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点云曲面的多层次几何图像表示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了点云曲面的几何图像表示方法.通过球面极坐标将点云曲面的几何信息及表面属性信息映射到二维图像中;对于结构复杂的点云曲面,提出了多层次图像的方法,达到了对点云曲面的精确表示.利用该方法易于实现对点云曲面的压缩、编辑、简化、模型检索、渐进传输等.  相似文献   

点云模型自适应增加采样点算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新的点集模型自适应增加啊采样算法.算法利用最小二乘法求出点云模型上每个点的局部光滑曲面片,并由所求得的曲面多项式计算点集曲面上每个点的曲率.通过对每个点及其邻点进行Voronoi剖分,求取每个点所控制的有效采样区域,然后根据曲率在有效区域内建立采样栅格,求取有效区域内的栅格点在曲面上的投影点即为新增采样点.该方法得到的增加采样模型可以较好地保持原点云模型曲面的几何性质,同时还可以通过选择不同的栅格得到适用于不同处理要求的点云模型.  相似文献   

散乱点的快速曲面重建方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
空间散乱点的曲面重建有着广泛的应用前景,是当前国际上的研究热点之一,Crust算法是一种基于计算几何中的Voronoi周期图的曲面重建算法,它算法简单,重建结果精细,但是由于计算量太大,其应用受到了限制,为此提出了一种依据采样点的局部特征尺度对原始采样集进行不均匀降采样的方法,在保证采样集能够满足重建要求的前提下,使参与重建的表面点数大为降低,减少了重建算法的计算量,从而提高了重建的速度,这一方法还可以应用于网络简化,通过剔除某些顶点达到简化之目的。  相似文献   

针对点模型的快速高质量绘制问题,提出一种单遍绘制算法.首先根据构造的移动最小二乘曲面计算采样点的表面几何属性,然后根据协方差分析确定点元在其切平面上的椭圆表示,最后采用椭圆加权平均滤波从远到近单遍绘制各点元.此外,根据表面几何属性确定点模型的轮廓线,实现了点模型的非真实感绘制.实验结果表明,该算法能够实现点模型的快速绘制且绘制效果令人满意.  相似文献   

李国俊  李宗春  侯东兴 《计算机应用》2014,34(10):2922-2924
针对基于Delaunay三角化曲面重建方法要求点云密度满足ε-sample条件,提出了一种基于Delaunay三角化的噪声点云非均匀采样算法。首先,利用k-邻近点的Voronoi顶点计算出各点的负极点来逼近曲面中轴(MA);然后,根据近似中轴估计出曲面局部特征尺度(LFS);最后,结合Bound Cocone算法,删除多余的非边界点。实例表明,该算法可以准确、稳健地简化噪声点云,同时可以很好地保留曲面边界特征,经简化后的点云适用于基于Delaunay三角化的曲面重建方法。  相似文献   

基于球面参数化的点模型渐变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了获得光滑自然的点模型渐变效果,基于球面参数化,提出了一种鲁棒的渐变算法。该算法首先对源和目标模型进行球面参数化,使得参数化后的模型嵌入到单位球面上;然后在球面上自适应地对齐模型间的相应特征点,并将球面映射到矩形参数域上,基于该域建立模型间各采样点的对应关系;接着在渐变过程中,采用拉普拉斯算子计算出中间点模型的几何位置,以保持模型的细节;最后利用移动最小二乘曲面进行动态上采样,以消除中间模型的裂缝。实验结果表明,该算法具有良好匹配的采样点对应和光滑的渐变过程。  相似文献   

基于多项式的遥感图像快速几何校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感图像几何校正是遥感信息处理中的重要内容之一.提出了一种遥感图像的快速几何校正算法,该算法把畸变图像划分成多个子块,分别由多个处理块对子块进行重采样计算,在重采样计算上又使用最大限度地减少坐标变换的冗余计算方法.经实例证明了该算法能够有效地提高遥感图像的处理速度.  相似文献   

基于隐函数插值的连续多分辨率模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹卫群  鲍虎军  彭群生  胡敏 《软件学报》2000,11(9):1248-1256
提出了一种基于变分隐函数插值的连续多分辨率模型生成算法,通过递归地删除网格模型中的边得到连续的简化模型.算法采用变分隐函数插值的方法对网格模型分区域插值,生成原始模型的区域插值隐函数曲面,并以对应隐函数曲面上的采样点作为边折叠的目标点.算法建立了可调加权控制函数来控制边的简化顺序.在模型简化过程中,可通过交互调节控制函数的权值执行不同的简化原则,使得重要度低的边优先删除.此外,通过建立独立集,避免了模型的局部过度简化.实验结果表明,此算法能实现较理想的简化效果.  相似文献   

文中分析研究了非下采样contourlet图像表示方法及在图像变换中的优点,提出了一种基于非下采样contourlet变换的图像拼接方法.利用SIFT算法和最近邻算法求得待拼接图像的匹配点和匹配区域,将待拼接图像分解成不同尺度、多方向的频带,对得到的频带对应地进行拼接,最后利用重构算法将拼接的各频带进行逆非下采样contourlet变换得到拼接图像.针对光照和数码相机的白平衡导致的拼接图像明暗差异,提出了一种基于二维直方图的B样条曲面拟合的的颜色校正方法.实验表明,文中方法优于传统的非下采样小波域中的拼接效果,过渡更平滑,拼接后的图更加自然,细节更清晰.  相似文献   

提出了一种特征保持的三维点云迭代简化算法。首先对点云模型构造KD树结构,计算采样点的k邻域,然后利用点云模型的局部几何信息作为参数,包括局部采样密度、采样点的精度和曲率,计算评估函数值,迭代删除评估函数值最小的点。实验结果表明,算法在简化点云数据的同时,能有效去除噪声数据,而且很好地保留了原始模型的特征信息。  相似文献   

肖春霞  赵勇  郑文庭  彭群生 《计算机学报》2006,29(12):2061-2070
提出了一个直接在三维离散点采样表面上进行基于全局优化的纹理合成算法.算法首先对点模型表面进行基于协方差分析的递归式聚类削分,然后通过对各初始聚类进行优化调整和区域生长,得到更为均匀的计算单元块且使相邻单元块间具有重叠区域.基于所得到的计算单元块和样本纹理,在点模型表面上建立了一个全局的纹理合成能量方程,并采用最大期卑值算法迭代优化求解出一个全局的能量最小值.在全局优化算法中,通过加入的约束条件,进而给出了点模型颜色纹理的修复算法和流引导的可控纹理合成算法.由于点模型表面离散点元的稠密性,通过对离散点元的法向基于纹理合成结果进行相应的扰动,进一步增强了表面纹理的几何粗糙感.实验结果表明,该文的算法在点采样几何表面上有效地保持了生成的纹理结构和视觉效果的连续性和平滑性,得到了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

Efficient parameterization of point-sampled surfaces is a fundamental problem in the field of digital geometry processing. In order to parameterize a given point-sampled surface for minimal distance distortion, a differentialslbased segmentation and parameterization approach is proposed in this paper. Our approach partitions the point-sampled geometry based on two criteria: variation of Euclidean distance between sample points, and angular difference between surface differential directions. According to the analysis of normal curvatures for some specified directions, a new projection approach is adopted to estimate the local surface differentials. Then a k-means clustering (k-MC) algorithm is used for partitioning the model into a set of charts based on the estimated local surface attributes. Finally, each chart is parameterized with a statistical method -- multidimensional scaling (MDS) approach, and the parameterization results of all charts form an atlas for compact storage.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the new definition of high frequency geometric detail for point-sampled surfaces, a new approach for detail manipulation and a detail-preserving editing framework are proposed. Geometric detail scaling and enhancement can always produce fantastic effects by directly manipulating the geometric details of the underlying geometry. Detail-preserving editing is capable of preserving geometric details during the shape deformation of point-sampled model. For efficient editing, the point set of the model is first clustered by a mean shift scheme, according to its anisotropic geometric features and each cluster is abstracted as a simplification sample point (SSP). Our editing operation is implemented by manipulating the SSP first and then diffusing the deformation to all sample points on the underlying geometry. As a postprocessing step, a new up-sampling and relaxation procedure is proposed to refine the deformed model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by several examples.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于几何细节映射的点模型的形状编辑方法.几何细节是曲面的一个重要属性,定义几何细节为原始曲面及其基曲面之间的向量差,该基曲面由多层次B样条所构成.通过基曲面上的局部仿射坐标,则可以得到与之对应的多分辨率几何细节表示,曲面的低频信息和高频信息易被用户所指定的频段分离.通过调节基曲面的形状,再将这些几何细节映射上去,可以对模型进行保细节的变形;如果将几何细节映射到其他物体上,将可以得到几何细节迁移的结果.为点模型开发了多种特征保持的编辑算子,实验结果表明,所提出的方法是一种有效的点模型造型算法.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for appearance and geometry completion over point-sampled geometry. Based on the result of surface clustering and a given texture sample, we define a global texture energy function on the point set surface for direct texture synthesis. The color texture completion is performed by minimizing a constrained global energy using the existing surface texture on the surface as the input texture sample. We convert the problem of context-based geometry completion into a task of texture completion on the surface. The geometric detail is then peeled and converted into a piece of signed gray-scale texture on the base surface of the point set surface. We fill the holes on the base surface by smoothed extrapolation and the geometric details over these patches are reconstructed by a process of gray-scale texture completion. Experiments show that our method is flexible, efficient and easy to implement. It provides a practical texture synthesis and geometry completion tool for 3D point set surfaces.  相似文献   

Touch-based haptics for interactive editing on point set surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modeling paradigm for haptics-based editing on point set surfaces exploits implicit surfaces, physics-based modeling, point-sampled surfaces, and haptic. We propose a point-based geometry representation that we initially designed for dynamic physics-based sculpting, but can easily generalize to other relevant applications such as data modeling and human-computer interaction. By extending the idea of the local reference domain in the moving least square (MLS) surface model to the construction of a local and global surface distance field, we naturally incorporate Hua and Qin's dynamic implicit volumetric model into our deformation of the point-based geometry, which not only facilitates topology change but also affords dynamic sculpting and deformation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new shape modeling approach that can enable direct Boolean intersection between acquired and designed geometry without model conversion is presented. At its core is a new method that enables direct intersection and Boolean operations between designed geometry (objects bounded by NURBS and polygonal surfaces) and scanned geometry (objects represented by point cloud data).We use the moving least-squares (MLS) surface as the underlying surface representation for acquired point-sampled geometry. Based on the MLS surface definition, we derive closed formula for computing curvature of planar curves on the MLS surface. A set of intersection algorithms including line and MLS surface intersection, curvature-adaptive plane and MLS surface intersection, and polygonal mesh and MLS surface intersection are successively developed. Further, an algorithm for NURBS and MLS surface intersection is then developed. It first adaptively subdivides NURBS surfaces into polygonal mesh, and then intersects the mesh with the MLS surface. The intersection points are mapped to the NURBS surface through the Gauss-Newton method.Based on the above algorithms, a prototype system has been implemented. Through various examples from the system, we demonstrate that direct Boolean intersection between designed geometry and acquired geometry offers a useful and effective means for the shape modeling applications where point-cloud data is involved.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel method for detail-generating geometry completion over point-sampled geometry. The main idea consists of converting the context-based geometry completion into the detail-based texture completion on the surface. According to the influence region of boundary points surrounding a hole, a smooth patch covering the hole is first constructed using radial base functions. By applying region-growing clustering to the patch, the patching units for further completion with geometry details is then produced, and using the trilateral filtering operator formulated by us, the geometry-detail texture of each sample point on the input geometry is determined. The geometry details on the smooth completed patch are finally generated by optimizing a constrained global texture energy function on the point-sampled surfaces. Experimental results demonstrate that the method can achieve efficient completed patches that not only conform with their boundaries, but also contain the plausible 3D surface details.  相似文献   

该算法摈弃了传统的将三维点模型三角面片化的繁琐过程,直接在三维点模型上进行纹理合成。该方法建立三维点模型上各离散点之间的邻域关系,在点模型上建立光顺的方向场,控制模型表面纹理合成的方向。以方向场为基础,建立三维模型与样图的映射关系,实现纹理合成。采用不同大小、不同纹理结构的样图,在点模型上进行三维纹理合成实验。实验结果表明,与传统的基于网格模型的三维纹理合成方法相比,此方法在保证纹理合成质量的同时,大大提高了合成速度。  相似文献   

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