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形式化描述和可视化描述是目前主要的两类软件体系结构描述方法,形式化描述以体系结构描述语言ADL为代表,可视化描述以统一建模语言UML为代表。目前软件体系结构描述领域的热点之一是研究这二者之间的结合,转换是其中一种重要的方式。基于此,本文对UML和基于时序逻辑的体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL之间的转换问题进行了研究,定义了二者之间的转换规则。  相似文献   

基于时序逻辑语言描述的监控系统的软件体系结构求精   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文提出了一种基于组件的软件体系结构求精方法,主要通过一个具体实例———移动通信监控系统,基于时序逻辑语言XYZ/E形式化描述其体系结构,对该求精方法及过程做进一步阐述。  相似文献   

研究软件体系结构的首要问题是如何描述体系结构模型;运用XYZ/ADL描述软件体系结构模型,可以在统一时序逻辑框架下描述系统静态语义到实现之间不同抽象层次的规范,便于体系结构的逐步求精及相关性质分析;以电梯控制系统为例,运用XYZ/ADL形式化地描述了系统体系结构的风格、静态模型和动态模型,并对体系结构模型的主要组件进行了逐步求精,使系统的体系结构从最初的总体功能规范平滑地过渡到了最终的可执行程序;研究表明:形式化描述语言XYZ/ADL在实时控制系统的开发中有着重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

基于时序逻辑的软件体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
朱雪阳  唐稚松 《软件学报》2003,14(4):713-720

基于UML的软件体系结构建模方法的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
软件体系结构是软件工程中的一个重要领域。对软件体系结构的分析和设计已成为决定软件系统(特别是大型软件系统)成功的重要因素。体系结构描述语言ADL能以一种比较直接、精确的方式来描述软件体系结构,但它很难与主流开发方式集成。UML是一种应用广泛的对象建模语言,已被工业界广泛接受。本文介绍了一种UML与ADL集成的方法,对软件系统的开发具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL到UML的映射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈琳琳  戎玫  张广泉 《计算机应用》2006,26(2):468-0471
选择了一种基于时序逻辑语言XYZ/E的体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL,分析了其设计元素和UML建模元素的语义,并通过UML扩展机制和对象约束语言进行扩展和约束,建立起从XYZ/ADL到UML的映射。  相似文献   

论文探讨了如何将可视化建模语言UML和形式化描述语言Z集成而得到一种新的求精方法,寻求一种在软件体系结构求精过程中UML到Z的映射与转换机制。最后通过使用这个新的求精方法对一个实例求精来描述整个求精过程。  相似文献   

基于时态逻辑的软件体系结构描述语言及其可视化环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在时态逻辑语言XYZ/E的基础上,建立了一种以可视化图形表示的软件体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL.它可同时描述软件体系结构的静态与动态行为,能在统一的形式框架下完成不同抽象层次体系结构设计之间的逐步过渡,从而将模块化程序设计方法和基于规范的逐步求精方法有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

体系结构设计在软件开发过程中扮演着重要角色.工程中常用图形语言为软件体系结构建模,它们有直观、半形式化的优点;但是语义不够精确,难以对它们表示的模型进行分析,在这方面,形式化方法可与之互补.但在工程使用中仅用形式化语言建模又不太现实,所以如何结合二者之长以提高软件的可靠性已成为工业界和学术界共同关心的问题.提出了双重软件体系结构描述框架XYZ/ADL:支持工程中软件体系结构的基本概念,前端用一般的体系结构框图作为结构描述,用UML活动图、状态图作为抽象行为表示;后端用既可表示系统动态语义又可表示系统静态语义的时序逻辑语言XYZ/E作为一致的语义基础.前端的图形语言便于软件工程师的交流和使用,后端的形式语言是进一步的形式化分析验证的基础.  相似文献   

本文提出了将可视化建模语言UML和时序逻辑语言XYZ/E相结合来描述软件体系结构的方法。首先给出了该方法的基本框架,然后对XYZ/E进行扩展,使之能够显式地表示软件体系结构的基本元素,并定义了UML活动图的形式语义,最后,通过银行ATM实例进一步说明了该方法的可行性,对可视化和形式化相结合描述软件体系结构的研究具有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

A software architecture is a key asset for any organization that builds complex software-intensive systems. Because of an architecture's central role as a project blueprint, organizations should analyze the architecture before committing resources to it. An analysis helps to ensure that sound architectural decisions are made. Over the past decade a large number of architecture analysis methods have been created, and at least two surveys of these methods have been published. This paper examines the criteria for analyzing architecture analysis methods, and suggests a new set of criteria that focus on the essence of what it means to be an architecture analysis method. These criteria could be used to compare methods, to help understand the suitability of a method, or to improve a method. We then examine two methods—the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method and Architecture-level Modifiability Analysis—in light of these criteria, and provide some insight into how these methods can be improved. Rick Kazman is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University and Professor at the University of Hawaii. His primary research interests are software architecture, design and analysis tools, software visualization, and software engineering economics. He also has interests in human-computer interaction and information retrieval. Kazman has created several highly influential methods and tools for architecture analysis, including the SAAM and the ATAM. He is the author of over 80 papers, and co-author of several books, including “Software Architecture in Practice”, and “Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies”. Len Bass is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). He has written two award winning books in software architecture as well as several other books and numerous papers in a wide variety of areas of computer science and software engineering. He is currently working on techniques for the methodical design of software architectures and to understand how to support usability through software architecture. He has been involved in the development of numerous different production or research software systems ranging from operating systems to database management systems to automotive systems. Mark Klein is Senior Member of the Technical Staff of the Software Engineering Institute. He has over 20 years of experience in research on various facets of software engineering, dependable real-time systems and numerical methods. Klein's most recent work focuses on the analysis of software architectures, architecture tradeoff analysis, attribute-driven architectural design and scheduling theory. Klein's work in real-time systems involved the development of rate monotonic analysis (RMA), the extension of the theoretical basis for RMA, and its application to realistic systems. Klein's earliest work involved research in high-order finite element methods for solving fluid flow equations arising in oil reservoir simulation. He is the co-author two books: “A Practitioner's Handbook for Real-Time Analysis: Guide to Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Systems” and “Evaluating Software Architecture: Methods and Case Studies”. Anthony J. Lattanze is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Institute for Software Research International (ISRI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and a senior member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Anthony teaches courses in CMUs Masters of Software Engineering Program in Software Architecture, Real-Time/Embedded Systems, and Software Development Studio. His primary research interest is in the area software architectural design for embedded, software intensive systems. Anthony consults and teaches throughout industry in the areas of software architecture design and architecture evaluation. Prior to Carnegie Mellon, Mr. Lattanze was the Chief of Software Engineering for the Technology Development Group at the United States Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. During his tenure at the Flight Test Center, he was involved with a number of software and systems engineering projects as a software and systems architect, project manager, and developer. During this time as he was involved with the development, test, and evaluation of avionics systems for the B-2 Stealth Bomber, F-117 Stealth Fighter, and F-22 Advanced Tactical Fighter among other systems. Linda Northrop is the director of the Product Line Systems Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where she leads the SEI work in software architecture, software product lines and predictable component engineering. Under her leadership the SEI has developed software architecture and product line methods that are used worldwide, a series of five highly-acclaimed books, and Software Architecture and Software Product Line Curricula. She is co-author of the book, “Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns,” and a primary author of the SEI Framework for Software Product Line Practice.  相似文献   

杜纯  田松  张亮 《微计算机信息》2010,(1):97-98,101
将多种不同的故障诊断方法有效集成,进一步提高诊断系统的综合性能,是智能故障诊断技术发展的必然趋势。以复杂航空装备远程故障诊断中心为应用背景,从物理拓扑结构、逻辑模型、软件体系结构等三个方面,对基于多Agent的故障诊断方法集成体系结构进行了研究,并对集成诊断系统实现的关键问题进行了探讨,从而为实际应用系统的研制提供了理论指导和方法依据。  相似文献   

模型驱动的软件体系结构自适应是支持软件适应性的主要方法之一,其重点是基于模型来支持适应过程中的分析和规划.但是已有的方法和实现大多特定于体系结构描述语言,导致复用性和集成性比较差.由于使用标准的模型技术能够提高方法的复用性和集成性,总结了分析和规划中所需的模型以及模型上的操作,并考察了如何在体系结构建模语言中引入标准模型技术进行支持.基于分析所得的设计原则,对ABC-ADL进行扩展,并且在实现中使用模型转换和模型查询等标准化技术来支持分析和规划.以ECPerf系统中一个性能相关的不良模式自适应分析和规划的过程为例,展示了如何使用扩展后的ADL对分析规划过程进行支持.此外,其中使用2种不同的分析方法,展示了如何使用ADL复用和集成不同的分析和规划方法.  相似文献   

Software architecture is a software system’s earliest set of design decisions that are critical for the quality of the system desired by the stakeholders. The architecture makes it easier to reason about and manage change during different phases of complex software life cycle. The modeling of software architecture for System of Systems (SoS) is a challenging task because of a system’s complexity arising from an integration of heterogeneous, distributed, managerially and operationally independent systems collaborating to achieve global missions. SoS is essentially dynamic and evolutionary by design requiring suitable architectural patterns to deal with runtime volatility. Service-oriented architecture offers several architectural features to these complex systems; these include, interoperability, loose coupling, abstraction and the provision of dynamic services based on standard interfaces and protocols. There is some research work available that provides critical analysis of current software architecture modeling approaches for SoS. However, none of them outlines the important characteristics of SoS or provides detailed analysis of current service-oriented architecture modeling approaches to model those characteristics. This article addresses this research gap and provides a taxonomy of software architecture modeling approaches, comparing and contrasting them using criteria critical for realization of SoS. Additionally, research gaps are identified, and future directions are outlined for building software architecture for SoS to model and reason about architecture quality in a more efficient way in service-oriented paradigm.  相似文献   

The new generation of industrial 4.0 intelligent manufacturing system consists of Human-Cyber-Physical System (HCPS), integrating human with cyber and physical systems. In manufacturing, a digital-twin visualization architecture is to solve the human-machine interaction problem that concerns digital-twin modeling on the Cyber-Physical (C-P) side and on the Human-Cyber side. Although there are many related research and applications, there lacks attention in terms of full life cycle functional services and lightweight architecture. This paper presents a general architecture of digital-twin visualization for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). How the digital-twin C-P modeling of multi-source heterogeneous information can be described is investigated and how the 3D visualized human-machine interaction with digital-twin scenario information is explored in the proposed architecture. Besides, the visualization method of high-value information, relating to the life cycle planning, design, debugging and service stages, is studied and discussed thoroughly. Also, a digital-twin modeling concept of "Geometric information (G)-Historical samples (H)-Object attribute (O)-Snapshot collection (S)-Topology constraint (T)" (GHOST) is proposed, and methods for developing virtual digital-twin scenes architecture are presented. Based on the proposed modeling concept of GHOST for digital-twin, prototypes have been developed for the general platform of digital-twin RESTful services and the cross-platform general visual mock-up software. Experimental results show that this method is effective in the FMS lifecycle in various aspects.  相似文献   

面向方面体系结构建模是面向方面软件开发(AOSD)的重要组成部分,也是近些年面向方面领域研究的热点问题。传统的软件体系结构设计方法没有单独地考虑横切关注点。因此,在软件体系结构设计阶段,建模人员需要新的机制来描述这些横切关注点。本文首先提出一个以横切为中心的面向方面体系结构概念框架;然后通过在体系结构设计阶段引入该框架中的核心概念,提出一种在体系结构设计阶段建模横切关注点的方法,从而支持其在早期进行横切关注点的分离。  相似文献   

形式方法与面向对象方法的结合探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李刚  朱关铭  童頫 《计算机工程》1998,24(1):13-16,69
文中讨论了形式方法和面向对象方法各自的优缺点,结合作者设计的面向对象形式规格说明语言OOZS,介绍了将这两种方法结合起来的三种途径,并对这三种途径进行分析,评价和对比,最后提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

面向服务的建模:一种全过程复用的方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
面向服务的计算是Internet环境下的一种新型软件架构理念,即通过集成分布的服务构建软件.面向服务建模是面向服务计算中的重要研究内容.一方面,面向服务的软件同传统软件一样,需要首先对应用需求进行建模.另一方面,面向服务的计算需要实现分布复用和快速集成,这对面向服务的建模提出了新的要求.文中提出一种基于全过程复用的面向服务的建模方法,即提出构建特定应用领域的本体系统,包含相互关联着的多个不同类型的本体.不同层次的软件资产关联到这些本体上,支持面向服务建模的不同阶段,包括应用框架建模、业务流程建模、合作模式建模以及组合服务建模等.当出现新的服务软件应用需求时,通过本体系统的引导复用软件资产,最后构造出服务软件模型.  相似文献   

针对多领域统一建模和仿真问题,介绍模型耦合、求解器耦合和进程耦合等3种联合仿真途径,从模型的数学原理和软件架构方面研究多领域建模仿真平台MWorks与MATLAB/Simulink之间基于模型耦合的联合仿真,并基于Simulink的S-function和MWorks的COM实现两个建模仿真软件之间的联合仿真.多领域模型实例证明该联合仿真软件有效,可拓展Simulink的应用范围.  相似文献   

Architectural modeling and behavior analysis are two important concerns in the software development. They are often implemented separately, and specified by their own supporting notations. Architectural modeling helps to guarantee the system design to satisfy the requirement, and behavior analysis can ensure the interaction correctness. To improve the trustworthiness, methods trying to combine architectural modeling and behavior analysis notations together have been proposed, e.g., establishing a one-way mapping relation. However, the one-way relation cannot ensure updating one notation specifications in accordance with the other one, which results in inconsistency problems. In this paper, we present an approach to integrating behavior analysis into architectural modeling, which establishes the interoperability between architectural modeling notation and behavior analysis notation by a bidirectional mapping. The architecture is specified by the modeling language, architecture analysis and design language (AADL), and then mapped to behavior analysis notation, Darwin/FSP (finite state process) through the bidirectional transformation. The bidirectional transformation provides traceability, which makes behavior analysis result provided by a model checker can be traced and reflected back to the original AADL specifications. In this way, the behavior analysis is integrated into architectural modeling. The feasibility of our approach is shown by a control system example.  相似文献   

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