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模型检验是一种重要的形式化自动验证技术。检验一个模型是否满足LTL公式,可以把LTL公式转换为一个表示相同无穷状态序列的ω自动机,通过转换后的ω自动机与系统自动机的乘积判空来进行模型检验。由于自动机的体积是模型检验的一个关键性问题,为了得到尽可能小的自动机,在LTL公式转换为ω自动机之前,对LTL公式进行预处理来减少冗余,然后基于ROBDD,通过布尔技术优化自动机。  相似文献   

易锦  张文辉 《软件学报》2006,17(4):720-728
目前的模型检测方法中,有一种方法是基于自动机来实现的.具体做法是:将抽象出的系统模型用Büchi自动机来表示,将需要验证的性质用LTL(linear temporal logic)公式来表达;然后将LTL公式取反后转化为Büchi自动机,并检查这两个自动机接受语言之间的包含关系.有一类LTL公式转化为Büchi自动机的算法是:在计算过程中,首先得到一个标注在迁移上的扩展Büchi自动机(transition-based generalized Büchi automaton,简称TGBA),然后把这种扩展Büchi自动机转换成非扩展的Büchi自动机.针对这类转换算法,根据Büchi自动机接受语言的特点,重新定义了基于迁移的扩展Büchi自动机的求交运算,减少了需要复制的状态个数,使转换后的自动机具有较少的状态.测试的结果表明:对随机产生的公式,新算法相对于以往的算法有明显的优势.  相似文献   

基于线性时态逻辑的Petri网模型检测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线性时态逻辑Petri网结合了Petri网和时序逻辑的优点,清晰简洁的描述并发系统事件间的时序和因果关系,包括系统的活性和安全性.其中自动机的体积是模型检验的一个关键性问题,为了得到尽可能小体积的自动机,在LTL公式转换为Büchi自动机之前,对LTL公式进行预处理来减少冗余,然后通过布尔技术优化自动机.  相似文献   

陆旭  于斌  田聪  段振华 《软件学报》2022,33(8):2769-2781
LTL合成(Linear Temporal Logic synthesis)是程序合成(program synthesis)的一类重要子问题, 旨在自动构建一个控制器(controller), 且要求该控制器和环境(environment)的行为交互满足给定的LTL公式.一般来说, 可以将LTL合成定义为二人博弈(two-player game)问题, 博弈的双方是环境和控制器, 该问题的解称为合成策略.近年来, 有研究从理论角度讨论了LTL合成与非确定规划(non-deterministic planning)的相关性.基于此, 本文提出了一种新的利用非确定规划求解LTL合成问题的方法, 并证明了方法的正确性和完备性.具体而言, 首先获得LTL公式对应的Büchi自动机, 结合二人博弈定义, 将LTL合成问题转换为完全可观测的非确定规划模型, 然后交由高效规划器求解.通过实验结果说明, 与其他LTL合成方法相比, 本文提出的基于规划的合成方法在解质量方面具有较大的优势, 能够获得规模较小的合成策略.  相似文献   

虞蕾  陈火旺 《软件学报》2010,21(1):34-46
PSL(property specification language)是一种用于描述并行系统的属性规约语言,包括线性时序逻辑FL(foundation language)和分支时序逻辑OBE(optional branching extension)两部分.由于OBE就是CTL(computation tree logic),并且具有时钟声明的公式很容易改写成非时钟公式,因此重点研究了非时钟FL逻辑.为便于进行模型检验,每个FL公式必须转化成为一种可验证形式,通常是自动机(非确定自动机).构造非确定自动机的过程主要是通过中间构建交换自动机来实现.详细给出了由非时钟FL构造双向交换自动机的构造规则.构造规则的核心逻辑不仅仅局限于是在LTL(linear temporal logic)基础上的正规表达式,而且全面而充分地考虑了各种FL操作算子的可能性.并且给出了将双向交换自动机转化为非确定自动机的一种方法.最后,编写了将PSL转化为上述自动机的实现工具.FL双向交换自动机的构造规则计算复杂度仅是FL公式长度的线性表达式,验证了构造规则的正确性.在此基础上,证明了双向交换自动机与其转化的等价的非确定自动机接受的语言相同.上述工作对解决复杂并行系统建模和模型验证问题具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

时态描述逻辑将描述逻辑的刻画能力引入到命题时态逻辑中,适合于在语义Web环境下对相关系统的时态性质进行刻画.为了对这些时态性质进行高效的验证,在ALC-LTL的基础上研究了时态描述逻辑的模型检测问题.一方面,使用时态描述逻辑ALC-LTL公式来表示待验证的时态规范;另一方面,在对系统建模时借助描述逻辑ALC对领域知识进行刻画.针对上述扩展后得到的模型检测问题,提出了基于自动机的ALC-LTL模型检测算法.模型检测算法由3个阶段组成:首先将时态规范的否定形式和系统模型分别构造成标记büchi自动机;接下来构造这两个自动机的乘积自动机,并将关于ALC的推理机制融入到乘积自动机的构造过程中;最后对该乘积自动机进行判空检测.与LTL模型检测相比,时态描述逻辑ALC-LTL的模型检测引入了描述逻辑的刻画和推理机制,可以在语义Web环境下对语义Web服务等复杂系统的时态性质进行刻画和验证.  相似文献   

赵常智  董威  隋平  齐治昌 《软件学报》2010,21(2):318-333
介绍了一种基于自动机理论的参数化LTL(parameterized LTL(linear temporal logic),简称PALTL)公式运行时预测监控器构造方法.一方面研究PALTL公式的语法、预测语义、赋值提取以及赋值绑定等重要概念,从语法层面保证公式中参数化变量的正确绑定(binding)和使用(using);另一方面给出参数化预测监控器的概念.它由静态和动态两部分组成,静态部分由参数化Büchi自动机表示,动态部分为当前状态处的变量赋值.在系统运行过程中,预测监控器基于静态部分的参数化Büchi自动机,以on-the-fly的方式在当前状态处动态地提取和绑定变量赋值,递进地验证当前程序运行是否满足指定的参数化性质规约.在该过程中,参数化监控器能够精确地识别被验证性质的最小好/坏前缀.  相似文献   

张斌  罗贵明  王平 《计算机应用》2006,26(10):2490-2493
模型检测的一个主要方法是构建线性与时序逻辑(LTL)公式φ的否定形式等价的Büchi自动机Aφ和系统模型M的正交积,并检测正交积的可接受语言是否为空。通过对Generalized Büchi自动机进行化简,可以减小自动机的状态空间,从而提高模型检测的效率。根据所提出的方法设计并实现的基于LTL和Petri网进行模型检测的工具包,可以有效地对基于Petri网表示的系统模型进行模型检测。  相似文献   

王文胜  田聪  段振华 《软件学报》2023,34(8):3659-3673
自动机的确定化是将非确定性自动机转换为接收相同语言的确定性自动机,是自动机理论的基本问题之一.ω自动机的确定化是诸多逻辑,如SnS, CTL*,μ演算等,判定过程的基础,同时也是解决无限博弈求解问题的关键,因此对ω自动机确定化的研究具有重要意义.主要关注一类ω自动机——Streett自动机的确定化.非确定性Streett自动机可以转换为等价的确定性Rabin或Parity自动机,在前期工作中已经分别得到了状态复杂度最优以及渐进最优算法,为了验证提出的算法的实际效果,也为了形象地展示确定化过程,开发一款支持Streett自动机确定化的工具是必要的.首先介绍4种不同的Streett确定化结构:μ-Safra tree和H-Safra tree (最优)将Streett确定化为Rabin自动机, compact Streett Safra tree和LIR-H-Safra tree (渐进最优)将Streett确定化为Parity自动机;然后,根据Streett确定化算法,基于开源工具GOAL (graphical tool for omega-automata and logics),实现...  相似文献   

测试预言是一种用来检测被测系统的测试执行是否正确的方法。文中,作者设计并实现了一种根据程序的线性时序逻辑(LTL)的性质产生测试预言的方法。首先,作者将一线性时序逻辑公式转换为一个有限状态自动机,然后,管理源代码,以便抽取与线性时序逻辑性质有关的状态序列。最后,用谊信息来模拟状态自动机,并决定程序执行是否满足线性时序逻辑的性质。  相似文献   

In explicit-state model checking, system properties are typically expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL), and translated into a Büchi automaton (BA) to be checked. In order to improve performance of the conversion algorithm, some model checkers involve the intermediate automata, such as a generalized Büchi automaton (GBA). The de-generalization is a translation from a GBA to a BA. In this paper, we present a conversion algorithm to translate an LTL formula to a BA directly. A labeling, acceptance degree, is presented to record acceptance conditions satisfied in each state and transition. Acceptance degree is a set of U-subformulae or F-subformulae of the given LTL formula. According to the acceptance degree, on-the-fly degeneralization algorithm, which is different from the standard de-generalization algorithm, is conceived and implemented. On-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is carried out during the expansion of the given LTL formula. It is performed in the case of the given LTL formula contains U-subformulae and F-subformulae, that is, the on-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is performed as required. In order to get a more deterministic BA, the shannon expansion is used recursively during expanding LTL formulae. Ordered binary decision diagrams are used to represent the BA and simplify LTL formulae.We compare the conversion algorithm presented in this paper to previousworks, and show that it is more efficient for five families LTL formulae in common use and four sets of random formulae generated by LBTT (an LTL-to-Büchi translator testbench).  相似文献   

We describe an efficient CTL* model checking algorithm based on alternating automata and games. A CTL* formula, expressing a correctness property, is first translated to a hesitant alternating automaton and then composed with a Kripke structure representing the model to be checked, after which this resulting automaton is then checked for nonemptiness. We introduce the nonemptiness game that checks the nonemptiness of a hesitant alternating automaton (HAA). In the same way that alternating automata generalise nondeterministic automata, we show that this game for checking the nonemptiness of HAA, generalises the nested depth-first algorithm used to check the nonemptiness of nondeterministic Büchi automata (used in Spin).  相似文献   

In explicit-state model checking, system properties are typically expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL), and translated into a Büchi automaton (BA) to be checked. In order to improve performance of the conversion algorithm, some model checkers involve the intermediate automata, such as a generalized Büchi automaton (GBA). The de-generalization is a translation from a GBA to a BA. In this paper, we present a conversion algorithm to translate an LTL formula to a BA directly. A labeling, acceptance degree, is presented to record acceptance conditions satisfied in each state and transition. Acceptance degree is a set of U-subformulae or F-subformulae of the given LTL formula. According to the acceptance degree, on-the-fly degeneralization algorithm, which is different from the standard de-generalization algorithm, is conceived and implemented. On-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is carried out during the expansion of the given LTL formula. It is performed in the case of the given LTL formula contains U-subformulae and F-subformulae, that is, the on-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is performed as required. In order to get a more deterministic BA, the shannon expansion is used recursively during expanding LTL formulae. Ordered binary decision diagrams are used to represent the BA and simplify LTL formulae.We compare the conversion algorithm presented in this paper to previousworks, and show that it is more efficient for five families LTL formulae in common use and four sets of random formulae generated by LBTT (an LTL-to-Büchi translator testbench).  相似文献   

Several methods have been developed to construct λ-free automata that represent a regular expression. Among the most widely known are the position automaton (Glushkov), the partial derivatives automaton (Antimirov) and the follow automaton (Ilie and Yu). All these automata can be obtained with quadratic time complexity, thus, the comparison criterion is usually the size of the resulting automaton. The methods that obtain the smallest automata (although, for general expressions, they are not comparable), are the follow and the partial derivatives methods. In this paper, we propose another method to obtain a λ-free automaton from a regular expression. The number of states of the automata we obtain is bounded above by the size of both the partial derivatives automaton and of the follow automaton. Our algorithm also runs with the same time complexity of these methods.  相似文献   

马子睿 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,5(9):7273-7273,7297
主要介绍了有穷自动机的基础知识,研究了有穷自动机的等价性,并在确定型有穷自动机的状态集上引入等价关系,给出了自动机的最小化过程。利用等价归并算法,可以将某一给定的确定型有穷自动机状态集上的等价状态归并掉.生成与其等价的最小化的确定型有穷自动机。  相似文献   

Zeno-timelocks constitute a challenge for the formal verification of timed automata: they are difficult to detect, and the verification of most properties (e.g., safety) is only correct for timelock-free models. Some time ago, Tripakis proposed a syntactic check on the structure of timed automata: if a certain condition (called strong non-zenoness’ SNZ) is met by all the loops in a given automaton, then zeno-timelocks are guaranteed not to occur. Checking for SNZ is efficient, and compositional (if all components in a network of automata are strongly non-zeno, then the network is free from zeno-timelocks). Strong non-zenoness, however, is sufficient-only: There exist non-zeno specifications which are not strongly non-zeno. A TCTL formula is known that represents a sufficient-and-necessary condition for non-zenoness; unfortunately, this formula requires a demanding model-checking algorithm, and not all model-checkers are able to express it. In addition, this algorithm provides only limited diagnostic information. Here we propose a number of alternative solutions. First, we show that the compositional application of SNZ can be weakened: some networks can be guaranteed to be free from Zeno-timelocks, even if not every component is strongly non-zeno. Secondly, we present new syntactic, sufficient-only conditions that complement SNZ. Finally, we describe a sufficient-and-necessary condition that only requires a simple form of reachability analysis. Furthermore, our conditions identify the cause of zeno-timelocks directly on the model, in the form of unsafe loops. We also comment on a tool that we have developed, which implements the syntactic checks on Uppaal models. The tool is also able to derive, from those unsafe loops in a given automaton (in general, an Uppaal model representing a product automaton of a given network), the reachability formulas that characterise the occurrence of zeno-timelocks. A modified version of the carrier sense multiple access with collision detection protocol is used as a case-study.  相似文献   

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