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面向嵌入式实时软件的需求规约语言及检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒风笛  毋国庆  李明树 《软件学报》2004,15(11):1595-1606
针对嵌入式实时软件需求规约及其检测问题,提出了基于层次并发有穷状态机的可合成的图形化建模语言RTRSM*(real-time requirements specification model*),利用转换有效期和事件预定机制来描述时间限制,能够较好地支持系统交互性和实时性的建模.为弥补RTRSM*作为操作性规约语言不便于性质描述的问题,提出了命题时序逻辑RITL(real-time interval temporal logic).该语言以时间状态序列为语义模型,具有基于区间和时间点的量化时间属性描述功能,能自然、全面地描述RTRSM*模型性质.介绍并讨论了基于两种语言的规约检测方法和技术,主要包括系统状态空间有穷的RTRSM*模型状态可达图的相关问题和规约的模拟执行.  相似文献   

线性时态逻辑SE-LTL是具有高表达力和基于状态、事件推理能力的并发系统规约语言.目前,SE-LTL的模型检测算法依然是显式的,状态空间爆炸是检测的主要困难.对SE-LTL引入一种有界模型检测技术,该技术将SE-LTL模型检测归约为命题公式的可满足性问题,避免了基于二叉图方法中状态空间的快速增长,加速了验证过程.对SE-LTL-X进一步在该技术中集成stuttering等价技术.实验结果表明该集成有效地降低了验证时间.  相似文献   

Event-B是一种基于集合论和谓词逻辑的形式化系统语言,能够采用精化策略为系统建立逐渐精化的模型。提出了如何将Event B应用到实际工业领域的方法,包括重写需求、建立抽象模型及逐层精化三个步骤。首先从环境、功能、性质三个主要方面重写需求,明确精化策略;然后利用形式化方法建立抽象模型并验证该模型;最后,在正确的抽象模型上按照精化策略添加需求、逐层精化,并对每层模型进行验证,基于满足需求的最后一层模型,可进一步利用工具完成代码自动生成。该方法学采用精化理论,以逐层递增的方式明确被开发系统的需求及性质,并进行形式化建模与验证,确保了模型的正确性。为了说明该方法学的可行性,以真正工业界的多应用智能卡为实例,基于Event-B方法及其工具平台Rodin给出了该方法在实际建模及验证过程中的应用。  相似文献   

UML由于其广泛的应用和直观的图形化符号,成为了模型驱动工程的重要组成部分。但UML本身缺乏精确的形式语义定义,缺少对其模型精化关系的形式化规范定义,对UML模型进行形式验证变得尤为困难。UML类图作为描述系统结构的静态模型,不具备完整的形式语义。从UML类图的机械语义中抽取出形式规约,将UML类图中的结构和形式规约转换成定理证明器Coq中的机械语义定义。此外,还提出了类图的结构精化操作,将模型间的精化关系在Coq中进行形式化定义,并且对精化操作的原子操作进行机械验证,保证其精化前后系统的结构和语义保持一致。将UML和形式化方法相结合,为可验证的软件设计精化框架提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

具有冲突约束的RBAC模型的形式化规范与证明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实际应用"基于角色的访问控制"(RBAC)模型时,经常遇到由于责任分离等策略而引起的冲突问题,如权限间的互斥等.访问控制操作应满足某些约束条件,以避免冲突的存在.但这些冲突关系相当复杂,如何检测出冲突问题是模型安全实施的重要保证.借助Z语言,提出了基于状态的RBAC形式化模型,对状态转换函数进行了形式化规范,描述了操作的具体内容和应满足的冲突约束条件.根据安全不变量给出了安全性定理,分别进行数学的和形式化的证明.最后,通过实例分析,说明在实际系统中,如何形式化规约和验证RBAC系统并检测出冲突问题,从而为今后使用RBAC模型开发具有高安全保证的系统提供了一种形式化规范和证明方法.  相似文献   

无人驾驶系统综合了软件和硬件复杂的交互过程,在系统设计阶段,形式化方法可以保证系统满足逻辑规约和安全需求;在系统运行阶段,深度强化学习被广泛应用于无人驾驶系统决策中.然而,在面对没有经验的场景和复杂决策任务时,基于黑盒的深度强化学习系统并不能保证系统的安全性和复杂任务奖励函数设置的可解释性.为此提出了一种形式化时空同步约束制导的安全强化学习方法.首先,提出了一种形式化时空同步约束规约语言,接近自然语言的安全需求规约使奖励函数的设置更具有解释性.其次,展示了时空同步自动机和状态-动作空间迁移系统,保证强化学习的状态行为策略更加安全.然后,提出了结合形式化时空约束制导的安全强化学习方法.最后,通过无人驾驶汽车在高速场景变道超车的案例,验证所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

以带有多个可接受条件的广义Büchi自动机为研究对象,提出基于启发式NDFS的模型检测新算法.该算法结合on-the-fly算法与启发式NDFS算法,能较快地判断出广义Büchi自动机非空性,通过理论证明和实验验证了算法的正确性和可行性.与已有算法相比,在广义Büchi自动机非空的情况下,该算法减少了系统状态空间的搜索,提高了检测效率,且能形成相应反例,为缓解形式化验证中的状态空间爆炸问题提供了有效的解决途径,为安全苛求系统的安全性保障提供了有力支撑,丰富了基于模型的软件形式化开发方法.  相似文献   

随着多核体系结构的出现和普及,片上总线逐渐成为影响片上系统功能和性能的关键部件.因此,片上总线的验证成为片上系统设计中一个重要组成部分.模型检测作为一种主流的形式化验证方法,可以自动化穷举搜索系统行为以决定片上系统的设计是否满足设计规范.然而,模型检测受制于状态空间爆炸问题,且现有规范语言如计算树逻辑和线性时序逻辑等的描述能力有限.提出了一种基于命题投影时序逻辑的WISHBONE片上总线符号模型检测方法.该方法将以Verilog硬件描述语言实现的WISHBONE总线转化为以NuSMV模型检测工具的建模语言SMV描述的系统模型,使用命题投影时序逻辑描述WISHBONE总线期望的性质,通过PLSMC工具验证系统模型是否满足期望的性质.实验结果表明该方法能够有效验证WISHBONE片上总线的定性性质,以及时间敏感和迭代性等定量性质.  相似文献   

基于TLA的事件图模型形式化验证方法*   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对目前没有直接对事件图模型进行形式化验证的方法,提出了一种基于行为时态逻辑(temporal logic of action,TLA)的事件图模型形式化验证方法.该方法利用TLA语言能够同时表达模型行为与逻辑规则的特点及其与事件图的相似性,将事件图模型及性质规约用TLA语言进行形式化描述,从而使该模型能够被TLA模型...  相似文献   

逄涛  段振华  刘晓芳 《软件学报》2015,26(8):1968-1982
现有模型检测工具的形式化规范语言,如计算树逻辑(computation tree logic,简称CTL)和线性时序逻辑(linear temporal logic,简称LTL)等的描述能力不足,无法验证ω正则性质.提出了一个命题投影时序逻辑(propositional projection temporal logic,简称PPTL)符号模型检测工具——PLSMC(PPTL symbolic model checker)的设计与实现过程.该工具基于著名的符号模型检测系统NuSMV,实现了PPTL的符号模型检测算法.PLSMC的规范语言PPTL具有完全正则表达能力,这使得定性性质和定量性质均可被验证.此外,PLSMC可以有效地缓解模型检测工具中容易发生的状态空间爆炸问题.最后,利用PLSMC对铁路公路交叉道口护栏控制系统的安全性质和周期性性质进行验证.实验结果表明,PPTL符号模型检测工具扩充了NuSMV系统的验证能力,使得时间敏感、并发性和周期性等实时性质可以被描述和验证.  相似文献   

Refinement in a concurrent context, as typified by a process algebra, takes a number of different forms depending on what is considered observable, where observations record, for example, which events a system is prepared to accept or refuse. Examples of concurrent refinement relations include trace refinement, failures-divergences refinement and bisimulation.Refinement in a state-based language such as Z, on the other hand, is defined using a relational model in terms of input/output behaviour of abstract programs. These refinements are verified by using two simulation rules which help make the verification tractable.The purpose of this paper is to unify these two standpoints, and we do so by generalising the standard relational model to include additional observable aspects. The central result of the paper is then to develop simulation rules to verify relations such as failures-divergences refinement in a relational setting, and show how these might be applied in a specification language such as Z.  相似文献   

Compositional verification using assume-guarantee reasoning has recently seen an uprise due to the introduction of automatic techniques for learning assumptions. In this paper, we transfer this technique to a setting with CSP as modelling and property specification language, and present an approach to compositional traces refinement checking. The approach has been implemented using the CSP model checker FDR as teacher during learning. The implementation shows that the compositional approach can both drastically outperform as well as underperform FDR's performance, depending on the example at hand.  相似文献   

We propose a real-time extension to the process algebra CSP. Inspired by timed automata, a very successful formalism for the specification and verification of real-time systems, we handle real time by means of clocks, i.e. real-valued variables that increase at the same rate as time. This differs from the conventional approach based on timed transitions. We give a discrete trace and failures semantics to our language and define the resulting refinement relations. One advantage of our proposal is that it is possible to automatically verify refinement relations between processes. We demonstrate how this can be achieved and under which conditions.Partially supported by EPSRC grant GR/N22960.Received January 2004Revised September 2004Accepted December 2004 by M. Leuschel and D. J. Cooke  相似文献   

This work is concerned with modelling, analysis and implementation of embedded control systems using RT-DEVS, i.e. a specialization of classic discrete event system specification (DEVS) for real-time. RT-DEVS favours model continuity, i.e. the possibility of using the same model for property analysis (by simulation or model checking) and for real time execution. Special case tools are reported in the literature for RT-DEVS model analysis and design. In this work, temporal analysis of a model exploits a translation in Uppaal timed automata for exhaustive verification. For large models a simulator was realized in Java which directly stems from RT-DEVS operational semantics. The same concerns are at the basis of a real-time executive. The paper describes the proposed RT-DEVS development methodology and clarifies its implementation status. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to an embedded system example which is analyzed through model checking and implemented in Java. Finally, research directions which deserve further work are indicated.  相似文献   

赵岭忠  翟仲毅  钱俊彦  郭云川 《软件学报》2015,26(10):2521-2544
模型检测是通信顺序进程(communicating sequential processes,简称CSP)形式化验证的重要手段.当前, CSP模型检测方法基于操作语义,需将进程转化为迁移系统,进而提取语义模型,但转化过程较为复杂;待验证性质采用CSP语言进行描述,虽然有利于精炼检测(refinement checking),但描述能力较弱,通用性不强.鉴于此,提出了一种新的CSP指称语义模型——关键迹模型(critical-trace model)及基于该指称语义模型的CSP模型检测方法,并证明了其验证的可靠性,避免了上述问题.关键迹模型采用递归策略计算,待验证性质采用线性时态逻辑(linear temporal logic,简称LTL)描述.基于回答集程序设计(answer set programming,简称ASP)实现了关键迹模型的自动生成及LTL的自动验证,并开发了一个CSP模型检测原型系统——T_ASP.实验结果表明:与类似系统相比,该系统的描述能力更强,验证结果的准确性更高,且可同时验证多条性质,在性质不满足时还可提供多条反例.  相似文献   

基于线性时序逻辑的实时系统模型检查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广元  唐稚松 《软件学报》2002,13(2):193-202
模型检查是一种用于并发系统的性质验证的算法技术.LTLC(linear temporal logic with clocks)是一种连续时间时序逻辑,它是线性时序逻辑LTL的一种实时扩充.讨论实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查问题,将实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查化归为有穷状态转换系统关于LTL公式的模型检查,从而可以利用LTL的模型检查工具来对LTLC进行模型检查.由于LTLC既能表示实时系统的性质,又能表示实时系统的实现,这就使得时序逻辑LTLC的模型检查过程既能用于实时系统的性质验证,又能用于实时系统之间的一致性验证.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the relationship between refinement-oriented specification and specifications using a temporal logic. We investigate the extent to which one can check whether a program in a process algebra, such as Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), satisfies a temporal logic specification using a refinement-based model checker, such as FDR. We consider what atomic formulae are appropriate in a temporal logic for specifying communicating processes, in particular where one wants to talk about the availability of events. We then show that, perhaps surprisingly, the standard stable failures model is not adequate for capturing specifications in such a logic: instead the refusal traces model must be used. We formalise the logic by giving it a semantics in this model. We show that the temporal operators eventually and until, and negation, cannot, in general, be tested for via simple refinement checks. For the remaining fragment of the logic, we present a translation into simple refinement checks. Finally, we show that refusal traces equivalence is characterised by a slightly augmented version of that fragment. M. J. Butler  相似文献   

An Introduction to Real-Time Object-Z   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents Real-Time Object-Z: an integration of the object-oriented, state-based specification language Object-Z with the timed trace notation of the timed refinement calculus. This integration provides a method of formally specifying and refining systems involving continuous variables and real-time constraints. The basis of the integration is a mapping of the existing Object-Z history semantics to timed traces. Received September 2000 / Accepted in revised form June 2001  相似文献   

Relational Concurrent Refinement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Refinement in a concurrent context, as typified by a process algebra, takes a number of different forms depending on what is considered observable. Observations record, for example, which events a system is prepared to accept or refuse. Concurrent refinement relations include trace refinement, failures–divergences refinement, readiness refinement and bisimulation. Refinement in a state-based language such as Z, on the other hand, is defined using a relational model in terms of the input–output behaviour of abstract programs. These refinements are normally verified by using two simulation rules which help make the verification tractable. This paper unifies these two standpoints by generalising the standard relational model to include additional observable aspects. These are chosen in such a way that they represent exactly the notions of observation embedded in the various concurrent refinement relations. As a consequence, simulation rules for the tractable verification of concurrent refinement can be derived. We develop such simulation rules for failures–divergences refinement and readiness refinement in particular, using an alternative relational model in the latter case.  相似文献   

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