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为了利用细菌算法解决组合优化问题, 提出了一种混合的离散细菌菌落优化算法。根据现有细菌优化算法, 设计一种新的个体编码方式及进化模式, 通过设计种群的自适应调整因子增强个体活力, 并融合禁忌搜索算法, 克服算法易于陷入过早收敛的不足, 并与其他算法在Taillard标准调度测试问题集上比较实验, 验证了算法的有效性。仿真结果表明, 该算法可以搜索到问题的最优组合, 能够有效避免算法陷入局部最优, 取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

基于细菌菌落算法的电力系统无功优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力系统无功优化具有非线性,多控制变量,多约束条件,连续变量和离散变量混杂的特点,针对现有算法或容易陷入局部最优解或收敛速度慢的缺点,提出了一种细菌菌落(bacterial colony optimization,BCO)优化算法,将BCO优化算法首次应用于电力系统无功优化问题。BCO算法将问题的解空间视为细菌培养液,在其中放置单个或少量细菌个体,模拟细菌菌落的生长进化过程,该算法本身具有进化机制,并且提出了一种新的结束准则。BCO算法通过繁殖适应度高的个体,死亡适应度低的个体,可以尽快的获得适应度更优的个体,从而可以避免算法陷入局部最优解,同时也加快了收敛速度。用BCO算法对IEEE14节点标准测试系统进行无功优化计算,实验结果表明,细菌菌落(BCO)优化算法较其他算法具有较强的全局寻优能力,且收敛速度快,鲁棒性好,可以作为求解电力系统无功优化问题的一种新途径。  相似文献   

为了丰富解决车辆路径优化问题的方式,提出一种融入了局部搜索的离散型细菌菌落优化算法。首先设计了算法的个体编码方式和进化模式;然后融入局部搜索方式来加速算法寻优的效率;最后将该算法应用于带时间窗的车辆路径问题,并采用solomon数据验证,通过与其他算法进行比较,验证算法的可行性。  相似文献   

首先针对杂草算法容易早熟收敛的问题,将人工蜂群算法的寻优机制引入其中,提出了一种混合蜂群杂草算法。该算法对杂草种群中的每个个体利用采蜜蜂搜索方式进行变异,对群体最优个体利用跟随蜂搜索方式进行变异,用较优的变异结果替代原有个体,提高了算法的收敛精度。然后,通过对几个标准测试函数进行实验,验证了改进算法的优化性能。最后,将该算法应用到灌溉制度优化问题中,为制定灌溉水量分配方案提供了一种新的工具。  相似文献   

提出基于动态迁移的ε约束生物地理学优化算法(εBBO-dm).首先,利用ε约束方法来处理约束条件,并根据群体约束违反度的优劣程度对水平参数ε进行自适应调整,充分利用较优不可行个体的有效信息,有效提高对可行域的搜索效率.其次,采用新的ε约束排序机制确定迁入率和迁出率,较好地平衡可行个体与不可行个体之间的关系.再次,为了增强迁移机制的搜索能力,提出新的动态迁移策略.最后,采用分段logistic混沌映射改进物种变异机制,提高了算法的收敛精度.通过对13个标准测试函数的仿真实验表明,εBBO-dm较其他算法在收敛精度和收敛速度上具有明显优势,尤其适合于复杂单目标约束优化问题的求解.  相似文献   

针对经典智能优化算法在PID参数整定时存在早熟收敛及陷入无效循环的问题,提出一种改进细菌菌落优化算法。在个体位置更新时引入收缩因子和有指导的随机搜索策略,以平衡算法的全局搜索能力和局部搜索能力,在全局最优位置附近进行动态随机搜索,以提高算法的局部收敛精度。选取ITAE指标作为优化目标构建目标函数和约束条件。以时滞非线性湿度PID控制器为例,仿真结果表明,该算法在提高收敛精度的同时具有自我结束的能力,能够有效抑制超调量。  相似文献   

基于分布估计算法的人工神经网络优化设计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
周晓燕 《微计算机信息》2005,21(30):130-131
布估计算法是一类新的进化算法,它通过统计在当前群体中选出的个体信息给出下一代个体分布的概率统计,用随机取样的方法生成下一代群体.文章将建立在一般结构Gauss网络上的分布估计算法应用于人工神经网络的优化.仿真实验结果表明,分布估计算法用于优化神经网络,可以在很短的时间内收敛至全局最优解,避免了BP算法的不足,提高了网络的学习性能,从而为人工神经网络的优化提供了一种新的途径.  相似文献   

在网格中,如何为任务提供最优化资源服务是一个十分复杂的问题.本文以仿真网格为基础,建立一种服务的最优化调度的理论模型.根据这种理论模型,提出一种新的遗传模拟退火算法.从而形成一种仿真网格环境下服务的最优化调度机制.为了验证这种机制的可行性和有效性,开发一个基于此服务调度机制的仿真网格运行管理系统.通过这个系统的仿真实验表明:这种服务的最优化调度机制具有良好的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

为提高多元宇宙优化算法(MVO)的全局探索和局部开采性能,提出一种耦合横纵向个体更新策略的改进MVO算法(IMVO).横向更新策略是建立在宇宙种群层级的一种水平迁移进化机制,通过引入加权学习因子保证子代个体同时向多个父代宇宙继承位置信息,以改善种群的个体多样性和算法全局探索性能,适定性修正虫洞存在概率表达以保证种群个体间的充分信息交互;纵向更新策略是基于宇宙个体层级的一种纵向自我学习进化机制,根据最优宇宙历史信息,通过模拟认知的历史遗忘记忆特性实现记忆均值邻域的再开采,以增强算法局部开采性能.最后通过数值实验验证不同加权学习因子函数对算法性能的差异性影响,改进算法的优化性能和算法稳健性等.  相似文献   

针对基本果蝇优化算法收敛速度慢、求解精度低、易于陷入局部极值以及算法候选解不能取负值等不足,提出一种用于解决约束优化问题的改进果蝇优化算法.该算法利用果蝇个体历史最佳记忆信息和种群全局历史最佳记忆信息构建多策略混合协同进化的搜索机制,以达到有效平衡算法的全局探索与局部开发的目的,同时也能够较好地避免算法的早熟收敛问题;通过种群最优信息的实时动态更新和局部深度搜索策略的引入,进一步提高该算法的收敛速度和收敛精度.采用13个基准测试函数和2个工程优化问题来验证所提出算法的可行性与有效性,仿真实验结果表明,与其他典型智能优化算法相比,所提出的优化算法具有全局搜索能力强、稳定性好、收敛速度快、收敛精度高等优势,可有效解决复杂的约束优化问题.  相似文献   

多态细菌趋药性的传感器图像自动配准   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统的图像配准的相似性测度函数对噪声过于敏感,且需要先验知识约束。对此加以改进,提出一种新的相似性测度模型。为了对模型求解,引入一种新的优化算法——细菌趋药性算法,并对其做出改进,得到多态细菌趋药性算法。实验表明,修正的相似性测度模型对噪声免疫;同时多态细菌趋药性算法比精英遗传算法、蚁群算法、粒子群算法、细菌群体趋药性算法等收敛更快,且能以更大概率收敛到全局最优。  相似文献   

Bee colony optimization (BCO) is a relatively new meta-heuristic designed to deal with hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is biologically inspired method that explores collective intelligence applied by the honey bees during nectar collecting process. In this paper we apply BCO to the p-center problem in the case of symmetric distance matrix. On the contrary to the constructive variant of the BCO algorithm used in recent literature, we propose variant of BCO based on the improvement concept (BCOi). The BCOi has not been significantly used in the relevant BCO literature so far. In this paper it is proved that BCOi can be a very useful concept for solving difficult combinatorial problems. The numerical experiments performed on well-known benchmark problems show that the BCOi is competitive with other methods and it can generate high-quality solutions within negligible CPU times.  相似文献   

蚁群优化(Ant Colony Optimization,AC0)是一种新型的分布式仿生优化算法,可有效地用来解决组合优化问题,而网络路由优化问题则正是组合优化问题当中的一种。因此,本文首先分析了常用路由算法与蚁群优化的基本原理,根据网络路由优化问题与蚁群优化算法的许多匹配特性,提出了一种基于改进蚁群优化的QoS路由算法(Route Algorithm based on Improved Ant Colony Optimlzation,RAIAC0)。最后,通过实验分析,对其可行性进行了证明。  相似文献   

基于微分进化和混沌迁移的细菌群体趋药性算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
细菌群体趋药性(BCC)算法是一种新的群体智能优化算法.本文研究了BCC算法中群体控制参数对算法性能的影响,并提出算法应用的参数控制策略.标准的BCC算法存在易于陷入局部极值的缺点,因此新算法中采用了以下改进措施,自适心调整感知范围、当细菌确定下一步位置时增加微分进化的待选个体和采用混沌迁移机制,改进后的算法增强了跳出局部最优解的能力.实验结果表明,新算法的全局搜索能力有了显著提高.  相似文献   

Swarm intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the actions of agents in self-organized systems. Researchers have proposed a bee colony optimization (BCO) algorithm as part of swarm intelligence. BCO is a meta-heuristic algorithm based on the foraging behavior of bees. This study presents a hybrid BCO algorithm for examination timetabling problems. Bees in the BCO algorithm perform two main actions: forward pass and backward pass. Each bee explores the search space in forward pass and then shares information with other bees in the hive in backward pass. This study found that a bee decides to be either a recruiter that searches for a food source or a follower that selects a recruiter bee to follow on the basis of roulette wheel selection. In forward pass, BCO is supported along with other local searches, including the Late Acceptance Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing algorithms. We introduce three selection strategies (tournament, rank and disruptive selection strategies) for the follower bees to select a recruiter to maintain population diversity in backward pass. The disruptive selection strategy outperforms tournament and rank selections. We also introduce a self-adaptive mechanism to select a neighborhood structure to enhance the neighborhood search. The proposed algorithm is evaluated against the latest methodologies in the literature with respect to two standard examination timetabling problems, namely, uncapacitated and competition datasets. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm produces one new best result on uncapacitated datasets and comparable results on competition datasets.  相似文献   

蚁群算法是模仿蚂蚁觅食行为的一种新的仿生学智能优化算法。针对其收敛速度慢和易陷入局部最优的不足,将细菌觅食算法和蚁群算法相结合,提出一种细菌觅食 蚁群算法。在蚁群算法迭代过程中,引入细菌觅食算法的复制操作,以加快算法的收敛速度;引入细菌觅食算法的趋向操作,以增强算法的全局搜索能力。通过经典的旅行商问题和函数优化问题测试表明,细菌觅食 蚁群算法在寻优能力、可靠性、收敛效率和稳定性方面均优于基本蚁群算法及两种改进蚁群算法。  相似文献   

RNA computing is a new intelligent optimization algorithm, which combines computer science and molecular biology. Aiming at the weakness of slow convergence rate and poor global search ability in the basic ant colony optimization algorithm due to the unreasonable selection of parameters, this paper utilizes the combination of RNA computing and basic ant colony optimization algorithm to overcome the defects. An improved ant colony optimization algorithm based on RNA computing is proposed. In the iterative process of ant colony optimization algorithm, transformation operation, recombination operation and permutation operation in RNA computing are introduced to optimize the initial parameters including importance factor of pheromone trail α, importance factor of heuristic function β and pheromone evaporation rate ρ to improve the convergence efficiency and global search ability. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on five instances of the library of traveling salesman problems (TSPLIB) and six typical test functions. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RNA-ant colony optimization algorithm is superior than basic ant colony optimization algorithm in optimization ability, reliability, convergence efficiency, stability and robustness.  相似文献   

Ning  Zhiqiang  Gao  Youshan  Wang  Aihong 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(1):378-397

A new optimization algorithm is proposed, since a huge problem that many algorithms faced was not being able to effectively balance the global and local search ability. Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas, which presents different motion characteristics. Inspired by multi- states of matter, individuals of optimization algorithm have different motion characteristics of matter, which could present different search ability. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) approach can simulate multi- states of matter, which can be adopted to effectively balance the global search ability and local search ability in new optimization algorithm. The new algorithm is creative application of Finite Element Analysis at optimization algorithm field. Artificial Physics Optimization (APO) and Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) belongs to the algorithm types defined by force and mass. According to FEA approach, node displacement caused by force and stiffness could be equivalent to motion caused by force and mass of APO and GSA. In the new algorithm framework, stiffness replaces mass of APO and GSA algorithm. This paper performs research on two different algorithms based on APO and GSA respectively. The individuals of new optimization algorithm are divided into solid state, liquid state, and gas state. The effects of main parameters on the performance were studied through experiments of 6 static test functions. The performance is compared with PSO, basic APO, or GSA for four complex models which made up of solid individual, liquid individual, and gas individual in iterative process. The reasonable complex model can be confirmed experimentally. Based on the reasonable complex model, the article conducted complete experiments against Enhancing artificial bee colony algorithm with multi-elite guidance (MGABC), Artificial bee colony algorithm with an adaptive greedy position update strategy (AABC), Multi-strategy ensemble artificial bee colony (MEABC), Self-adaptive heterogeneous PSO (fk-PSO), and APO with 28 CEC2013 test problem. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a good performance in comparison to its counterparts as a consequence of its better exploration– exploitation balance. The algorithm supplies a new method to improve physics optimization algorithm.


蚁群算法理论及应用研究的进展   总被引:86,自引:4,他引:82  
蚁群算法是优化领域中新出现的一种仿生进化算法.该算法采用分布式并行计算机制,易与其他方法结合,具有较强的鲁棒性;但搜索时间长、易限入局部最优解是其突出的缺点.针对蚁群算法,首先介绍其基本原理;然后讨论了近年来对蚁群算法的若干改进以及在许多新领域中的发展应用;最后评述了蚁群算法未来的研究方向和主要研究内容.  相似文献   

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