果表明:轴向振动从多周期运动向近混沌运动演变,其振动的规律性更容易受到上述三个参数变化的影响。变双曲圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮振动模型的建立、求解和参数影响分析为后续的动态设计、预测不同参数下的振动响应趋势以及降噪提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

目的基于“机构完备动力学计算方法”,构建完备的工程起重机带载变幅的动力学模型.方法吊臂采用柔性多体动力学理论建模,基于虚功原理及液压动力学理论给出了变幅油缸的推力,控制系统采用PI位置控制器,采用状态方程描述整个系统.结果对6种不同带载变幅作业进行了仿真,得到了结构的动态响应。同时可以显示驱动力的动态特性.相比变幅速度,系统的动态响应对变幅启动加速度更为敏感.为了减少变幅过程的振动,设计时应对启动加速度给予更多的注意.结论对6种不同的带载变幅作业进行的仿真结果显示,其作业5最优,可提高起重机变幅时的作业效率.  相似文献   

During the launching stage,hydrodynamic pressure and adapters’ reaction loads can influence the vehicle’s rigid motion as well as cause its structural vibration,which is a typical rigid-flexible coupling dynamic problem. This paper presents a 2-D rigid-flexible coupling model to calculate the vehicle’s dynamic responses in that period.The vehicle was equivalent to a flexure beam with axial deformation. Hybrid coordinate and modal superposition methods were used to describe its large rigid displacement and small deformation. By the second Lagrange equation,the vehicle centroid’s displacements,rotational angle and modal coordinates were chosen as generalized coordinates and then the vehicle ’s rigid-flexible coupling dynamic equations were obtained. By numerical simulation,the results of vehicle’s motion parameters and transverse internal loads were acquired.The calculation results showed that differences of the vehicle’s motion parameters between the rigid-flexible coupling model and the rigid body assumption are noticeable and the peak magnitude of the vehicle’s transverse internal loads in the rigid-flexible coupling model is higher remarkably than that in the rigid body assumption.  相似文献   

The uncertainty dynamic response of a spatial flexible beam with large overall motion is investigated. The stochastic differential equations of a three-dimensional beam with large overall motion are derived by using the virtual work principle. The polynomial chaos method and monomial cubature rules are applied to derive a set of completely implicit differential equations. Then the polynomial coefficients are obtained by the variable order method and regression method so as to find the numerical characteristics of the response. As an illustrating example, dynamic modeling of a spatial flexible beam by considering the probabilistic of geometric and physical parameters is presented. The accuracy and efficiency of the method are verified by comparing the results with those given by the Monte Carlo simulation method. The results show that the probabilistic parameters have a significant effect on the dynamic response of the flexible beam and that the dynamic modeling with probabilistic parameters can objectively reflect the dynamic behavior of the objective systems.  相似文献   

列车-曲线桥梁系统耦合振动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步研究列车-曲线桥梁系统耦合振动特性,基于车辆-桥梁/轨道系统动力相互作用分析理论,采用模态叠加法建立列车-曲线桥梁系统的空间耦合振动方程.沿轨道中心线建立移动坐标系,借助坐标转换,确定列车通过曲线桥梁时的几何位置关系; 考虑列车曲线运动特点,基于赫兹弹性接触理论和卡尔克(Kalker)蠕滑理论,解决列车曲线运动时的轮轨接触耦合关系,并对广义力向量进行修正; 采用龙格库塔积分法求解列车-曲线桥梁的动力响应.依据以上理论,研究了曲率半径、曲线超高以及车速对列车-曲线桥梁耦合振动响应的影响规律.分析结果表明:桥梁和列车的振动响应随车速的增大而增大,随着曲线半径的增大而减小.桥梁的振动响应不随曲线超高的增大而变化,列车的振动响应在平衡超高和过超高时较小.  相似文献   

为解决屈曲梁在不同的激励条件下产生共振问题,基于哈密顿原理建立屈曲梁的振动模型以及非线性偏微分振动方程和边界条件,通过数值模拟分析了屈曲梁在相平面的动态特性.采用多模态伽辽金离散法预测静态弯曲参数,通过局部分析获得某一个弯曲附近处的非线性近似响应,并得出有效的非线性表达式和频率响应曲线.  相似文献   

The theory of dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) was applied to restrain the vibration of carbody for high-speed electric multiple unit (EMU). The carbody was modeled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam with the equipment mounted on the chassis regarded as a DVA. Suspension parameters of the equipment were optimized based on the modal analysis of the beam and parameter optimization of the DVA. Vertical motion equations of the carbody and equipment were derived to study the effect of the suspension parameters on the vibration of carbody, which included the suspension frequency, damping ratio, mounting position and mass. Then a 3D rigid-flexible coupled vehicle system dynamics model was built to simulate the response of carbody and equipment to track excitation. The results show that the equipment mounted on the carbody chassis can be regarded as a DVA to reduce the flexible vibration of carbody, and the optimum suspension frequency can be calculated theoretically with the first-order vertical bending mode of carbody considered. Heavy equipment should be mounted to the carbody center as close as possible to obtain a significant vibration reduction, while light equipment has quite limited contribution to that. Also, a laboratory test was conducted on the full-scale test rig which shows a good agreement with the theoretical analysis and dynamic simulations. The faster the vehicle runs, the more significant are the advantages of the elastic suspension.  相似文献   

The modal characteristics of the transverse vibration of an axially moving roller chain coupled with lumped mass were analyzed. The chain system was modeled by using the multi-body dynamics theory and the governing equations were derived by means of Lagrange’s equations. The effects of the parameters, such as the axially moving velocity of the chain, the tension force, the weight of lumped mass and its time-variable assign position in chain span, on the modal characteristics of transverse vibration for roller chain were investigated. The numerical examples were given. It is found that the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of the transverse vibration for roller chain coupled with lumped mass change significantly when the variations of above parameters are considered. With the movement of the chain strand, the natural frequencies present a fluctuating phenomenon, which is different from the uniform chain. The higher the order of mode is, the greater the fluctuating magnitude and frequency are.  相似文献   

双铰抛物线弹性拱的混沌行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要设计出具有好的非线性动力学特性的拱结构,需要了解拱在外激励下的长期非线性动力学行为,对两铰抛物线弹性拱在横向周期荷载下的混沌运动行为进行了研究。基于变形体的几何方程及拱的单元平衡方程建立拱的非线性动力学模型,然后利用Galerkin原理得到控制拱横向振动的二阶三次非线性微分动力系统,并由此得无扰动系统的不动点与同宿轨道;使用Melnikov方法得到了拱混沌振动的临界条件;最后通过数值仿真得到该微分动力系统Lyapunov指数谱、Lyapunov维数、平面相轨线、Poincare映射等混沌特性,并以此判定  相似文献   

Nonlinear models of transverse vibration of axially moving beams are computationally investigated. A partial-differential equation is derived from the governing equation of coupled planar motion by omit- ting its longitudinal terms. The model can be reduced to an integro-partial-differential equation by av- eraging the beam disturbed tension. Numerical schemes are respectively presented for the governing equations of coupled planar and the two governing equations of transverse motion via the finite dif- fer...  相似文献   

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