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基于CMM的软件开发过程研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建立一致的、标准的软件开发过程,软件开发组织可以提高对软件项目开发的控制性和预见性,并可提高其开发效率。CMM通过实践证明可以有效提高软件开发组织的生产能力和产品质量,它强调角色的划分,按角色分配任务。同时,它的过程划分是基于改进的V瀑布模型,突出软件测试的重要性。  相似文献   

该文介绍了美国Illinois Institute of Technology开发的测试成熟度模型(TMM),给出了修正过的软件开发V模型、TMM结构,描述了软件组织5个测试成熟度等级的行为特征、成熟度目标和成熟度子目标,并说明了TMM实施的方法,以及笔者对测试成熟度模型的考虑。TMM针对软件测试过程的问题和特点,提出了改进软件测试过程及提高软件测试能力的思想和方法,这无疑是对SW-CMM的补充,所以值得积极尝试TMM。  相似文献   

众多高校承担着软件课题的开发工作。文章从实际情况出发,讨论了如何在高校软件开发项目中进行项目管理,控制软件开发过程,改进软件开发质量。  相似文献   

关于过程改进框架及其关键因素的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在介绍能力成熟度模型(CMM)的产生背景和世界各国CMM评估情况的基础上,根据对CMM研究的体会与实践的经验,提出了以集成的能力成熟度模型(CMMI)为基础、以个体软件过程(PSP)和群组软件过程(TSP)为支持的过程改进框架,并提出了实现过程改进的五个关键因素。这个框架和这些关键因素可以作为组织实现过程改进的一般指南。  相似文献   

取得CMM评估是当前软件行业的风潮.MSF产生比较晚,但它集众家之长,形成了MSF自己独特的基本观点和基础模型.CMM的由来有其深厚的历史背景,它为软件组织改进软件设计过程提供了一个切实可行的导引路线图.MSF与CMM也并非天壤之别,有许多相通的地方,从MSF向CMM2过渡就不是很困难,以MSF为基础达到CMM2、争取CMM3是可行的.  相似文献   

本文以中小型软件企业为研究对象,分析了中小型软件企业软件过程管理存在的问题,提出了一个基于CMM可重复级(2级)的软件项目管理模型,并给出了模型各实施阶段的主要工作和需要注意的问题,对我国中小企业的小型软件项目开发及过程改进具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

袁安富  伏萍 《微机发展》2012,(1):13-16,20
软件的质量保证是软件业最关注的一个问题。结合软件质量保证体系的国内外现状,以CMMI标准体系的优点与5级成熟度模型为依据,分析出过程是软件项目质量保证的制约因素以及基于CMMI的软件质量保证的具体内容。详细探讨了CMMI模型下项目计划开展与开发流程的问题。最后得出通过过程改进达到管理提高的目的,最终使得软件质量有所保证,结果减低企业的工程成本。该方法不仅适用于规模较大的组织和较大型的项目,而且也可以广泛应用于相当多的小型组织。  相似文献   

基于CMM的软件过程导航系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍如何根据CMM的体系结构,在Internet网络环境下设计并实现一个能够被异地多用户并发访问的导航系统.通过分析CMM模型的体系结构,成功地设计并建立了一个软件过程导航数据库,该数据库可以根据实际需要进行扩展.用户能够通过浏览器访问该导航系统,查询CMM的框架内容和组织机构实施各级别的详细内容,并可以通过查看国内外组织实施CMM的相关实例,达到为用户进行导航的目的.为软件企业有效地控制软件过程、提高开发效率和改进软件产品质量提供有效的途径.  相似文献   

CMM中的需求管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐小平 《微机发展》2004,14(6):79-81
需求管理是SW-CMM(2)中软件开发的一个关键过程域(KPA),是在客户和解决客户需求的软件项目之间建立对客户需求的共同理解,是计划和管理软件的基础。文中探讨了需求管理的本质、所要涉及的任务,以及如何实施的方法,为软件组织进行有效的需求管理,保证项目的成功提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

基于CMM的软件配置管理模型CSCM研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)是一种对软件组织开发能力的评估模型1,可以指导开发组织如何进行软件过程改进,从而提高软件组织的开发效率和软件产品的质量。软件质量保障是一个复杂的问题,软件配置管理是软件质量保证的基础3,7,其目的就是在软件生命周期的整个过程中建立并维护软件产品的完整性,从而可以有效地控制软件质量。  相似文献   

Earned Value Method (EVM) is a popular project control technique. In this paper, we discuss the extended version of EVM (EVM/LC) that addresses the effect of learning on the performance of project teams. These effects have so far been ignored in most EVM applications. We present a spreadsheet-based decision support tool that automates the calculations and analyses in EVM/LC. Using this tool would save the project manager from having to perform complicated calculations while still taking advantage of the relatively accurate estimates generated by EVM/LC. Consequently, this paper contributes to both research and practice in project management.  相似文献   

Although the Earned Value Method (EVM), a multi-dimensional project control system, has been widely used since 1960, there has been little research focused specifically on its application in IS implementation. The management of IS projects—including the accurate forecasting of project duration—is complicated by the strong impact of the learning curve on the effectiveness of EVM. This study makes new contributions by advancing formulas for the accurate prediction of project duration, and by developing a decision support model in which the learning curve is fully integrated with EVM, and performance changes due to learning are isolated from other factors affecting project duration. The study makes three contributions to the understanding and use of EVM in IS implementation: (1) It provides an extended version of EVM, (2) it provides an illustration of the application of EVM to a real project situation based on empirical data from an ERP implementation project, and (3) it provides a theoretical basis for empirical studies of IS project control techniques. The decision support model can be used to determine both the learning curve coefficient and the project completion date during the early stages of a project, and it thus offers a significant practical contribution to the management of IS projects.
Malgorzata PlazaEmail:

Dr. Margaret Plaza   is an Associate Professor of Information Technology Management at Ryerson University and a Senior Research Scientist in IITM. She holds an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Production Engineering from Politechnika Krakowska (Cracow University of Technology) where she specialized in flexible manufacturing systems. Dr. Plaza is also a PEng. (Ontario), PMP, and CIA and has over 20 years’ industry experience working with consulting and manufacturing firms in both private and public sectors. She managed or provided consulting for ERP and supply chain implementations. Her current research focuses on organizational learning, technology management and the supply chain. She has developed decision models and decision support technologies to assist managers with problems in new technology implementations.  相似文献   



To meet the growing need for education in Software Project Management, educational games have been introduced as a beneficial instructional strategy. However, there are no low-cost board games openly available to teach Earned Value Management (EVM) in computing programs.


This paper presents an educational board game to reinforce and teach the application of EVM concepts in the context of undergraduate computing programs complementing expository lessons on EVM basics.


The game has been developed based on project management fundamentals and teaching experience in this area. So far, it has been applied in two project management courses in undergraduate computing programs at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. We evaluated motivation, user experience and the game’s contribution to learning through case studies on Kirkpatrick’s level one based on the perception of the students.


First results of the evaluation of the game indicate a perceived potential of the game to contribute to the learning of EVM concepts and their application. The results also point out a very positive effect of the game on social interaction, engagement, immersion, attention and relevance to the course objectives.


We conclude that the game DELIVER! can contribute to the learning of the EVM on the cognitive levels of remembering, understanding and application. The illustration of the application of EVM through the game can motivate its usefulness. The game has proven to be an engaging instructional strategy, keeping students on the task and attentive. In this respect, the game offers a possibility to complement traditional instructional strategies for teaching EVM. In order to further generalize and to strengthen the validity of the results, it is important to obtain further evaluations.  相似文献   

本文结合国内对日软件外包项目的特点,参照软件能力成熟度模型集成,借鉴一些企业对日软件外包项目管理成功做法,在传统项目管理经验的基础上进行了适当的裁剪和改进,开发了一个对日软件外包项目管理网络平台。借助于该平台可以在一定程度上提高项目管理的效率,改善项目管理的质量。  相似文献   

Developing and maintaining quality software is paramount in the information-intensive society. A myriad of concepts, tools and techniques exist that can be employed to improve the quality of software and at the same time increase developmental efficiencies. Approaches used by many software development units include: Capability Maturity Model (CMM), Total Quality Management (TQM), and ISO 9000-3. Implementation of these approaches without appropriate management oversight does not guarantee success. This study examines the role of the manager vis-à-vis leadership style with software quality. Data collected using a questionnaire administered to members of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) - Software Division, suggest that the Transformational leadership style of the manager has a significant positive relationship with the quality of the software developed.  相似文献   

软件测试是软件能力成熟度模型CMMII的KPA(关键过程区域)软件质量保证的关键实践,缺陷跟踪管理是测试工作的一个重要部分。为了集中管理软件测试过程中发现的软件缺陷,确保每个被发现的缺陷都能够及时得到处理,按照CMMII对缺陷跟踪的描述,文中利用ASP.NET技术设计了一个三层网络架构的软件缺陷跟踪系统。该系统实现了缺陷跟踪的流程,对缺陷状态变化进行控制,提供及时的问题报告,通知并定位到相应的人员,并具有统计分析、查询、权限管理等功能,从而帮助软件企业提高软件质量水平。  相似文献   

基于生产线方式的软件开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机在不同行业的广泛使用,需要大量的软件作为支撑。越来越多的软件企业发现按照传统的方式即一次开发一个软件的方式已经不能够满足需求,它们需要提高软件开发的效率,而基于生产线方式的软件开发可以较好地解决这个问题。本文介绍了基于生产线方式开发软件的基本概念及其优点,软件生产线与软件成熟度模型集成的关系,以及实施软件生产线过程中可能用到的度量标准,最后指出实施软件生产线过程中可能引入的风险。  相似文献   

软件风险管理及优化控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述并分析了基于CMM的软件风险管理特点,给出一个软件风险优化控制模型及优化控制策略,并设计一个动态规划的软件风险优化控制算法.最后给出使用上述方法解决问题的一个例子.该文的研究为有效地管理和定量地控制软件风险,提高软件项目的成功率提供了有力支持,因而可广泛应用于基于CMM的软件项目风险管理.  相似文献   

软件因其复杂性和难以度量,使软件产品的质量很难得到保证。如何确保软件项目的质量,提高我国软件产品的竞争力,是我国软件企业必须考虑的问题,通过对目前国际上流行的软件质量保证体系的分析,提出了在应用ISO9000的基础上应有逐渐过度到CMM,实现软件开发过程的持续改进。  相似文献   

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