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基于路径覆盖插桩的可执行代码测试工具实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王轶  蒋同海  董军  周喜 《计算机工程》2012,38(5):35-37,40
为解决传统程序插桩技术存在代码膨胀和运行时间较长的问题,提出对可执行代码进行控制流路径覆盖消除冗余的插桩策略。依据该策略设计一种针对Java可执行代码的单元测试工具,完成程序执行路径跟踪和覆盖率分析。对测试工具进行功能验证和性能分析,结果表明,该策略能够有效减少插桩点数量,降低插桩对被测程序时间特性的影响。  相似文献   

针对Java单元测试自动化程度和测试效率较低的问题,对基于Java程序的基本路径测试方法进行研究,提出了基于Java代码的基本路径生成方法和程序插桩方法,给出了插桩节点和控制流图节点的定义。首先,通过对Java源代码进行分析,构建程序的控制流图,进而对控制流图进行遍历生成基本路径集合;然后,对被测程序进行插桩,以获取程序的执行路径,插桩过程中保持节点和基本路径中的节点一致,使得插桩后的被测程序执行时得到的路径能够和基本路径集合进行自动化比对;最后,通过以测试数据为输入执行被测程序,对执行路径和基本路径进行比较,判断测试数据集对基本路径的覆盖度。通过实验,验证了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了满足测试覆盖分析和软件调试等程序分析技术对插桩技术的需求,提出了插桩模型,开发了一款实用的插桩工具。基于双缓冲技术,构建词法分析器和语法分析器。在语法分析归约时同步收集插桩信息,然后根据插桩策略执行插桩,生成目标文件。得到的程序运行时信息被应用于影响广泛的四种软件自动调试分析方法。对于这四种方法。缺陷语句均被准确识别为最可疑语句。应用结果表明,该方法能够为准确高效的程序分析提供必要的运行时信息。  相似文献   

飞行控制软件测试中插桩技术的优化方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
飞行控制软件主要采用Host-Target的仿真测试模式,并基于插桩技术实现覆盖测试。针对采用传统的程序插桩技术,往往会大量增加程序运行时间,降低程序的实时性甚至导致软件失效的问题,通过分析插桩在程序仿真测试中对程序各阶段执行时间和程序实时性的影响,提出一种优化桩信息传输过程的插桩测试方法。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

嵌入式软件语句覆盖率测试插桩技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙红利  王忠民  王文浪 《计算机应用》2010,30(10):2738-2740
针对基于宿主机的嵌入式软件测试,提出一种单元测试中通用的语句覆盖率测试方法,通过插桩技术,采用向源代码插桩实现语句覆盖率测试。设计了测试代码的实现算法,通过测试代码可以自动完成向被测代码插桩。这些方法被成功地应用到笔者所在项目组开发的嵌入式软件仿真测试平台ARMtest上。利用这些方法,在嵌入式硬件系统未完成开发之前,可通过宿主机环境和仿真环境及时发现嵌入式软件开发初期的一些不足并加以完善。  相似文献   

介绍了一种异构环境下的并行调试及性能分析工具ParaVT的设计方法和实现.通过对并行程序源代码的分析处理,利用自动插桩模板插入用于调试和性能分析的用户代码,从而对并行程序进行断点调试和性能参数收集,达到进一步优化程序设计的目的.  相似文献   

为了对Java虚拟机(JVM)进行测试,开发人员通常需要手工设计或利用测试生成工具生成复杂的测试程序,从而检测JVM中潜在的缺陷。然而,复杂的测试程序给开发人员定位及修复缺陷带来了极高的成本。测试程序约简技术旨在保障测试程序缺陷检测能力的同时,尽可能的删减测试程序中与缺陷检测无关的代码。现有研究工作基于Delta调试在C程序和XML输入上可以取得较好的约简效果,但是在JVM测试场景中,具有复杂语法和语义依赖关系的Java测试程序约减仍存在粒度较粗、约简效果较差的问题,导致约简后的程序理解成本依然很高。因此,针对具有复杂程序依赖关系的Java测试程序,本文提出一种基于程序约束的细粒度测试程序约简方法JavaPruner。首先在语句块级别设计细粒度的代码度量方法,随后在Delta调试技术上引入语句块之间的依赖约束关系来对测试程序进行约简。以Java字节码测试程序为实验对象,通过从现有的针对JVM测试的测试程序生成工具中筛选出具有复杂依赖关系的50个测试程序作为基准数据集,并在这些数据集上验证JavaPruner的有效性。实验结果表明,JavaPruner可以有效删减Java字节码测试程序中的冗余代码。与现有方法相比,在所有基准数据集上约减能力平均可提升37.7%。同时,JavaPruner可以在保障程序有效性及缺陷检测能力的同时将Java字节码测试程序最大约简至其原有大小的1.09% ,有效降低了测试程序的分析和理解成本。  相似文献   

程序分析技术包括控制流分析、数据流分析、别名分析、程序切片和程序插桩等技术,在程序理解,代码重构、代码优化和软件自动化调试等方面有着重要的应用,而词法分析和语法分析技术是程序分析技术的基础。本文设计与实现了一个轻量级的C语言词法语法分析工具CParser,通过词法分析、预处理和语法分析三个步骤,实现了根据源代码建立相应的抽象语法树的功能。工具使用简单方便,而且能够完整支持C99标准,可用于克隆代码检测、软件错误定位等后续研究工作。  相似文献   

闰伟  卢炎生 《计算机科学》2012,39(2):143-147
提出了一种基于程序分析的代码查询技术,它能有效地应用于代码审查、程序自动插桩等常用的软件工程的研究场景。它通过代码静态分析获得程序元素信息,并将其保存为中间结构,作为代码查询过程的目标集合;查询过程以程序元素为目标,查询语言以谓词逻辑表达式的形式描述查询条件。基于此技术,实现了一个面向C/C++语言的代码查询工具。  相似文献   

即时编译器辅助的垃圾收集技术结合显式和自动内存管理的优点,在编译阶段由即时编译器分析应用程序并在其中插桩显式释放内存的指令,以便垃圾收集器及时回收死亡对象所占用的内存空间,从而减轻垃圾收集器的负担.提出一种应用于该项技术的插桩算法,它基于控制流中的支配关系并提供不同的插桩策略,保证插桩的正确性和灵活性;它能够主动获得域引用从而释放对象及其域引用的内存空间.实验表明基于该插桩算法的垃圾收集器能够回收大量的内存空间,提高Java程序的执行效率.  相似文献   

Jie Yin  Chao Ma  Shi‐Min Hu 《Software》2016,46(3):341-360
Instrumentation is a powerful technique for monitoring, profiling, debugging, logging and tracing the software. In order to determine the instrumentation location, the user needs to know where the current executed location is in the source code. Previous instrumentation approaches rely on debugging information to find the location in the source code. For fully optimized programs, debugging information is not complete, which limits the application of those approaches. In this paper, we present pattern‐based abstract syntax tree (PAST) instrumentation, an ideal instrumentation methodology that accurately instruments the fully optimized program. The instrumentation location is specified in an intuitive way that matches the source code at the abstract syntax tree level. The program can be instrumented either at the compile time using the ordinary compiling or when it is running using the just‐in‐time compiling. Experimental results show that PAST can accurately instrument the target program. There is negligible run time overhead when the running program is instrumented without any operation. We have implemented PAST on both x86‐32 and x86‐64 to show that PAST is easily portable across different architecture. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis (instrumenting programs with code to detect and prevent errors during program execution) can be an effective approach to debugging, as well as preventing harm from being caused by malicious code. One problem with this approach is the runtime overhead introduced by the instrumentation. We define several techniques that involve using the results of static analysis to identify some cases where instrumentation can safely be removed. While we have designed the techniques with a specific dynamic analysis in mind (that used by the Runtime Type-Checking tool), the ideas may be of more general applicability.  相似文献   

Program errors are hard to find because of the cause-effect gap between the instant when an error occurs and when the error becomes apparent to the programmer. Although debugging techniques such as conditional and data breakpoints help in finding errors in simple cases, they fail to effectively bridge the cause-effect gap in many situations. This paper proposes two debuggers that provide programmers with an instant error alert by continuously checking inter-object relationships while the debugged program is running. We call such tool a dynamic query-based debugger. To speed up dynamic query evaluation, our debugger implemented in portable Java uses a combination of program instrumentation, load-time code generation, query optimization, and incremental reevaluation. Experiments and a query cost model show that selection queries are efficient in most cases, while more costly join queries are practical when query evaluations are infrequent or query domains are small. To enable query-based debugging in the middle of program execution in a portable way, our debugger performs efficient Java class file instrumentation. We call such debugger an on-the-fly debugger. Though the on-the-fly debugger has a higher overhead than a dynamic query-based debugger, it offers additional interactive power and flexibility while maintaining complete portability.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis (instrumenting programs with code to detect and preven errors during program execution) can be an effective approach to debugging, as well as an effective means to prevent harm being caused by malicious code. One problem with this approach is the runtime overhead introduced by the instrumentation. We define several techniques that involve using the results of static analysis to identify some cases where instrumentation can safely be removed. While we have designed the techniques with a specific dynamic analysis in mind (that used by the Runtime Type-Checking tool), the ideas may be of more general applicability.  相似文献   

并发Java程序动态分析及重演技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Java语言在并发程序方面的广泛应用对软件测试提出了新的挑战。众所周知,由于并发程序的不确定性,使得并发程序的设计、开发、调试和测试都非常困难。文章介绍了Safepro/Java中的多线程测试技术,通过对Java源程序进行适当的修改并且保持语义不变,跟踪并发Java程序的运行过程,收集有关数据并对数据进行分析,最终控制并发Java程序的重演。  相似文献   

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been successfully applied to application code thanks to techniques such as Java bytecode instrumentation. Unfortunately, with existing AOP frameworks for Java such as AspectJ, aspects cannot be woven into the standard Java class library. This restriction is particularly unfortunate for aspects that would benefit from comprehensive aspect weaving with complete method coverage, such as profiling or debugging aspects. In this article we present MAJOR, a new tool for comprehensive aspect weaving, which ensures that aspects are woven into all classes loaded in a Java Virtual Machine, including those in the standard Java class library. MAJOR includes the pluggable module CARAJillo, which supports efficient access to a complete and customizable calling context representation. We validate our approach with three case studies. Firstly, we weave existing profiling aspects with MAJOR which otherwise would generate incomplete profiles. Secondly, we introduce an aspect for memory leak detection that also benefits from comprehensive weaving. Thirdly, we present an aspect subsuming the functionality of ReCrash, an existing tool based on low-level bytecode instrumentation techniques that generates unit tests to reproduce program failures. Our aspect-based tools are concisely implemented in a few lines of code, and leverage MAJOR and CARAJillo for comprehensive aspect weaving and for efficient access to calling context information.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce JMSeq, a Java-based tool for monitoring sequences of method calls. JMSeq provides a simple but expressive language to specify the observables of a Java program in terms of sequences of possibly nested method calls. Similar to many monitoring-oriented environments, verification in JMSeq is done at runtime; unlike all other approaches based on aspect-oriented programming, JMSeq uses code annotation rather than instrumentation, and therefore is suitable for component-based software verification.  相似文献   

We present an overview of the Java PathExplorer runtime verification tool, in short referred to as JPAX. JPAX can monitor the execution of a Java program and check that it conforms with a set of user provided properties formulated in temporal logic. JPAX can in addition analyze the program for concurrency errors such as deadlocks and data races. The concurrency analysis requires no user provided specification. The tool facilitates automated instrumentation of a program's bytecode, which when executed will emit an event stream, the execution trace, to an observer. The observer dispatches the incoming event stream to a set of observer processes, each performing a specialized analysis, such as the temporal logic verification, the deadlock analysis and the data race analysis. Temporal logic specifications can be formulated by the user in the Maude rewriting logic, where Maude is a high-speed rewriting system for equational logic, but here extended with executable temporal logic. The Maude rewriting engine is then activated as an event driven monitoring process. Alternatively, temporal specifications can be translated into automata or algorithms that can efficiently check the event stream. JPAX can be used during program testing to gain increased information about program executions, and can potentially furthermore be applied during operation to survey safety critical systems.  相似文献   

Slicing concurrent Java programs using Indus and Kaveri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Program slicing is a program analysis and transformation technique that has been successfully used in a wide range of applications including program comprehension, debugging, maintenance, testing, and verification. However, there are only few fully featured implementations of program slicing that are available for industrial applications or academic research. In particular, very little tool support exists for slicing programs written in modern object-oriented languages such as Java, C#, or C++. In this paper, we present Indus—a robust framework for analyzing and slicing concurrent Java programs, and Kaveri—a feature-rich Eclipse-based GUI front end for Indus slicing. For Indus, we describe the underlying tool architecture, analysis components, and program dependence capabilities required for slicing. In addition, we present a collection of advanced features useful for effective slicing of Java programs including calling-context sensitive slicing, scoped slicing, control slicing, and chopping. For Kaveri, we discuss the design goals and basic capabilities of the graphical facilities integrated into a Java development environment to present the slicing information. This paper is an extended version of a tool demonstration paper presented at the International Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Software Engineering (FASE 2005). Thus, the paper highlights tool capabilities and engineering issues and refers the reader to other papers for technical details. This work was supported in part by the US Army Research Office (DAAD190110564), by DARPA/IXO’s PCES program (AFRL Contract F33615-00-C-3044), by NSF (CCR-0306607) by Lockheed Martin, and and by Intel Corporation.  相似文献   

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