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针对人脸识别中的光照、表情和遮挡变化三大难题,引进热红外人脸克服光照变化,并且采用融合局部形变模型的人脸分类方法克服表情和遮挡变化。该方法将热红外测试人脸看成人脸库的线性组合,并用形变模型表示,通过 最小优化求解组合系数,根据系数的稀疏性进行人脸识别。为了进一步提高算法的鲁棒性,采用人脸分片加权的策略。在Equinox人脸库上通过大量实验表明:基于红外光的人脸识别性能明显高于可见光对光照变化的影响;融合局部形变模型的人脸识别方法可以有效地提高识别率且克服红外人脸识别中的眼镜干扰与表情变化问题。  相似文献   

针对小波变换无法准确表达二维奇异曲线的弱点,提出基于曲波(Curvelet)变换特征的人脸识别算法。Curvelet变换可以很好地去逼近奇异曲线,对于人脸图像能实现最优的稀疏表示。该算法采用基于Wrapping的离散Curvelet变换加权算法对训练集的人脸图像进行特征提取生成特征矩阵,再通过PCA方法降低维数后结合稀疏表示分类算法(SRC)进行人脸识别。通过在ORL、Yale和AR三个人脸数据库上的仿真实验以及和基于小波变换类识别算法、LDA算法和SRC算法等比较,实验结果表明该算法在人脸遮挡、姿态变换、表情变换和光照变换等干扰因素的作用下具有较高的人脸识别率和较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

人脸识别利用已有的人脸数据库对给定的人脸图像进行识别,不同光照、不同姿态、部分遮挡情况下的识别问题是其中的热门研究课题。笔者针对人脸图像中的部分遮挡问题,通过AR人脸库对处理过的人脸图像采用分块稀疏表示的方法,在不同训练样本下进行多次实验。实验结果表明,分块稀疏表示对部分遮挡人脸的识别率有较大提升。  相似文献   

针对人脸识别中存在遮挡、光照、表情变化等问题,提出了一种基于改进的鲁棒主成分分析的人脸识别算法,它利用人脸的稀疏误差成分准确判断出人脸图像之间的差异。该算法首先对人脸进行低秩恢复,得到表示人脸普通特征的低秩分量和描述人脸差分信息的稀疏误差分量,然后定义稀疏度和平滑度两种描述符来表示稀疏误差分量的特征,最后联合上述两种描述符对人脸图像进行分类判别。实验结果表明,在光照条件和遮挡区域随机的情况下,提出的采用误差图像进行分类判别的算法在处理遮挡、光照、表情变化等人脸识别问题上均具有优越的识别性能。  相似文献   

针对人脸识别对遮挡、表情和光照的鲁棒性问题,提出基于PCA特征基压缩传感算法的人脸识别方法。利用双向二维主成分分析提取图像行列2个方向的特征并进行降维,建立反映人脸特征投影矩阵,作为压缩传感算法的超完备基。通过求解最小化l1范数,寻求图像在该超完备基上的稀疏表示,以得到一组最优稀疏系数重构各类图像,求取测试图像与各类重构图像的最小残差进行分类识别。实验结果表明,该方法在较低的人脸特征维数下具有较高的人脸识别率,能有效提高人脸识别对遮挡、表情和光照的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

为了提高光照变化条件下的人脸识别率,针对当前人脸识别方法存在的缺陷,提出了一种改进Retinex算法和稀疏表示相融合的光照人脸识别方法。首先对Retinex算法的不足进行改进,并应用于人脸图像预处理中,消除光照对人脸识别的干扰,然后采用稀疏表示提取人脸特征向量,并采用投票方式实现人脸识别,最后通过3个标准人脸数据库对方法的性能进行测试。结果表明,该方法不仅提高了人脸识别率,而且缩短了人脸识别时间,对光照具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

单样本人脸识别因其在现实生活中的广泛应用而成为人脸识别领域的热门话题。单张训练样本条件下训练样本的缺少和复杂的类内人脸表情、光照、遮挡变化给单样本人脸识别研究带来困难。传统的基于稀疏表示的人脸识别方法需要大量的训练样本构成过完备的字典,因而在单样本条件下识别效果明显下滑。针对这一问题,提出一种基于有监督自编码器的带变化人脸样本生成方法,在保留身份信息的同时自动生成带变化的人脸图像用于单样本条件下的字典扩充,一定程度上缓解了单样本条件下的欠采样问题,弥补了训练集和测试集间的人脸变化信息差异,使得传统的稀疏表示方法能够适用于单样本人脸识别问题。在公共数据库上的实验结果不仅证明了该方法的有效性,而且对测试集中不同的人脸变化也展现出了较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

稀疏表示在人脸识别问题上取得了非常优秀的识别结果,但在单样本条件下,算法性能下降严重。为提高单样本条件下稀疏表示的应用能力,提出一种鲁棒稀疏表示单样本人脸识别算法(RSR)。通过使用每张人脸图像创建一组位置图像,扩充每个对象训练样本,并利用L2,1范数约束,保证RSR选择正确对象的位置图像。在AR和Extended Yale B人脸数据库上进行评测,实验结果表明RSR能够有效处理存在遮挡或光照变化的人脸图像,获得了较好的单样本人脸识别准确率,具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于加权分块稀疏表示的光照鲁棒性人脸识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对光照变化对人脸识别的效果带来严重影响,提出一种对人脸识别的光照变化具有鲁棒性的方法,即基于加权分块稀疏表示的人脸识别方法。该方法首先对人脸图像进行离散余弦变换(DCT),通过去除 DCT 系数的低频部分来移除光照变化分量。通过反离散余弦变换得到光照归一化后的人脸图像,将人脸图像分块,独立地对每个子块作基于稀疏表示的分类,并对每个子块的分类结果进行加权投票得出测试人脸图像的类别。在 Yale B、extended-Yale B、CMU-PIE 和 FERET 人脸库上进行实验,实验结果表明该方法适用于光照鲁棒的人脸识别。  相似文献   

用基于稀疏表示的分类方法识别遮挡人脸表情时,遮挡字典不具有冗余度且身份特征易干扰表情分类.针对此问题,文中提出一种基于稀疏表示的遮挡人脸表情识别方法.该方法首先通过对图像多级分块得到具有冗余度的遮挡字典,然后通过稀疏分解求出待测图像的稀疏表示系数,最后在待测图像所在的子空间内实现表情类别判断.该方法使待测图像的分解系数变得更稀疏,同时避免身份特征对表情分类的干扰.在Cohn-Kanade和JAFFE人脸库上的遮挡表情识别实验表明,该方法对遮挡人脸的表情识别具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

针对现实人脸识别中姿势、光照、表情变化及遮挡等严重影响识别性能的问题,提出了一种基于动态时间规整优化局部分块匹配的户外人脸识别算法。将人脸图像划分成若干大小相等且互不重叠的局部小块;借助于光栅扫描顺序将各个小块按照前额、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴和下巴的顺序连接成一个单一序列;计算查询人脸与注册人脸之间图像到类的距离,利用动态时间规整的设计思想寻找查询序列与所有注册序列之间的最佳对齐方式。在三个公开人脸数据库LFW、AR及YouTube上的实验验证了该方法的有效性及可靠性,实验结果表明,相比其他几种较为先进的人脸识别方法,该方法取得了更高的识别率,此外,该方法无需任何训练过程,计算成本低。  相似文献   

Sparse representation based classification (SRC) has recently been proposed for robust face recognition. To deal with occlusion, SRC introduces an identity matrix as an occlusion dictionary on the assumption that the occlusion has sparse representation in this dictionary. However, the results show that SRC's use of this occlusion dictionary is not nearly as robust to large occlusion as it is to random pixel corruption. In addition, the identity matrix renders the expanded dictionary large, which results in expensive computation. In this paper, we present a novel method, namely structured sparse representation based classification (SSRC), for face recognition with occlusion. A novel structured dictionary learning method is proposed to learn an occlusion dictionary from the data instead of an identity matrix. Specifically, a mutual incoherence of dictionaries regularization term is incorporated into the dictionary learning objective function which encourages the occlusion dictionary to be as independent as possible of the training sample dictionary. So that the occlusion can then be sparsely represented by the linear combination of the atoms from the learned occlusion dictionary and effectively separated from the occluded face image. The classification can thus be efficiently carried out on the recovered non-occluded face images and the size of the expanded dictionary is also much smaller than that used in SRC. The extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better results than the existing sparse representation based face recognition methods, especially in dealing with large region contiguous occlusion and severe illumination variation, while the computational cost is much lower.  相似文献   

We present a generative appearance-based method for recognizing human faces under variation in lighting and viewpoint. Our method exploits the fact that the set of images of an object in fixed pose, but under all possible illumination conditions, is a convex cone in the space of images. Using a small number of training images of each face taken with different lighting directions, the shape and albedo of the face can be reconstructed. In turn, this reconstruction serves as a generative model that can be used to render (or synthesize) images of the face under novel poses and illumination conditions. The pose space is then sampled and, for each pose, the corresponding illumination cone is approximated by a low-dimensional linear subspace whose basis vectors are estimated using the generative model. Our recognition algorithm assigns to a test image the identity of the closest approximated illumination cone. Test results show that the method performs almost without error, except on the most extreme lighting directions  相似文献   

With the abundance of video data, the interest in more effective methods for recognizing faces from surveillance videos has grown. However, most algorithms proposed in this field have an assumption that each image set lies in a single linear subspace, or a mixture of linear subspaces. As a result, 3-dimensional shape information, which leads to the nonlinear transformation of face images, is ignored. This paper proposes a robust video face recognition across pose variation in video (RVPose) based on sparse representation. The key idea is performing alignment and recognition based on sparse representation simultaneously. Moreover, by considering that multi-pose faces of the same subject possess the same texture and 3-dimensional shape, RVPose aligns a sequence of faces with pose variations simultaneously, which is reduced to a 3-dimensional shape-constrained video alignment problem. Finally, aligned video sequence is recognized based on sparse represent. Experiments conducted on public video datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Many classic and contemporary face recognition algorithms work well on public data sets, but degrade sharply when they are used in a real recognition system. This is mostly due to the difficulty of simultaneously handling variations in illumination, image misalignment, and occlusion in the test image. We consider a scenario where the training images are well controlled and test images are only loosely controlled. We propose a conceptually simple face recognition system that achieves a high degree of robustness and stability to illumination variation, image misalignment, and partial occlusion. The system uses tools from sparse representation to align a test face image to a set of frontal training images. The region of attraction of our alignment algorithm is computed empirically for public face data sets such as Multi-PIE. We demonstrate how to capture a set of training images with enough illumination variation that they span test images taken under uncontrolled illumination. In order to evaluate how our algorithms work under practical testing conditions, we have implemented a complete face recognition system, including a projector-based training acquisition system. Our system can efficiently and effectively recognize faces under a variety of realistic conditions, using only frontal images under the proposed illuminations as training.  相似文献   

Recent face recognition algorithm can achieve high accuracy when the tested face samples are frontal. However, when the face pose changes largely, the performance of existing methods drop drastically. Efforts on pose-robust face recognition are highly desirable, especially when each face class has only one frontal training sample. In this study, we propose a 2D face fitting-assisted 3D face reconstruction algorithm that aims at recognizing faces of different poses when each face class has only one frontal training sample. For each frontal training sample, a 3D face is reconstructed by optimizing the parameters of 3D morphable model (3DMM). By rotating the reconstructed 3D face to different views, pose virtual face images are generated to enlarge the training set of face recognition. Different from the conventional 3D face reconstruction methods, the proposed algorithm utilizes automatic 2D face fitting to assist 3D face reconstruction. We automatically locate 88 sparse points of the frontal face by 2D face-fitting algorithm. Such 2D face-fitting algorithm is so-called Random Forest Embedded Active Shape Model, which embeds random forest learning into the framework of Active Shape Model. Results of 2D face fitting are added to the 3D face reconstruction objective function as shape constraints. The optimization objective energy function takes not only image intensity, but also 2D fitting results into account. Shape and texture parameters of 3DMM are thus estimated by fitting the 3DMM to the 2D frontal face sample, which is a non-linear optimization problem. We experiment the proposed method on the publicly available CMUPIE database, which includes faces viewed from 11 different poses, and the results show that the proposed method is effective and the face recognition results toward pose variants are promising.  相似文献   

目的 人脸姿态偏转是影响人脸识别准确率的一个重要因素,本文利用3维人脸重建中常用的3维形变模型以及深度卷积神经网络,提出一种用于多姿态人脸识别的人脸姿态矫正算法,在一定程度上提高了大姿态下人脸识别的准确率。方法 对传统的3维形变模型拟合方法进行改进,利用人脸形状参数和表情参数对3维形变模型进行建模,针对面部不同区域的关键点赋予不同的权值,加权拟合3维形变模型,使得具有不同姿态和面部表情的人脸图像拟合效果更好。然后,对3维人脸模型进行姿态矫正并利用深度学习对人脸图像进行修复,修复不规则的人脸空洞区域,并使用最新的局部卷积技术同时在新的数据集上重新训练卷积神经网络,使得网络参数达到最优。结果 在LFW(labeled faces in the wild)人脸数据库和StirlingESRC(Economic Social Research Council)3维人脸数据库上,将本文算法与其他方法进行比较,实验结果表明,本文算法的人脸识别精度有一定程度的提高。在LFW数据库上,通过对具有任意姿态的人脸图像进行姿态矫正和修复后,本文方法达到了96.57%的人脸识别精确度。在StirlingESRC数据库上,本文方法在人脸姿态为±22°的情况下,人脸识别准确率分别提高5.195%和2.265%;在人脸姿态为±45°情况下,人脸识别准确率分别提高5.875%和11.095%;平均人脸识别率分别提高5.53%和7.13%。对比实验结果表明,本文提出的人脸姿态矫正算法有效提高了人脸识别的准确率。结论 本文提出的人脸姿态矫正算法,综合了3维形变模型和深度学习模型的优点,在各个人脸姿态角度下,均能使人脸识别准确率在一定程度上有所提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two novel methods for face recognition under arbitrary unknown lighting by using spherical harmonics illumination representation, which require only one training image per subject and no 3D shape information. Our methods are based on the result which demonstrated that the set of images of a convex Lambertian object obtained under a wide variety of lighting conditions can be approximated accurately by a low-dimensional linear subspace. We provide two methods to estimate the spherical harmonic basis images spanning this space from just one image. Our first method builds the statistical model based on a collection of 2D basis images. We demonstrate that, by using the learned statistics, we can estimate the spherical harmonic basis images from just one image taken under arbitrary illumination conditions if there is no pose variation. Compared to the first method, the second method builds the statistical models directly in 3D spaces by combining the spherical harmonic illumination representation and a 3D morphable model of human faces to recover basis images from images across both poses and illuminations. After estimating the basis images, we use the same recognition scheme for both methods: we recognize the face for which there exists a weighted combination of basis images that is the closest to the test face image. We provide a series of experiments that achieve high recognition rates, under a wide range of illumination conditions, including multiple sources of illumination. Our methods achieve comparable levels of accuracy with methods that have much more onerous training data requirements. Comparison of the two methods is also provided.  相似文献   

The pose problem is one of the bottlenecks for face recognition. In this paper we propose a novel cross-pose face recognition method based on partial least squares (PLS). By training on the coupled face images of the same identities and across two different poses, PLS maximizes the squares of the intra-individual correlations. Therefore, it leads to improvements in recognizing faces across pose differences. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a novel, pose-invariant face recognition system based on a deformable, generic 3D face model, that is a composite of: (1) an edge model, (2) a color region model and (3) a wireframe model for jointly describing the shape and important features of the face. The first two submodels are used for image analysis and the third mainly for face synthesis. In order to match the model to face images in arbitrary poses, the 3D model can be projected onto different 2D viewplanes based on rotation, translation and scale parameters, thereby generating multiple face-image templates (in different sizes and orientations). Face shape variations among people are taken into account by the deformation parameters of the model. Given an unknown face, its pose is estimated by model matching and the system synthesizes face images of known subjects in the same pose. The face is then classified as the subject whose synthesized image is most similar. The synthesized images are generated using a 3D face representation scheme which encodes the 3D shape and texture characteristics of the faces. This face representation is automatically derived from training face images of the subject. Experimental results show that the method is capable of determining pose and recognizing faces accurately over a wide range of poses and with naturally varying lighting conditions. Recognition rates of 92.3% have been achieved by the method with 10 training face images per person.  相似文献   

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