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基于行为的轮式移动机器人导航控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种轮式移动机器人CASIA-I及其运动机构,针对该运动机构给出了机器人的运动方程和基于行为的导航控制算法,并根据该算法进行了软件仿真和实物实验.实验结果表明,该导航控制算法是一种有效的导航算法.  相似文献   

邹强  丛明  刘冬  杜宇  崔瑛雪 《机器人》2018,40(6):894-902
针对移动机器人在非结构环境下的导航任务,受哺乳动物空间认知方式的启发,提出一种基于生物认知进行移动机器人路径规划的方法.结合认知地图特性,模拟海马体的情景记忆形成机理,构建封装了场景感知、状态神经元及位姿感知相关信息的情景认知地图,实现了机器人对环境的认知.基于情景认知地图,以最小事件距离为准则,提出事件序列规划算法用于实时导航过程.实验结果表明,该控制算法能使机器人根据不同任务选择最佳规划路径.  相似文献   

移动机器人自主导航过程中,为机器人提供精确地位置信息十分重要,只有机器人有了精确地位置信息才能准确地导航到目标点。由于单纯的惯性和里程测量系统的相对定位方式都不能消除长时间的累计定位误差,因此需要一种绝对位置信息加以辅助修正累计误差。二维码是一种很好的可以存储绝对位置信息的方式,且信息获取简单易用,本文提出了一种将矩阵二维码作为绝对位置标签辅助修正里程和惯性测量系统导航过程中产生的累计误差的导航定位方法。通过实验对比验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

移动机器人沿墙导航控制包含了追踪和避障两种情况,是移动机器人研究中的常见问题。它是指机器人在一定方向上沿墙运动,或者更一般意义上的沿着物体轮廓运动,并与墙保持一定距离。移动机器人利用声纳采集机器人与墙体的距离和角度信息,通过模糊神经网络将输入数据进行融合,从而判断移动机器人的位姿信息,输出左右轮速度控制其动作。实验证明此方法可以有效地保证移动机器人在安全距离内沿墙体运动。对比采用模糊神经网络前后的实验,采用后的移动机器人沿墙导航控制轨迹优于采用前,均方误差大大减小。  相似文献   

基于不确定网格地图的移动机器人导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在未知环境下的移动机器人导航问题.在分析超声传感器不确定性模型的基础上,根据模糊集理论创建网格地图来描述机器人工作环境,使用模糊隶属度表示网格占用状态.通过网格信息融合来减弱传感器测量误差,提高网格地图的精度.提出基于模糊网格地图的路径规划算法,利用重复局部优化路径搜索来实现全局路径规划.机器人通过交替进行创建地图和路径规划两个基本过程来完成导航任务.仿真结果表明创建的地图能较精确地表示环境信息。规划的路径可以使机器人安全地到达目的地.  相似文献   

机器人实时定位与导航系统仿真设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究机器人实时壁障检测与定位问题.机器人定位导航是机器人学的一个重要研究领域,是移动机器人实现完全自主的关键,精确地定位是完成导航任务必须首先解决的关键问题.为此提出了一种改进的机器人的定位和导航算法,可以有效地解决机器人导航过程中的定位、累计误差修正等问题,实验结果表明,改进方法误差更小,使得机器人策略路线的制定更加方便可靠.  相似文献   

基于地形预测与修正的搜救机器人可通过度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对搜救机器人的自主导航问题,提出了一种新的可通过度计算算法.文中定义的可通过度包含预测 可通过度和实时可通过度两个部分.通过图像处理的方法计算前方地面的粗糙度和起伏度从而得到预测可通过度, 机器人向可通过度最大的区域运动,在运动过程中通过测量车体的姿态变化率和履带与地面的打滑度来修正预测可 通过度对机器人的导引带来的偏差,并通过旋转式超声测距数据获取距离信息,去除障碍物对纹理信息的干扰.野 外条件下的实际运行实验证明了该导航算法的有效性.  相似文献   

移动机器人在运动范围内需要有足够的传感器信息可供利用来进行自主导航,在完全未知的环境中,由机器人依靠其自身携带的传感器所提供的信息建立环境模型是机器人进行自主定位和导航的前提之一。介绍了激光测距在移动机器人自主导航中的应用研究;通过二维测距传感器对其周围环境进行扫描,提出了自主导航中地图创建、定位如何用二维扫描获得三维数据流的算法描述,并实验验证该算法的运用使机器人获得一个很好的三维视觉结构图。  相似文献   

拥有自主导航能力的移动机器人在救灾、家政等人类生活中使用得愈加广泛。单目视觉导航算法作为机器人视觉导航中的一种,具有成本低、距离不受限的优势,但仍存在尺度不确定性和初始化问题。该综述根据对移动机器人的运动性质研究,主要从障碍检测、空间定位、路径规划三个方面对单目视觉导航技术进行了模块化分析,并以单目视觉导航算法的关键技术迭代与发展为脉络,对各模块的典型算法进行分析,从速度、准确性、鲁棒性等方面对不同算法进行综合性评比,并对算法存在的主要问题与难点进行剖析,结合人类对移动机器人能力的需求和移动机器人的技术状态对单目视觉导航技术的未来发展趋势进行预测。  相似文献   

一种有效的移动机器人里程计误差建模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动机器人里程计误差建模是研究移动机器人定位问题的基础. 现有的移动机器人里程计误差建模方法多数针对某一种驱动类型移动机器人设计, 运动过程中缺乏对里程计累计误差的实时反馈补偿, 经过长距离运动过程定位精度大幅度降低. 因此本文针对同步驱动和差动驱动轮式移动机器人平台提出了一种通用的里程计误差建模方法. 在假设机器人运动路径近似弧线基础上, 依据里程计误差传播规律推导了非系统误差、系统误差与里程计过程输入之间的近似函数关系, 进而提出一种具有闭环误差实时反馈补偿功能的移动机器人定位算法, 对定位过程中产生的里程计累计误差给予实时反馈补偿. 实验表明新算法有效地减少了里程计累计误差, 提高了定位精度.  相似文献   

A reactive navigation system for an autonomous mobile robot in unstructured dynamic environments is presented. The motion of moving obstacles is estimated for robot motion planning and obstacle avoidance. A multisensor-based obstacle predictor is utilized to obtain obstacle-motion information. Sensory data from a CCD camera and multiple ultrasonic range finders are combined to predict obstacle positions at the next sampling instant. A neural network, which is trained off-line, provides the desired prediction on-line in real time. The predicted obstacle configuration is employed by the proposed virtual force based navigation method to prevent collision with moving obstacles. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed navigation system in an environment with multiple mobile robots or moving objects. This system was implemented and tested on an experimental mobile robot at our laboratory. Navigation results in real environment are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

We have been developing MKR (Muratec Keio Robot), an autonomous omni-directional mobile transfer robot system for hospital applications. This robot has a wagon truck to transfer luggage, important specimens, and other materials. This study proposes an obstacle collision avoidance technique for the wagon truck pulling robot which uses an omni-directional wheel system as a safe movement technology. Moreover, this paper proposes a method to reach the goal along a global path computed by path planning without colliding with static and dynamic obstacles. The method is based on virtual potential fields. Several modules with different prediction times are processed in parallel to change the robot response according to its relative velocity and position with respect to the obstacles. The virtual force calculated from each potential field is used to generate the velocity command. Some experiments were carried out to verify the performance of the proposed method. From the experimental results in a hospital it was confirmed that the robot can move along its global path, and reach the goal without colliding with static and moving obstacles.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robotic system for steering under real-time fluoroscopic guidance a flexible needle in soft tissue. Given a target and possible obstacle locations, the computer calculates the flexible needle-tip trajectory that avoids the obstacle and hits the target. Using an inverse kinematics algorithm, the needle base maneuvers required for a tip to follow this trajectory are calculated, enabling a robot to perform controlled needle insertion. Assuming small displacements, the flexible needle is modeled as a linear beam supported by virtual springs, where the stiffness coefficients of the springs can vary along the needle. Using this simplified model, the forward and inverse kinematics of the needle are solved analytically, enabling both path planning and path correction in real time. The needle shape is detected in real time from fluoroscopic images, and the controller commands the needle base motion that minimizes the needle tip error. This approach was verified experimentally using a robot to maneuver the base of a flexible needle inserted into a muscle tissue. Along the 40-mm trajectory that avoids the obstacle and hits the target, the error stayed below the 0.5-mm level. This study demonstrates the ability to perform closed-loop control and steering of a flexible needle by maneuvering the needle base so that its tip achieves a planned trajectory.  相似文献   

姜通维        姜勇     《智能系统学报》2021,16(4):683-689
针对力反馈遥操作中传统人工势场法无法适应于机械臂整体的避障以及在作业过程中操作者难以控制机械臂到达所需位姿的问题,提出了一种基于虚拟力引导的人机协同目标抓取方法。力反馈设备向操作者提供力觉交互。通过结合人工势场法和虚拟夹具,构建管道形虚拟力场,生成实时虚拟力引导,实现协助操作者完成从端机器人的整体避障任务并在完成避障后引导机器人返回预定义路径并趋近目标点。当进行抓取任务时,构建锥形虚拟力场,实现协助操作者操作机械臂到达目标位置和姿态。此外,提出了一种机器人运动限制方法以降低操作者的操作失误对抓取任务的影响。实验证明,该方法能有效提高目标抓取操作的成功率和操作效率。  相似文献   

This work explores the effect of virtual fixture admittance on the performance, defined by error and time, of task execution with a human-machine cooperative system. A desired path is obtained using computer vision, and virtual fixtures for assistance in planar path following were implemented on an admittance-controlled robot. The admittance controller uses a velocity gain, so that the speed of the robot is proportional to the force applied by the operator. The level of virtual fixture guidance is determined by the admittance ratio, which is the ratio of the admittance gain of the force components orthogonal to the path to the gain of the force components parallel to the path. In Experiment 1, we found a linear relationship between admittance ratio and performance. In Experiment 2, we examined the effect of admittance ratio on the performance of three tasks: path following, off-path targeting, and obstacle avoidance. An algorithm was developed to select an appropriate admittance ratio based on the nature of the task. Automatic admittance ratio tuning is recommended for next-generation virtual fixtures. Actual or potential applications of this research include surgery, assembly, and manipulation at the macro and micro scales.  相似文献   

传统的反应式路径规划算法有时会出现"死锁现象",为此设计了一种基于虚拟子目标点的移动机器人路径规划算法。首先根据已知的环境信息生成一条连接初始点和目标点的全局路径,移动机器人在沿全局路径行走时通过传感器探测周围的实时环境信息并寻找障碍物的转弯处,然后在该障碍物的转弯处设置虚拟子目标点,根据虚拟子目标点构建局部路径,机器人沿着局部路径走到该子目标点并进入下一个路径规划循环。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

宋达  张立勋  王炳军  高源  薛峰  李来禄 《机器人》2018,40(4):440-447
为了让航天员在没有太空真实环境的地面上模拟太空环境进行虚拟作业训练,设计了一种与虚拟现实(VR)技术相结合的柔索牵引式力觉交互机器人.首先,根据微重力环境中物体的运动特性设计机器人的构型,建立移动平台、驱动单元、人推物体运动过程的动力学模型并进行运动学分析.然后,针对系统冗余驱动及力控制任务,提出一种复合控制策略,即以柔索长度变化为速度控制内环,力的外环控制为力/速混合控制.最后,分别进行单柔索加载和人机系统力觉交互仿真分析,分析结果表明该控制策略可以使柔索驱动单元降低10%的恒力跟随误差并能稳定地跟随余弦力的变化,验证了该控制策略对多余力抑制的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, a concept for virtual sensors is proposed for efficient avoidance of obstacles during the motion of robots. The virtual sensor yields new data by combining encoder values and real distance data, and derives new sensor data that includes the mobility of the robot. Simulation on Windows XP is executed to illustrate the proposed approach with actually acquired distance from virtual and actual sensors. To facilitate comparison with the alternative results developed in this paper, we refer to the conventional artificial potential field method using actual distance. Data from virtual sensors show smoother and safer motion in obstacle avoidance traces in regards to obstacle and robot mobility.  相似文献   

Learning and self-adaptation ability is highly required to be integrated in path planning algorithm for underwater robot during navigation through an unspecified underwater environment. High frequency oscillations during underwater motion are responsible for nonlinearities in dynamic behavior of underwater robot as well as uncertainties in hydrodynamic coefficients. Reactive behaviors of underwater robot are designed considering the position and orientation of both target and nearest obstacle from robot’s current position. Human like reasoning power and approximation based learning skill of neural based adaptive fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) has been found to be effective for underwater multivariable motion control. More than one ANFIS models are used here for achieving goal and obstacle avoidance while avoiding local minima situation in both horizontal and vertical plane of three dimensional workspace. An error gradient approach based on input-output training patterns for learning purpose has been promoted to spawn trajectory of underwater robot optimizing path length as well as time taken. The simulation and experimental results endorse sturdiness and viability of the proposed method in comparison with other navigational methodologies to negotiate with hectic conditions during motion of underwater mobile robot.  相似文献   

工业机械臂在诸如打磨抛光等接触式作业任务中对环境刚度信息存在一定的依赖性, 未知环境刚度信息将严重影响机器人的力位控制精度, 使得作业效果难以得到保证. 为解决环境信息不足或未知情况下的力/位置精确控制问题, 本文首先提出了一种新的自适应环境刚度在线估计方法, 针对时变的环境刚度进行实时估计, 由此预测生成后继的机械臂参考轨迹点, 随后提出了一种根据力跟踪误差实时调整末端工具手刚度系数的变刚度导纳恒力控制方法, 并结合李雅普诺夫稳定性理论给出了整体控制律的收敛性证明. 针对刚柔两种末端工具手和多种不同的曲面工件开展了实验研究, 并与传统PID控制方法和传统导纳控制方法进行了对比, 其结果表明本文所提出的复合控制方法可在不同工况条件下实现机器人运动过程中接触力的快速柔顺调节, 并获得4.55%以内的最优力控误差效果, 证明了本文所提出方法的有效性与可行性.  相似文献   

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