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基于VPRS的信息系统近似决策规则优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于变精度粗糙集模型,在决策信息系统中定义近似协调等价类的一种近似约简;构造相应的区分函数,利用布尔推理理论求取近似协调等价类的近似约简,并由此获取近似决策规则的简化决策规则。利用这个方法得到的简化决策规则,与原系统中的近似决策规则是相容的。  相似文献   

一种基于决策矩阵的属性约简及规则提取算法   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
研究了Rough集理论中属性约简和值约简问题,扩展了决策矩阵的定义,提出了一种基于决策矩阵的完备属性约简算法,该算法利用决策属性把论域划分成多个等价类,然后利用每个等价类对应的决策矩阵计算属性约简。与区分矩阵相比,采用决策矩阵可以有效地减少存储空间,提高约简算法效率。同时,借助决策矩阵进行值约简,提出了一种新的规则提取算法,使最终得到的决策规则更加简洁。实验结果表明,本文提出的属性约简和值约简算法是正确、有效、可行的。  相似文献   

现有规则提取方法大多数只能在相容决策系统中提取规则,并且提取出的规则冗余度高、用户不易理解。针对该问题,提出一种基于对象集覆盖的规则提取方法,利用粗糙集理论将对象集划分为相应的等价类,根据属性特征值的一致性程度和相似程度产生有效性规则,通过等价类划分和对象集覆盖解决不相容决策系统的规则提取问题。算例分析结果表明,该方法提取出的规则简单可靠,具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

信息系统数据清洗、规则提取的矩阵算法   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文在等价矩阵概念的基础上,分析了粗糙集知识系统中等价划分与等价矩阵的关系,采用等价矩阵来表示粗糙集的等价关系,提出了一种对数据库知识系统进行数据清洗、从中提取决策规则的矩阵算法,并分析了该算法的计算复杂性.该算法具有规则提取的工程实用性,主要优点在于能够获得信息系统中所有有价值的决策规则.文中通过实例表明了这种算法的有效性.  相似文献   

小样本条件下,根据粗糙集理论构建的决策规则受数据来源偶然性误差影响较大,个别数据样本难以反映真实知识关系.为解决小样本条件下粗糙集决策规则可信度未知的问题,提出信息区分量、属性影响方向等概念,运用Shapley值法进行属性权重分配,求取每个属性对决策结果的影响方向,进而得出决策规则的参考信度,以寻求真实可信且适合工程实际的决策规则.实例分析论证了所提方法的可行性以及对数据来源误差的分辨能力.  相似文献   

针对现有三支决策模型的研究对象多为单一性数据的决策系统,对于混合数据边界域样本处理的研究相对较少,本文面向混合数据提出了基于核属性的代价敏感三支决策边界域分类方法。该方法基于正域约简计算混合邻域决策系统的核属性集,在此基础上计算混合邻域类,并利用三支决策规则分别将对象划分到各决策类的正域、边界域和负域;提出了一种基于代价敏感学习的三支决策边界域分类方法,并构造了误分类代价的计算方法,以此划分边界域中的对象。通过对UCI上的10个数据集进行实验对比与分析,进一步验证了本文方法,为处理边界域样本提供了一种可行有效的方法。  相似文献   

网格下最大频繁项集挖掘算法的实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着网格和数据挖掘技术的发展,提出了网格平台下最大频繁项集数据挖掘算法,采用数据库的垂直表示和基于前缀关系的等价划分,以等价类长度的指数函数作为等价类的权值,减少剪枝对负载的影响,合理划分等价类,在动态负载平衡情况下使处理机异步计算,大大提高算法的执行效率。实验证明设计的算法有较好的可扩展性,其性能明显优于其他相关算法。  相似文献   

现有的属性约简方法大部分关注决策系统中的所有决策类,而在实际决策过程中决策者往往仅关注决策系统中的一种或几种决策类。针对上述问题,提出基于多特定决策类的不完备决策系统正域约简的理论框架。首先,给出不完备决策系统单特定决策类正域约简的概念;第二,将单特定决策类正域约简推广到多特定决策类,构造了相应的差别矩阵及区分函数;第三,分析并证明了相关定理,提出基于差别矩阵的不完备决策系统多特定决策类正域约简算法(PRMDM);最后,选取4组UCI数据集进行实验。在数据集Teaching-assistant-evaluation、House、Connectionist-bench和Cardiotocography上,基于差别矩阵的不完备决策系正域约简算法(PRDM)的平均约简长度分别为4.00、13.00、9.00和20.00,PRMDM算法(多特定决策类中决策类数目为2)的平均约简长度分别为3.00、8.00、8.00和18.00。实验结果验证了PRMDM算法的有效性。  相似文献   

周涛  陆惠玲  马苗  杨鹏飞 《计算机应用》2015,35(10):2803-2807
医学影像感兴趣区域(ROI)的噪声和疾病误判是一个典型的不一致性决策问题,同时也是困扰临床诊断的一个难题。针对这个问题,基于宏观与微观结合、全局与局部相结合的思想,提出了基于一致度、覆盖度和包含度的磁共振成像(MRI)前列腺肿瘤ROI不一致决策算法(ItoC-CIC)。首先提取MRI前列腺肿瘤ROI的高维特征,得到完备不一致决策信息表;然后通过计算不一致度找到不一致样本所在的等价类;再计算不一致等价类的覆盖度和包含度得到Score值,利用Score值筛选不一致样本,实现不一致性决策向一致性决策的转换;最后通过典型算例、UCI数据集和实验提取的前列腺肿瘤ROI特征构成的不一致决策信息表等进行验证。实验结果表明,所提算法能有效地找到并筛选掉不一致性样本。  相似文献   

在现实应用中,区间值数据会因为测量、干扰或信息传输等噪声影响导致数据出现缺失值,而且这些数据随着时间推移呈现动态递增趋势,忽略或删除这些数据很有可能导致有用信息的丢失而出现决策误判。为此,针对这一问题,提出面向不完备区间值决策系统的三支决策模型和增量式规则获取算法。首先定义不完备区间值数据的量化相似容差关系,构造出基于不完备区间值决策系统的三支决策模型;其次从两个层级分析对象集动态规则获取策略,提出增量式规则获取算法;最后,通过一组UCI数据集对该算法进行验证。实验结果表明,该算法不仅能减少误划分损失获得更高的划分精度,而且在运行时间上也具有较大优越性。  相似文献   

本文说明了一种决策模型的自动生成及管理系统的设计与实现方法。该系统能够辅助人们去建立一种基于决策表的决策模型,自动进行各种检验,并能将此模型转换成另外两种决策模型。此外,它还具有决策模型库和应用案例库的管理功能。该系统已成功地运用到多个大型信息系统的开发之中。  相似文献   

基于含有多值决策信息的决策形式背景,提出序决策形式背景的概念及其序决策概念格的相关理论,给出序决策概念格的决策规则及规则的置信度与支持度,并讨论决策规则在实际应用中的意义.在此基础上定义保持规则不变的属性约简,同时得到保持序决策概念格结构不变的属性约简方法.最后讨论序决策形式背景保持规则不变的约简与保持格结构不变的约简之间的关系.  相似文献   

从多维数据分析的角度出发,对Delphi的决策支持组件Dcision Cube进行了介绍,并介绍了如何利用Dicision Cube进行多维数据分析以及支持决策,最后简要对Decision Cube进行了总结。  相似文献   

一种基于Agent的决策支持系统生成器新框架   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
刘宏  袁捷 《计算机工程》1999,25(12):65-67
在已有DSS框架的基础上,提出了一种基于Agent决策支持系统生成器新框架,并讨论了该框架中各类Agent的结构和实现方式。  相似文献   

We propose the use of Vapnik's vicinal risk minimization (VRM) for training decision trees to approximately maximize decision margins. We implement VRM by propagating uncertainties in the input attributes into the labeling decisions. In this way, we perform a global regularization over the decision tree structure. During a training phase, a decision tree is constructed to minimize the total probability of misclassifying the labeled training examples, a process which approximately maximizes the margins of the resulting classifier. We perform the necessary minimization using an appropriate meta-heuristic (genetic programming) and present results over a range of synthetic and benchmark real datasets. We demonstrate the statistical superiority of VRM training over conventional empirical risk minimization (ERM) and the well-known C4.5 algorithm, for a range of synthetic and real datasets. We also conclude that there is no statistical difference between trees trained by ERM and using C4.5. Training with VRM is shown to be more stable and repeatable than by ERM.  相似文献   

We present a new classifier fusion method to combine soft-level classifiers with a new approach, which can be considered as a generalized decision templates method. Previous combining methods based on decision templates employ a single prototype for each class, but this global point of view mostly fails to properly represent the decision space. This drawback extremely affects the classification rate in such cases: insufficient number of training samples, island-shaped decision space distribution, and classes with highly overlapped decision spaces. To better represent the decision space, we utilize a prototype selection method to obtain a set of local decision prototypes for each class. Afterward, to determine the class of a test pattern, its decision profile is computed and then compared to all decision prototypes. In other words, for each class, the larger the numbers of decision prototypes near to the decision profile of a given pattern, the higher the chance for that class. The efficiency of our proposed method is evaluated over some well-known classification datasets suggesting superiority of our method in comparison with other proposed techniques.  相似文献   

Independence between detectors is normally assumed in order to simplify the algorithms and techniques used in decision fusion. In this paper, we derive the optimum fusion rule of N non-independent detectors in terms of the individual probabilities of detection and false alarm and defined dependence factors. This has interest for the implementation of the optimum detector, the incorporation of specific dependence models and for gaining insights into the implications of dependence. This later is illustrated with a detailed analysis of the two equally-operated non-independent detectors case. We show, for example, that not any dependence model is compatible with an arbitrary point of operation of the detectors, and that optimality of the counting rule is preserved in presence of dependence if the individual detectors are “good enough”. We have derived also the expressions of the probability of detection and false alarm after fusion of dependent detectors. Theoretical results are verified in a real data experiment with acoustic signals.  相似文献   

Decision tables     
Decision tables have been known for almost 20 years but there are still data processing shops where systems analysts and programmers have not used them at all. That is why it is felt important to re-open their case once again and publicize experience with their use, as well as more recent developments and expected future trends. It appears, from experience gained with decision tables over the past 10 years, that they can be of great help in programming, program maintenance, as well as in design communication between analysts and programmers. To assist also in training, a brief user's guide is included in this article, which is belived to make the first attempts to easier design of a decision table. Finally, the procedure adopted to implement a machine independent (portable) decision-table preprocessor for COBOL is outlined. In as much as the availability of such a preprocessor appears essential for the degree of use of decision tables, this single fact may well become a milestone in the overall popularity of decision tables world-wide.  相似文献   

在系统需求分析的基础上完成了销售利润决策支持系统的开发,解决了销售利润决策中涉及的许多半结构化问题。该系统总体设计为八个子系统,融合了辅助决策、数据库和管理信息系统的相关技术。在系统实现过程中对决策支持系统的模型库、数据库和方法库的接口问题进行了探讨与实践。  相似文献   

A decision tree is a predictive model that recursively partitions the covariate’s space into subspaces such that each subspace constitutes a basis for a different prediction function. Decision trees can be used for various learning tasks including classification, regression and survival analysis. Due to their unique benefits, decision trees have become one of the most powerful and popular approaches in data science. Decision forest aims to improve the predictive performance of a single decision tree by training multiple trees and combining their predictions. This paper provides an introduction to the subject by explaining how a decision forest can be created and when it is most valuable. In addition, we are reviewing some popular methods for generating the forest, fusion the individual trees’ outputs and thinning large decision forests.  相似文献   

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