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陈洪涛  高禹 《微机发展》2007,17(9):123-125
描述了如何在软件工程环境中增加面向软件过程的成本度量和成本控制功能。阐述了面向软件过程的成本模型,与产品分解的成本模型不同,提出把可复用的软件过程作为成本度量的对象;介绍了软件过程及成本度量的本体,使得度量的对象和度量数据都有语义背景,并说明如何在软件工程环境下进行成本度量和过程改进,最后给出了功能模块。  相似文献   

描述了如何在软件工程环境中增加面向软件过程的成本度量和成本控制功能。阐述了面向软件过程的成本模型,与产品分解的成本模型不同,提出把可复用的软件过程作为成本度量的对象;介绍了软件过程及成本度量的本体,使得度量的对象和度量数据都有语义背景,并说明如何在软件工程环境下进行成本度量和过程改进,最后给出了功能模块。  相似文献   

一种基于过程改进的度量模型*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高软件质量始终是软件工程领域研究的重要方向,基于度量的量化管理是目前最有效的质量保证手段之一,过程度量是软件开发过程中实施软件质量保证(SQA)的一个重要课题。研究了软件过程度量的概念和范围,讨论了几种常用的度量和度量指标。最后提出了一种软件过程度量模型及其度量元。  相似文献   

李轩  郝克刚  葛玮 《微机发展》2006,16(11):38-41
软件度量学是软件工程的一个新分支,通过度量反馈的信息来控制开发过程,以提高软件质量。传统的面向过程的软件将数据和操作分离,强调以算法为核心。近年来发展起来的面向对象软件的主要特性包括抽象性、封装性、继承性和多态性,将数据和操作封装,强调以对象为核心。因此面向对象软件度量方法也随之发展起来,著名的是C&K度量方法。还介绍了面向对象的软件可重用性的度量方法。并对面向对象软件的下一步研究阐述了看法。  相似文献   

面向对象软件度量的分析和研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软件度量学是软件工程的一个新分支,通过度量反馈的信息来控制开发过程,以提高软件质量。传统的面向过程的软件将数据和操作分离,强调以算法为核心。近年来发展起来的面向对象软件的主要特性包括抽象性、封装性、继承性和多态性,将数据和操作封装,强调以对象为核心。因此面向对象软件度量方法也随之发展起来,著名的是C&K度量方法。还介绍了面向对象的软件可重用性的度量方法。并对面向对象软件的下一步研究阐述了看法。  相似文献   

软件过程度量的过程模型及其应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
软件度量是软件工程中最活跃的一个研究领域。本文给出了一个软件过程度量的过程模型,定义了实施软件过程度量的角色、内容、主要活动及相关的支持环境,重点阐述软件过程度量的数据采集、验证和分析活动的目标、任务和方法。通过一个软件项目的度量过程实例,研究并确认该模型在过程评估和改进方面的作用和意义。本文的研究对于规范和改善组织的软件过程度量,提高组织的过程能力成熟度,具有一定的指导意义和广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

针对软件工程专业存在的实践教学缺少从项目策划到项目实现全过程的项目管理,缺少软件需求分析、设计与实现的软件工程项目完整的过程训练等问题,围绕使学生具备设计和实施软件项目工程能力的培养目标,构建软件开发全工程的训练平台,按照工程化的原则和方法来培养学生软件开发过程的实践能力。该训练平台是软件工程专业学生不可缺少的重要实践教学环节,是学生把课堂所学理论知识与实际项目相结合的重要途径。实现了对软件开发完整过程链的实践教学,形成了系统化、规范化和可度量的实践教学质量保障体系。实践证明,软件开发过程训练效果良好,培养了学生的工程实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

软件度量学是软件工程领域的一个重要研究方向。通过软件度量,可以改进软件的体系结构,采用合适的软件开发过程,从而降低软件开发的成本,提高软件开发的效率,保证软件能满足用户的需求,开发出高质量的软件。分析了面向对象软件度量的特点,阐述了常用的面向对象软件度量方法,并在此基础上提出了以切片为中心的度量方法。  相似文献   

软件度量学是软件工程的一个新分支,通过度量反馈的信息来控制开发过程,以提高软件质量,是一种行之有效的方法.传统的面向过程的软件将数据和操作分离,强调以算法为核心.近年来发展起来的面向对象软件的主要特性包括抽象性、封装性、继承性和多态性,将数据和操作封装,强调以对象为核心.因此,面向对象软件度量方法也随之发展起来,著名的是C& K度量方法.文中指出C& K度量方法的不足,并就面向对象度量学有待解决的问题提出了一些观点.  相似文献   

软件工程概念从1968年被提出以来,经历了近50年的发展,软件系统规模和复杂程度日益加大,然而从上个世纪70年代左右开始,软件工程领域出现大量软件项目进度延期、预算超支和质量缺陷为典型特征的软件危机.这体现出软件成本估算在软件工程开发过程的重要性.精准的软件成本估算是软件工程按时完成的保证.本文采用一种基于皮尔逊相关系数的相似度量方法,结合TOPSIS方法软件成本进行类比估算以获取与之最接近项目的项目作为参考进行软件成本估算.最后将该方法应用于Desharnais数据集进行实验,并和其他方法进行比较,实验结果表明,本文采用的基于相关系数的软件成本度量方法较已有的相似性度量方法准确度更好.  相似文献   

在软件工程领域,主体系统的设计和开发受到越来越多的关注。但是传统的软件度量技术和面向对象的软件度量技术不适用于对主体系统的分析,而影响主体系统质量的主要因素是复杂度和知识能力。文中结合ZEUS主体系统,采用FSM框架给出主体复杂度和知识能力的度量指标以及度量主体。  相似文献   

Reliability engineering implemented early in the development process has a significant impact on improving software quality. It can assist in the design of architecture and guide later testing, which is beyond the scope of traditional reliability analysis methods. Structural reliability models work for this, but most of them remain tested in only simulation case studies due to lack of actual data. Here we use software metrics for reliability modeling which are collected from source codes of post versions. Through the proposed strategy, redundant metric elements are filtered out and the rest are aggregated to represent the module reliability. We further propose a framework to automatically apply the module value and calculate overall reliability by introducing formal methods. The experimental results from an actual project show that reliability analysis at the design and development stage can be close to the validity of analysis at the test stage through reasonable application of metric data. The study also demonstrates that the proposed methods have good applicability.   相似文献   

一种基于CMMI软件过程管理框架的度量系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析CMMI模型4类过程域的相互关系,将软件开发过程融入到CMMI工程过程域中,设计出软件过程管理自动化框架.在此基础上将度量引入到各过程域中,构建了软件度量系统,研究了度量的选择和定义、度量数据采集自动化的实现以及度量数据的分析,通过实例说明度量在软件过程改进中的作用.  相似文献   

Software engineering environments have a history of about two decades. Early environments provided support for small fragments of the software process (usually focusing on programming-in-the small). Then there was a trend towards support for more complete software processes (from early phases like requirements analysis and design down to testing and configuration management). Ten years ago the notion of process-centered software engineering environments initiated a new field in software engineering: software process research. The key idea is to use a model of a software process as input parameter for a software engineering environment. The environment is supposed to behave in accordance to the process model. Some aspects of this vision became true, others turned out to be of little practicability. In this article, we discuss the history of software engineering environments with a particular focus on process-centered software engineering environments (PCSEEs). We discuss the notion of distributed software processes (as one of the most substantial current trends in software process research) and we motivate the notion of a software process middleware which serves as basis of real-world software processes spread over various sites. In addition, we discuss some other trends in the software process research arena.  相似文献   

杨涛  石琳  宋梦蝶  李守斌  王青 《计算机应用》2017,37(7):2019-2026
软件开发流程中越来越依赖各种计算机辅助软件(CAS)。在使用多种工具的情况下,会遇到开发流程不可定制、流程数据不一致和流程管理效率低等问题。针对这些问题提出了一个支持多工具协同工作的软件开发过程管理系统。通过分析软件开发过程,研究支持快速迭代、偏向流程管理的软件工程开发模式,结合工作流思想设计分层架构的软件开发过程管理系统。该系统经过严格的测试用例检测,在设计的576个测试用例下通过率达到85%,能够完成工具协同的大部分需求,包括流程可定义、保持数据一致和开发流程管理。该系统在7个软件开发组,共约200人的规模下推广试用。根据管理组、开发组和测试组的反馈结果,该系统比传统方式节省了每周例会的时间,方便了开发任务的管理,从而提高了开发效率。  相似文献   

金芝  刘芳  李戈 《软件学报》2019,30(1):110-126
程序理解是软件工程中的关键活动,在软件开发、维护、重用等任务中发挥着重要的作用.程序理解自软件工程出现以来,就一直是该领域的研究热点.随着软件应用的日益复杂和不断普及,程序理解研究的需求发生了新的变化,程序的自理解或自认知逐渐成为新的关注点,有必要对程序理解进行重新审视.从工程、学习和认知以及方法和技术这3个角度定位程序理解任务;随后,通过文献分析展示其研究布局,进而分别从认知过程、理解技术以及软件工程任务中的应用这3个方面,综合论述程序理解研究的发展脉络和研究进展.  相似文献   

According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), "a service robot is a robot which operates semi or fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well being of human and equipment, excluding manufacturing operations" [1]. These devices are typically complex systems requiring the input of knowledge from numerous disciplines. The authors have been using different software engineering techniques for the last 15 years, integrating new paradigms in the service robot development process as they emerged. This has made it possible to achieve rapid development of applications and subsequent maintenance. During the early years (1993?1998), our effortswere directed at the development of software for various kinds of teleoperated robots to performmaintenance tasks in nuclear power plants [2]; during a second phase (1999?2006),we built applications for ship-hull cleaning robots [3]. All this time, we have been applying all the possibilities of software engineering, from the use of paradigms for structured and object-based programming in early developments to the adoption of the current model-driven approach [model-driven engineering (MDE)] [4].  相似文献   

Driven by market requirements,software services organizations have adopted various software engineering process models (such as capability maturity model (CMM),capability maturity model integration (CMMI),ISO 9001:2000,etc.) and practice of the project management concepts defined in the project management body of knowledge.While this has definitely helped organizations to bring some methods into the software development madness,there always exists a demand for comparing various groups within the organization in terms of the practice of these defined process models.Even though there exist many metrics for comparison,considering the variety of projects in terms of technology,life cycle,etc.,finding a single metric that caters to this is a difficult task.This paper proposes a model for arriving at a rating on group maturity within the organization.Considering the linguistic or imprecise and uncertain nature of software measurements,fuzzy logic approach is used for the proposed model.Without the barriers like technology or life cycle difference,the proposed model helps the organization to compare different groups within it with reasonable precision.  相似文献   

Experience from a dozen years of analyzing software engineering processes and products is summarized as a set of software engineering and measurement principles that argue for software engineering process models that integrate sound planning and analysis into the construction process. In the TAME (Tailoring A Measurement Environment) project at the University of Maryland, such an improvement-oriented software engineering process model was developed that uses the goal/question/metric paradigm to integrate the constructive and analytic aspects of software development. The model provides a mechanism for formalizing the characterization and planning tasks, controlling and improving projects based on quantitative analysis, learning in a deeper and more systematic way about the software process and product, and feeding the appropriate experience back into the current and future projects. The TAME system is an instantiation of the TAME software engineering process model as an ISEE (integrated software engineering environment). The first in a series of TAME system prototypes has been developed. An assessment of experience with this first limited prototype is presented including a reassessment of its initial architecture  相似文献   

本文通过对软件工程课程实践的关键核心任务进行分析和提炼,提出了一个面向软件工程课程实践的学生项目管理平台。该平台有效地实现了教学管理和学生项目过程管理的无缝集成,实现了从教务人员下达课程任务,到组织指导教师,创建学生项目组,项目开发过程控制,再到项目的中期检查、验收和答辩,到最终的成绩汇总和质量评价的一个完整的软件工程实践课程的全生命周期管理。  相似文献   

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