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针对航天器快速姿态机动控制问题,考虑存在参数不确定性、外部干扰、推力器安装偏差以及控制输入饱和受限的多约束条件下,提出了一类自适应终端滑模有限时间控制方法,显式地引入推力器输出的饱和幅值,确保闭环系统在有限时间内快速收敛到滑模面的邻域内;同时,通过引入参数自适应学习律,使得控制器的设计不依赖于参数不确定性、外部干扰以及推力器安装偏差信息;此外,基于Lyapunov稳定性定理对所提出的控制器进行了理论分析.并通过给定某型航天器参数进行了数值仿真,结果表明在考虑多约束情况下,系统具有较快的收敛速度,且具有很好的动态性能,从而验证了所设计方案的有效性、可行性.  相似文献   

朱新峰  丁文武  张天平 《控制与决策》2022,37(10):2575-2584
研究具有输入量化和全状态约束的非严格反馈随机非线性系统的有限时间自适应跟踪控制.首先,利用双曲正切函数进行非线性映射,消除全状态约束的限制,将系统变换为无约束系统;其次,引入滞回量化器克服量化信号中的抖动和量化误差.为实现有限时间控制,提出概率意义下半全局有限时间稳定控制方法,加快系统的收敛速度,并在此基础上采用径向基函数神经网络逼近未知非线性函数;接着,基于动态面控制技术和高斯函数的性质,对变换后的非严格反馈随机系统进行自适应控制设计,所设计的控制器能够保证闭环系统中的所有信号在概率意义下有限时间稳定;最后通过仿真实验表明所设计控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

基于扰动观测器和有限时间控制的永磁同步电机调速系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对采用矢量控制的永磁同步电机调速系统提出一种复合控制方法:首先用扰动观测器观测出系统中由于模型参数变化,负载改变等产生的扰动,并用此观测值作为前馈量补偿到输入端;然后运用有限时间控制方法设计系统前向通道中的反馈控制器;最后给出了控制器参数与速度误差收敛性能之间的数学关系.仿真表明,基于扰动观测器的有限时间控制具有更好的抗扰动性能和更优越的收敛性能.  相似文献   

研究板球系统受到随机激励时的数学建模与轨迹跟踪控制问题. 首次建立了板球系统的随机数学模型, 并 结合backstepping方法、有限时间预设性能函数、全状态约束及新的预设性能推导方法设计了具有未知输入饱和的 随机板球系统实际有限时间全状态预设性能跟踪控制器, 实现了随机激励下板球系统的有限时间预设性能轨迹跟 踪控制. 所设计的控制器保证了系统跟踪误差能够被预先给定的有限时间性能函数约束, 并且能在任意给定的停息 时间内收敛到预先给定的邻域内. 最后通过仿真实验验证了所设计控制器具有更好的控制效果.  相似文献   

对感应电机直接转矩控制系统中存在的干扰,本文结合扩张状态观测器(ESO)和有限时间控制(FTC)提出一种复合控制方法来提高系统的抗干扰能力.首先采用扩张状态观测器估算系统的扰动,用此观测值作为前馈量补偿到输入端;然后运用连续有限时间控制方法设计系统前向通道中的反馈控制器.文中对控制器的稳定性进行了证明.与传统的PI控制以及P+ESO控制方法进行仿真与实验结果比较,验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

研究三轴稳定充液航天器姿态控制过程中存在外部未知干扰、参数不确定和输入饱和的问题,提出一种抗干扰有限时间滑模控制的姿态机动控制方法.将部分充液贮箱内液体燃料晃动等效为球摆模型,采用动量矩守恒定律推导出充液航天器耦合动力学方程.首先,设计有限时间积分滑模干扰观测器,保证控制系统中集总干扰可以在有限时间内被估计;然后,基于所设计的干扰观测器,提出一种抗干扰有限时间快速终端滑模控制策略,并且证明在该控制律的作用下闭环系统的状态是有限时间稳定的,而且收敛到指定的快速终端滑模面上.此外,通过引入辅助变量补偿控制输入超调量,克服输入饱和的约束.仿真结果验证了该控制策略的有效性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

优化控制方法可以考虑系统性能和节省能源,但是不能给出初始稳定区域的描述.本文阐述的优化控制方法可以给出初始稳定区域的描述,使得约束非线性系统有限时间稳定.首先设计有限时间优化控制器使得系统的状态在有限时间内进入初始稳定区域,同时优化目标函数,系统实现性能最优和消耗最小.进而设计有限时间鲁棒镇定控制器使得系统的状态在有限时间内收敛到原点. Lyapunov函数分析方法给出了吸引域的估计,并确保在不同状态下,设计的控制器使得闭环系统有限时间稳定.最后给出了一个仿真实例验证算法的有效性.  相似文献   


针对卫星姿态跟踪系统, 在无扰动和有扰动的情况下, 利用双曲正切函数和辅助系统设计两个有限时间饱和控制器. 双曲正切函数可以严格地保证卫星姿态跟踪系统的控制输入是有界的. 通过李雅普诺夫理论可以证明, 系统在两个控制器的作用下既是渐近稳定的又是有限时间稳定的, 系统可以快速收敛到平衡点. 数值仿真进一步表明了所提出的有限时间控制器的有效性.


本文针对一类作线性系统在输入饱和下的有限时间动态反馈镇定问题进行了讨论,提出了一种切换控制策略.通过有限次切换将复杂非线性系统分成不同的简单子系统,使得在每一步切换控制中,状态收敛到所给位置或平衡位置的时间是有限的,且每步的控制器均满足饱和条件.最后给出了一个例子并设计了其有限时间饱和镇定控制器,仿真实验验证了所设计控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

针对输入受限的多自由度机械臂高精度位置控制问题,本文充分考虑驱动器饱和非线性的影响,提出了多自由度机械臂输出反馈饱和有限时间比例–微分(PD)+同步位置控制策略,应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和几何齐次性技术证明了闭环系统的全局有限时间稳定性.非线性饱和函数的恰当引入,使得所提出的控制器具有清晰明确的上界,可以通过预先选择满足特定条件的控制器参数有效避免驱动器饱和问题;同步控制项的恰当引入,使得所提出的控制器兼顾了多自由度机械臂各轴间的同步协调性,从而获得更快的收敛速度和更好的系统整体性能,满足工程实际对机械臂的高精度要求.本文的数值仿真结果验证了所提出的控制方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

欠驱动船舶航迹Backstepping自适应模糊控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对欠驱动船舶直线航迹跟踪问题,提出一种Backstepping自适应模糊控制方法.在模糊逼近误差存在未知上确界的假设条件下,基于Lyapunov~论证明了闭环系统在所有信号一致最终有界意义下具有均方意义稳定性.本文提出的控制器具有设计直观和结构简洁的特点,并且对参数摄动和外界干扰都具有良好的鲁棒性.在状态变量和控制输入共同约束下的仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article proposes fault‐tolerant finite‐time attitude tracking control of a rigid spacecraft actuated by four reaction wheels without unwinding problem in the presence of external disturbances, uncertain inertia parameter, and actuator faults. First, a novel antiunwinding finite‐time attitude tracking control law is derived with a designed control signal which works within a known actuator‐magnitude constraint using a continuous nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) concept. Second, a finite‐time disturbance observer (FTDO) is introduced to estimate a lumped disturbance due to external disturbances, uncertain inertia parameter, actuator faults, and input saturation. Third, a composite controller is developed which consists of a feedback control based on the continuous NFTSM method and compensation term based on the FTDO. The global finite‐time stability is proved using Lyapunov stability theory. Moreover, the singularity and unwinding phenomenon are avoided. Simulation results are conducted under actuator constraints in the presence of external disturbances, inertia uncertainty, and actuator faults and results are illustrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition, to show the superiority of the proposed control method over the recently reported control methods, comparative analysis is also presented.  相似文献   

基于ESO 的复合滑模面非奇异terminal 滑模控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统非奇异terminal 滑模控制存在的收敛缓慢和控制输入抖振的问题, 提出采用复合滑模面函数和扩张状态观测器的控制器设计方法. 首先, 结合复合滑模面, 采用分阶段控制律提高系统收敛速度; 然后, 在此基础上使用扩张状态观测器在线估计并补偿系统的不确定量, 以有效削弱系统未建模动力学导致的抖振; 最后, 分别证明了以上两种方法的有限时间收敛特性. 仿真结果验证了所提出方法的有效性, 体现了系统的快速收敛和强鲁棒性等特点.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel adaptive finite‐time fault‐tolerant control algorithm for a class of multi‐input multi‐output nonlinear systems with constraint requirement on the system output tracking error. Both parametric and nonparametric system uncertainties can be effectively dealt with by the proposed control scheme. The gain functions of the nonlinear systems under discussion, especially the control input gain function, can be not fully known and state‐dependent. Backstepping design with a tan‐type barrier Lyapunov function and a new structure of stabilizing function is presented. We show that under the proposed control scheme, finite‐time convergence of the output tracking error into a small set around zero is guaranteed, while the constraint requirement on the system output tracking error will not be violated during operation. An illustrative example on a robot manipulator model is presented in the end to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, the finite‐time geometric control for underactuated aerial manipulators is investigated. The dynamics of the aerial manipulator with unknown disturbances is analyzed first. The dynamics of the system is decomposed into the locked subsystem and shape subsystem. The finite‐time controller for the aerial manipulator is then designed based on the analyzed dynamics. In the controller, the attitude tracking error of the aircraft base is expressed from the rotation matrix, which makes the controller continuous and almost globally stable on SO(3). A continuous adaptive term is added in the controller to compensate for the unknown disturbances. Finite‐time filters are designed to ensure the smoothness of the commands on each loop. The convergence of the entire controlled system is strictly proved using Lyapunov theory and the definition of finite‐time stability. The results show that the tracking error and the disturbance bound estimation error of the entire system are finite‐time bounded near origin. Finally, comparative simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

An alternative approach to indirect adaptive control is considered. The proposed algorithm uses the input-signal design (probing action) in parameter estimation for the control (control action) of linear systems with unknown parameters. The probing-action input under the amplitude constraint is selected in order to achieve the parameter estimates that are most accurate with respect to the determinant ratio of the parameter covariance matrix. The control-action input is given by the cautious control law (CAUT) or alternatively by the active adaptive-control (AAC) law. The case of amplitude-constrained control input is also investigated. The parameter estimates obtained from the probing-action experiment are used to update the control-action scheme. During the control action it is still possible to update the controller parameters. For the adaptive control problem of finite horizon N = N1 + N2, it seems that an optimum action exists between the probing action of length N1 and the control action of length N2. This heuristic reasoning is illustrated by simulations. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the innovation dual-control (IDC) approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the adaptive state feedback control for a class of switched time‐varying stochastic high‐order nonlinear systems under arbitrary switchings. Based on the common Lyapunov function and using the inductive method, virtual controllers are designed step by step and the form of the input signal of the system is constructed at the last. The unknown parameters are addressed by the tuning function method. In particular, both the designed state feedback controller and the adaptive law are independent of switching signals. Based on the designed controller, the boundness of the state variables can be guaranteed in probability. Furthermore, without considering the Wiener process or with the known parameter in the assumption, adaptive finite‐time stabilization and finite‐time stabilization in probability can be obtained, respectively. Finally, numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel adaptive decentralized finite‐time fault‐tolerant control algorithm for a class of multi‐input–multi‐output interconnected nonlinear systems with output constraint requirements for each vertex. The actuator for each system can be subject to unknown multiplicative and additive faults. Parametric system uncertainties that model the system dynamics for each vertex can be effectively dealt with by the proposed control scheme. The control input gain functions of the nonlinear systems can be not fully known and state dependent. Backstepping design with a tan‐type barrier Lyapunov function and a new structure of stabilizing function is presented. We show that under the proposed control scheme, with the use of graph theory, finite‐time convergence of the system output tracking error into a small set around zero is guaranteed for each vertex, while the time‐varying constraint requirement on the system output tracking error for each vertex will not be violated during operation. An illustrative example on 2 interacting 2‐degree‐of‐freedom robot manipulators is presented in the end to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

针对受外界干扰和执行器故障影响的多航天器姿态协同控制问题,本文设计了一种基于干扰观测器的分布式协同supper-twisting滑模控制器.首先,将各航天器的外界干扰和执行器故障看作一个集总干扰,设计自适应滑模干扰观测器对其进行估计.其次,将supper-twisting算法和积分滑模面相结合,设计一种基于多航天器姿态一致性误差的分布式协同控制器,并由Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了所设计的多航天器姿态可以在有限时间内收敛到平衡点附近的邻域内.最后的仿真研究及比较结果表明,所设计的控制器可以加快系统的收敛速度,并提高系统的控制精度.  相似文献   

马壮  方一鸣  许淼  李强 《控制与决策》2023,38(2):413-420
针对伺服电机驱动的连铸结晶器控制系统执行器输入饱和和状态受限问题,同时考虑系统存在负载扰动、参数摄动等不确定性问题,提出一种基于扩张状态观测器的跟踪误差预设性能反步控制策略.首先,针对执行器输入饱和问题,建立系统的数学模型;然后,采用一种线性扩张状态观测器实时观测系统时变负载扰动、参数摄动等不确定性,并对观测误差的收敛性进行分析;接着,针对伺服电机电流饱和与跟踪误差预设性能控制问题,通过引入辅助状态变量确保系统跟踪误差限定在允许范围内,设计基于扩张状态观测器的反步(Backstepping)控制器;最后,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论证明闭环系统的稳定性,并通过系统仿真验证所提出控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

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