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通过对忽略液体粘性等一些因素对空泡溃灭过程的影响,分析了空泡在收缩过程中,泡壁四周压强的变化,得出空泡在此不均匀压强的合力作用下向刚性边壁运动的轨迹方程。为确定空泡溃灭点,并由此确定空蚀对固壁的破坏作用作了探索性工作。  相似文献   

为计算出水过程中空泡溃灭载荷对航行体出水过程的影响,从空泡溃灭的物理现象入手,将空泡溃灭过程分为空泡运动阶段和空泡溃灭冲击阶段,在两个阶段分别用势流理论方法与双渐进方法进行计算,形成一套完整的空泡溃灭载荷计算方法. 在与相关试验值对比吻合较好,验证方法有效性的基础上,获得了空泡溃灭载荷及形态在整个出水过程中的变化规律. 最后研究了航行体弹性振动对航行体出水空泡溃灭载荷的影响,航行体弹性振动对溃灭冲击载荷的峰值及脉宽影响较小.  相似文献   

采用光偏转测试系统研究了不同温度纯净水中激光空泡脉动过程,通过实验获得了激光空泡在靶表面膨胀和收缩全过程,确定了空泡的最大、最小泡半径、脉动周期和泡壁运动速度。实验采用0℃到70℃的纯净水,测量了空泡的泡半径和脉动周期等特征参量变化情况。实验结果表明,液体温度是影响空泡脉动的一个非常重要的因素,随着液体温度的增加空泡的最大泡半径和溃灭周期均呈增加趋势。给出了相应的理论解释。  相似文献   

基于Rayleigh-Plesset方程,在考虑空泡界面上的相变作用后,导出了一个新的空化模型,并利用此模型模拟了次生空泡的发育与溃灭.新空化模型应用于半球头航行体的结果表明:由于次生空泡不断溃灭与发育,模型表面压力由较高的溃灭压力和较低的空泡压力交替分布;随着空化数的降低,主空泡逐渐变大,次生空泡区逐渐向模型尾部移动并脱落.  相似文献   

实验研究了空蚀区空泡溃灭特性.实验在浙江工业大学水力学实验室空化水洞中进行,采用高速摄影技术观测了不同掺气体积分数下空蚀段的空化云形态,并量测了空化水流的压力.利用绘制的空化数曲线对空泡溃灭进行了分析处理,得到了空化水流在空蚀段沿程变化的特征.结果表明:在不同的掺气体积分数下,对应于各种不同的空化形态,空蚀段空化水流表现出不同的特点;空化数有一个突然上升的过程,在此过程中空泡大量溃灭.  相似文献   

为研究尾翼对高速射弹水下运动时流体动力特性的影响,基于简化Rayleigh-Plesset空化模型和SST湍流模型,通过求解汽水混合物的RANS方程和相间质量传输方程,建立了具有相同弹体尺寸的有尾翼和无尾翼的两种平头射弹水下高速运动多相流计算模型.在相同的初始速度下,计算并对比分析两种射弹水下高速非定常运动的空泡形态及阻力特性.计算结果表明:两种射弹模型在水下高速运动时,均能迅速形成稳定的自然超空泡,有尾翼射弹的尾翼刺入空泡壁面内,破坏空泡原有的对称圆截面,形成带有凸起的空泡壁面形态;有尾翼射弹阻力系数大于无尾翼射弹阻力系数,且有尾翼射弹的阻力系数对空化数的变化更为敏感,随着空化数的增加,有尾翼射弹的阻力系数急剧增大,尾翼改变了弹体尾部超空泡的溃灭形态,空泡溃灭于弹体尾部时均引起阻力系数的波动;有尾翼射弹的空泡量纲一的长度、直径均大于无尾翼射弹的空泡量纲一的长度、直径,且在空泡溃灭于弹体尾部时,受尾翼的影响,两种射弹的空泡量纲一的长度、直径的变化速率有所差异.  相似文献   

通过数值模拟研究空化泡与固壁的距离(γ)、空化泡大小和环境围压对单个空化泡溃灭的影 响.结果表明:随着空化泡与壁面的间距减小,空化泡的非对称变形越来越明显,从形成射流到最终 溃灭的时间不断增加,最大射流速度和溃灭压力都随之减小;空化泡大小对射流速度的影响不大, 尽管溃灭压力随着空泡半径的增大而相应增大,但变化幅度很小;当环境围压增大,最大射流速度 和溃灭压力都大幅度增大,溃灭压力在γ=2.0时的增幅甚至接近一个数量级.  相似文献   

基于空化空泡发育和渍灭过程的热力学分析,综合考虑热传导和热辐射的影响,提出了一个新的用于数值分析空泡变化过程的数学模型--热传导-热辐射模型.结合Runge-Kutta-Fe-hlberg法,利用3个数值分析模型(等温模型、绝热模型和热传导-热辐射模型)求解了描述空泡发育和溃灭过程的Rayleigh-Plesset方程,并将数值计算结果与不同研究人员所得到的试验结果进行了比较.结果表明:热传导-热辐射模型可以以较高精度地数值模拟空化空泡的变化过程,其计算结果与试验结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

空化空泡发育与溃灭的计算是研究空化水射流的一个重点和难点.对比分析了空泡运动方程即Rayleigh-Plesset方程的不同数值解法,并针对固定时间步长的缺点,提出了变步长法解Rayleigh-Plesset方程的思路.通过优化系数λ=Ri/Ri-1,得出如下分析结果:在空泡内外压力变化的不同情况下,变步长法均优于固定步长法且没有奇异点.变步长法在节约计算量,保证结果精度等方面都有较好表现,该方法为研究空化水射流提供新的思路和算法.  相似文献   

空气压强对垂直入水空泡影响的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
基于RANS方程,结合VOF多相流模型和动网格技术,对带150。锥角头型圆柱体以中等速度垂直 匀速入水空泡进行了数值计算.计算过程中对VOF多相流模型嵌入水和水蒸汽之间的质量输运源项,实现 了水、空气和水蒸汽三项相同时存在的自由液面入水问题数值计算.通过与匀速垂直入水理想空泡模型计算 结果的对比,验证了本文数值计算方法的有效性.对不同空气压强条件下入水空泡形态的数值计算结果分 析,得到了在本文所计算入水工况范围内垂直入水过程中自然空化对入水形态的影响;得到了空泡无量纲闭 合时间、空泡闭合瞬间最大无量纲直径、以及空泡闭合方式与空气压强和入水速度之间的关系等  相似文献   

Cavitation as a hydrodynamic phenomenon exists widely in water conservancy, shipbuilding, chemical and many other industries. Previous cavitation bubble dynamic studies mainly focused on single cavitation bubbles and their interaction with the wall. This paper studies the interaction between two cavitation bubbles under conditions with or without a wall. The results show that if the inception of two cavitation bubbles is not synchronized, the cavitation bubble of early inception collapse backwards the cavitation bubble of later inception; if the inception of two cavitation bubbles is synchronized, the two bubbles collapse towards each other; if a wall exists nearby, no matter whether the line connecting the centers of the two cavitation bubbles is vertical or parallel to the wall, the two cavitation bubbles collapse towards each other and then gradually merge, and the merged collapse body quickly moves to the wall. It is suggested that, as the number of cavitation bubbles increases, the cavitation erosion effect is not simply increased proportionally. Instead, mutual inhibitory effect may be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A valveless micropump actuated by thermal bubbles which are generated by an electrode heater mounted with a pair of diffuser nozzles has been numerically studied by commercial CFD software FLUENT. The relationships between the net flow rate and the superheating and heat supplying frequency have been investigated. The depth of the diffuser-nozzle micropump is 200 μm, the diameter of the actuating chamber is 1 mm, and a pair of diffuser nozzles whose gap has been expanded from 30 μm to 274 μm with an open ang...  相似文献   

水下爆炸气泡射流现象的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水下爆炸气泡塌陷产生的射流载荷会对舰船结构造成严重地毁伤,而射流现象又十分复杂.为研究水下爆炸气泡射流的产生条件以及载荷形式,文章设计了一系列的试验,通过高速摄影观测气泡运动过程,同时利用压力传感器对气泡周围的压力场进行记录.将试验结果与经典的Blake判断准则进行了比较分析,提出了气泡产生冲向靶板的射流条件.同时通过对试验中测量到的压力-时间曲线进行分析,可以看出射流的产生对气泡载荷的压力、冲量、能量都产生了很大影响,从能量的角度提出射流现象将使气泡能量集中,并对其正前方结构可能产生更大的毁伤.在分析试验结果的基础上分析了射流产生的机理,得到了不同引力和浮力方向情况下的射流形成条件和射流形成的载荷形式,为舰船结构抗爆研究提供参考.  相似文献   

近场脉动气泡作用下船体梁模型动响应试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水中兵器在舰船附近爆炸时,爆炸气泡对船体结构的整体毁伤作用不能忽视.将炸药置于船体梁模型中部正下方爆炸,通过改变爆距来研究船体模型在近场脉动气泡作用下的动态响应特性.利用高速摄影技术观察模型在气泡作用下的运动过程.结合应变和加速度测量数据,定量分析了模型的总体振动响应.试验发现:近场作用下,气泡脉动压力对结构的冲击作用明显;在大气压和气泡内压力作用下,试验模型受到向下的分布载荷,被叠加一中垂弯矩,爆距越小.此中垂弯矩越大.  相似文献   

Bubbles with different sizes have different dynamic and kinetic behavior in a two-phase bubbly flow. A common two-fluid model based on the uniform bubble size assumption is not suitable for a bubbly flow with non-uniform bubble sizes. To deal with non-uniform bubbly flows, a multi-fluid model is established, with which bubbles are divided into several groups according to their sizes and a set of basic equations is derived for each group of bubbles with almost the same size. Through analyzing the bubble-bubble and bubble-pipe wall interactions, two new constitutive laws for the wall-force and pressure difference between the liquid phase and interface are developed to close the averaged basic equations. The respective phase distributions for each group of bubbles measured by a specially designed three-dimensional photographic method are used to check the model. Comparison between model-predicted values and experimental data shows that the model can describe laminar bubbly flow with non-uniform bubble sizes  相似文献   

The present study numerically investigates the characteristics of three-dimensional turbulent flow and heat transfer in the channel with one corrugated wall heated with constant temperature by means of large eddy simulation.The corrugated wall is sinusoidal in the streamwise and spanwise directions.The Reynolds number in terms of bulk velocity and channel half-height is fixed at 2800 and the wave amplitude to wavelength ratio is varied in the rangeα/λ=0.01,0.02,0.04 in the streamwise direction andα/λ=0.01,0.02,0.04 in the spanwise direction.The results show that flow separation bubbles appear and near-wall streamwise vortices are generated with larger population in the upslope region of the bottom wall as wave amplitude increases.Compared with flat wall,the corrugated geometry increases the pressure coefficient and decreases the friction coefficient on the corrugated wall,and consequently increases the total drag coefficient owing to the increase of pressure coefficient,as expected,the heat transfer is higher.The waves in the spanwise direction converge the vortices into the trough along the streamwise direction and push them away from the bottom wall.Finally,thermal performance factor is defined and the effects of wave amplitude on the thermal performance are scrutinized.  相似文献   

针对海底冷泉天然气渗漏流量声波测量需要介质声阻抗均匀的要求,提出了气泡四元破碎方法,设计了一种气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置.气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置的功能包括两个部分:气泡破碎和气泡空间分布均匀化,其作用先将大气泡破碎成小气泡,然后再对小气泡的空间分布均匀化.实验结果表明:气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置能够将直径大于15 mm的气泡破碎为当量直径为4~5 mm且空间分布均匀;另外气泡的流速基本在0.3~0.4 m/s内;达到天然气渗漏流量声波测量的要求.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vibrations in coal lead to cavitation bubble oscillation, growth, shrinkage, and collapse, and the strong vibration of cavitation bubbles not only makes coal pores break and cracks propagate, but plays an important role in enhancing the permeability of coal. In this paper, the influence of ultrasonic cavitation on coal and the effects of the sonic waves on crack generation, propagation, connection, as well as the effect of cracks on the coal permeability, are studied. The experimental results show that cracks in coal are generated even connected rapidly after ultrasonic cavitation. Under the effect of ultrasonic cavitation,the permeability increases between 30% and 60%, and the number of cracks in coal also significantly increased. Numerical experiments show that the effective sound pressure is beneficial to fracture propagation and connection, and it is closely related to the permeability. Moreover, the numerical simulations and physical experiments provide a guide for the coal permeability improvement.  相似文献   




(1. 河南工业大学 机电工程学院,郑州450001;

2. 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,哈尔滨 150001)





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