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本文详细的阐述了大型综合单位普遍使用的UPS电源系统的基本类型、原理及特点,并对如何根据本单位具体情况进行合理配置进行了详细说明。对蓄电池配置中存在的问题进行了详细的讲解。对UPS电源如何全面、完善维护做了详细指导。以此来提高UPS的安全使用水平,延长了UPS电源的使用寿命。  相似文献   

娄青 《电脑学习》2010,(2):60-62
对区域性的学校电教管理系统的开发做了详细阐述,并提出了详细的解决方案。  相似文献   

详细介绍了MPEG-4交互实现机制,针对MPEG-4基于对象编码可交互的特点设计了一个基于MPEG-4交互式多媒体系统的基本框架,并对该框架中的基本模块进行了详细的分析,最后利用DirectShow技术对各个组件进行了详细的设计.  相似文献   

主要针对筛子的漫机头保护原理进行了详细说明,并通过实例进行了详细的说明,取得了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了基于GPIB总线技术的电源测试系统;详细介绍了系统的硬件组成;详细介绍了软件的用户界面及功用。  相似文献   

简单地描述了当前图书管理系统存在的一些问题,并详细地介绍了图书管理系统的概要设计的详细过程。  相似文献   

人工情感研究综述*   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
对人工情感研究现状及其相关应用进行了较为详细的分析与综述,对研究难点及未来的发展趋势也进行了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   

详细介绍了音响在广播中的作用,并结合实际阐述了音响技术在广播中的应用,对于要获得较好的音响效果所采取的设置方法进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了我校实验室局域网中ArcGIS环境的搭建过程.首先简要介绍GIS软件,着重对最为常用的软件ArcGIS的历史、发展历程及其应用进行较为详细的描述,然后对在实验室局域网环境下如何安装搭建ArcGIS平台做了详细说明,最后总结了本人所做工作.  相似文献   

IntraWebXI的特点是可以建立传统的网站,详细介绍了用IntraWebXI开发网站的关键步骤,并附有详细的源代码。  相似文献   

Previous and current research on ant colonies have focused on the emergence of complex and sophisticated group-behaviors that are characteristic of the whole colony, starting from simple rules characterizing each individual ant. Examples of emergent behaviors include foraging and nest building. While social scientists, biologists, and physicists have focused on observing and analyzing the behavior of actual ants, researchers in computer science have investigated through modeling and simulation of synthetic ants on the computer, the emergent behavior in a collection of simple robots, simulated evolution of computer programs, and the formation of pheromone patterns during foraging under unlimited food supply. This paper has two objectives. First, it presents a systematic study, through behavior modeling and simulation, of the influence of the presence or absence of pheromone, the duration interval of pheromone, the extent of the food supply at the food sources, the size of the colony, and the search strategy employed during foraging, for a given geometry and a finite number of food sources, on the performance of the ant colony. The second and most important objective of this paper is to scientifically study the nature of creativity by modeling synthetic creativity in an ant colony, simulating it on a computer system, and measuring its impact on performance through innovative metric design. The study is motivated by leading thinkers, throughout time, who have strongly emphasized the importance of creativity over intelligence. While an exact and universal definition of creativity is elusive, the important characteristics include originality, intuition, and imagination. Creativity is best understood through its manifestations as novel and radically different ideas that transcend current knowledge and reasoning. In this study, two synthetic creativity traits are introduced into select individual ants of a colony by imparting to them a foraging behavior that is radically different from the normal behavior. Under the first trait, the creative ants choose to ignore the existing pheromone trails and search for food sources. Under the second trait, a creative ant shares its knowledge of food source location, after discovery, with all other creative ants, so that together they can focus solely on discovering new food sources. Analysis of the simulation results reveal that a creative trait coupled with the underlying parameters of the ant colony may cause the foraging completion time metric, i.e. the time to collect food from all sources, to be marginally better or weaker than the normal colony. Contrary to intuition, the completion time metric worsens when, in a fixed sized colony, the number of creative ants, relative to normal ants, becomes excessive. Furthermore, for a given finite geometry, finite food supply, and a fixed ratio of the number of creative to normal ants, the impact of creativity on the foraging performance is dependent on the underlying parameters, and may either continue to improve, remain unchanged, or decrease, as the size of the colony increases. Finally, while the creative ants expend, on an average, two to three times more energy than the normal ants, the ant colony with the creative ants discovers more food sources, in less time and, under certain circumstances, a creative colony discovers all food sources which a normal colony can never achieve.  相似文献   

The simulation game, which involves the interaction of a geological model, a set of rules, and teaching materials, is used to teach students and professional people attending refresher courses the techniques of mineral exploration. Using geochemical and geophysical measurements, including detailed borehole logs, the students plan an exploration strategy, control the exploration budget, discover the structure and geology of the area represented by the model, outline probable mineralizations, and evaluate the ore reserves. They choose the borehole locations, the type of drilling machine, and the drilling depth, taking continually into consideration the financial aspects.The model is multidisciplinary, involving stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, tectonics, climatic conditions, metallogeny, mineralogy, and petrology. Certain of these characteristics are expressed as complex mathematical functions, which are solved by the program. The computer program also prints out the detailed borehole logs, controls the budget and drilling equipment, and enforces the rules of the game.  相似文献   

在对氯乙烯精馏这个复杂生产过程工艺及控制的分析基础上,提出了低沸塔回流、低塔釜加热、中间过料、高塔回流、高塔釜加热、成品冷凝等回路的控制模型。并介绍了用开放的DCS进行的组态、调试过程。因其图形化组态工具的直观、灵活、功能强,使复杂的控制问题简单化,且控制对工况变化的适应性强。经生产实际运行表明,产品质量、生产能力均超过预期值。  相似文献   

归纳总结了计算机用户在日常工作、生活中可能碰到的多种代表性的电脑软硬件故障和问题及解决方法。各种故障问题类型和故障排除思维习惯来编排,具体包括开关机故障、死机故障、显示故障、声音故障、存储设备故障、CPU故障、内存故障、主板故障。在碰到电脑故障时,能快速判断和解决一些有规律可循的常见故障,以及如何维护电脑、如何避免电脑故障。  相似文献   

社会Agent的BDO模型   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前MAS中思维状态的研究趋势是在个体模型中加入社会思维属性,研究社会承诺、依赖、联合意图的推理关系。在BDI模型中,以意图为中心的观点不描述社会Agent。该文分析了以竭力为中心的Agent思维状态研究存在的问题,提出MAS的分层模型,并提出以信念、愿望和义务作为基本思维属性(简称BDO)来描述Agent的思维状态和社会属性,给出了BDO逻辑和语义模型,考虑了奖励、惩罚、承诺和承诺解除问题,并对队、组织、组织意图等现象给出了描述。该文力图更自然地描述社会性Agent的思维状态和群体概念,是对Rao和Georgeff提出的BDI模型的改进。最后通过一个例子说明了BDO的表达能力。进一步的工作包括建立更为完善的语义模型、结合各个思维属性的动态修正语义给出BDO Agent的动态模型以及给出基于BDO逻辑框架的Agent/MAS实现结构。  相似文献   

中华民族文化资源丰富、种类繁多且艺术形式多样,源于民族,植根民间,承载着历史记忆,延续着文化血脉,是中华民族的根与魂。文化遗产分布广、流传年代长,具有多样性、独特性和不可再生性等特点,是研究古代人类文明发展的珍贵资料。目前随着信息技术的迅猛发展以及全球化的冲击,其传承形式发生了根本性变化,特别是非物质文化遗产的人际传承方式,因此亟待在资源与媒介、内容与技术之间搭建技术的桥梁,支撑中华文化遗产的数字化传承。本文基于先进的智能计算、数字媒体和虚拟现实/增强现实技术,结合文化遗产的传播过程和艺术特点,对文化遗产收集理解、虚实结合智能展示交互和智慧化平台建设等活化关键技术的发展现状、前沿动态、热点问题和发展趋势进行分析和综述。在文化遗产收集理解方面,针对复杂文物数字化所存在的瓶颈问题,介绍数字化采集与重建关键技术;介绍文化遗产元素、主题和风格等特征提取算法,分析文化遗产的构图特征、分布特征、色彩特征和造型特征等数字化模拟过程中的关键技术,介绍基于语义特征分析、理解和识别的文化遗产理解及建设关键技术。对比和分析传统图形图像处理和深度学习方法在民族文化数字化仿真过程的优缺点,比较算法特点和算法效率,阐述存在的问题和难点,并对民族文化数字化仿真进行展望。在虚实结合智能展示交互方面,针对文化遗产的实体化展示和虚拟化展示特点,结合前沿信息技术,以多模态图像处理、小样本学习以及风格化图像生成方法为技术手段,基于多源异构大数据分析、知识图谱及深度学习等研究,综述文化遗产数字化修复的关键技术。面向文化遗产3D交互展示的需求,结合文本、音频、视频、语义和故事检索,介绍基于内容的自然人机交互技术;通过实时逼真、虚实融合渲染以及基于增强现实技术介绍相应的数字展品虚拟交互展示新技术。在智慧化平台建设方面,针对目前文化遗产智慧化平台系统管理分散导致业务协同不畅、数据缺乏统一规范导致数据难以共享,系统维护难度大、管理成本高以及用户使用不便等诸多问题,介绍文化遗产大数据模型与私有云架构关键技术研究以及相关的智慧平台建设项目。通过以上文化遗产活化的关键技术主动融入国家发展重大战略,有利于挖掘和提升民族文化遗产保护传承技术,促进文化遗产活化技术的合理利用,扩大传播影响,对弘扬中华文明、促进文化繁荣、建设少数民族示范区以及构筑文化自信具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于Bert-base,Chinese预训练模型参数巨大,在做分类任务微调时内部参数变化较小,易产生过拟合现象,泛化能力弱,且该模型是以字为单位进行的预训练,包含词信息量较少。针对这些问题,提出了BERT-TECNN模型,模型使用Bert-base,Chinese模型作为动态字向量模型,输出包含深度特征信息的字向量,Transformer encoder层再次对数据进行多头自注意力计算,提取特征信息,以提高模型的泛化能力,CNN层利用不同大小卷积核,捕捉每条数据中不同长度词的信息,最后应用softmax进行分类。该模型与Word2Vec+CNN、Word2Vec+BiLSTM、Elmo+CNN、BERT+CNN、BERT+BiLSTM、BERT+Transformer等深度学习文本分类模型在三种数据集上进行对比实验,得到的准确率、精确率、召回率、F1测度值均为最高。实验表明该模型有效地提取了文本中字词的特征信息,优化了过拟合问题,提高了泛化能力。  相似文献   

Design and application of industrial machine vision systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, the role and importance of the machine vision systems in the industrial applications are described. First understanding of the vision in terms of a universal concept is explained. System design methodology is discussed and a generic machine vision model is reported. Such a machine includes systems and sub-systems, which of course depend on the type of applications and required tasks. In general, expected functions from a vision machine are the exploitation and imposition of the environmental constraint of a scene, the capturing of the images, analysis of those captured images, recognition of certain objects and features within each image, and the initiation of subsequent actions in order to accept or reject the corresponding objects. After a vision system performs all these stages, the task in hand is almost completed. Here, the sequence and proper functioning of each system and sub-systems in terms of high-quality images is explained. In operation, there is a scene with some constraint, first step for the machine is the image acquisition, pre-processing of image, segmentation, feature extraction, classification, inspection, and finally actuation, which is an interaction with the scene under study. At the end of this report, industrial image vision applications are explained in detail. Such applications include the area of automated visual inspection (AVI), process control, parts identification, and important role in the robotic guidance and control. Vision developments in manufacturing that can result in improvements in the reliability, in the product quality, and enabling technology for a new production process are presented. The key points in design and applications of a machine vision system are also presented. Such considerations can be generally classified into the six different categories such as the scene constraints, image acquisition, image pre-processing, image processing, machine vision justification, and finally the systematic considerations. Each aspect of such processes is described here and the proper condition for an optimal design is reported.  相似文献   

针对传统的基于单一特征的植物lncRNA识别的局限性,提出了融合RNA序列的开放阅读框、二级结构以及k-mers等多特征方法,训练高斯朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机和梯度提升决策树3种经典的分类模型,并实现分类结果的集成,利用交叉验证对模型的性能进行了评估,整体性能优于目前较流行的CPAT、CNCI和PLEK预测软件,在拟南芥数据集上总体的准确率达到了89%。另外,基于内源性竞争规则以及RNA结构信息,分别对lncRNA-microRNA和microRNA-mRNA进行靶向预测、筛选,再通过整合预测数据建立互作网络,并对网络模块中的lncRNA进行功能预测。通过GO术语分析,对与mRNA相关的lncRNA可能参与的生物调控过程进行预测,推测它们的相应功能。  相似文献   

随着基建项目业务量的增大,对主网项目电子化台账工作录入数据准确性、规范性、及时性、精准性确定了更高的目标,不仅要准确建立台账设备、部件、功能位置信息外,还需要熟悉了解一次接线图和现场设备,而且对录入电子化台账层次结构的准确性做到审核把关。从不同维度,进行了原因分析、要因确认、对策制定与实施的方法,提高了录入台账的准确率、台账闭环率、降低人力成本浪费、减少了重复性工作,确保了台账闭环的及时性。在专业审核工作做到及时审核、及时跟踪、及时完善资料,减少了资源浪费提高了效率。以业务点为指引,编制了《遵义供电局基建主网输变电线路台账工作流程图》,缩短了做台账时间,规范了流程,提升了电子化台账录入数据质量,实现电子化台账层次结构准确性、录入信息的精准性,使台账能顺利按期投运,为基建主网信息化数据质量跃升上了一个的台阶。  相似文献   

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