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提出了一种旨在对移动云计算产品使用过程中的QoE进行综合评价的模型。首先结合用户目标实现的有效性,建立了包括功能体验、技术体验、过程体验、人性化体验、结果体验5个维度的移动云计算用户QoE评价指标体系模型;然后采用层次分析法确定了指标体系中相关因素的权重,并根据模糊隶属度函数对QoE评价标准进行了模糊化处理;最后采用模糊评价方法对QoE进行评价。实例表明移动云计算用户QoE的综合性评估模型可以有效地对QoE进行综合性评价。  相似文献   

针对目前车载计算机系统可用性研究中缺少可用性评估指标体系的问题,进行了深入地分析与研究,首先研究了构建车载计算机系统可用性评估体系的基本原则,分析了可用性评估的主要内容,最后提出了可用性评估的指标体系.研究结果表明:可用性评价一方面能从用户角度反映车载计算机系统存在的问题,为设计者决策提供依据,另一方面也能为供应商改进系统性能提供参考.  相似文献   

任英丽  吴诗瑾 《图学学报》2021,42(2):325-331
为提高多关节主被动训练仪的可用性水平,以用户体验理论为基础构建了以用户为触点的多关 节主被动训练仪可用性评价指标体系,运用模糊层次分析法(FAHP)和隶属度定量化处理的方法构建多关节主被 动训练仪可用性评价模型。以某公司生产的一款多关节主被动训练仪为例,先由专家测评确定评价指标并计算 出各指标因素的权重值,再由评分小组操作该产品后得出对每项可用性评价指标的评价等级,结合多关节主被 动训练仪可用性评价模型计算得出最终的评价结果。结果表明,运用该模型能对产品的可用性进行全面准确的 评价,进而发现产品存在的可用性问题,提出改进意见,为产品的升级创新提供参考。  相似文献   

可用性评估是保证界面质量的重要手段。利用粗糙集灰色分析解决复杂产品界面可用性评估中的模糊问题,建立界面可用性评估模型;基于任务将难以直接评估的复杂界面分解成多个子界面,建立新的复杂界面可用性评价指标的测量方法和实验范式,从而实现对复杂界面可用性的客观评价。经实例验证,本方法可实现对多个复杂界面方案进行可用性评估和优选,最后通过脑电实验验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

大规模语料库可用性评测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种大规模语料库可用性评测方法。通过分析语料库工程的生命周期,构建了大规模语料库可用性评测指标体系,运用层次分析-模糊综合评价方法实现了语料库的可用性评测,给出了语料库的可用性级别。分析语料库的评测结果,确定影响语料库可用性的瓶颈因素,进而提出针对性的改进措施。最后,举例说明了该方法在语料库上的应用。  相似文献   

面向用户的软件柔点可用性评估方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步提高面向用户的软件产品的开发质量,结合面向用户的软件柔点的具体特征,运用可用性工程理论,根据不同层次柔点对应的用户不同,对不同层次的柔点的可用性评估指标在有效性、效率、用户满意度这三个方面进行分解,构建了一种软件柔点的可用性评价方法,给出了柔点的可用性大小的计算方法。  相似文献   

保证数据的可用性是Peer-to-Peer(P2P)存储系统最重要的属性之一.可用性分析模型和数据的放置是P2P存储系统设计的两个关键问题.由于用户在P2P存储系统中同时作为服务节点和访问节点,决定了可用性分析必须以用户为中心,从而提高服务质量,并降低系统开销.目前广泛使用的可用性分析模型以及随机放置方法存在以下缺点:1.忽视了节点在线时间的模式,会在不同时间段高估或低估节点的可用性;2.忽视了节点对数据的访问规律,不能准确评估用户体验到的可用性;3.忽视了节点可用性差异,缺乏激励机制.本文提出了一个新的基于用户体验的可用性模型,它能够从用户体验的角度,评价P2P存储系统的可用性,同时它也可以兼容传统的可用性分析模型.在新模型的基础上,本文针对两种典型的P2P存储应用:数据共享和个人备份,提出了相应的分布式数据分发算法.通过真实日志驱动实验证明,新的算法在数据共享应用中能大大降低可用性方差,减少低可用性数据;同时,在个人备份应用中能针对不同用户的贡献提供不同层次的服务,起到有效的激励作用.  相似文献   

为避免人机界面的多余信息给医生带来的“失控感”,以医生在手术中的认知模型为基础,提出了增强现实手术导航系统中的人机交互的准则。针对AR导航界面的多感官信息融合问题,提出基于eGOMS模型的人机交互范式。为客观评价AR导航系统的人机交互可用性,采用层次分析法构建人机交互的可用性评价指标体系,并采用模糊理论对AR导航系统的人机交互可用性进行综合评价。该系统的评价结果为较好,可以进行实际应用。  相似文献   

IT产品的可用性测试与评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
可用性测试与评估是可用性工程的重要组成部分。该文首先提出可用性质量的指标体系,它为衡量和改进产品的可用性质量提供了参照系和必要的基础,然后重点介绍几个用户评估与专家评估方法,最后给出一个可用性用户评估的实例。  相似文献   

洪月华 《计算机时代》2007,(9):28-29,32
针对教学评估的模糊性,从学生参与课堂教学质量评价的角度构建教学评价指标体系,利用层次分析法确定权重,建立了基于模糊综合评价法的课堂教学质量评估系统.文中给出了模糊综合评价的数学模型和课堂教学质量评估系统的设计与实现,并介绍了相关开发技术.  相似文献   

ContextUsability is an important software quality attribute for APIs. Unfortunately, measuring it is not an easy task since many things like experienced evaluators, suitable test users, and a functional product are needed. This makes existing usability measurement methods difficult to use, especially for non-professionals.ObjectiveTo make API usability measurement easier, an automated and objective measurement method would be needed. This article proposes such a method. Since it would be impossible to find and integrate all possible factors that influence API usability in one step, the main goal is to prove the feasibility of the introduced approach, and to define an extensible framework so that additional factors can easily be defined and added later.MethodA literature review is conducted to find potential factors influencing API usability. From these factors, a selected few are investigated more closely with usability studies. The statistically evaluated results from these studies are used to define specific elements of the introduced framework. Further, the influence of the user as a critical factor for the framework’s feasibility is evaluated.ResultsThe API Concepts Framework is defined, with an extensible structure based on concepts that represent the user’s actions, measurable properties that define what influences the usability of these concepts, and learning effects that represent the influence of the user’s experience. A comparison of values calculated by the framework with user studies shows promising results.ConclusionIt is concluded that the introduced approach is feasible and provides useful results for evaluating API usability. The extensible framework easily allows to add new concepts and measurable properties in the future.  相似文献   

随着IT行业的不断发展,软件的易用性越来越受到用户和专家的关注与重视。如何科学地量化软件产品的易用性,进而对产品质量进行综合地测评,决定了软件产品的竞争力和用户的满意度。针对软件的易用性,提出了一种基于投影和直觉模糊理论的评价方法。首先,依据用户调查得到的信息,给出评价软件易用性的直觉模糊评价矩阵,并在此基础上建立了评价矩阵的理想决策。其次,借助群决策的框架,给出评价矩阵到理想决策上的投影。然后,基于投影给出测评软件的优劣序。最后,用一个测评实例展示出本方法的有效性和实用性。结果表明,本文提出的模型是一种软件质量综合评价的有效方法。  相似文献   

This article presents the design aspects and development processes to transform a general‐purpose mobile robotic platform into a semi‐autonomous agricultural robot sprayer focusing on user interfaces for teleoperation. The hardware and the software modules that must be installed onto the system are described, with particular emphasis on human–robot interaction. Details of the technology are given focusing on the user interface aspects. Two laboratory experiments and two studies in the field to evaluate the usability of the user interface provide evidence for the increased usability of a prototype robotic system. Specifically, the study aimed to empirically evaluate the type of target selection input device mouse and digital pen outperformed Wiimote in terms of usability. A field experiment evaluated the effect of three design factors: (a) type of screen output, (b) number of views, (c) type of robot control input device. Results showed that participants were significantly more effective but less efficient when they had multiple views, than when they had a single view. PC keyboard was also found to significantly outperform PS3 gamepad in terms of interaction efficiency and perceived usability. Heuristic evaluations of different user interfaces were also performed using research‐based HRI heuristics. Finally, a study on participants’ overall user experience found that the system was evaluated positively on the User Experience Questionnaire scales.  相似文献   

对软件易用性过程进行综合评价是开发可信软件产品的必要因素。通过构建软件易用性生命周期模型和软件易用性度量模型搭建软件易用性过程综合评价模型, 通过此模型对软件开发中的易用性问题进行有效的指导, 规范易用性开发过程, 从而保证能够产出高易用性的产品; 利用模糊层次分析法对此模型进行度量评价, 量化评估易用性过程优劣; 通过一个实例分析说明该方法可以有效地应用于软件开发过程中, 能够尽早地确保软件产品的易用性, 为开发高易用度的软件产品指明了方向。  相似文献   

张丽霞  梁华坤  傅熠  宋鸿陟 《计算机教育》2010,(14):136-140,158
文章综述用户模型法、用户调查法、专家评审法和观察法4类可用性测试方法,根据可用性测试的经验,总结出一套合理实用的可用性测试过程,使得可用性测试的效率高、代价低,尽可能发现更多的可用性问题;提出在程序设计类课程的教学中,应适当向学生介绍可用性测试的方法和过程,以培养学生对自己开发的软件系统进行可用性测试的能力。  相似文献   


A group of users in Copenhagen were asked to evaluate how important a number of user interface characteristics were for them. The results show high importance of efficient daily use and of possibilities for exploratory learning while tutorial materials were of less importance. Users also were asked to evaluate four usability aspects of a number of popular programs. Results show that the quality pleasant to work with has the largest impact on evaluations of overall user‐friendliness while users seem able to view usability independently from the number of features in an application.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展和产品智能化水平的不断提高,产品的可用性已是消费者决定是否购买产品的主要因素,因此,提高产品的可用性已成为提高产品竞争力的核心。如何保证设计的产品既符合用户的需求又方便易用,即可用性问题,成为必须不断深入研究的问题。论文将目前国内外企业针对界面设计的可用性理论引入到工业产品设计中,从产品设计的角度对工业产品的可用性评估原则、流程和方法进行了探讨性研究。  相似文献   

We present the results of a usability evaluation of a locally developed hypermedia information system aiming at conservation biologists and wildlife managers in Namibia. Developer and end user come from different ethnic backgrounds, as is common to software development in Namibia and many developing countries. To overcome both the cultural and the authoritarian gap between usability evaluator and user, the evaluation was held as a workshop with usability evaluators who shared the target users’ ethnic and social backgrounds. Different data collection methods were used and results as well as specific incidences recorded. Results suggest that it is difficult for Namibian computer users to evaluate functionality independently from content. Users displayed evidence of a passive search strategy and an expectation that structure is provided rather than self generated. The comparison of data collection methods suggests that questionnaires are inappropriate in Namibia because they do not elicit a truthful response from participants who tend to provide answers they think are “expected”. The paper concludes that usability goals and methods have to be determined and defined within the target users’ cultural context.  相似文献   

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