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杨耘  徐丽 《计算机应用》2014,34(6):1741-1745
针对高分辨率遥感图像分类中空间上下文信息表达的难题,提出了一种新的多尺度条件随机场(CRF)模型。首先将图像内容表示成从细到粗三个超像素层:区域层、对象层、场景层,并将超像素特征逐层关联形成特征向量;再利用支持向量机(SVM)定义CRF关联势函数,利用相邻超像素特征对比度加权的Potts模型定义CRF交互势函数,最后形成一个分层特征关联的多尺度SVM-CRF模型。以Quickbird遥感图像中两个复杂场景为测试数据对该模型的分类有效性进行了验证,结果表明:该模型比基于上述三个超像素层的单尺度SVM-CRF模型分类精度分别平均提高了2.68%、1.66%、3.75%,而且分类时耗时较少。  相似文献   

传统的遥感图像变化检测方法未能充分利用像素上下文信息,导致精度较低。针对这一问题,提出一种不需要像素概率分布假设、无监督的上下文光谱角映射图像变化检测方法。在像素变化的判别测试中,利用空间上下文信息特征,提高了变化检测精确度。此方法可用于卫星遥感图像中,利用上下文光谱角映射创建相似图像,基于K均值聚类算法将其分为有变化和无变化两类,以此生成映射图像。通过定性和定量分析,将试验结果与最大似然估计法(MLC)结果相比较。研究表明:无监督上下文光谱角映射图像变化检测方法精确度更高,可用于二时刻图像和多光谱图像变化检测问题。  相似文献   

针对遥感图像地物覆盖分类方法对图像空间分布信息利用不足的问题,提出一种基于超像素统计量的随机森林遥感图像分类方法。以北京市海淀区为研究区,选用Landsat-8卫星为主要数据源,通过改进SLIC超像素分割方法,使之适用于多光谱遥感图像中超像素的分割,提取超像素常见的六个统计量(最小值、最大值、均值、标准差、上四分位数、下四分位数)用于随机森林在遥感图像中的分类。实验结果表明,本文对研究区遥感图像的总体分类精度为89.01%,明显改善了对地物的错分和漏分现象,能够推广到Landsat-8遥感图像的地物覆盖分类工作中。  相似文献   

在主动学习的基础上,提出一种基于SLIC的高光谱遥感图像主动分类方法。首先提取图像纹理特征并与光谱特征融合,使用PCA对新数据进行降维,取前三个主成分构成假彩色图像,然后使用SLIC处理该图像获得超像素;接着随机抽取定量超像素作为初始训练样本,样本光谱信息为超像素样本中所有像素点的光谱信息均值,样本标签为超像素中出现次数最多的类别;然后通过主动学习得到SVM分类器;最后使用分类器对超像素分类得到其类别,并将超像素类别赋予其包含的像素点,从而达到高光谱遥感图像分类的目的。实验表明:该方法明显降低了主动学习过程的时间消耗,有效地提高了分类效果,其OA,AA和Kappa值显著优于未使用SLIC的主动学习方法。  相似文献   

在局部保留投影(LPP)特征提取算法的基础上,利用样本标签信息提出了一种有监督的局部保留投影算法(SPLPP),该算法的邻接图的权值不仅考虑了LPP算法中的相似性权值,而且加入了监督类的相关权值。SPLPP算法主要步骤是先用PCA去除高维超光谱遥感图像的冗余信息,再把监督机制引入到LPP中,实现图像的特征提取,将高维超光谱遥感图像投影到低维空间中,利于分类。应用SPLPP算法对高维的遥感原始超光谱图像进行特征提取后,利用支持向量机(SVM)和最近邻分类器(KNN)对降维后的遥感图像数据进行分类;并与PCA、LPP、LDA等特征提取算法进行了比较实验。实验表明:结合了LPP局部信息保留能力和全域标签信息的SPLPP算法,有更好的局部信息保留能力和类判别能力,使分类器分类精度更高,分类效果更好。  相似文献   

近年来,遥感图像的语义分割得到广泛应用。虽然基于深度学习的方法极大程度地提高了遥感图像的语义分割精度,但由于遥感图像的多样性(不同的地理位置、地形和天气条件)以及像素级标签的缺乏,该算法难以适用于跨多个域的任务。而若重新训练新的域则需要消耗大量人力资源来收集相应的像素级标签。为了解决这一跨域问题,基于对抗学习提出了一种目标域图像级标签已知的弱监督域自适应方法:利用图像级标签,提出多类域判别器,使目标域各个类别自适应地对齐到源域;为保持训练过程的平稳,一种基于熵值产生目标域像素级伪标签的方法被提出以监督特征提取器,提升模型表现。在ISPRS Vaihingen与ISPRS Potsdam数据集上的大量实验表明,改进后的算法优于其他遥感图像语义分割中的基于对抗学习域自适应算法。  相似文献   

协同表示的相关算法在高光谱图像分类的学习过程中没有很好地刻画高光谱图像的特性,如像素的局域性和标签信息等,因此其性能受到限制。对此,提出一种散度核协同表示技术并利用空谱融合获取特征的分类方法(IKCRC)。为有效刻画像素的局域性和标签信息,该方法构造新的散度核协同表示模型和相应的计算模型。在公式中引入核映射以提高分类能力,在计算过程上使用空谱融合的初步特征提取使得算法简洁高效。在标准高光谱图像数据集上进行的对比实验表明,IKCRC更能有效地提高分类精度。  相似文献   

多时相遥感影像分类方法通常使用人工设置的转移矩阵作为时间上下文信息,这样不仅难以获得准确的转移矩阵,而且没有充分利用时间上下文信息。针对多时相遥感图像中的时间与空间上下文信息难以构建的问题,提出了一种基于条件随机场模型的多时遥感影像分类方法。首先运用最大期望算法生成用于描述时间上下文信息的时间势能,然后结合空间以及时间上下文信息构造了条件随机场模型,最后使用该模型对多时相遥感影像进行分类。一系列的实验结果表明,该方法可以有效提高遥感影像的分类精度。  相似文献   

目的 为进一步提高遥感影像的分类精度,将卷积神经网络(CNN)与条件随机场(CRF)两个模型结合,提出一种新的分类方法。方法 首先采用CNN对遥感图像进行预分类,并将其类成员概率定义为CRF模型的一阶势函数;然后利用高斯核函数的线性组合定义CRF模型的二阶势函数,用全连接的邻域结构代替常见的4邻域或8邻域;接着加入区域约束,使用Mean-shift分割方法得到超像素,通过计算超像素的后验概率均值修正各像素的分类结果,鼓励连通区域结果的一致性;最后采用平均场近似算法实现整个模型的推断。结果 选用3组高分辨率遥感图像进行地物分类实验。本文方法不仅能抑制更多的分类噪声,同时还可以改善过平滑现象,保护各类地物的边缘信息。实验采用类精度、总体分类精度OA、平均分类精度AA,以及Kappa系数4个指标进行定量分析,与支持向量机(SVM)、CNN和全连接CRF相比,最终获得的各项精度均得到显著提升,其中,AA提高3.28个百分点,OA提高3.22个百分点,Kappa提高5.07个百分点。结论 将CNN与CRF两种模型融合,不仅可以获得像元本质化的特征,而且同时还考虑了图像的空间上下文信息,使分类更加准确,后加入的约束条件还能进一步保留地物目标的局部信息。本文方法适用于遥感图像分类领域,是一种精确有效的分类方法。  相似文献   

为了改善基于词包模型与支持向量机(SVM)分类一幅图对应一个标签的单标签分类问题,提出了一种基于超像素词包模型与SVM分类的图像标注算法.将超像素分割结果作为词包模型的基本单元,用词包模型生成的视觉词汇表示超像素区域特征,保留了图像中的同质区域,很好地利用了图像的区域特征.仿真结果表明,该方法能有效改善基于词包模型与SVM分类的单标签分类问题,且分类的准确性有所提高.  相似文献   

遥感影像分类是遥感定量化分析的重要手段,遥感影像融合是提高分类正确率的有效途径之一。本文提出一种遥感影像的融合分类算法。首先采用Contourlet变换对多光谱影像和全色影像进行融合,然后结合独立分量分析的去相关性、稀疏特性以及很好地捕捉影像重要边缘信息、纹理信息的能力,提取融合影像的独立分量特征,并用支持向量机实现分类。与其他算法的主、客观比较结果表明,该算法的实验效果较好,可有效地提高遥感影像的分类精度。  相似文献   

This research aims to improve land-cover classification accuracy in a moist tropical region in Brazil by examining the use of different remote sensing-derived variables and classification algorithms. Different scenarios based on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) spectral data and derived vegetation indices and textural images, and different classification algorithms - maximum likelihood classification (MLC), artificial neural network (ANN), classification tree analysis (CTA), and object-based classification (OBC), were explored. The results indicated that a combination of vegetation indices as extra bands into Landsat TM multispectral bands did not improve the overall classification performance, but the combination of textural images was valuable for improving vegetation classification accuracy. In particular, the combination of both vegetation indices and textural images into TM multispectral bands improved overall classification accuracy by 5.6% and kappa coefficient by 6.25%. Comparison of the different classification algorithms indicated that CTA and ANN have poor classification performance in this research, but OBC improved primary forest and pasture classification accuracies. This research indicates that use of textural images or use of OBC are especially valuable for improving the vegetation classes such as upland and liana forest classes having complex stand structures and having relatively large patch sizes.  相似文献   

针对多光谱图像分类这一多类别模式识别问题,将二进制纠错编码与GP(GeneticProgramming)算法相结合,并用改进后的编码矩阵代替原先的二进制编码矩阵对图像进行分类,从而建立了新的基于GP的多光谱图像分类算法,给出了用该方法对多光谱图像中地物进行分类的实例。结果表明与以往基于GP的分类方法相比,该文方法体现出较高的分类性能,为遗传规划在多类别模式识别问题中的应用提供了又一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

基于层叠CRFs模型的句子褒贬度分析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘康  赵军 《中文信息学报》2008,22(1):123-128
本文研究句子的褒贬度分析问题。针对传统的基于分类的句子褒贬度分析方法不能考虑上下文信息的问题,以及基于单层模型的句子褒贬度分类方法中的由于标记冗余引起的分类精度不高问题,本文提出了基于层叠式CRFs模型的句子褒贬度分析方法。该方法利用多个CRFs模型从粗到细分步地判断句子的褒贬类别及其褒贬强度,其中层叠式框架可以考虑句子褒贬类别与褒贬强度类别之间的层级冗余关系,而CRFs模型可以利用上下文信息对于句子褒贬类别和强度的影响。该方法在有效识别句子褒贬度的同时,提高了句子褒贬强度判别的准确度。实验证明相对于传统分类方法和单层CRFs模型,本文的方法取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared a worldwide pandemic, and a key method for diagnosing COVID-19 is chest X-ray imaging. The application of convolutional neural network with medical imaging helps to diagnose the disease accurately, where the label quality plays an important role in the classification problem of COVID-19 chest X-rays. However, most of the existing classification methods ignore the problem that the labels are hardly completely true and effective, and noisy labels lead to a significant degradation in the performance of image classification frameworks. In addition, due to the wide distribution of lesions and the large number of local features of COVID-19 chest X-ray images, existing label recovery algorithms have to face the bottleneck problem of the difficult reuse of noisy samples. Therefore, this paper introduces a general classification framework for COVID-19 chest X-ray images with noisy labels and proposes a noisy label recovery algorithm based on subset label iterative propagation and replacement (SLIPR). Specifically, the proposed algorithm first obtains random subsets of the samples multiple times. Then, it integrates several techniques such as principal component analysis, low-rank representation, neighborhood graph regularization, and k-nearest neighbor for feature extraction and image classification. Finally, multi-level weight distribution and replacement are performed on the labels to cleanse the noise. In addition, for the label-recovered dataset, high confidence samples are further selected as the training set to improve the stability and accuracy of the classification framework without affecting its inherent performance. In this paper, three typical datasets are chosen to conduct extensive experiments and comparisons of existing algorithms under different metrics. Experimental results on three publicly available COVID-19 chest X-ray image datasets show that the proposed algorithm can effectively recover noisy labels and improve the accuracy of the image classification framework by 18.9% on the Tawsifur dataset, 19.92% on the Skytells dataset, and 16.72% on the CXRs dataset. Compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms, the gain of classification accuracy of SLIPR on the three datasets can reach 8.67%-19.38%, and the proposed algorithm also has certain scalability while ensuring data integrity.  相似文献   

Watershed transformation in mathematical morphology is a powerful morphological tool for image segmentation that is usually defined for greyscale images and applied to the gradient magnitude of an image. This paper presents an extension of the watershed algorithm for multispectral image segmentation. A vector‐based morphological approach is proposed to compute gradient magnitude from multispectral imagery, which is then input into watershed transformation for image segmentation. The gradient magnitude is obtained at multiple scales. After an automatic elimination of local irrelevant minima, a watershed transformation is applied to segment the image. The segmentation results were evaluated and compared with other multispectral image segmentation methods, in terms of visual inspection, and object‐based image classification using high resolution multispectral images. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can produce accurate segmentation results and higher classification accuracy, if the scales and contrast parameter are appropriately selected in the gradient computation and subsequent local minima elimination. The proposed method shows encouraging results and can be used for segmentation of high resolution multispectral imagery and object based classification.  相似文献   

Multilabel classification is an extension of conventional classification in which a single instance can be associated with multiple labels. Recent research has shown that, just like for conventional classification, instance-based learning algorithms relying on the nearest neighbor estimation principle can be used quite successfully in this context. However, since hitherto existing algorithms do not take correlations and interdependencies between labels into account, their potential has not yet been fully exploited. In this paper, we propose a new approach to multilabel classification, which is based on a framework that unifies instance-based learning and logistic regression, comprising both methods as special cases. This approach allows one to capture interdependencies between labels and, moreover, to combine model-based and similarity-based inference for multilabel classification. As will be shown by experimental studies, our approach is able to improve predictive accuracy in terms of several evaluation criteria for multilabel prediction.  相似文献   

郑仙花  骆炎民 《计算机应用》2012,32(11):3201-3205
针对传统的克隆选择算法(CSA)只依次单独针对某一类样本数据进行监督学习从而造成分类效率和精确度不高的问题,提出一种基于改进克隆选择算法的多类监督分类算法。算法通过进化学习可以同时获得多类样本数据的最佳聚类中心,进化过程中抗体适度值的计算综合考虑各类的类内相似性和类间差异性,从而保证得到的最佳聚类中心更具代表性。后续的分类实验中,分别利用常用的4组UCI数据和红树林多光谱TM遥感图像对算法进行验证,实验结果表明遥感图像的分类总精度达到92%,Kappa系数为0.91,UCI数据分类结果也较好,证明该算法是一种有效的多类数据分类算法。  相似文献   

The performance of supervised classification algorithms is highly dependent on the quality of training data. Ambiguous training patterns may misguide the classifier leading to poor classification performance. Further, the manual exploration of class labels is an expensive and time consuming process. An automatic method is needed to identify noisy samples in the training data to improve the decision making process. This article presents a new classification technique by combining an unsupervised learning technique (i.e. fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM)) and supervised learning technique (i.e. back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN)) to categorize benign and malignant tumors in breast ultrasound images. Unsupervised learning is employed to identify ambiguous examples in the training data. Experiments were conducted on 178 B-mode breast ultrasound images containing 88 benign and 90 malignant cases on MATLAB® software platform. A total of 457 features were extracted from ultrasound images followed by feature selection to determine the most significant features. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and Mathew's correlation coefficient (MCC) were used to access the performance of different classifiers. The result shows that the proposed approach achieves classification accuracy of 95.862% when all the 457 features were used for classification. However, the accuracy is reduced to 94.138% when only 19 most relevant features selected by multi-criterion feature selection approach were used for classification. The results were discussed in light of some recently reported studies. The empirical results suggest that eliminating doubtful training examples can improve the decision making performance of expert systems. The proposed approach show promising results and need further evaluation in other applications of expert and intelligent systems.  相似文献   

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