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为了实现对六自由度并联机器人位置速度算法的控制,针时控制算法采用了软件工程的原理和方法进行了分析,并对机器人运动特性进行了研究.根据运动特性对位置与速度的控制算法进行了解析,提出位置反解的控制策略,给出了功能分析的DFD模型和软件结构化设计模型SC图.描述了算法的详细设计及实现,采用结构化语言表达工具,并对实现中重要的部分细节进行了细致的研究,其结果达到了位置速度控制的目的及机器人控制算法的软件结构化设计.  相似文献   

针对无人机对目标的识别定位与跟踪,本文提出了一种基于深度学习的多旋翼无人机单目视觉目标识别跟踪方法,解决了传统的基于双目摄像机成本过高以及在复杂环境下识别准确率较低的问题。该方法基于深度学习卷积神经网络的目标检测算法,使用该算法对目标进行模型训练,将训练好的模型加载到搭载ROS的机载电脑。机载电脑外接单目摄像机,单目摄像头检测目标后,自动检测出目标在图像中的位置,通过采用一种基于坐标求差的优化算法进行目标位置准确获取,然后将目标位置信息转化为控制无人机飞行的期望速度和高度发送给飞控板,飞控板接收到机载电脑发送的跟踪指令,实现对目标物体的跟踪。试验结果验证了该方法可以很好的进行目标识别并实现目标追踪  相似文献   

针对单目视觉机器人工件抓取与放置精度不高的问题,提出了基于位置的混合摄像机视觉伺服系统,采用Eye-in-hand和Eye-to-hand摄像机结合的模式,建立混合摄像机视觉机器人系统以实现工件的精确放置.Eye-in-hand摄像机实现对工件的定位和抓取,Eye-to-hand摄像机用于确定机械手爪中心轴线与工件中线的偏差,确保工件精确放置在期望位置.实验结果表明:该混合摄像机视觉伺服机器人系统能将工件准确放置在期望位置.  相似文献   

双目立体视觉的目标识别与定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双目立体视觉系统可以实现对目标的识别与定位.此系统包含摄像机标定、图像分割、立体匹配和三维测距4个模块.在摄像机标定部分,提出了基于云台转角的外参数估计方法.该方法可以精确完成摄像头旋转情况下外参的估计,增强了机器人的视觉功能.并利用广茂达机器人系统,基于改进的双目视觉系统进行目标识别与定位,以此结果作为依据控制机器人的手臂进行相应运动,最终实现了对目标物体的抓取,验证了提出方法的可行性.  相似文献   

周浩  姜述强  黄海  万兆亮 《机器人》2019,41(2):242-249,275
针对近海水产养殖环境下海生物目标的机器捕捞,设计了一款海生物吸纳式水下机器人.该水下机器人可以采取手动遥控吸取和视觉伺服控制吸取方式完成对海生物目标的机器捕捞.为了实现基于视觉感知的目标捕获控制,在摄像机平面坐标系上建立了水下机器人和目标之间的运动学关系,并在此基础上提出了自适应递归神经网络控制器.通过设计递归神经网络估计和补偿外界环境干扰,利用S面函数使水下机器人快速到达期望位置并保持稳定,结合递归神经网络和系统动力学模型设计鲁棒函数进一步提高非线性系统在视觉控制中的可靠性和稳定性.最后,在近海自然养殖条件下对海生物进行视觉跟踪控制实验,实现了对海生物目标的主动吸取控制,验证了该控制器的功能.  相似文献   

基于手眼立体视觉的机器人定位系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈锡爱  徐方 《计算机应用》2005,25(Z1):302-304
研发了基于手眼的机器人定位系统,采用了眼在手上的单目摄像机,通过机械手的一次移动实现了立体视觉的功能.提出了一种方便有效手眼标定方法,避免了复杂的传统手眼标定过程,无需求解摄像机外参数和手眼变换矩阵.仅获取标定时刻的摄像机综合参数和机器人位姿,就可以在机器人基坐标系中视场范围内的任意两点进行检测,根据立体视觉的约束关系求解出目标物体在机器人基坐标中的位置,进而实现对目标物体的精确定位.  相似文献   

针对机器人领域应用视觉进行目标物体抓取问题,提出了一种针对多目标背景下,新的深度优化处理方法.通过设定一个阈值块,以遍历成块的深度信息用类似聚类的方法,提出目标物体的具体坐标,传递给机器人手臂,完成准确的抓取操作.依次介绍了双目视觉原理、摄像机标定、双目矫正和双目匹配等内容,以及呈现出原始的深度信息图以及优化后的深度信息图,比较它们的差距.最后在实验中给出了证明:此种深度信息优化方法能够有效的提高机器人抓取目标物体的成功率.最后,还在文章最后给出了下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

针对微型空中机器人在室内环境下无法借助外部定位系统实现自主悬停的问题,提出一种基于单目视觉的自主悬停控制方法.采用一种四成分特征点描述符和一个多级筛选器进行特征点跟踪.根据单目视觉运动学估计机器人水平位置;根据低雷诺数下的空气阻力估计机器人飞行速度;结合位置和速度信息对机器人进行悬停控制.实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

微操作机器人显微视觉系统的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
王守杰  宗光华  毕树生 《机器人》1998,20(2):138-142
本文深入研究了基于生物工程领域显微视觉系统的设计方法.给出了微操作物体平面坐标及微机器人手端位姿的求取方法;提出了基于载物台平动测量微操作物体的高度及微机器人做三维空间已知运动标定出微机器人手端在摄像机坐标系的坐标,进而确定微机器人手端与微操作物体之间位置关系的单目视觉方案.采用两步法对显微视觉系统进行了标定.实验证明该系统运行可靠,达到显微操作的要求.  相似文献   

在不确定性较高的室内复杂场景中,机器人常需识别遮挡物体并对其抓取.遮挡问题会导致抓取点预估位置脱离目标,产生位置漂移.针对该问题,本文提出一种基于双目视觉的遮挡目标抓取点识别与定位策略.采用基于期望位置模型的方法估计,以特征检测进行遮挡目标识别,并进行轮廓还原;根据期望抓取点模型,采集目标的期望抓取位置,构建位置模型库.将待检测目标与模型库匹配,提取双目视野中未遮挡区域的期望抓取点.实验表明本方法在复杂环境下具有较高的鲁棒性,抗干扰能力强,对遮挡目标具有较高的定位精度.  相似文献   

Visual servoing for large camera displacements   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The first aim of any visual-servoing strategy is to avoid features being lost from the field of view and that the desired location may not be reached. However, avoiding both these system failures turns out to be very difficult, especially when the initial and desired locations are distant. Moreover, the methods that succeed in presence of large camera displacements often produce a long translational trajectory that may not be allowed by the robot workspace and/or joint limits. In this paper, a new strategy for dealing with such problems is proposed, which consists of generating circular-like trajectories that may satisfy the task requirements more naturally than other solutions. Knowledge of geometrical models of the object or points depth is not required. It is shown that system failures are avoided for a calibrated camera. Moreover, necessary and sufficient conditions are provided for establishing tolerable errors on the estimates of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, in order to guarantee a robust field of view and robust local asymptotic stability. Several simulation results show that the translational trajectories obtained in presence of large displacements are significantly shorter than those produced by the existing methods, in cases of both correct and bad camera calibration. Very satisfactory results are achieved also in presence of small displacements.  相似文献   

In order to develop an autonomous mobile manipulation system that works in an unstructured environment, a modified image-based visual servo (IBVS) controller using hybrid camera configuration is proposed in this paper. In particular, an eye-in-hand web camera is employed to visually track the target object while a stereo camera is used to measure the depth information online. A modified image-based controller is developed to utilize the information from the two cameras. In addition, a rule base is integrated into the visual servo controller to adaptively tune its gain based on the image deviation data so as to improve the response speed of the controller. A physical mobile manipulation system is developed and the developed IBVS controller is implemented. The experimental results obtained using the systems validate the developed approach.  相似文献   

Homography-based visual servo regulation of mobile robots.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A monocular camera-based vision system attached to a mobile robot (i.e., the camera-in-hand configuration) is considered in this paper. By comparing corresponding target points of an object from two different camera images, geometric relationships are exploited to derive a transformation that relates the actual position and orientation of the mobile robot to a reference position and orientation. This transformation is used to synthesize a rotation and translation error system from the current position and orientation to the fixed reference position and orientation. Lyapunov-based techniques are used to construct an adaptive estimate to compensate for a constant, unmeasurable depth parameter, and to prove asymptotic regulation of the mobile robot. The contribution of this paper is that Lyapunov techniques are exploited to craft an adaptive controller that enables mobile robot position and orientation regulation despite the lack of an object model and the lack of depth information. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the performance of the controller.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of recovering the dimensions of an object and its pose from a single image acquired with a camera of unknown focal length. It is assumed that the object in question can be modeled as a polyhedron where the coordinates of the vertices can be expressed as a linear function of a dimension vector. The reconstruction program takes as input, a set of correspondences between features in the model and features in the image. From this information, the program determines an appropriate projection model for the camera, the dimensions of the object, its pose relative to the camera and, in the case of perspective projection, the focal length of the camera. This paper describes how the reconstruction problem can be framed as an optimization over a compact set with low dimension (no more than four). This optimization problem can be solved efficiently by coupling standard nonlinear optimization techniques with a multistart method. The result is an efficient, reliable solution system that does not require initial estimates for any of the parameters being estimated  相似文献   

In this paper, a homography‐based visual servo controller is developed for a rigid body to track a moving object in three‐dimensional space with a fixed relative pose. Specifically, a monocular camera is mounted on the rigid body, and the desired relative pose is expressed by a pre‐recorded reference image. Homography is exploited to obtain the orientation and scaled position for controller design. Considering the unknown moving object's velocities and distance information, a continuous nonlinear visual controller is developed using the robust integral of the signum of the error methodology. To facilitate the stability analysis, the system uncertainties regarding the moving object's velocities and distance information are divided into the error‐unrelated system uncertainties and the error‐related system uncertainties. After that, the upper bounds of the error‐related system uncertainties are derived with composited system errors. An asymptotic tracking of the leading object is proved based on the Lyapunov methods and the derived upper bounds. In addition, the proposed controller is extended to address the trajectory tracking problem. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对移动镜头下的运动目标检测中的背景建模复杂、计算量大等问题,提出一种基于运动显著性的移动镜头下的运动目标检测方法,在避免复杂的背景建模的同时实现准确的运动目标检测。该方法通过模拟人类视觉系统的注意机制,分析相机平动时场景中背景和前景的运动特点,计算视频场景的显著性,实现动态场景中运动目标检测。首先,采用光流法提取目标的运动特征,用二维高斯卷积方法抑制背景的运动纹理;然后采用直方图统计衡量运动特征的全局显著性,根据得到的运动显著图提取前景与背景的颜色信息;最后,结合贝叶斯方法对运动显著图进行处理,得到显著运动目标。通用数据库视频上的实验结果表明,所提方法能够在抑制背景运动噪声的同时,突出并准确地检测出场景中的运动目标。  相似文献   

Robust GPU-assisted camera tracking using free-form surface models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a marker-less model-based camera tracking approach, which makes use of GPU-assisted analysis-by-synthesis methods on a very wide field of view (e.g. fish-eye) camera. After an initial registration based on a learned database of robust features, the synthesis part of the tracking is performed on graphics hardware, which simulates internal and external parameters of the camera, this way minimizing lens and viewpoint differences between a model view and a real camera image. Based on an automatically reconstructed free-form surface model we analyze the sensitivity of the tracking to the model accuracy, in particular the case when we represent curved surfaces by planar patches. We also examine accuracy and show on synthetic and on real data that the system does not suffer from drift accumulation. The wide field of view of the camera and the subdivision of our reference model into many textured free-form surface patches make the system robust against illumination changes, moving persons and other occlusions within the environment and provide a camera pose estimate in a fixed and known coordinate system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel design of a robust visual tracking control system, which consists of a visual tracking controller and a visual state estimator. This system facilitates human–robot interaction of a unicycle-modeled mobile robot equipped with a tilt camera. Based on a novel dual-Jacobian visual interaction model, a robust visual tracking controller is proposed to track a dynamic moving target. The proposed controller not only possesses some degree of robustness against the system model uncertainties, but also tracks the target without its 3D velocity information. The visual state estimator aims to estimate the optimal system state and target image velocity, which is used by the visual tracking controller. To achieve this, a self-tuning Kalman filter is proposed to estimate interesting parameters and to overcome the temporary occlusion problem. Furthermore, because the proposed method is fully working in the image space, the computational complexity and the sensor/camera modeling errors can be reduced. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, in terms of tracking performance, system convergence, and robustness.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(16):2099-2123
Shape control of a deformable object by a robotic system is a challenging problem because of the difficulty of imposing shape change by a finite number of actuation points to an essentially infinite-dimensional object. In this paper, a new approach to shape changing of deformable objects by a system of manipulators is presented. First, an integrated dynamic equation of motion for a system of multiple manipulators handling a deformable object is developed. A shape correspondence between the initial contact points of the multiple manipulators on a deformable object and a two-dimensional curve that represents the final desired shape is determined. A shape Jacobian that contains the local shape information of the desired shape of the object is formulated and is introduced into the control law. We develop a shape estimator with a second-order dynamics that is used to estimate the curve parameters corresponding to the end-effector position in each time step as the initial object is deformed to its desired final shape. Finally, we design a robust controller for the shape changing task that can work in the presence of modeling uncertainty. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of controlling two robotic manipulators handling a constrained object is addressed. First, a reduced order dynamic model of the system is obtained. Using this model, a controller that guarantees the asymptotic convergence of the position, the internal force, and the constraint force to their desired values is proposed. Simulation results for two three-link planar manipulators moving a constrained object demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

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