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一种使用RBAC模拟实施BLP的方法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了使用RBAC96模型模拟实施BLP模型的方法,包含实施BLP模型的安全标记、简单安全属性、自由*-属性和严格*-属性以及针对可信主体定义的可信范围的方法.  相似文献   

融合角色机制的强制访问控制模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的BLP模型能够提供良好的信息保密机制,但是由于过于严苛的约束规则造成其在可用性方面存在着一定的缺陷,RBAC模型提供了很好的可用性,但在信息安全保证方面存在一定的不足.从分析BLP模型和RBAC模型入手,通过引入角色安全标签机制,提出了一个BLP和RBAC的融合机制,形成了一个全新的信息模型RBLP.RBLP模型不但能够提供良好的信息保密机制,同时有着很好的可用性.  相似文献   

基于角色访问控制RBAC逐渐受到商业和军事系统的关注,该模型从根本上区别于BLP模型,能够较好地应用在分布式环境中。RBAC使用排斥角色实现任务的职责分离,该文主要研究了职责分离的安全特征,介绍了几种常用的排斥规则,定义了排斥角色和角色层次之间的限制关系,最后提出了保证系统访问控制安全的充要条件。  相似文献   

该文指出了Sandhu等人提出的以基于角色的访问控制(Role-Based Accesas Control,RBAC)实施强制访问控制(Mandatory Access Control.MAC)策略的方法存在拒绝服务(Denial of Service,DoS)和给主体赋予过多权限等错误,且缺乏对经典BLP模型的充分的支持.为此作者提出了一种改进的方法——ISandhu方法,引入了辅助角色层次,加强了角色间关系并提供了对可信主体概念的支持.此方法修正了原有方法的错误,在RBAC中实施了经典的BLP模型及其变种模型以满足实际需求.保证了强制访问控制策略的正确实施,为在大量商业系统中以较小的代价引入强制访问控制提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

在分析BLP模型和RBAC模型及其相关衍生模型的基础上,提出一种改进的模型。改进模型主要有4个重要特点:(1)实施完整性控制,保证信息流上写安全性;(2)限定可信主体,赋予其余主体有限特权;(3)实施RBAC模型,分配角色和权限;(4)引入审计机制,提供策略监控。实验结果表明,改进后的模型在完善安全性的同时提高了实用性。  相似文献   

BLP模型的时域安全研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林宏刚  戴宗坤  李焕洲 《计算机应用》2005,25(12):2723-2724
对BLP(Bell-LaPadula)模型在时域的安全特性进行了深入分析,指出一种在时域上对BLP模型的错误理解,并给出新的模型安全性证明,表明BLP模型在时域上符合机密性要求,不存在安全漏洞。  相似文献   

基于RBAC扩展的网格访问控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
访问控制是众多计算机安全解决方案中的一种,是最直观最自然的一种方案。而基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)是最具影响的高级访问控制模型。然而,由于网格的跨组织、动态、异构的特点,建立访问控制还需要对RBAC扩展。文中对RBAC做了简单介绍,分析了其在网格环境下的不足,重点给出了扩展RBAC定义,并以此建立了基于RBAC扩展的网格动态访问控制模型,给出了访问控制流程。  相似文献   

基于角色的访问控制研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
基于角色的访问控制RBAC是一种方便、安全、高效的访问控制机制。分析了RBAC的总体思想和模型,介绍了RBAC的特点及应用优势,最后研究了RBAC机制的实现。  相似文献   

基于角色的访问控制在网络教育中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)作为一种安全机制,是当前研究的热点之一。如何根据网络教育的特点应用RBAC是当前网络教育的重点和难点。在分析了RBAC96模型的基础上,结合网络教育的特点进行系统设计,建立符合网络教育特色的新的权限管理模型,兼顾对个性权限的修改能力,最后给出该模型在网络教育中的系统实现,通过项目验证了RBAC在网络教育中的可行性。  相似文献   

访问控制是众多计算机安全解决方案中的一种,是最直观最自然的一种方案。而基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)是最具影响的高级访问控制模型。然而,由于网格的跨组织、动态、异构的特点,建立访问控制还需要对RBAC扩展。文中对RBAC做了简单介绍,分析了其在网格环境下的不足,重点给出了扩展RBAC定义,并以此建立了基于RBAC扩展的网格动态访问控制模型,给出了访问控制流程。  相似文献   

C#中类的定义与C Java等语言有相似之处,但也有其独特之处。本文从访问控制、继承控制、编译控制等三个方面,结合程序代码,分析、研究C#中类修饰符的使用。  相似文献   

随着我国电子政务的发展,如何保障电子政务中的资源信息不被非法访问已成为当务之急。如何进行用户对资源和服务使用的限制,决定主体是否对客体有权限进行某种操作,即对用户进行访问控制的问题信息安全研究中的重要方面。授权来源于访问控制,即先对用户进行授权,然后根据用户具有的权限来进行访问控制。属性证书包含了一系列用户的权限信息,所以属性证书可以看作是权限信息的载体。根据属性证书中用户的权限信息可以对用户访问资源进行控制,基干角色的访问控制(RBAC)是一种新兴的访问控制技术和理念,是将用户划分成与其职能和职位相符合的角色,根据角色赋予相应操作权限,以减少授权管理的复杂性,降低管理开销和为管理员提供一个比较好的实现复杂安全政策的环境,是传统的自主访问控制和强制访问控制的升级和替代。RBAC的建模和实现技术是目前RBAC技术研究的热点和难点。NRBAC模型是一种更接近现实情况的模型。基于属性证书和电子政务中存在的特殊要求和特点,结合RBAC96、ARBAC97模型以及NRBAC模型,构造了一个适合电子政务系统使用的基于角色的安全访问控制模型eGA-NRBAC;利用该访问控制模型解决了电子政务工程中授权管理系统和授权服务系统的工程化实现问题。测试和实际使用都证明了此访问控制模型的正确性、可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   

装备保障信息系统对安全性、稳定性的要求非常高.装备保障人员的权限存在着复杂的权限约束,相同职务身份的装备保障人员其权限存在共性,但又存在着个性化差异,需要实现细粒度、多层次的权限分配.同时对装备保障人员暂时离开工作岗位时或职务调整时要实现安全、合理的职责代理.针对RBAC授权模型(基于角色的访问控制模型)不足以有效地满足装备保障实际需求,对RBAC模型中角色层次和权限层次进行了应用性扩展,构建了优化模型,有利于细粒度、多层次的权限控制以及权限控制约束的实现.随后对权限控制的方式进行了深入研究,并应用于B/S结构的装备保障信息系统中.最后在上述优化模型下,实现了与权限控制紧密相关的职责代理功能以及职责代理的动态转换.  相似文献   

诉微分算子CCS(Calclus of Communi-cating Systems)是由英国爱丁堡大学计算机科学系的RobinMilner首先提出的。CCS是一个在数学上完整的理论算子系统,可以作为计算机通讯系统的基本理论模型。我们先简要说明一个CCS的内容。我们所作的工作是在理论上扩充地的CCS,使得我们的CCS更为一般化。在我们的观战看来,RobinMiber的CCS只不过是我们的CCS的一  相似文献   

In modern service-oriented architectures, database access is done by a special type of services, the so-called data access services (DAS). Though, particularly in data-intensive applications, using and developing DAS are very common today, the link between the DAS and their implementation, e.g. a layer of data access objects (DAOs) encapsulating the database queries, still is not sufficiently elaborated, yet. As a result, as the number of DAS grows, finding the desired DAS for reuse and/or associated documentation can become an impossible task. In this paper we focus on bridging this gap between the DAS and their implementation by presenting a view-based, model-driven data access architecture (VMDA) managing models of the DAS, DAOs and database queries in a queryable manner. Our models support tailored views of different stakeholders and are scalable with all types of DAS implementations. In this paper we show that our view-based and model driven architecture approach can enhance software development productivity and maintainability by improving DAS documentation. Moreover, our VMDA opens a wide range of applications such as evaluating DAS usage for DAS performance optimization. Furthermore, we provide tool support and illustrate the applicability of our VMDA in a large-scale case study. Finally, we quantitatively prove that our approach performs with acceptable response times.  相似文献   

Specularities often confound algorithms designed to solve computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, object detection, and tracking. These tasks usually require color image segmentation to partition an image into regions, where each region corresponds to a particular material. Due to discontinuities resulting from shadows and specularities, a single material is often segmented into several sub-regions. In this paper, a specularity detection and removal technique is proposed that requires no camera calibration or other a priori information regarding the scene. The approach specifically addresses detecting and removing specularities in facial images. The image is first processed by the Luminance Multi-Scale Retinex [B.V. Funt, K. Barnard, M. Brockington, V. Cardei, Luminance-Based Multi-Scale Retinex, AIC’97, Kyoto, Japan, May 1997]. Second, potential specularities are detected and a wavefront is generated outwards from the peak of the specularity to its boundary or until a material boundary has been reached. Upon attaining the specularity boundary, the wavefront contracts inwards while coloring in the specularity until the latter no longer exists. The third step is discussed in a companion paper [M.D. Levine, J. Bhattacharyya, Removing shadows, Pattern Recognition Letters, 26 (2005) 251–265] where a method for detecting and removing shadows has also been introduced. The approach involves training Support Vector Machines to identify shadow boundaries based on their boundary properties. The latter are used to identify shadowed regions in the image and then assign to them the color of non-shadow neighbors of the same material as the shadow. Based on these three steps, we show that more meaningful color image segmentations can be achieved by compensating for illumination using the Illumination Compensation Method proposed in this paper. It is also demonstrated that the accuracy of facial skin detection improves significantly when this illumination compensation approach is used. Finally, we show how illumination compensation can increase the accuracy of face recognition.  相似文献   

FTDSS:高容错分布式共享存储机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Computerized data has become critical to the survival of an enterprise. Company must have a strategy for recovering their data should data lose. RAID is a popular mechanism to offer good fault-tolerance. But RAID can notwork well when one more disks fail. In this paper, we present an efficient Network-based high High-Tolerance Dis-tributed Shared Storage mechanism called FTDSS. FTDSS makes use of disk space of node in Network to build alarge pubhc shared storage space. Users can read/write their file from/to the public storage space from node of net-work. Physically File is stored in each node in form of data fragment or XOR verify fragment. Because of redundant XOR fragments, file is available even when two more nodes fail. FTDSS realize distant redundant srorage. At last,this paper use experiment to prove that FTDSS can offer high. fault-tolerance and advanced performance.  相似文献   

The theses of existonness, compoundness, and polyadness are proved. The consistency of these theses with the reversibility principle is founded. Existential foundations of the composition paradigm are constructed. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 3–12, March–April 2008.  相似文献   

A major challenge in nanoscience is the design of synthetic molecular devices that run autonomously (that is, without externally mediated changes per work-cycle) and are programmable (that is, their behavior can be modified without complete redesign of the device). DNA-based synthetic molecular devices have the advantage of being relatively simple to design and engineer, due to the predictable secondary structure of DNA nanostructures and the well-established biochemistry used to manipulate DNA nanostructures. However, ideally we would like to minimize the use of protein enzymes in the design of a DNA-based synthetic molecular device. We present the design of a class of DNA-based molecular devices using DNAzyme. These DNAzyme-based devices are autonomous, programmable, and further require no protein enzymes. The basic principle involved is inspired by a simple but ingenious molecular device due to Tian et al. [Y. Tian, Y. He, Y. Chen, P. Yin, C. Mao, A DNAzyme that walks processively and autonomously along a one-dimensional track, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 44 (2005) 4355–4358] that used DNAzyme to traverse on a DNA nanostructure, but was not programmable in the sense defined above (it did not execute computations).  相似文献   

Although often suggested as a control measure to alleviate musculoskeletal stresses, the use of mechanical assistance devices (i.e. manipulators) in load transfers has not been extensively studied. Without data describing the biomechanical effects of such devices, justification for decisions regarding implementation of such tools is difficult. An experimental study of two types of mechanical manipulators (articulated arm and overhead hoist) was conducted to determine whether biomechanical stresses, and hence injury risk, would be alleviated. Short distance transfers of loads with moderate mass were performed both manually and with manipulator assistance under a variety of task conditions. Using analysis and output from new dynamic torso models, strength demands at the shoulders and low back, lumbar spine forces, and lumbar muscle antagonism were determined. Strength requirements decreased significantly at both the shoulders and low back when using either manipulator in comparison with similar transfers performed manually. Peak spine compression and anteriorposterior (a-p) shear forces were reduced by about 40% on average, and these reductions were shown to be primarily caused by decreases in hand forces and resultant spinal moments. Two metrics of muscular antagonism were defined, and analysis showed that torso muscle antagonism was largest overall when using the hoist. The results overall suggest that hoist-assisted transfers, although better in reducing spine compression forces, may impose relatively higher demands on coordination and/or stability at extreme heights or with torso twisting motions. The relatively higher strength requirements and spine compression associated with the articulated arm may be a result of the high inertia of the system. Potential benefits of practice and training are discussed, and conclusions regarding implementation of mechanical manipulators are given.  相似文献   

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