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姜兴宇  王果 《电测与仪表》2019,56(8):81-87,107
针对同相供电系统中存在高次谐波问题,提出以电网侧电流谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion,THD)最小为目标的输出滤波器LCL参数设计方法。首先从机车电流、网侧电感、同相补偿装置(Co-phase Compensation Device,CPD)输出电流整体角度出发,推导电网侧谐波畸变率THD和CPD谐波衰减比RAF (Ripple Attenuation Factor)与网侧电感、LCL电容、LCL总电感、LCL总电感分配比之间的关系。其次以CPD补偿电流满足快速跟踪性、开关纹波电流满足抑制要求、LCL基波无功损耗满足限制条件来确定参数取值范围。THD最小为目标函数,RAF为约束,应用分割矩形算法(Dividing Rectangle Algorithm,DIRECT)进行求解,得到THD值最小时LCL滤波器的参数值。最后利用MATLAB/simulink仿真验证参数设计的正确性。  相似文献   

对双三点式STATCOM在基频调制方式下的电压和电流进行了理论分析,给出了相应的解析表达式。并利用Matlab/Simulink对STATCOM的电压和电流波形进行了仿真分析。理论和仿真分析结果的一致性证明了所提出的理论分析方法是正确、有效的。最后,对STATCOM的电压和电流谐波特性与电感和电容参数的关系进行仿真分析的结果表明,直流侧上下电容电压以3倍于基波的交变频率在平均值上下波动,且其波动范围随电感和电容值的增加而减小;当电感较大时,交流侧输出电压和电流的谐波畸变率受直流侧电容的影响很小,而当电感较小时,输出电压和电流的谐波畸变率随电容值的增加而减小。  相似文献   

大容量光伏逆变器LCL滤波器参数优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于大容量联网光伏逆变器系统,其配置的LCL滤波器总电感量大小直接关系到系统的尺寸和成本。为此,提出了一种根据滤波性能要求,使总电感量最小的LCL参数优化设计方法。该方法以电容支路消耗无功大小,注入电网谐波电流与对应频次谐波电压幅度比作为滤波器性能考核参数。通过引入电容支路与网侧电感支路对高频谐波电流的分流比参数,建立了总电感量与主要设计参数之间的函数关系,给出了总电感量最小的参数条件及其求解方法。设计算例及仿真结果验证了所提出设计方法的实用性与有效性。  相似文献   

基波磁势自平衡谐波抵消式有源滤波器的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种基波磁势自平衡谐波抵消式串联有源电力滤波器(SAPF)的无源电力滤波器(PPF)优化设计方法.该滤波器只需要考虑变流器及二次侧所接的电感L和电容C所组成的基渡谐振电路;采用粒子群优化算法(PSO)直接应用于求解连续变量优化问题,对于离散优化或混合整数的优化,仅需对每一代的微粒速度和位置作离散化处理.论述了PPF优化的数学模型、PSO求解PPF支路参数的实现流程.通过对基波磁势自平衡谐波抵消式SAPF的PPF的优化设计结果表明:滤波器投运后系统电流波形畸变率由24.4%下降到3.06%,功率因数由0.7提高到0.96.  相似文献   

为保证LCL滤波器性能、提高LCL滤波器参数设计效率,基于电压源型换流器(VSC)的序分量动态相量(DPSCs)谐波分析模型,提出了一种LCL滤波器参数的确定性设计方法。该方法对换流器侧电感、滤波电容和网侧电感分别进行计算。换流器侧电感由功率约束和电流动态跟踪约束确定,并选取其下限值作为设计值;滤波电容由无功功率约束确定;通过谐波分析模型定量计算VSC各次谐波分量,并以IEEE 1547标准规定的并网谐波电流畸变率为约束条件,计算出网侧电感值,最后通过稳定性分析和仿真与实验验证滤波器参数设计的有效性。实验结果表明,所设计的LCL滤波器使得开关频率附近的谐波电流减少至0.02 A,高次谐波电流含有率约为0.23%。所提出的LCL滤波器确定性设计方法能有效提高LCL滤波器参数设计效率,减少了参数设计过程中的反复试凑和复杂的优化算法。  相似文献   

针对电网中典型的谐波源和LCL滤波器工作特性,提出一种适用于并联型有源电力滤波器(SAPF)的LCL滤波器设计方法。由补偿电流跟踪性能和纹波要求确定总电感量;由低频补偿和高频滤波要求确定谐振频率范围;由网侧电流和变换器侧电流高频纹波衰减及谐振频率要求确定电感分配系数;由基波无功功率限制和谐振频率要求确定滤波电容值;给出了基于极点配置的反馈电容电流有源阻尼法。与L滤波器的对比仿真和实验结果证明了所提方法的正确性和优越性。  相似文献   

基于有源阻尼的并联有源滤波器输出LCL滤波器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于并联型有源电力滤波器的输出LCL滤波器的设计方法.该方法在满足电流跟踪快速性、电流纹波最大允许值等基本条件下,选取了总电感值;并由基波无功损耗约束了电容量上限.在此基础上,考虑到开关次谐波电流衰减率以及谐振频率的制约,综合选取了构成总电感的L1和L2的值及电容量.为避免LCL滤波器发生谐振,采用了电容电流反馈的有源阻尼法,通过设计反馈系数,有效抑制了低次谐波的振荡.最后基于采用重复学习控制策略的并联型有源电力滤波器,通过PSCAD进行仿真验证.仿真结果表明了LCL滤波器的优越性以及所提设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

参考电流检测是有源电力滤波器控制中的主要环节.为提高谐波检测的灵活性,提出一种基于自适应线性神经元结构的谐波检测方法.通过适当的坐标变换后,可由该算法直接分离出负载电流基波各序分量及谐波分量,并按不同的补偿目标和有源电力滤波器容量要求进行多种的组合.为保证在电网电压不对称或畸变情况下对基波正序电压的跟踪,引入了基于模糊...  相似文献   

针对新型无变压器空间矢量调制的电流源型高压变频器的特点,提出了一种方便有效的输入和输出滤波器设计方法.此方法根据空间矢量调制电流的谐波特性,并基于LC滤波器的高低频等效电路,分析滤波器电感电流和电容电压的总谐波畸变率,由此得到滤波器设计的限定值.又从位移功率因数角度对滤波器设计值加以限定.据此方法即可确定滤波器参数取值范围.通过建立仿真模型进行仿真研究,仿真结果进一步说明了此方法的正确性和可行性.  相似文献   

由芬兰诺基亚电容器有限公司生产的三次谐波滤波器由电容器串联电抗器构成。谐波滤波器产生基波无功功率,以达到目标功率因数,电抗器的电感值选择使其对三次谐波形成很低阻抗的串联谐振,以消除绝大部分谐波电流。  相似文献   

邵文权  张毅  程远  杨亚鹏  王建波 《电力建设》2014,35(12):116-120
风力发电系统通常采用L型和LCL型滤波器,这2种滤波器对变流器开关频率附近的高次谐波抑制能力相对有限。为此提出了LLCL型滤波器,即在LCL型滤波器电容支路中串联小电感达到开关频率处串联谐振,从而实现最大程度减小开关频率附近谐波对电网的影响。分析了L型、LCL型、LLCL型滤波器的结构及滤波特性,讨论了LLCL型滤波器参数的设计约束条件。仿真结果验证了LLCL型滤波器对开关频率附近的高次谐波抑制效果更显著,相对于LCL滤波器,在滤波器总电感相同的情况下,经过LLCL滤波器滤波后的电流纹波含量更少,开关频率附近的谐波含量更少,谐波畸变率更小。  相似文献   

The performance of a novel multilevel six-switch (SS) three-phase inverter drive is examined for low-voltage high-speed motor applications. The switching losses of hard-switched voltage-source-inverter topologies place limits on the maximum feasible switching frequency. When operating at higher fundamental frequencies, this results in low-frequency modulation ratios and either high load harmonic currents that cause excessive rotor heating or larger than desired output reactors with a large fundamental voltage drop. The multilevel inverter structure examined offers an increased number of output pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) voltage levels, higher frequency PWM output waveforms, reduced dead-time effects, and a significant reduction in harmonic content. These features reduce the total losses in the motor load when compared to the standard SS three-phase inverter. The harmonic reduction provided by the multilevel topology relative to the standard inverter is experimentally demonstrated with a 15-hp 18 000-r/min induction machine.  相似文献   

The conventional proportional integral controlled direct torque control of an induction motor using the space vector pulse-width modulation technique may provide satisfactory dynamic response. However, the proportional integral controller (PIC) does not provide efficient dynamic performance in the induction motor drive during sudden changes in the load or speed. To improve dynamic performance of the induction motor drive, the PICs are replaced by type-2 fuzzy logic control. The type-2 fuzzy improves the starting transient performance as well as the steady-state response. In addition, the type-2 fuzzy direct torque control provides lesser current total harmonic distortion, flux distortion, and torque pulsation of the induction motor drive compared to conventional direct torque control. A MATLAB Simulink (The MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts, USA) model for direct torque control with type-2 fuzzy logic control is developed to simulate the response of an induction motor drive with different operating conditions. The space vector pulse-width modulation technique is used to drive the inverter, as it produces lesser total harmonic distortion in inverter current and voltage waveforms for a given switching transition due to the single switching frequency for the movement of each state vector. A prototype type-2 fuzzy-based direct torque control induction motor with space vector pulse-width modulation is developed to validate the simulated response. The control signals for the inverter are generated by the DSPACE DS1104 (DSPACE GmbH, Germany) to drive a two-HP induction machine.  相似文献   

This paper presents a characteristics comparison of a high‐frequency multilevel inverter connected with small‐ capacity filter inverters. In general, PWM inverters require a low‐pass filter in order to reduce switching harmonics. However, in the high‐frequency systems such as class D power amplifiers, the cutoff frequency of the low‐pass filter must be set at high frequency. Thus, harmonic distortion of the output voltage is enlarged to a harmful level. Increasing the number of output voltage levels is effective in reducing the harmonic distortion of the output voltage and the low‐pass filter size. The proposed systems consist of a five‐level inverter and several cascade‐connected low‐voltage full bridge inverters without any external DC power sources for filtering the output voltage. The five‐level inverter generates a stepwise waveform with five‐level voltage, and the low‐voltage filter inverter superimposes harmonic components to compensate for the voltage waveform distortion. Therefore, the proposed system can reduce its total switching loss and can increase the number of the output voltage levels. In this paper, the effectiveness of the proposed systems is verified through several experiments. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 161(3): 58–65, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20373  相似文献   

针对前级采用Boost电路、后级采用单相全桥逆变电路的两级式逆变器,研究基于传统电压外环电流内环控制改进的方法,以解决抑制中间母线电压低频纹波的问题。由于输入功率是直流量,输出的瞬时功率中除了有直流分量外,还含有2倍于工频的脉动分量,导致输入输出功率不平衡,从而使中间母线电压含有二次低频电压纹波。该低频电压纹波会引起母线电容发热从而危及母线电容的运行寿命,会导致逆变输出电压波形出现削顶而产生畸变,还会影响系统的动态性能。为了解决母线电压低频纹波所带来的问题,提出了一种将输出功率前馈到前级直流变换器以实现母线电压低频纹波抑制的方法。仿真和实验结果验证了该控制方法的正确性和有效性,母线电压低频纹波得到很好的抑制。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a current source inverter-induction motor drive system without a speed sensor, and the speed estimation with only sense of the motor voltage is investigated. The input DC link current which is kept constant by a pulsewidth modulated (PWM) converter with sinusoidal input current is supplied to the PWM inverter. The inverter output current with sinusoidal wave is directly regulated by employing the modulation index control of the PWM strategy. The motor is driven by a slip frequency/current regulation control. The motor speed is estimated by using the measured voltage and current, or using the measured voltage and the estimated current. The filter capacitor which is installed in the inverter circuit is taken into consideration for the current estimation. A digital signal processor is employed for calculation. As the PWM pulse of the inverter is calculated by an online real-time system, the quick regulation of the sinusoidal output current is achieved. The experiments show that the high performance steady state behavior and the acceleration/deceleration characteristics with smooth drives and low noise of the motor is obtained  相似文献   

永磁同步电机无电解电容驱动系统因其成本与寿命的优势,在白色家电领域逐步得到广泛的应用。然而,由于使用小容量的薄膜电容取代大容量的电解电容,母线电压会以两倍工频波动,在母线电压处于波谷时,逆变器输出电压容易饱和,导致控制性能恶化,网侧电流畸变。因此,提出了一种基于高功率因数控制的转矩控制环和电压矢量修正策略,能够有效提升网侧功率因数,抑制网侧电流谐波并符合IEC 61000-3-2标准。该算法的有效性通过仿真得以验证。  相似文献   

直流侧独立供电是抑制混合型逆变器零序环流的有效方法。以混合型逆变器供电的交流传动系统为对象,在分析主从逆变器和电机负载之间能量交换关系的基础上,提出一种直流电容稳压控制策略,并结合主从式控制结构和异步电机矢量控制策略,建立旋转坐标系下的混合型逆变器主从式矢量控制系统。仿真和实验结果表明:通过在主逆变器电流控制环节增加与电容波动电压相关的有功电流参考量,能有效实现电容电压的稳定控制,同时在电容电压稳定的前提下,从逆变器可以动态补偿主逆变器产生的主要谐波电流,使得电机电流总畸变率低于5%。  相似文献   

针对光伏水泵系统的逆变器PWM电压输出导致的共模电压、电流等现象常引起水泵电机故障的问题,在分析了PWM 逆变器驱动电机系统产生共模电压、电流机理的基础上,采用滤波电容公共点接回到光伏母线侧负端的LC滤波器,使共模电压与电流得到抑制。LC滤波器使电机侧的输入状态发生改变,通过分析PWM输出LC滤波方法对感应电机控制系统的影响,对滤除参数的选取进行了优化。并对以上研究进行了实验,结果表明参数选取方法的正确及有效性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the maximum torque and speed of permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives when the inverter output voltage is filtered by an LC filter with a cutoff frequency well below the switching frequency. According to steady-state analysis, the filter affects the performance of the motor drive, especially at high speeds. The stator current is not equal to the inverter current, and due to the inverter current and inverter voltage limits, the torque-maximizing stator current locus differs from that of a drive without the filter. A field-weakening method is proposed for PMSM drives with an inverter output filter. The method is implemented and tested in a 2.2-kW PMSM drive. The experimental results agree well with the analysis, and validate the high-speed performance of the proposed field-weakening method.   相似文献   

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