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一种基于富氏滤波原理的电力系统频率测量方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种利用富氏滤波器的输出测量电力系统频率的算法。该方法采用了一种简化处理方式以消除正、余弦滤波器幅值增益不同的影响,减小了计算量和响应时间,仿真结果表明,该算法不受电压过零点的影响,具有比较高的测量精度。  相似文献   

在暂态过程中电力系统频率的估算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了一种在暂态过程下测量电力系统频率的快速准确算法。该算法考虑了RL电路中的暂态电流,假设暂态电流含有一个按正弦规律变化的周期分量和一个按指数规律变化的非周期分量。通过数字微分,非周期分量的参数如时间常数以及整个非周期分量可以用采样序列准确计算,进而利用计算出的量和采样序列来估算出暂态过程中电力系统的频率。整个估算过程仅需一个周波的时间,测量的精确度高于99.99%,而且测量精度不受周期分量和非周期分量参数变化的影响,更不受采样频率的影响,因此非常适应于电力系统的实时测量和控制。  相似文献   

基于最小二乘拟合测量电力系统频率的新方法   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
提出了一种利用最小二乘拟合技术测量电力系统频率的新算法,能消除信号中直流成分对频率测量的影响。还给出了一种信号预处理算法,它可有效地抑制信号中的2次谐波和3次谐波。仿真结果表明了新算法测量电力系统频率的有效性。  相似文献   

基于短时间内电流幅值线性变化模型,提出了一种用于精确测量电力系统瞬时频率的新算法,为系统提供实时状态变量。算法假设连续4个采样点对应电流的幅值线性变化,经过严格的数学推导,再结合泰勒展开和数学等比定理计算系统的瞬时频率。定性分析了幅值线性变化模型带来的误差,给出了泰勒展开和A/D转换引起的频率测量误差。该算法具有实现简单和测频速度快等优点,不需要采用数字滤波技术。该测频算法用于系统正常运行、没有振荡的单一频率情况时,理论误差接近于0。仿真结果表明,不论系统是否振荡、振荡是否剧烈,该测频算法都有很高的测量精度,且对电流中的随机噪声具有很好的适应性。  相似文献   

一种基于富氏滤波的电力系统频率测量算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于正弦,余弦滤波器的输出提出了一种测量电力系统频率的新方法。该方法采用了一种简化处理方式以消除正弦,余弦滤波器幅值增益不同的影响,减小了计算量和响应时间,仿真结果表明,该算法不受电压过零点的影响,具有比较高的测量精度。  相似文献   

电力系统负载变化和次同步谐振等诸多原因均会导致电力系统频率偏离标称频率,IEEE标准C37.118.1和最新修订后的C37.118.1a中规定的电力系统最大频率偏差可达5Hz,较大的频率偏差会导致基于泰勒傅里叶的同步相量测量算法产生严重误差.该文提出一种考虑频率偏差的动态同步相量估计器,该估计器在标称频率的两侧以固定的频率间隔生成多个离散频率,基于这些频率离线生成相应的动态滤波器,并将滤波器系数保存到存储器以便在线运行时查表使用.算法运行时,利用泰勒傅里叶的频率估计功能对信号频率进行预测,根据预测频率选择与之最接近的离散频率,通过查表法找到相应的滤波器对输入信号进行分析,实现了较大频偏时同步相量的精确测量.最后,通过仿真和实际信号数据对所提出的估计器进行了测试,测试结果表明,该估计器能够在较大频偏时实现对同步相量、频率和频率变化率的精确测量.  相似文献   

杜旭  乐健  汪妮  刘开培 《电测与仪表》2016,53(6):98-103
船舶电力系统的频率易波动且变化范围较大,现有陆地电力系统中的基于恒定频率的混合量测数据兼容性方案不能直接应用。针对该问题,本文提出了基于准确系统频率追踪和数据相关度分析的SCADA/PMU量测数据兼容性方法。提出利用自适应陷波器和基于PMU数据的频率跟踪算法,获取船舶电力系统的准确频率,根据SCADA和PMU两个系统测量数据的时间同步性和权值对状态估计的影响,确定一套适用于船舶电力系统的混合量测数据兼容性方案。通过仿真计算验证了该方案的正确性和有效性。该方法解决了当船舶电力系统频率变化时,仍可通过SCADA获得准确量测数据,并更好地从时间同步和权值方面与PMU数据实现兼容。  相似文献   

电力系统动态频率的新概念和新算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了电力系统动态频率的新概念,阐述了电力系统的全系统动态频率、地区 系统动态频率、发电机动态频率以及电网中任意节点动态频率的涵义,分析了 传统“周期法”测量节点动态频率时不加任何辨识处理便试图用以表征发电机 动态频率、地区系统动态频率或全系统动态频率的局限性,并在此基础上给出 了新的动态频率测量算法,动模试验结果表明了所提算法的优越性。  相似文献   

基于综合相量的电力系统振荡频率实时测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于综合相量幅值和相位变化规律实时测量电力系统振荡中振荡频率及瞬时频率的算法,利用三相电流经相应变换获得综合相量。算法经过严格的数学推导,没有近似处理。理想情况下只需要两个采样间隔即可以完成频率测量。仿真计算结果表明,频率测量结果有较高精度。算法对于改善保护及电力系统安全自动装置在振荡中的性能具有实用性。  相似文献   

一种基于自适应陷波器的电网频率测量新方法   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
该文提出一种测量和跟踪电网频率变化的新方法:采用两级自适应陷波滤波器结构,第一级陷波器用来滤除谐波并得到加强的基波成分,再经过降采样处理把基波频谱拓宽后,由第二级陷波器来估计基波频率。陷波器的自适应算法是非梯度搜索的,使其运算量大大简化,适用于实时处理的场合。并通过仿真来说明该方法具有测量精度高和响应时间快的特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, a spectral correction-based algorithm for interharmonic computation is proposed for especially highly fluctuating fundamental frequency cases in the power system. It has been observed and reported that fluctuating demands of some loads such as arc furnaces, or disturbances and subsequent system transients make the fundamental frequency of the power system deviate and this causes non-existing interharmonics to appear in the spectrum due to grid-effect when a standard window length is used for the entire FFT process. The proposed method uses a synthetic waveform produced at the fundamental frequency and amplitude to determine the amount of the leakage due to the grid-effect at each frequency. Then the leakage is subtracted from the original FFT of the signal to correct the frequency spectrum. It has been shown that the leakage effect caused by the fundamental frequency variation is avoided with a correction algorithm applied after FFT and the error in the first interharmonic computation due to frequency deviation is reduced to zero exactly if the fundamental frequency can be determined accurately. Both simulative and field data tests have been performed. The method does not require online sampling frequency or FFT window length adjustment and it is simple to implement.  相似文献   

This paper presents new digital measuring algorithms for generator and transformer protection. Two methods are proposed to make the estimation of amplitudes of the fundamental frequency component and the higher harmonics immune to frequency deviations. The first method is based on the software re-sampling of the physical data window and on the simultaneous iterative estimation of the frequency. The second algorithm employs the amplitude estimator having unique frequency response in the entire frequency spectrum and enables direct compensation for the frequency deviations. Also a new Volts/Hertz inverse-time algorithm is proposed which does not call for the direct measure of frequency. It relies on the second method and uses the amplitude estimator having the gain close to the inverse of the frequency; therefore, it acts as a direct amplitude-to-frequency estimator. The proposed algorithms were analyzed analytically and tested using EMTP simulations  相似文献   

电力系统高精度频率估计的谱泄漏对消算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出基于谱泄漏对消技术的电力系统频率估计方法.该法通过将两段采样起点错开1/4个额定周期的采样信号序列的加窗傅里叶变换将基波的谱泄漏相消,同时也能显著减小其它奇次谐波的谱泄漏对频率测量的影响,从而极为有效地减小因采样不同步及信号畸变而引起的测量误差.由于电力系统频率成分主要为基波分量和小部分奇次谐波,因此该法能够显著地提高频率测量的精度.该法除了估计精度高以外,还具有时滞小和计算量小(只需对采样数据求加权和)等优点,适合于实时高精度频率测量.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new two-stage, self-tuning least-squares digital signal processing algorithm for power-quality (PQ) indices estimation according to the power components and PQ indices definitions given in the IEEE Standard 1459-2000. The algorithm is based on the nonrecursive least error square technique accompanied with an tuning procedure, which generally improves the algorithm properties: the measurement range, the immunity to a random noise, convergence, and accuracy. The presented algorithm models typical signal distortions and it can be used for the real-time PQ indices estimation. In order to estimate signal spectra and fundamental frequency, current and voltage signals are processed in the first algorithm stage, whereas in the second stage, the power components and PQ indices are calculated based on the results obtained from the first stage. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, the results of computer simulated and laboratory tests are presented.  相似文献   

This paper introduces genetic algorithms (GA) as a powerful tool for monitoring and supervising power system disturbances generated due to dynamic performance of power systems. Monitoring power system disturbances involves monitoring fundamental voltage magnitude and its frequency as well as harmonic and sub-harmonic voltage magnitudes and their frequencies under different operating conditions for power quality evaluation purposes. The proposed method is based on genetic algorithms optimization technique. The method uses digital set of measurements for the voltage or current waveforms at power system bus to perform the estimation process digitally. The algorithm is tested using different simulated data to monitor power quality. Three different study cases are considered in this work. In the first part, the estimation of voltage flicker levels and its frequency is presented and discussed. In the second part, the frequency of a bus voltage signal that is contaminated with harmonics is estimated. The harmonic contents are also estimated in this case. In the third part, the analysis of a damped sub-harmonic signal is presented. Effects of number of samples, sampling frequency and the sample window size are studied. Effects of GA parameters and operators, such as population size, crossover, mutation probabilities and niching are also studied. Results are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

针对当前无线通信系统中,功率放大器的校准效果是衡量一个系统好坏程度的重要指标,因而对功率放大器的校准具有重要作用。本文首先分析了射频模块的系统构成和控制机制,并对系统进行数理建模,将传统射频功率校准的问题转变成参数估值的问题。接着提出了精度和复杂度可控的基于能量守恒的最小均方(LMS)算法,该方法将变量的代数运算限制在一定的范围,而且不需要严格的限制输入数据的分布情况,这对于校准射频信号是极为有利的。仿真结果说明了所提出的算法能有效的将发射功率抑制在0.5dB范围内。  相似文献   

研究一种基于时域积分的电功率数字测量新算法。算法先将有功功率、无功功率的测量,转化为对瞬时有功功率和瞬时无功功率的直流分量的估计,然后基于加窗离散傅里叶变换(discrete Fourier transform, DFT)和离散傅里叶逆变换(inverse discrete Fourier transform, IDFT)实现Hilbert变换,将周期电压信号各频率分量准确移相90°,最后利用矩形自卷积窗,设计高性能FIR梳状滤波器,高效率地滤除瞬时功率信号中的基波及谐波分量。算法实现了在采样存在同步误差时有功功率和无功功率的高精度估计,仿真和科研实践验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Fully digital hysteresis modulation with switching-time prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a digital hysteresis-modulation technique based on switching-time prediction. Sampling controlled variables several times within a switching period, it ensures a dynamic performance comparable to that obtainable with analog hysteresis modulation. Compared to conventional digital hysteresis modulation, it avoids frequency jitter since it predicts switching transitions. Compared to hysteresis modulation based on the detection of the zero crossing of current errors, it avoids external analog circuits. Compared to pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) techniques, it ensures faster dynamic response. These advantages are obtained at the expense of increased signal-processing requirements and of control complexity. Switching-frequency stabilization and synchronization with an external clock can be obtained extending the techniques proposed for analog hysteresis modulations. The proposed predictive algorithm does not require knowledge of load parameters and only a rough estimation of the inductor value, which can be easily self-adjusted. The proposed solution is suited for high-performance current (or sliding-mode) control where the digital hardware has enough computational power to allow multiple samples within a switching period. The proposed modulation technique has been applied to a sliding-mode control of a single-phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, new digital instruments measuring power-quality indicators and harmonic analyzers are developed. A new technique for simultaneous local system frequency and amplitudes of the fundamental and higher harmonics estimation from either a voltage or current signal is presented. The structure consists of three decoupled modules: the first one for an adaptive filter of input signal, the second one for frequency estimation, and the third one for harmonic amplitude estimation. A very suitable algorithm for frequency and harmonic amplitude estimation is obtained. This technique provides accurate frequency estimates with error in the range of 0.002 Hz and amplitude estimates with error in the range of 0.03% for SNR = 60 dB in about 25 ms. The theoretical basis and practical implementation of the technique are described. To demonstrate the performance of the developed algorithm, computer simulated data records are processed. Data of the distribution power system voltage signals are also collected in the laboratory environment and are processed in a newly developed digital PC-based harmonic analyzer. It has been found that the proposed method really meets the need of offline applications. Even more, by using the parallel computation algorithms, this method should meet the need of online applications and should be more practical  相似文献   

故障电流中衰减直流分量的滤波算法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在电力系统中,任何故障或扰动都会使得系统中出现衰减直流分量,它将影响继保装置的测量精度。该文通过引入一组滤波算子,实现了衰减直流分量参数的在线计算,并在此基础上说明了信号基波和谐波分量的计算方法。该算法的数据窗只需要一个基波周期,具有很好的快速性,理论上是一种精确算法。对传统DFT算法和本文算法的仿真结果表明了这种算法的有效性。  相似文献   

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