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针对现有软件开发环境中,工具集成缺乏灵活的过程逻辑,开发者、工具、制品数据之间关系割裂的问题,提出了一种新的面向协作的软件开发环境—软件生产线,以及一种构造软件生产线的方法-软件生产线框架,详细阐述了软件生产线框架的组成部分,并给出了软件生产线的构造和使用方法。应用案例表明,软件生产线框架能够加快软件开发环境的构造,并...  相似文献   

安冬冬  刘静  陈小红  孙海英 《软件学报》2021,32(7):1999-2015
随着科技的进步,新型复杂系统例如人机物融合系统(Human Cyber-Physical Systems,HCPS)已经与人类社会生活越来越密不可分.软件系统所处的信息空间与人们日常生活所处的物理空间日渐融合.物理空间内环境的复杂多变、时空数据的爆发增长以及难以预料的人类行为等不确定因素威胁着系统安全.由于系统安全需求的增长,系统的规模和复杂度随之增加所带来的一系列问题亟待解决.因此,在不确定性环境下,构造智能、安全的人机物融合系统已经成为软件行业不可回避的挑战.环境不确定性使得人机物融合系统软件无法准确感知其所处的运行环境.感知的不确定性将导致系统的误判,从而影响系统的安全性.环境不确定性使得系统设计人员无法为人机物融合系统软件的运行环境提供准确的形式化规约.而对于安全要求较高的系统,准确的形式化规约是保证系统安全的首要条件.为了应对规约的不确定性,本文提出时空数据驱动与模型驱动相结合的建模方式,即通过使用机器学习算法,基于环境中时空数据对环境进行建模.根据安全软件的典型特征,采用动态验证的方式保证系统的安全,从而构建统一安全的理论框架.为了展示方案的可行性,本文以自动驾驶车辆与人驾驶的摩托车的交互场景为例说明了在不确定性环境下的人机物融合系统的建模与验证的具体应用.  相似文献   

计算机技术的不断发展,推动了计算机软件的迅速普及.计算机软件开发技术在计算机软件中扮演着核心角色.介绍了计算机软件开发技术的基本概念,阐述了传统的、软件的原型化以及自动化等常见计算机软件开发方式,并介绍了软件开发在人才结构不合理、软件开发缺乏核心技术以及软件开发的环境受限等几个方面存在的问题,介绍了集成开发技术、敏捷开发技术和基于云的分布式开发技术等方面的应用,展望了计算机软件开发网络化、服务化、智能化以及多样化的方向趋势.  相似文献   

软件容错的方法、模型与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机硬件技术的飞速发展,软件开发的低效率与不可靠性已成为阻碍计算技术继续发展的主要障碍.本文分析了计算机系统内部的主要故障来源,研究了软件故障的性质,指出软件容错的基础是程序设计差异,并以此为基础研究了软件容错的基本方法,构造了容错软件模型,介绍并评价了当前流行的软件容错技术,解决了以向后恢复为基础的软件容错技术在分布系统中的实现问题.  相似文献   

为了提高软件的可重用性、软件开发的效率、软件系统的可靠性和灵活性,软件开发技术在传统的结构化程序设计和面向对象的程序设计方法的基础上,发展到了基于组件的开发阶段.文中介绍了系统采用的关键技术--组件技术及基于组件的软件开发过程,然后应用组件技术设计了网上购物系统.实践证明基于组件技术的软件设计方法可以缩短软件开发周期,降低开发费用,增强软件的复用能力.基于组件技术设计的网上购物系统具有很好的可靠性、可维护性以及安全性.  相似文献   

随着我国的快速发展,科学技术的发展有很大的提升.针对软件的开发和在软件的性能上,有着高质量和不同程度的要求.在现在科技迅速发展的社会,传统的软件开发,已经不能满足社会的需要,同时人们生活的快速发展在需求上也越来越多.传统的软件开发面临着被淘汰的危险.基于构件的软件开发、开发的方法和各种优势已经是现在相关研究关注的方向.通过基于构件的软件开发中对构件的开发和方法技术上以及技术合成上进行了分析和研究,为以后在软件的研究中提供一些有益的参考.  相似文献   

面向财务应用的软件设计课程教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了培养既懂财务又懂软件开发技术的复合型人才,根据金融财务类应用的需要,本文提出了一个面向软件课程设计的教学模型。融合计算机基础理论、软件开发技术、软件工程学原理以及CMM软件过程体系,构建了教学模式框架。该模型具有良好的课程总体结构以及动态适应新技术发展的能力,该模型适合财务类院校软件复合性人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

多传感器数据融合系统的软件实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多传感器数据融合技术的软件包括以下部分:基本数据分析,人机介面及显示,通信软件及数据融合算法。提出了编写数据融合软件的基本思路及实现方法,并介绍了国外在这方面的现状。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展以及计算机技术的不断普及,人们对于计算机软件的需求也越来越大.随着计算机软件市场的多样化以及市场需求量的扩大,计算机软件开发成为一种新型并且价值极高的活动.计算机软件开发技术是指计算机工作人员对计算机软件的设计,软件开发技术的不断发展和创新能使得计算机软件行业发展更快速,从而使人们全面迎来信息化时代.本文将对计算机软件开发技术应用以及发展进行研究.  相似文献   

董津  王坚  王兆平 《控制与决策》2022,37(5):1251-1257
当前,智能制造面临的许多问题都具有不确定性和复杂性,单纯地利用专家经验和机理模型难以有效解决.鉴于此,面向跨层跨域的复杂制造系统网络化协同控制机制,提出一种基于本体的人机物三元数据融合方法,研究复杂制造环境下的人机物三元数据融合建模.在抽取三元组时,区别于传统的流水线式抽取方式,提出一种基于实体-关系联合抽取的模型ErBERT.该模型首先经过预训练模型BERT进行词序列化,经过最大池化、全连接和Softmax等操作后,完成实体识别和关系分类任务,得到抽取完毕的人机物三元组.将抽取好的三元组按照规则映射至OWL文件,最终存储在图数据库中,实现本体模型的构建.经实验验证,经过ErBERT抽取出的三元组有较好的准确率,能够达到通过本体融合人机物三元数据的目标,并为实现制造企业人机物三元协同决策与优化提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

With the growing complexity of multiprocessing systems and distributed computing systems, there is an increasing need to provide a formal methodology for deriving a model to represent software design for the software development of these systems. The formal methodology presented in this paper uses attributed grammars, and extends formal methods commonly used in the definition of programming languages and compiler techniques for representing the design specification of software systems and validating the implementation. This model provides a common basis in the software development phases through automated design analysis, test-case generation, and validation of the software system. This paper covers the construction of the model for the design representation using attributed grammar and the analysis of the software system design based on the model.  相似文献   

Hypertext and object-oriented database technology offer significant possibilities for designing new software engineering environments which better represent the complex relationships between the many artifacts created during the life of a software system. These artifacts are composed of structured (machine understandable) and unstructured information. Hypertext systems can record both the structured and unstructured information of the software project and the linking relationships between both types of information. Issue-based information systems (also called argumentation systems) are special-purpose hypertext systems for capturing the issues and reasoning for decision making. The Issue-Based Experiment (IBE) system is an issue-based information system implemented on an object-oriented database platform. IBE was developed to research methods of capturing the life cycle of a software project in an issue-based information network. IBE is demonstrated to be useful in both the requirements development and system maintenance phases of the software life cycle. Several issues are discussed concerning the usability of issue-based information systems: maintaining a constant level of detail, scoping an Issue for placement in the issue network, and enforcing usage. IBE looks promising when integrated as part of a software development environment based on hypertext and object-oriented database technology.  相似文献   

工业领域中智能制造和智慧城市的快速发展,促使各种具有边界开放、持续演化、自适应性等特征的复杂软件系统的出现。基于还原论和单一组织的传统软件开发方法不再适合发展需求,也不能满足跨组织的社会化协作和资源共享等基本需求。本文提出一种基于容器云和跨组织资源共享的复杂软件系统成长性构造框架,通过容器技术、多租户技术、信息资源目录技术实现社会化协作开发和复杂软件系统成长性构造,并且该框架在一个工业研究案例中的应用实践证明了其在复杂软件系统的快速构建和演化方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

集成化信息系统需求描述的综合模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集成化信息系统比一般软件复杂得多,环境发生了很大的变化.不能简单把软件开发的方法和技术移植到集成化信息系统开发中去,这就要求我们去研究新的方法和技术.本文给出一个集成化信息大系统的需求说明综合模型.  相似文献   

Historically, software development methodologies have focused more on improving tools for system development than on developing tools that assist with system composition and integration. Component-based middleware like Enterprise Java-Beans (EJB), Microsoft .NET, and the CORBA Component Model (CCM) have helped improve software reusability through component abstraction. However, as developers have adopted these commercial off-the-shelf technologies, a wide gap has emerged between the availability and sophistication of standard software development tools like compilers and debuggers, and the tools that developers use to compose, analyze, and test a complete system or system of systems. As a result, developers continue to accomplish system integration using ad hoc methods without the support of automated tools. Model-driven development is an emerging paradigm that solves numerous problems associated with the composition and integration of large-scale systems while leveraging advances in software development technologies such as component-based middleware. MDD elevates software development to a higher level of abstraction than is possible with third-generation programming languages.  相似文献   

Software's importance in the development of embedded systems has been growing rapidly over the last 20 years. Because of current embedded systems' complexity, they require sophisticated engineering methods for systematically developing high-quality software. Embedded software development differs from IT system development in several ways. For example, IT systems developers can use standard hardware and software platforms and don't face the resource requirements that embedded systems developers must take into account. To meet embedded software's extrafunctional requirements, embedded systems development is shifting from programming to model-driven development. Another important trend is the emphasis on the quality assurance of safety-related systems.  相似文献   

随着面向构件的软件开发方法的广泛应用,构件系统的描述和测试成为保证软件质量的关键所在。由于构件系统的复杂性和开发方法的特殊性,用传统方法对构件系统进行集成测试往往面对很多困难。提出了一种改进的面向测试的构件描述模型,称为TCSM,它着重对构件系统中的构件间的交互和约束进行了动态描述,为构件系统集成测试阶段的功能测试和边界测试等提供了大量可用信息。在此基础上,进一步提出一种把TCSM转换成测试模型的方法,以UML协作图模型为原型,实现了构件系统从描述模型到测试模型的自动转换。最后,实现了一种在所产生的测试模型上自动生成测试用例的算法。TCSM更好地描述了构件的交互行为信息,进一步实现了系统的自动化测试,减少了通常需要在构件系统搭建完成后,针对测试对系统手工建立测试模型的工作,提高了构件系统开发的效率和可靠性。  相似文献   

遗留系统的评价方法和进化策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在企业信息系统建设过程中,对遗留系统的处理恰当与否,直接关系到新系统的成败和开发效率。如何建立一套系统的、行之有效的方法论,以期望对实际工作有所指导,已成为一个迫切的问题。提出了遗留系统的评价方法,包括对商业价值、外部环境和应用软件的评价。并在分析评价结果的基础上,给出了四种遗留系统的进化策略,分别是完全淘汰、继承淘汰、改造移植、集成扩展。这些方法和策略具有较大的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

A software architecture is a key asset for any organization that builds complex software-intensive systems. Because of an architecture's central role as a project blueprint, organizations should analyze the architecture before committing resources to it. An analysis helps to ensure that sound architectural decisions are made. Over the past decade a large number of architecture analysis methods have been created, and at least two surveys of these methods have been published. This paper examines the criteria for analyzing architecture analysis methods, and suggests a new set of criteria that focus on the essence of what it means to be an architecture analysis method. These criteria could be used to compare methods, to help understand the suitability of a method, or to improve a method. We then examine two methods—the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method and Architecture-level Modifiability Analysis—in light of these criteria, and provide some insight into how these methods can be improved. Rick Kazman is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University and Professor at the University of Hawaii. His primary research interests are software architecture, design and analysis tools, software visualization, and software engineering economics. He also has interests in human-computer interaction and information retrieval. Kazman has created several highly influential methods and tools for architecture analysis, including the SAAM and the ATAM. He is the author of over 80 papers, and co-author of several books, including “Software Architecture in Practice”, and “Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies”. Len Bass is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). He has written two award winning books in software architecture as well as several other books and numerous papers in a wide variety of areas of computer science and software engineering. He is currently working on techniques for the methodical design of software architectures and to understand how to support usability through software architecture. He has been involved in the development of numerous different production or research software systems ranging from operating systems to database management systems to automotive systems. Mark Klein is Senior Member of the Technical Staff of the Software Engineering Institute. He has over 20 years of experience in research on various facets of software engineering, dependable real-time systems and numerical methods. Klein's most recent work focuses on the analysis of software architectures, architecture tradeoff analysis, attribute-driven architectural design and scheduling theory. Klein's work in real-time systems involved the development of rate monotonic analysis (RMA), the extension of the theoretical basis for RMA, and its application to realistic systems. Klein's earliest work involved research in high-order finite element methods for solving fluid flow equations arising in oil reservoir simulation. He is the co-author two books: “A Practitioner's Handbook for Real-Time Analysis: Guide to Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Systems” and “Evaluating Software Architecture: Methods and Case Studies”. Anthony J. Lattanze is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Institute for Software Research International (ISRI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and a senior member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Anthony teaches courses in CMUs Masters of Software Engineering Program in Software Architecture, Real-Time/Embedded Systems, and Software Development Studio. His primary research interest is in the area software architectural design for embedded, software intensive systems. Anthony consults and teaches throughout industry in the areas of software architecture design and architecture evaluation. Prior to Carnegie Mellon, Mr. Lattanze was the Chief of Software Engineering for the Technology Development Group at the United States Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. During his tenure at the Flight Test Center, he was involved with a number of software and systems engineering projects as a software and systems architect, project manager, and developer. During this time as he was involved with the development, test, and evaluation of avionics systems for the B-2 Stealth Bomber, F-117 Stealth Fighter, and F-22 Advanced Tactical Fighter among other systems. Linda Northrop is the director of the Product Line Systems Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where she leads the SEI work in software architecture, software product lines and predictable component engineering. Under her leadership the SEI has developed software architecture and product line methods that are used worldwide, a series of five highly-acclaimed books, and Software Architecture and Software Product Line Curricula. She is co-author of the book, “Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns,” and a primary author of the SEI Framework for Software Product Line Practice.  相似文献   

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