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带有时钟变量的线性时序逻辑与实时系统验证   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了描述实时系统的性质和行为,10多年来,各种不同的时序逻辑,如Timed Computation Tree Logic,Metric Interval Temporal Logic和Real-Time Temporal Logic等相继提出来.这些时序逻辑适于表示实时系统的性质和规范,但不适于表示实时系统的实现模型.这样,在基于时序逻辑的实时系统的研究中,系统的性质和实现通常是用两种不同的语言来表示的.定义了一个带有时钟变量的线性时序逻辑(linear temporal logic with clocks,简称LTLC).它是由Manna和Pnueli提出的线性时序逻辑在实时情况下的一个推广.LTLC既能表示实时系统的性质,又能很方便地表示实时系统的实现.它能在统一的语义框架中表示出从高级的需求规范到低级的实现模型之间的不同抽象层次上的系统描述,并且能用逻辑蕴涵来表示不同抽象层次的系统描述之间的语义一致性.LTLC的这个特点将有助于实时系统的性质验证和实时系统的逐步求精.  相似文献   

反应系统的连续时序逻辑表示和验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李广元  唐稚松 《计算机学报》2003,26(11):1424-1434
引进一个称为LTLC的连续时间时序逻辑,用来对反应系统进行规范与验证.LTLC的一个重要特点是它能在统一的逻辑框架下表示反应系统及其性质,这样就可将系统与性质问的满足关系转化为逻辑公式间的蕴涵关系.同时,采用非负实数集作为时间域还使我们可以利用标准的存在量词来表示变量隐藏,并可用逻辑蕴涵来表示反应系统间的求精关系.该文首先给出了LTLC的一个简单介绍,然后讨论了如何使用LTLC对反应系统进行表示与推理,最后证明了一个关于LTLC的可判定性结果.此结果可用于有穷状态反应系统的自动验证.  相似文献   

张海宾  段振华 《计算机科学》2007,34(11):279-282
为了描述混合系统的性质和行为,10多年来,各种时序逻辑,如Hybrid Temporal Logic等相继出现。这些时序逻辑适用于刻画混合系统的性质和规范,但不适宜表示描述系统的实现模型。本文定义了一个混合投影时序逻辑(Hybrid Projection Temporal Logic,简称HPTL),既能刻画混合系统的性质,又能表示混合系统的实现。这样,混合系统的验证就可以很方便地在统一的数学模型框架下进行。同时,给出了HPTL的基本的逻辑等价式系统和一个用HPTL进行混合系统验证的实例。  相似文献   

直觉线性μ-演算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
线性mu-演算(μTL)是线性时序逻辑(LTL)的不动点扩展.LTL是一个便于规范和论证反应式系统的方法.μTL作为比LTL表达能力更强的逻辑,用LTL表示的性质度可由μTL表示.类似于LTL的直觉线性时序逻辑(ILTL),提出一种基于直觉解释的μTL,称为直觉μTL(IμTL).确立了IμTL和ILTL的关系,比较了它们之间的表达能力.讨论了使用IμTL与安全性质和活性描述的关系以及描述"假设-保证"规范的问题.  相似文献   

Statecharts的组合语义与求精   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱雪阳  唐稚松 《软件学报》2006,17(4):670-681
由于简洁、直观的表达能力,Statecharts被用于许多反应系统的行为建模.Statecharts可表示不同抽象层次的系统行为,因而可用来表示逐步求精建模中各步的结果.但对于求精过程中下层是否保持了上层的语义、所建模型是否满足某些性质的问题,却难以在其自身的框架下进行讨论.在这方面,形式化语言XYZ/E可与其互补.XYZ/E是一种可执行线性时序逻辑语言,既可表示系统的性质,又可表示系统的行为.递归地在基本迁移系统上解释Statecharts语义,用XYZ/E公式表示它的时序语义.这一语义是模块级可组合的.求精过程的语义保持,可直接从语义定义得到保证.Statecharts所描述的系统行为模型和性质在同一个逻辑中表示,因此,系统行为是否满足所需性质的问题可由逻辑蕴涵式表示.  相似文献   

在实时系统的形式验证中,为了直接验证带有明显时间约束的性质,选用了一种被广泛接受的(线性时间)实时时序逻辑——度量区时序逻辑来描述待验证的性质;提出了基于迁移的扩展时间B chi自动机;构建了度量区时序逻辑的基于迁移的扩展时间B chi自动机。这样扩展了已有实时系统模型检测工具的性质规范语言的表达能力,使其能直接处理和验证带有明显时间约束的性质。实现的工具表明,该算法有效且可行,并且显著地减少了结果自动机节点和迁移的数量,从而降低了结果自动机的大小,有利于进一步的模型检测过程。  相似文献   

模型检测是一种自动完成性质验证的算法过程,在模型检测过程中会遇到状态空间爆炸的问题,即随系统规模的增长状态空间的大小呈指数增长,如何缓解此问题一直是研究者研究的重点.目前利用模型检测方法对线性时序逻辑(LTL)性质进行检测的工具还比较少,且效率都较低.介绍了一种基于离散时间自动机的LTL性质检测工具,采用了在状态空间中存储延迟序列(DS)的技术,对状态进行压缩存储,减小了时间空间的消耗,加快了检测速度.实验表明,该工具的检测效果是不错的,要好于同类工具,如DTSpin.  相似文献   

王海洋  段振华  田聪 《软件学报》2019,30(2):231-243
由于经典的线性时序逻辑表达能力有限,设计并开发了基于交替投影时序逻辑(alternating projection temporal logic,简称APTL)的模型检测工具.根据王海洋等人提出的APTL符号模型检测方法,设计并实现了APTL模型检测器MCMAS_APTL.该工具可用于多智能体系统(multi-agent system,简称MAS)的性质验证.MCMAS_APTL检查MAS是否满足具体性质的过程如下:首先,用解释系统编程语言(interpreted system programming language,简称ISPL)描述要验证的系统IS,用APTL公式P描述要验证的性质;然后,符号化表示系统IS,并将非P转化为范式;最后,计算所有满足非P的路径的起始状态集合.如果得到的状态集合中包含系统的初始状态,则说明系统不满足公式P;反之,则说明系统满足公式P.详细阐述了实现MCMAS_APTL的过程,并且通过验证机器人足球赛的例子展示了MCMAS_APTL的性能.  相似文献   

张春燕  孙俊 《计算机科学》2017,44(Z6):571-574, 593
带数据约束的概率实时系统是指一种既带有概率时间约束又带有数据变量约束的计算系统。目前将离散数据约束和连续时间约束统一在一个概率模型中的规范及验证研究较少。提出了一种既带有连续数据约束又带有离散数据约束的规范——基于连续时间的概率ZIA规范,并给出了它的时序逻辑。对于CTL和PCTL而言,尽管这些逻辑很强大,但是只能反映时序性质,因此提出一个新的形式化语言CTML来表达度量性质查询,同时保留表达时序性质的能力并给出概率ZIA规范的验证算法。  相似文献   

反应式系统通常是不终止的,其行为定义为系统状态的无限序列的集合.形式化验证时,检验需求一般使用时序逻辑给出.当使用诸如LTL(linear temporal logic)这样的逻辑时,由于这类逻辑的模型同样是无限序列,系统与需求之间的满足性关系可以简单定义为集合的包含关系.但是,当使用时段时序逻辑(interval temporal logic)作为说明逻辑时,由于逻辑模型的有限性,使得上面的满足关系不再适用.称这类有限序列集合表达的性质为有限性性质.对于不同的有限性性质,它们对应的满足性关系是有区别的.针对两类有限性定义了它们各自的满足性关系,并将这两种关系统一为一个更一般的满足性关系.在此基础上,提出模型检验这两类性质的算法,并将其实现为一个针对时段时序逻辑QRDC(quantified RDC (restricted duration calculus))的检验工具QRDChecker.QRDChecker可以检验QRDC公式在连续时间模型和离散时间模型下的有效性.在离散时间条件下,它还可以将QRDC公式转换成模型检验系统Spin能够接受的自动机的形式,从而可以检查反应式系统是否满足用QRDC公式表达的性质.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel on-line model checking approach offered as service of a real-time operating system (RTOS). The verification system is intended especially for self-optimizing component-based real-time systems where self-optimization is performed by dynamically exchanging components. The verification is performed at the level of (RT-UML) models. The properties to be checked are expressed by RT-OCL terms where the underlying temporal logic is restricted to either time-annotated ACTL or LTL formulae. The on-line model checking runs interleaved with the execution of the component to be checked in a pipelined manner. The technique applied is based on on-the-fly model checking. More specifically for ACTL formulae this means on-the-fly solution of the NHORNSAT problem while in the case of LTL the emptiness checking method is applied.  相似文献   

用带时钟变量的线性时态逻辑扩充Object-Z*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Object-Z是形式规格说明语言Z的面向对象扩充,适合描述大型面向对象软件规格说明,但它不能很好地描述连续性实时变量和时间限制。线性时态逻辑能够描述实时系统,但不能很好地处理连续时间关系,也不能很好地模块化描述形式规格说明。首先用时钟变量扩充线性时态逻辑,接着提出了一个方法——用带时钟变量的时态逻辑(LTLC)来扩充Object-Z。用LTLC扩充的Object-Z是一个模块化规格说明语言,是Object-Z语法和语义的最小扩充,其最大优点在于它能方便地描述和验证复杂的实时软件规格说明。  相似文献   

Efficient symbolic and explicit-state model checking approaches have been developed for the verification of linear time temporal logic (LTL) properties. Several attempts have been made to combine the advantages of the various algorithms. Model checking LTL properties usually poses two challenges: one must compute the synchronous product of the state space and the automaton model of the desired property, then look for counterexamples that is reduced to finding strongly connected components (SCCs) in the state space of the product. In case of concurrent systems, where the phenomenon of state space explosion often prevents the successful verification, the so-called saturation algorithm has proved its efficiency in state space exploration. This paper proposes a new approach that leverages the saturation algorithm both as an iteration strategy constructing the product directly, as well as in a new fixed-point computation algorithm to find strongly connected components on-the-fly by incrementally processing the components of the model. Complementing the search for SCCs, explicit techniques and component-wise abstractions are used to prove the absence of counterexamples. The resulting on-the-fly, incremental LTL model checking algorithm proved to scale well with the size of models, as the evaluation on models of the Model Checking Contest suggests.  相似文献   

利用自动机理论模型检验算法,检验车站联锁逻辑的有色Petri网模型是否满足预期的性能。通过采用带标签的广义Büchi自动机(LGBA)构建线性时态逻辑,有效地解决了模型检验中的状态空间爆炸问题。该方法的研究增强了有色Petri网的分析和验证能力,利用该方法对车站联锁逻辑的实际问题进行了性能验证。  相似文献   

Linear temporal logic (LTL) has been widely used for specification and verification of reactive systems. Its standard model is sequences of states (or state transitions), and formulas describe sequencing of state transitions. When LTL is used to model real-time systems, a state is extended with a time stamp to record when a state transition takes place. Duration calculus (DC) is another well studied approach for real-time systems development. DC models behaviours of a system by functions from the domain of reals representing time to the system states. This paper extends this time domain to the Cartesian product of the real and the natural numbers. With the extended time domain, we provide the chop modality with a non-overlapping interpretation. This allows some linear temporal operators explicitly dealing with the discrete dimension of time to be derivable from the chop modality in essentially the same way that their continuous-time counterparts are in the classical DC. This provides a nice embedding of some timed LTL (TLTL) modalities into DC to unify the methods from DC and LTL for real-time systems development: Requirements and high level design decisions are interval properties and are therefore specified and reasoned about in DC, while properties of an implementation, as well as the refinement relation between two implementations, are specified and verified compositionally and inductively in LTL. Implementation properties are related to requirement and design properties by rules for lifting LTL formulas to DC formulas.On leave from the Department of Mathematics Computer Science the University of Leicester England.Received June 1999Accepted in revised form September 2003 by M. R. Hansen and C. B. Jones  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of recent advances in Real-Time Maude. Real-Time Maude extends the Maude rewriting logic tool to support formal specification and analysis of object-based real-time systems. It emphasizes ease and generality of specification and supports a spectrum of analysis methods, including symbolic simulation, unbounded and time-bounded reachability analysis, and LTL model checking. Real-Time Maude can be used to specify and analyze many systems that, due to their unbounded features, such as unbounded data structures or dynamic object and message creation, cannot be modeled by current timed/hybrid automaton-based tools. We illustrate this expressiveness and generality by summarizing two case studies: (i) an advanced scheduling algorithm with unbounded queues; and (ii) a state-of-the-art wireless sensor network algorithm. Finally, we give some (often easily checkable) conditions that ensure that Real-Time Maude's analysis methods are complete, also for dense time, for object-based real-time systems. In practice, our result implies that Real-Time Maude's time-bounded search and model checking of LTL time-bounded formulas are complete decision procedures for a large and useful class of non-Zeno real-time systems that fall outside the scope of systems that can be modeled in decidable fragments of hybrid automata, including the sensor network case study discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The intrusion detection based on model checking temporal logic is effective in detecting the complicated and variable network attacks. However, certain types of attacks remain undetected due to the lack of formal models. To solve this problem, a linear temporal logic is employed to model the variable patterns of Udpstorm attacks. First, an analysis of the principles of Udpstorm attacks is given and the details of these attacks are transformed into atomic actions. The atomic actions are then transformed into action sequence. Finally, this type of attacks is expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. With the formula thus obstained used as one input of the model checker and the automaton, which expresses the log, used as the other input of the model checker, the results of intrusion detection can be obtained by conducting the LTL model checking algorithm. The effectiveness and the comparative advantages of the new algorithm are verified by the simulation experiments.  相似文献   

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