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现有CPU加速的高性能Linpack基准测试程序(HPL)一般采用基于实际运算能力的动态负载均衡算法来实现。然而该算法在单节点多GPU的平台上表现不佳,其原因是单节点多GPU平台上单个GPU计算量小,并且GPU与CPU的总性能差距较大。为此,提出了经验指导的动态负载均衡算法以及多GPU自适应负载均衡算法,并且在单节点多GPU平台上进行了验证,结果显示,其比现有的基于NVIDIA费米GPU的HPI有6.3%的加速效果。  相似文献   

CPU/GPU异构系统具有很大的发展潜力,深入研究CPU/GPU异构平台的并行优化,可实现系统整体计算能力的最大化。通过对CPU/GPU任务划分的优化来平衡CPU和GPU的负载,可提高计算资源的利用率,缩短计算任务的执行时间;通过对GPU线程划分的优化,可使GPU获得更高的速度。从而提高系统整体性能。  相似文献   

在异构资源环境中高效利用计算资源是提升任务效率和集群利用率的关键。Kuberentes作为容器编排领域的首选方案,在异构资源调度场景下调度器缺少GPU细粒度信息无法满足用户自定义需求,并且CPU/GPU节点混合部署下调度器无法感知异构资源从而导致资源竞争。综合考虑异构资源在节点上的分布及其硬件状态,提出一种基于Kubernetes的CPU/GPU异构资源细粒度调度策略。利用设备插件机制收集每个节点上GPU的详细信息,并将GPU资源指标提交给调度算法。在原有CPU和内存过滤算法的基础上,增加自定义GPU信息的过滤,从而筛选出符合用户细粒度需求的节点。针对CPU/GPU节点混合部署的情况,改进调度器的打分算法,动态感知应用类型,对CPU和GPU应用分别采用负载均衡算法和最小最合适算法,保证异构资源调度策略对不同类型应用的正确调度,并且在CPU资源不足的情况下充分利用GPU节点的碎片资源。通过对GPU细粒度调度和CPU/GPU节点混合部署情况下的调度效果进行实验验证,结果表明该策略能够有效进行GPU调度并且避免资源竞争。  相似文献   

为有效提高异构的CPU/GPU集群计算性能,提出一种支持异构集群的CPU与GPU协同计算的两级动态调度算法。根据各节点计算能力评测结果和任务请求动态分发数据,在节点内CPU和GPU之间动态调度任务,使用数据缓存和数据处理双队列机制,提高异构集群的传输和处理效率。该算法实现了集群各节点“能者多劳”,避免了单节点性能瓶颈造成的任务长尾现象。实验结果表明,该算法较传统MPI/GPU并行计算性能提高了11倍。  相似文献   

随着GPU通用计算能力的不断发展,一些新的更高效的处理技术应用到图像处理领域.目前已有一些图像处理算法移植到GPU中且取得了不错的加速效果,但这些算法没有充分利用CPU/GPU组成的异构系统中各处理单元的计算能力.文章在研究GPU编程模型和并行算法设计的基础上,提出了CPU/GPU异构环境下图像协同并行处理模型.该模型充分考虑异构系统中各处理单元的计算能力,通过图像中值滤波算法,验证了CPU/GPU环境下协同并行处理模型在高分辨率灰度图像处理中的有效性.实验结果表明,该模型在CPU/GPU异构环境下通用性较好,容易扩展到其他图像处理算法.  相似文献   

在多核中央处理器(CPU)—图形处理器(GPU)异构并行体系结构上,采用OpenMP和计算统一设备架构(CUDA)编程实现了基于AMBER力场的蛋白质分子动力学模拟程序。通过合理地将程序划分为CPU单线程、CPU多线程和GPU多线程执行部分,高效地利用了计算机的处理能力。性能测试结果表明,相对于优化后的CPU串行计算,多核CPU-GPU异构并行计算模型有强大的性能优势,特别是将占整个程序执行时间90%的作用力的计算移植到GPU上执行,获得了最高可达12倍的计算加速比。  相似文献   

针对GPU上应用开发移植困难的问题,提出了一种串行计算源程序到并行计算源程序的映射方法。该方法从串行源程序中获得可并行化循环的层次信息,建立循环体结构与GPU线程的对应关系,生成GPU端核心函数代码;根据变量引用读写属性生成CPU端控制代码。基于该方法实现了一个编译原型系统,完成了C语言源程序到CUDA源程序的自动生成。对原型系统在功能和性能方面的测试结果表明,该系统生成的CUDA源程序与C语言源程序在功能上一致,其性能有显著提高,在一定程度上解决了计算密集型应用向CPU-GPU异构多核系统移植困难的问题。  相似文献   

随着GPU(graphics processing unit,图像处理单元)的快速发展,其强大的计算能力使得GPU由最初仅用于加速图形计算,越来越多地应用到非图形领域的计算。在CPU-GPU体系中,CPU负责进行复杂的逻辑运算和事务管理等不适合并行处理的数据计算,GPU负责进行计算密集度高、逻辑分支简单的适合并行处理的大规模数据计算。CPU-GPU体系的不断完善,使得利用GPU来加速大规模科学计算成为了一种必然趋势。着眼GPU的应用开发,介绍在windows环境下CUDA+VS2008开发平台的构架,并对该构架下GPU与CPU的科学计算性能进行比对。  相似文献   

张丹丹  徐莹  徐磊 《计算机科学》2012,39(4):296-298,303
对CPU+GPU异构平台下的多种并行编程模式进行了研究,并针对格子Boltzmann方法实现了CUDA,MPI+CUDA,MPI+OpenMP+CUDA多级并行算法。结果表明,算法具有较好的加速性能;提出的根据计算量比例参数调节CPU和GPU之间负载均衡的方法,对于在异构平台上实现多级并行处理及资源的有效利用具有一定的参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

张延松  刘专  韩瑞琛  张宇  王珊 《软件学报》2023,34(11):5205-5229
GPU数据库近年来在学术界和工业界吸引了大量的关注. 尽管一些原型系统和商业系统(包括开源系统)开发了作为下一代的数据库系统, 但基于GPU的OLAP引擎性能是否真的超过CPU系统仍然存有疑问, 如果能够超越, 那什么样的负载/数据/查询处理模型更加适合, 则需要更深入的研究. 基于GPU的OLAP引擎有两个主要的技术路线: GPU内存处理模式和GPU加速模式. 前者将所有的数据集存储在GPU显存来充分利用GPU的计算性能和高带宽内存性能, 不足之处在于GPU容量有限的显存制约了数据集大小以及稀疏访问模式的数据存储降低GPU显存的存储效率. 后者只在GPU显存中存储部分数据集并通过GPU加速计算密集型负载来支持大数据集, 主要的挑战在于如何为GPU显存选择优化的数据分布和负载分布模型来最小化PCIe传输代价和最大化GPU计算效率. 致力于将两种技术路线集成到OLAP加速引擎中, 研究一个定制化的混合CPU-GPU平台上的OLAP框架OLAP Accelerator, 设计CPU内存计算、GPU内存计算和GPU加速3种OLAP计算模型, 实现GPU平台向量化查询处理技术, 优化显存利用率和查询性能, 探索GPU数据库的不同的技术路线和性能特征. 实验结果显示GPU内存向量化查询处理模型在性能和内存利用率两方面获得最佳性能, 与OmniSciDB和Hyper数据库相比性能达到3.1和4.2倍加速. 基于分区的GPU加速模式仅加速了连接负载来平衡CPU和GPU端的负载, 能够比GPU内存模式支持更大的数据集.  相似文献   

In light of GPUs’ powerful floating-point operation capacity,heterogeneous parallel systems incorporating general purpose CPUs and GPUs have become a highlight in the research field of high performance computing(HPC).However,due to the complexity of programming on GPUs,porting a large number of existing scientific computing applications to the heterogeneous parallel systems remains a big challenge.The OpenMP programming interface is widely adopted on multi-core CPUs in the field of scientific computing.To effectively inherit existing OpenMP applications and reduce the transplant cost,we extend OpenMP with a group of compiler directives,which explicitly divide tasks among the CPU and the GPU,and map time-consuming computing fragments to run on the GPU,thus dramatically simplifying the transplantation.We have designed and implemented MPtoStream,a compiler of the extended OpenMP for AMD’s stream processing GPUs.Our experimental results show that programming with the extended directives deviates from programming with OpenMP by less than 11% modification and achieves significant speedup ranging from 3.1 to 17.3 on a heterogeneous system,incorporating an Intel Xeon E5405 CPU and an AMD FireStream 9250 GPU,over the execution on the Xeon CPU alone.  相似文献   

Graphics processing units (GPU) have taken an important role in the general purpose computing market in recent years.At present,the common approach to programming GPU units is to write GPU specific cod...  相似文献   

The large volume of data and computational complexity of algorithms limit the application of hyperspectral image classification to real-time operations. This work addresses the use of different parallel processing techniques to speed up the Markov random field (MRF)-based method to perform spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral imagery. The Metropolis relaxation labelling approach is modified to take advantage of multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and to adapt it to massively parallel processing systems like graphics processing units (GPUs). The experiments on different hyperspectral data sets revealed that the implementation approach has a huge impact on the execution time of the algorithm. The results demonstrated that the modified MRF algorithm produced classification accuracy similar to conventional methods with greatly improved computational performance. With modern multi-core CPUs, good computational speed-up can be achieved even without additional hardware support. The CPU-GPU hybrid framework rendered the otherwise computationally expensive approach suitable for time-constrained applications.  相似文献   

Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a parallel processing language that is ideally suited for running parallel algorithms on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). In the present work we report on the development of a generic parallel single-GPU code for the numerical solution of a system of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) based on the OpenCL model. We have applied the code in the case of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation of atomic hydrogen in a strong laser field and studied its performance on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs against the serial performance on a CPU. We found excellent scalability and a significant speedup of the GPU over the CPU device. The speedup in the benchmark tended towards a value of about 40 with significant speedups expected against multi-core CPUs. Furthermore, though we do not present the detailed benchmarks here, we also have achieved speedup values of around 75 by performing a slight optimization of the described algorithm.  相似文献   

Widely adumbrated as patterns of parallel computation and communication, algorithmic skeletons introduce a viable solution for efficiently programming modern heterogeneous multi-core architectures equipped not only with traditional multi-core CPUs, but also with one or more programmable Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). By systematically applying algorithmic skeletons to address complex programming tasks, it is arguably possible to separate the coordination from the computation in a parallel program, and therefore subdivide a complex program into building blocks (modules, skids, or components) that can be independently created and then used in different systems to drive multiple functionalities. By exploiting such systematic division, it is feasible to automate coordination by addressing extra-functional and non-functional features such as application performance, portability, and resource utilisation from the component level in heterogeneous multi-core architectures. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to exploit the inherent features of skeleton-based applications in order to automatically coordinate them over heterogeneous (CPU/GPU) multi-core architectures and improve their performance. Our systematic evaluation demonstrates up to one order of magnitude speed-up on heterogeneous multi-core architectures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new hybrid solver based on the Schur complement method, in which computations are distributed between multiple CPUs and GPUs. In this solver, the Schur complement is formed either on CPUs (for small problems) or on GPUs (for large problems). The interface system is solved by a new multi-GPU algorithm implementing the conjugate gradient method with explicit preconditioning. Numerical simulations performed on a hybrid multi-core multi-GPU cluster demonstrate scalability and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the analysis and development of a cross-platform OpenCL implementation of the box-counting algorithm, which is one of the most widely-used methods for estimating the Fractal Dimension. The Fractal Dimension is a relevant image analysis method used in several disciplines, but computing it is in general a time consuming process, especially when working with 3D images. Unlike parallel programming models that strictly depend on the hardware type and manufacturer, like CUDA, OpenCL allows us to provide an implementation suitable for execution on both GPUs and multi-core CPUs, whatever the hardware manufacturer. Sorting is a key part of the fast box-counting algorithm and the final speedup is highly conditioned by the efficiency of the sorting algorithm used. Our study reveals that current OpenCL implementations of sorting algorithms are clearly slower when compared with both CUDA for GPU and specific multi-core CPU implementations. Our OpenCL algorithm has been specifically optimized according the type of the target device and the results show an average speedup of up to 7.46× and 4×, when executed on the GPU and the multi-core CPU respectively, both compared with the single-threaded (sequential) CPU implementation.  相似文献   

Open computing language (OpenCL) is a new industry standard for task-parallel and data-parallel heterogeneous computing on a variety of modern CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, and other microprocessor designs. OpenCL is vendor independent and hence not specialized for any particular compute device. To develop efficient OpenCL applications for the particular platform, we still need a more profound understanding of architecture features on the OpenCL model and computing devices. For this purpose, we design and implement an OpenCL micro-benchmark suite for GPUs and CPUs. In this paper, we introduce the implementations of our OpenCL micro benchmarks, and present the measuring results of hardware and software features like performance of mathematical operations, bus bandwidths, memory architectures, branch synchronizations and scalability, etc., on two multi-core CPUs, i.e. AMD Athlon II X2 250 and Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5400, and two different GPUs, i.e. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460se and AMD Radeon HD 6850. We also compared the measuring results with existing benchmarks to demonstrate the reasonableness and correctness of our benchmark suite.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on evaluating the computational performance of parallel spatial interpolation with Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) that is developed by utilizing modern GPUs. The RBFs can be used in spatial interpolation to build explicit surfaces such as Discrete Elevation Models. When interpolating with large-size of data points and interpolated points for building explicit surfaces, the computational cost would be quite expensive. To improve the computational efficiency, we specifically develop a parallel RBF spatial interpolation algorithm on many-core GPUs, and compare it with the parallel version implemented on multi-core CPUs. Five groups of experimental tests are conducted on two machines to evaluate the computational efficiency of the presented GPU-accelerated RBF spatial interpolation algorithm. Experimental results indicate that: in most cases, the parallel RBF interpolation algorithm on many-core GPUs does not have any significant advantages over the parallel version on multi-core CPUs in terms of computational efficiency. This unsatisfied performance of the GPU-accelerated RBF interpolation algorithm is due to: (1) the limited size of global memory residing on the GPU, and (2) the need to solve a system of linear equations in each GPU thread to calculate the weights and prediction value of each interpolated point.  相似文献   

The rapid development of technologies and applications in recent years poses high demands and challenges for high-performance computing. Because of their competitive performance/price ratio, heterogeneous many-core architectures are widely used in high-performance computing areas. GPU and Xeon Phi are two popular general-purpose many-core accelerators. In this paper, we demonstrate how heterogeneous many-core architectures, powered by multi-core CPUs, CUDA-enabled GPUs and Xeon Phis can be used as an efficient computational platform to accelerate popular option pricing algorithms. In order to make full use of the compute power of this architecture, we have used a hybrid computing model which consists of two types of data parallelism: worker level and device level. The worker level data parallelism uses a distributed computing infrastructure for task distribution, while the device level data parallelism uses both the multi-core CPUs and many-core accelerators for fast option pricing calculation. Experiments show that our implementations achieve good performance and scalability on this architecture and also outperform other state-of-the-art GPU-based solutions for Monte Carlo European/American option pricing and BSDE European option pricing.  相似文献   

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