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当前生鲜农产品供应链体系通常采用中心化管理模式,存在不同用户之间信息不对称、缺乏实时信息共享平台以及产品来源可追溯性差等问题。为了解决这些问题,采用区块链技术作为开发框架,提出一个基于区块链技术的生鲜农产品供应链的信息共享和可追溯模型,该模型系统具有信息共享、调度实时控制、溯源机制完善等特点。通过设计智能合约算法和新型的交易提案方式,实现自动化管理生鲜农产品供应链系统,以更好地可视化展现区块链网络交易流程。使用Caliper工具进行性能测试,实验结果表明,该方案可行性高,多节点环境下系统交易时延低,同时可以保证信息安全,具备完善的交易功能。最后,选取几个现有的农产品溯源应用系统做对比分析,该方案相较于现有的农产品溯源应用系统具有更强的溯源监管能力,更高的交易可靠性,以及更好的供应链各环节节点间的数据交互性等优势。  相似文献   

针对目前农产品供应链追溯系统存在的数据存储容量低、管理中心化、可扩展性差、参与主体隐私信息得不到保证等问题,使用Hyperledger Fabric v2.0平台设计了基于主从联盟链结构的农产品供应链追溯系统。该系统基于已构建的主从联盟链模型存储供应链的信息,利用联盟链的多通道设计方案保证了供应链各参与主体隐私信息的安全性。通过在供应链的各参与主体中部署物联网设备进行信息的采集、处理和上传,保证了供应链存储的信息无人为窜改、安全可信。同时,基于《食品安全国家标准》设计了主从链间的智能合约,用于判断各参与主体上传信息的合理性,以实现从源头保证食品的安全质量。此外,设计了分簇集群传输方法以较低的能耗上传农场中物联网设备产生的大量数据。实验结果表明,该系统可以以较低的时延构建农产品供应链,并且可以在较短时间内返回消费者查询的信息。另外,使用分簇集群传输方法可以明显降低物联网设备传输数据产生的能耗。所设计的农产品供应链追溯系统最终实现了农产品供应链的公开透明,提高了供应链信息溯源效率,增加了消费者对食品安全的信任度。  相似文献   

由于农产品在种植、管理、采摘、贮运和销售等各环节均存在各种潜在的风险,食品的的质量和安全性受到各方面因素的威胁。因此旨在建立一个农产品溯源管控机制,提出了一个完整的农产品溯源系统的解决方案,消费者可根据标签上的二维码信息对农产品进行信息追溯,同时政府部门也可以做好农产品监管工作,从而确保农产品在整个供应链中都能实现溯源跟踪和质量管控。  相似文献   

基于区块链的农产品溯源系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对部分农产品溯源系统存在溯源信息集中、信息易被篡改、信息不透明的突出问题,利用区块链去中心化、不可篡改、公开透明的特点,以传统农产品溯源系统的问题分析为前提,以构建基于区块链的农产品溯源系统模型为基础,利用数据分片实现农产品信息的分布式存储,设计智能合约使系统满足实际交易过程,构建系统架构并实现该区块链溯源系统.系统实现了农产品的可信溯源,保障了农产品质量信息的安全性和可信性.  相似文献   

区块链作为新兴的分布式数据库技术,具有公开透明、不可篡改和易于追溯等特征,与供应链产品溯源具有良好的契合度。针对汽车供应链面临的缺乏信任、溯源难度大及信息共享效率低等问题,运用区块链技术,设计了基于区块链的汽车供应链产品追溯系统。选用以太坊作为系统的开发平台,设计了授权管理、信息录入、溯源转移和链上查询等功能模块,根据功能需求设计了智能合约,增加了对敏感数据的处理环节。系统中配置了原材料供应商、零部件供应商、整车厂以及分销商4个参与主体,提供了监管部门与消费者的溯源接口。通过实例对溯源系统进行展示。研究表明:区块链溯源系统与传统的溯源方式相比,产品数据的安全性和溯源效率等方面具有明显优势。  相似文献   

基于侧链技术的供应链溯源系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中心化设计的供应链溯源系统的性能提升依赖于中心服务器,且存在监管追责难、中间流转节点多、数据不透明等问题。为此,将区块链技术应用于供应链溯源领域,设计并实现一种基于侧链技术的供应链溯源系统。通过以太坊智能合约实现供应链中的货物管理、信息共享与产品溯源,利用侧链技术对以太坊进行扩容,使其满足实际应用的需求。实验结果表明,该系统能够对供应链上的产品进行全生命周期的追踪溯源,方便用户验证、查询以及第三方监管,且其吞吐量高达200 TPS,每笔交易开销低至0.07元。  相似文献   

区块链技术在农产品安全信息溯源中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农产品安全是国家和人民关注的民生焦点问题。文中将区块链技术应用在农产品安全信息溯源关键技术中,探索将两者技术有效融合,利用区块链去中心化、机器自治、不可篡改、公开透明、可完整追溯等特性,建立农产品供应链可信追溯模型和系统,保证农产品整个安全信息溯源链上所有数据真实、安全、透明和完整。  相似文献   

建立农产品生产全程质量追溯制度,应用农产品追溯管理系统,是提高农产品生产管理水平、控制农产品质量、保障消费安全的重要手段。文中基于物联网、云服务等技术,从基本架构、系统设计、功能实现等方面提出了农产品质量安全可视化溯源系统的设计思路,借助传感器、高清摄像机的应用,获取农产品生产过程关键环境数据及农产品生长过程视频图像信息,建立和完善农产品全程追溯电子档案。通过系统的应用,实现了农产品质量安全溯源信息的可视化展示,有效解决了农业企业生产管理和农产品追溯过程中存在的问题,进一步规范农产品的生产管理,提升农产品质量安全水平,推动农业产业现代化发展。  相似文献   

面向物流的RFID应用系统研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了两种基于RFID的可视化供应链管理模型,并且设计了一种基于RFID的可视化供应链管理的原型系统。该模型可以实现供应商和用户之间的货物追踪,同时可以实时监控库存情况,发出预警信息,并且可以结合上下游的库存历史进行实时的发货预测。本文的模型分析和原型系统设计对于利用RFID技术改善供应链上下游信息不明的现况,提高供应链管理的效率和水平具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了加强猪肉生产链的质量安全管理,设计了一种基于射频识别技术和数据库技术的猪肉溯源系统。对猪肉的养殖、检疫、屠宰、运输、销售等生产链全流程进行溯源信息录入和监管,并对各环节信息数据库变量标识进行设定,形成完整的流通信息链条和责任追溯链条。目前该系统已投入使用,溯源查询简便易行,对于生猪健康养殖和公众食品安全有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

谢建梅 《软件》2021,(1):19-22
本系统依据开发要求主要应用于南平市大农业供应链数据系统,实现对南平市大农业供应链信息的数字化管理。开发本系统可使南平市农产品供应链信息实现实时管理,比较系统地对农产品信息、生产基地及企业信息、农产品供需信息、农产品市场分析等四大类核心数据进行管理,数据具体并全面,同时可以减少劳动力的使用,解决下游农产品种植或生产常常出现无法预计的滞销问题,助力南平市农产品电商行业的发展,提高农产品电商信息化水平。本系统以南平市农产品的优势单品大类及生产大户为核心供应链为重点调查对象,并多方参考,前期充分做好可行性与需求分析,进而做出合理的功能设计,为开发出稳定、高效、安全、符合需求的系统提供强有力的保障,并严格按照软件开发流程进行系统开发。本文以Web技术为支撑,围绕如何实现南平市大农业供应链数据管理信息化,进行需求分析、功能设计、系统开发,研究开发出一套稳定、高效、安全、符合需求的供应链数据系统。  相似文献   

阐述了我国农产品供应链存在的问题。对构建农产品供应链信息平台进行了可行性分析的基础上.提出了一个善于Internet的区域农产品供应链信息平台的构建方案。  相似文献   

Nowadays, the product quality collaborative control technology in supply chain have been concentrated on by many researchers, however, tracing is still a less talking topic among them. Aiming to solve the quality tracing problem in supply chain, a methodology of designing information systems for traceability is proposed in this paper. Based on the former theories, the structures and models of quality tracing in supply chain are firstly introduced, also with a deep discussion on failure diagnosis technology and tracing system design, then a product quality tracing system in supply chain is established, which can provide an easier way and a new sight for the quality control in SCM (Supply Chain Management). Finally, a sample system is showed to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

It is estimated that wood raw material worth of approximately €5 billion is wasted annually in Europe. The major reason for this is that the raw material is not used in the most efficient way as information needed regarding the wood raw material is not available throughout the supply chain. An automatic traceability system makes it possible to utilise raw material information efficiently throughout the forestry-wood production chain and to maximize the raw material yield, and to optimise and to monitor the environmental impact, by linking the relevant information to the traced objects. This paper describes novel RFID technology and traceability solutions that have been developed for the wood products industry. RFID-marking connects the physical objects with their database counterparts thus allowing automatic tracing of the objects. The architecture is needed to the dynamic and decentralised nature of the wood industry. The developed novel RFID based technology allows tracing of individual logs from the tree felling to the sawing of the logs at the saw mill. By combining the traceability and process information systems, new methods are enabled for analysing the performance of the supply chain. As an example, the environmental performance of a product can be traced and analysed even on an individual level. This means that not only the performance from the own production of a manufacturer will be accessible, but also the upstream processes that constitute the product value chain and the life cycle performance for the product leaving the manufacturer.  相似文献   

针对农产品流通体系的效率低、流通链条协同效率不高、紧急情况下食品供给慢等问题,通过将农产品供应链调度问题建模成混合流水车间调度问题。结合禁忌搜索算法中禁忌表机制,离散化实数编码,提出了一种改进的哈里斯鹰算法来求解农产品供应链调度问题。该方法相比较原始的哈里斯鹰算法,降低了算法陷入局部最优的可能,进一步提高了算法的求解精度。实验结果表明:相比较对比算法,改进的哈里斯鹰算法在提出的农产品供应链调度问题模型上取得了更好的效果。  相似文献   

Because of the demand uncertainty of seasonal products, the retailer prefers to place an order as late as possible, so that he can have enough time to collect more information, which is helpful to reduce demand forecast error. On the other hand, the manufacturer has limited production capacity in general cases. The late ordering would result in insufficient production times, thus increasing the production cost. Such a conflict exists universally in a supply chain, especially in the seasonal products' supply chain. As a result, coordination between the retailer and the manufacturer becomes very important. In the paper, based on the traditional operating system, an improved operating system is introduced whose impact to both bodies of a supply chain is examined under the condition of information symmetry. The result shows that the manufacturer may not be better off or well off, although the retailer's performance is improved. Then, some profit compensation plans are designed so as to make the operating system Pareto improve  相似文献   

Real-time tracking and tracing are important in providing a unified view of global supply chains consisting of several parties. This paper illustrates the needs and requirements for managing supply chains in multi-company project environments by adopting various tracking and tracing technologies. This kind of tracking and tracing is especially needed within distributed architectures engaged in project-based businesses, where several vendors are involved in a single project. Such tracking and tracing data can be used extensively to generate key performance indicators, which can be used to measure and control supply chain processes. This paper also proposes a pilot system of a cloud-based portal for real-time tracking and tracing of logistics and supply chains. This portal is formed by the combination of RFID, IoT and blockchain technology into an integrated real-time view. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and IoT (Internet of Things) provides real-time information or data, while blockchain technology is used to provide a chain of immutable transactions. The architecture of the proposed portal system is connected to transport companies, tracking devices, consolidation points and suppliers. The pilot study also illustrates the benefits and advantages of such a portal system.  相似文献   

Due to the emergence of the Internet of Things, supply chain control can increasingly be based on virtual objects instead of on the direct observation of physical objects. Object virtualization allows the decoupling of control activities from the handling and observing of physical products and resources. Moreover, virtual objects can be enriched with information that goes beyond human observation. This will allow for more advanced control capabilities, e.g. concerning tracking and tracing, quality monitoring and supply chain (re)planning. This paper proposes a control model for object virtualization in supply chain management, which is based on a multiple case study in the Dutch floriculture. It includes a typology of distinct mechanisms for object virtualization, which discerns reference objects and future projections next to the representation of real physical objects. The control model helps to define feasible redesign options for the virtualization of supply chain control. It is also of value as a basis to define the requirements for information systems that enable these redesign options.  相似文献   

针对制造企业向供应链后端扩展的战略意义,文中从W企业开展以产品维修服务为主体内容的制造服务发展战略与业务需求为背景,坚持“业务驱动、IT引领”的方针,在新的需求基础上,充分理解业务,采用信息化手段优化、管理、控制业务流程,使业务数据标准化、规范化、集成化。文中以此为目的,提出了以维修服务为主体业务的制造服务企业间信息集成方案,研究了维修服务系统的工作原理以及整体需求。结合具体的系统需求,应用基于组件的系统分析设计思想,获取了系统业务组件及其组件问的依赖关系,最终给出了维修服务系统组件部署方案。  相似文献   

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