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T.Judendorfer  S.Pack  M.Muhr 《高电压技术》2008,34(12):2732-2738
Electrical power transmission is dominated by overhead line systems at present.This is mainly based on more than hundred years of experience of utilities in running overhead lines.Furthermore,overhead lines have proven their operational reliability and functional assurance.In the past,cables were used in distribution networks in urban areas for the most part with the exception of direct current submarine cables.New developments of high voltage XLPE cables make it possible to use this technology for EHV level applications in transmission networks.Within this paper,mixed network configurations,consisting of overhead lines and high voltage cables,are investigated.An exemplary EHV transmission line with a total length of about 100 km,which is quite typical for Central Europe,has been studied.Several different line combinations are discussed with varied rates between overhead line sections and cable sections length in practice.The length of the cable sections are ranging from several kilometers up to lengths of 100 km.In this paper the work focuses on the transient behavior of combined 400 kV overhead and cable lines during switching processes and lightning impacts.A number of calculations were carried out to get an overview of the transient stress in numerous network nodes along the transmission system.Numerical programs like ATP/EMTP have been used for these simulations.Peak values and wave shapes of the transient voltage stress have been evaluated,based on different systems and within possible combinations.In respect of the insulation coordination and transient stress at network nodes,the voltage-time trends are also analyzed.The combination of high voltage overhead and cable transmission systems,especially such with lengths of more than about 50 km,are making tightened and extended demands to the network design,to the operational management and of course to the network protection also.As an output of this investigations,the results might influence the strategy in running this new type of combined transmission systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for determining specific models of overhead power lines with presence of corona phenomenon. The obtained models provide stable numerical solutions for computer simulation of transients caused by direct lightning strikes. The corona non- linear charge-voltage characteristics obtained from experimental tests are used for identification of the corona parameters based on System Identification Toolbox implemented in Matlab package. Different transfer functions, which give the same waveshapes of overvoltages are de- termined using two parametric models. A circuit representation of the obtained transfer functions is proposed and the corona model is implemented in the EMTP-RV as a hierarchical structure composed of a overhead power line divided into sections with corona branches. Some computer simulations of lightning overvoltages propagated in a typical 220 kV power line due to direct lightning strikes to a line tower are presented. The proposed method and the model implemented in EMTP-RV are still valid for multi-conductor lines and for higher voltages of power lines but new corona nonlinear charge-voltage characteristics are required as an input parameter for the identification procedure.  相似文献   

When a fault occurs in a DC system, the fault current rises rapidly with no zero-crossing point which makes fault-line selection and fault-type identification difficult. In this paper, an online detection and protection method based on graph theory, namely the “double D method”, is proposed for fault-line selection and fault-type identification in DC systems. In the proposed method, the entire distribution network is visualized as a “map” with vertices representing the line convergence points and edges representing the connection lines. A network topology matrix “D” is formed by detecting the current directions as the current directions are altered following a fault, whereas the current directions at the ends of non-fault lines remain the same. In order to prevent misjudgment problems arising from power flow reversal, the rates of change of the fault currents are used to further determine whether a fault has occurred and the “double D method” is introduced to identify the fault type. Simulations results with different fault types verify the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Through the reliability analysis on transmission and transformation facilities with 220 kV or above voltage level in China in 2010, particularly by investigating the planned and unplanned outage of transformers, circuit breakers and overhead transmission lines with 220 kV, 330 kV and 500 kV level, the weak parts that may influence the operational reliabilities are figured out from technical and liability causes. Moreover, through the research on the device models and comparison of performance indices between domestic and imported devices, the trend of the reliability changes are identified so that the references can be provided for power enterprises to determine corresponding effective reliability measures during planning, design, implementation and production stages.  相似文献   

China Southern Power Grid is a unique EHV AC/DC hybrid transmission network that operates in China. In its service area, the distribution of energy resources and the development of economy are extremely unbalanced, so long-distance and bulk power transmission are needed; besides, the geography and climate conditions are serious, rains, fogs, lightning and typhoon as well as high temperature are common all the year round. Facing these challenges, the power grid enhanced stability control, improved the equipment and strengthen the network structure. In the future, the power grid plans to optimize the disposition of power sources and build digitalized power system.  相似文献   

变压器直流偏磁及其与接地电阻关系的研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
蒋伟  吴广宁  肖华 《高电压技术》2008,34(12):2530-2535
Recently years,UHVDC transmission system is paid more attention to in the field of China’s power system.It takes key part in the China electrical power development stratagem.But,many problems are caused by UHVDC system,such as DC bias,corrosion of metal underground and so on.DC bias is harm to the transformers nearby UHVDC grounding polar.In this paper,the influences of DC grounding current on transformer are introduced and some suggestions of DC bias solution were provided.And,the relationship between UHVDC Grounding Current and grounding Resistance of Substation was analyzed.Firstly,two-part network circuit was used to equivalent the grounding circuit.Then,an analysis of rules was done between DC bias current and grounding resistance.Finally,the conclusion is given that DC bias current rises fast as DC grounding resistance or AC grounding resistance rises.It drops when resistance of AC transmission line or interaction resistance between DC grounding system and AC grounding system rises.Decreasing AC grounding resistance and DC grounding resistance is important to restrain DC bias current.Increasing resistance of AC transmission line such as adding resistance into transformer neutral-point grounding is a useful way to limit DC bias current.  相似文献   

In recent years,along with the rapid expansion of power grids,the increasing complication of grid structures,and the development of smart grids and energy technologies,the lightning protection of power grids becomes increasingly prominent.Power grids of China have acquired significant achievements on lightning protection technologies,which are reviewed in this paper.A technical route of lightning protection is introduced in detail; it allows us to find problems through detection and measurement of lightning,to analyze problems through evaluation and simulation of lightning,to solve problems through lightning protection measures,and to prevent problems through hazard risk warning of lightning.Following the route,the technical breakthroughs of these four aspects in China are presented,including the chinese lightning detection network(CLDN),natural lightning observations,lightning faults detection at transmission lines,lightning current measurements,progresses in lightning distribution maps,lightning fault replays,lightning hazard risk evaluations,and lightning simulated experiments,as well as novel lightning protection measures.The practical devices and systems corresponding to the technologies mentioned above are also introduced and discussed.Due to the progress of lightning protection technologies in recent years,despite the rapidly growing length of transmission lines in China,the lightning accident rate is controlled at a certain level.  相似文献   

The keys factor in making wind power one of the main power sources to meet the world’s growing energy demands is the reliability improvement of wind turbines (WTs). However, the eventuality of fault occurrence on WT com ponents cannot be avoided, especially for doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based WTs, which are operating in severe environments. The maintenance need increases due to unexpected faults, which in turn leads to higher operating cost and poor reliability. Extensive investigation into DFIG internal fault detection techniques has been carried out in the last decade. This paper presents a detailed review of these techniques. It discusses the methods that can be used to detect internal electrical faults in a DFIG stator, rotor, or both. A novel sorting technique is presented which takes into consideration different parameters such as fault location, detection technique, and DFIG modelling. The main mathematical representation used to detect these faults is presented to allow an easier and faster under standing of each method. In addition, a comparison is carried out in every section to illustrate the main differences, advantages, and disadvantages of every method and/or model. Some real monitoring systems available in the market are presented. Finally, recommendations for the challenges, future work, and main gaps in the field of internal faults in a DFIG are presented. This review is organized in a tutorial manner, to be an effective guide for future research for enhancing the reliability of DFIG-based WTs.  相似文献   

As China’s economy continues to grow and energy demand continues to rise, the scale of power transmission lines and buried pipelines is expanding rapidly. The problems of over-voltage protection and electromagnetic compatibility within and between overhead lines and underground cables become increasingly prominent. The impedance and admittance parameters of multi conductor systems consisting of overhead lines, underground cables and  相似文献   

为了保证电网的安全运行,对外可靠供电,使各类电力工作有序进行,对各输电线路的电力参数实时的监控,有着重要的意义。介绍了一种基于高精度的三相电能计量芯片ATT7022C的无线监控系统,系统采用STC90C58AD作为微处理器,通过CC2530 ZigBee无线网络与组态王监控界面进行通信,可是实时监控传输线路中的电流、电压、功率等电力参数,并根据监控数据做出无功补偿、切断输电线路等相应的处理。该智能监控系统融合了无线网络通信技术、测控技术和现代电子技术,具有实时性好、功耗低、精度高等特点,能够满足电力系统对输电线路电力参数的监控。  相似文献   

城市高压输电线路型式判别技术评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着高压电缆线路的需求不断加大,现有的地方性城市电力网规划定性原则将不能满足输配电发展对输电线路可靠性、经济性的综合要求,无法适应国家未来经济快速发展需要。为此从技术方面综合衡量高压架空、电缆线路的优劣,构建技术评价指标体系,提出因素递减法、比例系数法、级别分类法和临界值法等评分方法,采用"十分制"标准对各项技术指标进行评价。在研究成果基础上进行了相关系统的开发,为项目的推广应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

许颖 《电网技术》2003,27(6):73-76
介绍了俄罗斯统一电力系统1999年制订的《6—1150kV电网雷电和内过电压防护导则》关于110—1150kV架空线路防雷保护部分中的新内容和新观点:(1)在防雷保护计算中增加了用第1脉冲和后续脉冲雷电流幅值和陡度多数;(2)架空线路绝缘子串中个数选择增加了“为了保证线路绝缘25年不检修的运行周期,实施在绝缘子串中增加绝缘子个数”的条款;(3)架空线路允许雷击跳闸次数的选择依据是线路断路器操作资源准则;(4)分析架空线路运行耐雷指标时指出:①110-220kV架空线路雷击跳闸主要起因是反击闪络;②330kv架空线路雷击跳闸主要起因大致反击闪络和绕击闪络各一半;③500-750kV架空线路雷击跳闸主要起因是绕击闪络:④提高115kV架空线路耐雷性要靠使用负保护角避雷线的直线杆塔和耐张转角杆塔:⑤提高架空线路不间断供电可靠性的后备措施是自动重合闸。  相似文献   

对影响架空线路运行可靠性因素进行了分析,并提出了提高架空线路运行可靠性的措施。  相似文献   

柔性直流配电网是配电系统的重要发展方向,可以采用电缆和架空线2种方式组网。鉴于架空线路瞬时性故障多发的特点,基于架空线的柔性直流配电网应配备有效的自适应重合闸方案,以提高供电可靠性。为实现这一目标,从断路器线路端电压与电流的相位差异特征出发,提出一种基于级联全桥型直流断路器控制的自适应重合闸方案。首先,通过断路器转移支路的主动控制产生一定频率的故障检测电压;进而,根据断路器线路端电压电流在对应频率下相位特征的差异,区分瞬时性和永久性故障,并进一步分析了过渡电阻等因素的影响;最后,利用PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台搭建了柔性直流配电网模型,验证了所提自适应重合闸方案的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

输电线路是电力系统的重要组成部分。为提高输电线路的管理水平,增强电力系统运行的可靠性,迫切需要建立一套性能可靠,功能丰富的输电线路状态检修系统。通过对流过超高压输电线路绝缘子表面的泄漏电流电气特征量、环境气象信息、输电导线重力、应力等物理量及图像信息的监测,利用试验建立的评定模型,实现对输电线路积污、覆冰、积雪、风摆等状况的实时监测,减少人工巡线的工作量,减少污闪事故的发生,提高供电系统的可靠性,为状态检修提供辅助决策并实现与其他系统的信息共享。  相似文献   

构建了一种高压架空线路可靠性综合监测和管理系统的框架,介绍了线路故障主要影响因素识别的方法,提出了各主要影响因素的模糊分类判据,考虑了线路终端故障,最后建立了计及主要地理环境气象等7个主要影响因素的架空输电线路可靠性评估模型。算例结果表明,建立的模型能更加有效地预测不同输电线路的可靠性指标,为电网运行调度和设备维护部门评估电网安全指标、优化监测和检修计划提供了参考。  相似文献   

从智能输电线路在线监测业务及通信需求分析出发,结合无线Mesh通信技术特性。提出高可靠性无线Mesh系统建设方案及输电线路在线监测系统塔上供电方案,为宽带无线Mesh在输电线路在线监测中的应用提供参考。在输电线路在线监测应用中。通过具有多跳组网的高可靠性宽带无线Mesh技术,采用双链路备份方案实现高压输电线路的宽带无线网络覆盖,可有效提高输电线路无线网络健壮性,实时监控电力输电线路及杆塔运行状态。  相似文献   

架空输电线路的允许载流量是保证其安全运行的重要参数之一。根据架空输电线路产热和散热的特点,建立了架空导线的磁场-温度场耦合二维有限元分析模型,确定电磁-热耦合场分析的边界条件,求解得到了架空输电导线内部电磁场分布。将得到的焦耳热损耗作为热源耦合至热场模型进行计算,并采用数值迭代法求解得到架空输电导线的允许载流量。此外,基于该仿真模型通过仿真分析得出了不同外部环境因素对架空输电线路载流量的影响规律。该研究成果可以为架空输电线路的热分析和载流量计算提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

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