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以客户为中心的业务战略通常会使制造商在市场上持有不同的价值主张,以满足不同的客户需求,支持企业目标。  相似文献   

全球客户关系管理(CRM)市场的领导者甲骨文公司今天宣布了CRM市场拓展战略,新战略旨在帮助中国企业向“以客户为中心“的模式转变,并通过提高客户满意度、客户忠诚度以及吸引新客户来提高企业的竞争实力、赢利能力利润率和股东回报。甲骨文的四大发展战略有助于进一步增强自身在孤太和中国CRM市场上的领先地位。甲骨文公司今天还详细介绍了适合中国中小企业的CRM产品。  相似文献   

去年下半年,中国惠普公司迎合IT市场的发展,进行了一场惊天动地的变革一“以客户为中心”的战略大转移,部门重组、策略调整、文化改造……大半年的时间过去了,公司的调整也已基本尘埃落定,那就让我们的视线随着6月4日中国惠普有限公司“移动电子化服务解决方案交流暨展示会”,重新审视一下已经全面e化的惠普吧。  相似文献   

2014年3月24日,IBM中国客户中心在北京中关村开幕,作为IBM以客户体验为中心而设计的服务机构,中心支持云端演示,旨在为客户提供一个协作式和浸入式环境,帮助客户通过云、大数据分析、移动、社交技术,安全解决方案,以及Watson等认知创新,助力决策者应对其行业的关键挑战,展望创新与转型的蓝图,并找到最佳的科技实现基础。  相似文献   

企业的销售策略从传统的“以产品为中心”逐步向“以客户为中心”转移,为此,许多国内外公司开始提出和实施客户关系管理方案,以适应市场的不断变幻。本文介绍了一个中小企业的CRM系统,就其整体结构设计思想进行了说明并对客户关系管理部分的设计以及实现进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

2003年,中国电信无论是在提高大客户服务水平、提升大客户服务品牌的国际竞争力,还是在促进各行业的信息化建设方面都取得了有目共睹的成绩。年初,中国电信推出了中国电信一站服务业务处理系统;年中,中国电信“VIP客户响应中心”和“VIP客户支持中心”正式运行;年末,中国电信的全球客户中心正式开通,一个面向全球的更快速、更安全、更亲切的客户服务体系已基本形成。以强大的网络和技术为基础,以完善的客户服务体系做保障,以高效的“以市场为导向、以客户为中心、以效益为目标”的企业运作体系做支撑,中国电信大客户事业部2万余名专业客户经理和电信专家队伍,秉承“用户至上,用心服务”的服务理念,维护并不断提升着中国电信的品牌价值。  相似文献   

中小企业CRM系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业的销售策略从传统的“以产品为中心”逐步向“以客户为中心”转移,为此,许多国内外公司开始提出和实施客户关系管理方案.以适应市场的不断变幻。本文介绍了一个中小企业的CRM系统,就其整体结构设计思想进行了说明并对客户关系管理部分的设计以及实现进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

推进大客户营销服务战略,通过优质服务提高大客户竞争力是中国网通重要发展战略之一。中国网通将大客户的服务做为角逐市场的核心能力,为提高竞争优势,几乎是在网通集团公司成立的同时,网通大客户服务中心也挂牌成立了。网通大客户服务中心是中国网通专门为大客户打造的特快专列。在中心成立伊始便建立了以市场为导向,以满足客户需求为出发点的服务宗旨,全面提升服务水平,解决客户市话、长  相似文献   

CRM系统是通过信息技术将以客户为中心的管理理念集成在软件上,在企业和客户之间搭建起一种实时交互的管理系统,以达到企业整体收益最大化。其目的是在"以客户为中心"的管理思想指导下,建立一个系统,使企业的市场管理、销售管理、服务管理形成相互协调的全新关系实体,为企业带来长久的竞争优势。  相似文献   

2011年伊始,eFuture为了更好倡导"共创幸福的消费世界"的崭新企业愿景,立足引导客户、服务下沉的目标,决定构建布局全国服务网络这一宏伟蓝图,此次行动不仅是eFuture以客户为中心从软件商向服务商的战略转型,也是公司不断提升客户化的服务能力,即进行Glocal服务能力本土化建设的重要标志。  相似文献   

With the rapid increase in electronic and mobile commerce over the last few years, the academic literature on online and mobile customer behaviour has been fairly plentiful with a great deal of quantitative studies testing variations of existing customer behaviour theories. However, little attention has been given to qualitative studies in the field, which seek to explore new aspects of online or mobile customer behaviour, adding to existing theories or even creating new ones. Thus, the purpose of the present paper is to critically evaluate studies employing Grounded Theory (GT), a method commonly used for theory building in qualitative social research. Nine studies were identified examining online or mobile customer behaviour under this approach, providing theories based on emerging categories. Results of their studies seem to be very similar to existing customer behaviour theories, occasionally adding new categories to the existing theory nomenclature. Studies presented weaknesses regarding the accurate methodological conduct of GT and the process of generating theory, attributed predominantly to methodological, verification and reporting bias. Nevertheless, the main advantage of GT studies remains the generation of theory that can be applied in practice, reinforced by the presentation of conceptual prospects for testing new variables in quantitative studies. Overall, the contribution of GT studies to online and mobile customer behaviour research should be based on more rigorous methodology and aim to challenge rather than confirm existing theories with the purpose of advancing knowledge in the field.  相似文献   

随着宽带建设的兴起,驻地网的建设和管理成为通信行业面临的一个巨大挑战。通过详细分析镇江在建设移动小区宽带过程中与其他运营商共建共享的成功案例,提出了驻地网建设及推广的新模式。  相似文献   

在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,各个行业的龙头企业把对客户的服务质量提到了前所未有的重要地位。随着电信技术的飞速发展,callcentre技术浮出水面并日趋成熟,被众多银行、移动通信企业所采用,并作为主要客户服务手段。在此背景下,中国北方第一大港—天津港口集团,率先在港口行业中,将callcentre技术引入到客户服务领域,并将其与港口业务实际紧密结合,走出了一条创新的港口企业客户之路,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

As the profit margins of 3G mobile network operators gradually decline, and market competition becomes increasingly intensive, they must develop rich and diverse varieties of brand new application services to attract new subscribers and retain old ones. Understanding the customer’s purchasing behavior is a key issue in this process. The operator must accurately grasp movements in the market based on analysis of the behavior of 3G subscribers. This study proposes a comprehensive customer relationship management strategy framework to furnish a beneficial plan to overcome such challenges. First, we propose a new model to identify who are the high-value customers related to the characteristics of new telecommunication services. After segmenting the customers, we propose a procedure to provide different kinds of usage analysis, including inter-cluster analysis and intra-cluster analysis. The experimental results are determined based on rules extracted from a large number of call detail records generated by the mobile subscribers of leading 3G mobile system operators in Taiwan. The dependency network demonstrates the relationship between voice services, data communications, message services, micropayments and entertainment. Finally, we propose some marketing recommendations for 3G system operators based on these interesting rules.  相似文献   

企业收入的源头是销售工作,企业发展最重要的资源是客户。随着信息技术革命的推进,知识经济、网络经济的迅猛发展加速了知识的传递、加工及更新。时代的发展竞争的加剧使企业之间产品的差别越来越小,企业从争夺“市场份额’’逐渐转变为争夺‘‘客户份额”,顾客忠诚度成为企业竞争力的重要体现,如何管理客户关系、培养长期优质的客户资源,是获取并保持企业竞争优势及提高销售业绩的战略实施重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Following deregulation of the mobile phones market and liberalization of the telecommunications sector, the service sector for mobile phones is becoming increasingly saturated. Telecom operators are confronted with a sluggish user growth rate and a fall in the average revenue per user (ARPU). Mobile value-added services are expected to form mobile operators' strategy to make up for the dwindling revenues obtained from users. The purpose of this study is to provide an analytical tool to select the best mobile value-added service firm providing the most customer satisfaction. This study adopts a fuzzy synthetic evaluation method, using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate the performance of mobile value-added services system operators. This method can help consumers select the appropriate firm from the other consumers' opinions, and can help telecom operators to understand the market status of mobile value-added services as well as the prevailing consumer patterns.  相似文献   

智能手机的移动业务和移动互联网应用直接影响客户感知,通过挖掘网络日志与手机日志对客户感知问题分析的支撑作用,提出基于日志的客户感知问题辅助分析系统。该系统通过采集、分类和统计,提供异常事件告警和智能分析。通过对上网和彩倩业务的应用实践表明,该系统能提供准确、有效的日志信息,为分析和定位问题提供端到端的数据支持。该系统和思路可扩展应用于长期演进网络的客户感知问题辅助分析。  相似文献   

Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value have become the priority of both manufacturers and service provider in the increasingly intensified competition for customers in today's customer-centered era. However, findings regarding service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value are rather divergent and related studies are fragmented, especially for the complicated interrelationships among them. Thus, less is known about the relative impacts of quality-related factors on customer value and customer satisfaction up to now and the moderating role of customer value in the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction has been neglected. Further, it is very difficult to find related studies, supported by evidence, that focus on service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value, and their influences on customer behavior intentions in the telecommunication industry. In this paper, much attention is paid to the measurement model of service quality in China's mobile communication market based on the well-known SERVQUAL model, but with reasonable modification on the basis of focus group discussions and expert opinions to reflect the specific industry attributes and the special culture of China. By taking a disaggregated approach, the key drivers of service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction are first identified and the impact of customer perceived sacrifice on customer value is emphasized. Then attention is given to the systematic study of the dynamic relationships among them, especially the moderating effect of customer value on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, which is followed by the examination of their influences on behavior intentions of customers. Results are based on the development of structural equation models using Partial Least Square technique.  相似文献   

一种基于群体智能的客户行为分析算法   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
提出了一种基于群体智能的客户行为分析算法.首先将客户的消费模式作为平面上的一个点随机分布于平面区域内;然后依据基于群体智能的聚类方法,选用由小到大的群体相似系数进行聚类分析;最后,在平面区域内采用递归算法收集聚类结果,获得不同消费特征的客户群体.文中还提出了算法的并行策略,提高了算法对大数据量的适应性.该文以电信移动客户话费数据作为实验数据,并将算法结果与其它经典聚类算法的结果进行比较分析.分析结果表明:这种基于群体智能的客户行为分析算法能够满足客户聚类和分类的要求,特别是在大客户分析及一对一营销中特别客户的分析方面该算法有直观、类别特征明显等特点.  相似文献   

首先介绍了统一通信架构及其业务特征,然后分析了集团客户业务需求,明确了统一通信是集团客户业务整体解决方案的最佳选择。最后重点分析了中国移动CM-IMS统一通信重点产品,提出了CM-IMS统一通信发展策略及部署方案。  相似文献   

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